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Kingdoms Of Amalur: Reckoning |OT| An Enemy-Pounding Funfest


Lmao...That was funny..but basically he hit on the main points of the games issues. Camera and Difficulty. He admits that it looks really good, but it obstructed by the camera and goes on to talk about difficulty is non-existent. His reviews are generally good and funny and overall he liked the game.

I totally agree on the camera thing. It's something I've been touting for a while. I just don't understand why the camera is so close to the player and pointed downwards. You have to fight the game to see the environments that were lovingly crafted.

My stupid assumption is that it was a decision that related to performance.

Laughing Banana

Weeping Pickle
I though about doing this, err avoiding the side quests/ guild quests. But the way scaling works would actually screw me over right?

The 'locked and never change again level' is a bad design choice, indeed :\

This is my character right now (sorry from phone camera):


No blacksmithing or sagecrafting, just going purely on what can be found and what can be purchased in stores.


Meh I might just grind this until the end with my might char.
I really liked the game, but some serious balance change needs to be introduced .. was hoping for sooner .. guess I'll just settle for later.

edit: Strangly enough I have maxed outr BS and Sagecrafting. Made a greatsword that was 3 times as strong as any other drop I got. Decided to not touch either of those lol.

Would have loved if you could 'salvage' purple items and get their 'shape' to use. Really like the look of the loot, but the generic stuff you get with crafting is so plain against the purple loot.


No blacksmithing or sagecrafting, just going purely on what can be found and what can be purchased in stores.

I stayed away from blacksmithing but I did sagecraft. Now I'm starting tot hink about respeccing and leaving sagecrafting behind as well and just going with only loot found in the world.

Basically what happens now is I reach a new zone, buy the next tier of equipment with as many sockets as possible, and then fill it up with gems and I'm good until I reach the next zone where the next tier is available. Nothing I find in the world is ever better than what I can make with 3 gems in an item.

This actually might make the game kind of hard with no hp regen (except for the effects found on random loot.)

Sera O

Would have loved if you could 'salvage' purple items and get their 'shape' to use. Really like the look of the loot, but the generic stuff you get with crafting is so plain against the purple loot.

This would have been nice. If the gear I could make was only a little better than what you could buy/find, but the appearance was more customizable, I think that would be a better payoff than the instant easy-mode I have inadvertently achieved - and that would be a good way to do that.

I tried playing with mismatched found armor wayyyy below what I could craft (or even buy) and it's making it more interesting now that I have to worry a bit about getting hit. Maybe I should just run my char around in underwear.


Have there been any mods/hacks/fixes/whatever to increase the space of the stash? Nearing the end of the second area (plains) and I'm maxed out and I hate having to discard cool-looking loot.


Is it just me or do the sceptres kinda suck compared to staves? Granted I'm only just getting started, but the damage really seems puny compared to a good staff (and I'm comparing items of similar quality/ilvl). Chakrams at least look cool, even if they lose to staves as well.
Beated the game in 52 hours yesterday. The last 3 hours of Alabastra were nothing short of boring. The environment you traverse in the last region is so linear, and the few caves and dungeons you can enter are nothing mindblowing. I have done like two side quests in that area and then I just pushed on towards the end and defeated the last ''boss'' - The game itself is one fun and amazing game but the last few hours really lowered the fun factor for me.

I might replay this again after Mass Effect 3 and Skyrim is out of my playlist.
I stayed away from blacksmithing but I did sagecraft. Now I'm starting tot hink about respeccing and leaving sagecrafting behind as well and just going with only loot found in the world.

Basically what happens now is I reach a new zone, buy the next tier of equipment with as many sockets as possible, and then fill it up with gems and I'm good until I reach the next zone where the next tier is available. Nothing I find in the world is ever better than what I can make with 3 gems in an item.

This actually might make the game kind of hard with no hp regen (except for the effects found on random loot.)

I just concentraded on trading skills, treassure skills and talking skills... you dont really need anything else in thise game. At the end i had around 2,5 Million Gold and everything Purple.


Finally found a whole set of Dreadscale armor. I can finally start doing some Traveler quests again now that I have the best finesse armor.

This game really brings out my OCD :lol


I haven't had an upgrade for my daggers drop in seriously like 10 hours. No blue or purple I have seen have been an upgrade over these green daggers I have. I am level 34 and just got to Rathir (already did Detyre). I can't believe it! I have a purple staff that has a 151 damage rating yet my daggers are green and have a 67 damage rating. I have blacksmithing maxed but I don't really want to try to make something super overpowered, would just be nice to find some unique daggers that are an upgrade.


I haven't had an upgrade for my daggers drop in seriously like 10 hours. No blue or purple I have seen have been an upgrade over these green daggers I have. I am level 34 and just got to Rathir (already did Detyre). I can't believe it! I have a purple staff that has a 151 damage rating yet my daggers are green and have a 67 damage rating. I have blacksmithing maxed but I don't really want to try to make something super overpowered, would just be nice to find some unique daggers that are an upgrade.

I have the same thing going on. The balancing is poorly done overall. Just take that as a learning point! I am ALMOST done with the main quest and I have loved the game overall.


I haven't had an upgrade for my daggers drop in seriously like 10 hours. No blue or purple I have seen have been an upgrade over these green daggers I have. I am level 34 and just got to Rathir (already did Detyre). I can't believe it! I have a purple staff that has a 151 damage rating yet my daggers are green and have a 67 damage rating. I have blacksmithing maxed but I don't really want to try to make something super overpowered, would just be nice to find some unique daggers that are an upgrade.

I think is because the daggers are fast speed weapons and the staffs and swords are very slow speed so the damage takes into account, but yeah I wished daggers would drop more often, I did Etharell before Datyre and found a nice pair in Etharell but haven't found anything that bests it yet. I forget the name of them though.

Edit: I am not at 50hrs of gameplay, still loving the game, and just finished the House of Valor and still have a lot of Datyre left to explore. some of those house of valor fights were tough

edit2: Prismere Daggers are the ones I have been using for a few hrs now
Got the sexy, sexy Futurepress strategy guide yesterday. My God, those guys are seriously upping their game. It pretty much puts any other guide out there to shame (maybe with the exception of the Dark Souls guide they did). Great info, great content, pretty impressive all around.

Difficulty was the main reason the game dragged at the end for me. The lack of challenge has been brought up over and over again, but I think it is a valid point. I am not sure if they underestimated the skill level of their users, but if I play a game for 50-60 hours on the hardest setting, and never die...or even come close to it the second half...that is a problem. I think future dlc that added maybe another difficulty level would go a long way to get me to go back to this world.

I don't think the devs necessarily underestimated the skill of the players. If anything, they underestimated the extent at which blacksmithing could totally end up breaking the game if you knew what you were doing.


Oh yeah, the untouchable fight with the two leanashes or whatever almost killed me. The one with a million sprites was really hard too. I was constantly being knocked around into corners.


I don't think the devs necessarily underestimated the skill of the players. If anything, they underestimated the extent at which blacksmithing could totally end up breaking the game if you knew what you were doing.

Quite honestly the truth is that if we could have, we would have chosen to take at least another 6 months to test and balance. You cannot do that when you are being funded by someone else to complete a project.
I'm proud as hell that this team squashed about every bug they could and should have, but I think ANYONE on this team would tell you we would have LOVED another 6 months to get past game bugs and completely nail the balance testing.
It's why Blizzard games are so awesome, their ability to fund months/years of extra polish time is unrivaled.


I had to make space on my SSD for the ME3 preload. It came down to KoA and Skyrim. Unfortunately, KoA lost that battle.

Perhaps someday I'll give it another whirl if the DLC adds anything significant (I'm not really interested in side story DLC).


Got the sexy, sexy Futurepress strategy guide yesterday. My God, those guys are seriously upping their game. It pretty much puts any other guide out there to shame (maybe with the exception of the Dark Souls guide they did). Great info, great content, pretty impressive all around.

Agreed. I got mine yesterday. Great job.


Quite honestly the truth is that if we could have, we would have chosen to take at least another 6 months to test and balance. You cannot do that when you are being funded by someone else to complete a project.
I'm proud as hell that this team squashed about every bug they could and should have, but I think ANYONE on this team would tell you we would have LOVED another 6 months to get past game bugs and completely nail the balance testing.
It's why Blizzard games are so awesome, their ability to fund months/years of extra polish time is unrivaled.

I believe it. And the fact that your team knows this is why you will have returning customers (like myself)


Quite honestly the truth is that if we could have, we would have chosen to take at least another 6 months to test and balance. You cannot do that when you are being funded by someone else to complete a project.
I'm proud as hell that this team squashed about every bug they could and should have, but I think ANYONE on this team would tell you we would have LOVED another 6 months to get past game bugs and completely nail the balance testing.
It's why Blizzard games are so awesome, their ability to fund months/years of extra polish time is unrivaled.

Curt, in playing the game so far, it has run great. And I haven't experienced any bugs with the exception of delayed speech at times, but that is so minor.

However, I will admit it does give me some concern for Reckoning 2. I am sure you will work on more balancing for the second game, but will other aspects suffer because of that? I guess what my concern is due to time schedules, and being funded by another company, is will there always be something that gets the short end of the stick?

Or are you already in the process of planning to budget the time better for the next game to handle all what needs to be taken care of?


Quite honestly the truth is that if we could have, we would have chosen to take at least another 6 months to test and balance. You cannot do that when you are being funded by someone else to complete a project. I'm proud as hell that this team squashed about every bug they could and should have, but I think ANYONE on this team would tell you we would have LOVED another 6 months to get past game bugs and completely nail the balance testing. It's why Blizzard games are so awesome, their ability to fund months/years of extra polish time is unrivaled.

you guys did an excellent job overall for your very first effort Curt. I love the game, it has a few flaws which i'll go into once I actually finish it, but even with that said it's one of my favorite games of this gen.

I can't wait to see what you guys do when the game is built from the ground up at 38, instead of patching up an exsisting game into the universe, as I suspect some of the issues stem from that aspect in itself.

If you guys keep up the connection you have with the fanbase, listen, and act upon concerns and issues, than you'll have a fan in me for a long time.


I haven't had an upgrade for my daggers drop in seriously like 10 hours. No blue or purple I have seen have been an upgrade over these green daggers I have. I am level 34 and just got to Rathir (already did Detyre). I can't believe it! I have a purple staff that has a 151 damage rating yet my daggers are green and have a 67 damage rating. I have blacksmithing maxed but I don't really want to try to make something super overpowered, would just be nice to find some unique daggers that are an upgrade.

i was in the same situation. be patient. as soon as i got to mel senshir (or whatever, across the water) i immediately found two different sets of badass daggers and some killer new armor.

edit: for reference, i went 25 hours with the same daggers and armor. my armor was untouchable due to socketed gems and the daggers were rallying or something like that. i'm now rocking some killer dreadscale with an armor gem, two utility gems, and an epic gem.


Just finished got 1000 gamersore :), took me approx 65 hours :), I loved every minute of it, was gonna trade towards mass effect, then I heard about the dlc on the 20th, highly recommend this badboy.


Quite honestly the truth is that if we could have, we would have chosen to take at least another 6 months to test and balance. You cannot do that when you are being funded by someone else to complete a project.
I'm proud as hell that this team squashed about every bug they could and should have, but I think ANYONE on this team would tell you we would have LOVED another 6 months to get past game bugs and completely nail the balance testing.
It's why Blizzard games are so awesome, their ability to fund months/years of extra polish time is unrivaled.

That just said alot to me. I think this is the first genuine comment from the company that really says anything about the balance issue...which in-turn means that they knew there was an issue with the game balance. I am actually ok with this because I know they were under contract to ship a game and had to hit a deadline...which kind of sucks, but that is what happens when "money" becomes an issue.

I just hope that they take the time to rectify the issues that they seemed to know exist in the game...it would be a shame for this game not to be fixed to what it should have been.

Lastly, Curt....I hope this does not happen with your MMO. If anything, Star Wars The Old Republic taught us that a game should NEVER be released before it is ready...we all know EA pushed for SWTOR to be released and while it was a smooth launch, there were still alot of issues. I love the game, I love the voice aspect to a MMO, but hate the fact that I am playing what seems like a beta type of game (ala Reckoning) all because a publisher said "RELEASE NOW". So, I hope that your MMO does not suffer the same fate as SWTOR and Reckoning and that it is released when you all feel it is ready to go to the public for sale.
I don't think the devs necessarily underestimated the skill of the players. If anything, they underestimated the extent at which blacksmithing could totally end up breaking the game if you knew what you were doing.

It's not limited to blacksmithing. I broke the game simply by making gems. If I could suggest one thing to someone new to the game, I'd advise they never spend a second doing any crafting.


It's not limited to blacksmithing. I broke the game simply by making gems. If I could suggest one thing to someone new to the game, I'd advise they never spend a second doing any crafting.

yep me too. never touched blacksmithing. i used health regen gems to break the game. i'm still loving it though. over 50 hours in. anyway, it's nice to not have to carry bunches of potions around. i have 5 master health potions for oh shit moments and that's it.


Quite honestly the truth is that if we could have, we would have chosen to take at least another 6 months to test and balance. You cannot do that when you are being funded by someone else to complete a project.
I'm proud as hell that this team squashed about every bug they could and should have, but I think ANYONE on this team would tell you we would have LOVED another 6 months to get past game bugs and completely nail the balance testing.
It's why Blizzard games are so awesome, their ability to fund months/years of extra polish time is unrivaled.

For what it's worth you can really see the results of the bug squashing. Even without comparisons to that other big RPG, I had one crash to desktop and got stuck the geometry once. Mostly my 50+ hours have been bug free and working in software test for the navaid business that's something that makes me all warm and fuzzy inside. No broken quests. No crazy graphical or compatibility issues. So tell the QA guys they really did a bang-up job, will ya?

And maybe a Nightmare mode? XD


What level where you guys when you fought the Fury in the House of Ballads questline?...after 4 tries at level 17(all Sorcery) on normal,I just gave up and ran out of there,couldn't beat her...I`ll try it once I gain a few more levels.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
It's not limited to blacksmithing. I broke the game simply by making gems. If I could suggest one thing to someone new to the game, I'd advise they never spend a second doing any crafting.

I didn't do any crafting and the game is still stupidly easy thanks to potions.

If you want to make it somewhat challenging, you'd have to limit yourself to never crafting and only using items and equipment that you looted. No buying things. Even then, a high level Sorcery user would still just obliterate everything.
Yikes, I just ran into a potentially nasty glitch. I was in Burren Cove talking to
in his cell and after the conversation I was somehow in the cell as well. Since the cell needs the lever to be opened I was basically trapped in there with no way out. You can't fast travel indoors so if I didn't have a previous save I'd be fucked.


Both actually :p

Yes, and more hopefully. To the guy commenting on Reckoning 2, please be assured we realize there are some epic imbalance issues for the harder core nightmare mode folks and are working to address that, not only in Reckoning 2, but hopefully in a patch for this game.
For what it's worth you can really see the results of the bug squashing. Even without comparisons to that other big RPG, I had one crash to desktop and got stuck the geometry once. Mostly my 50+ hours have been bug free and working in software test for the navaid business that's something that makes me all warm and fuzzy inside. No broken quests. No crazy graphical or compatibility issues. So tell the QA guys they really did a bang-up job, will ya?

And maybe a Nightmare mode? XD

Meh, I got two huge bugs that essentially ruined the game for me.

1 - reckoning mode stopped working

2 - Summon Faer Gorta stopped working

For a game this huge, it's impressive how little it messes up though, but unfortunately my bugs were massive.


Cut and pasted your bugs, just sucks to no end to hear you had two big ones like that, when others are going 70+ hours with none...

Will drop you a PM when I hear something.


Not going to give you an ETA since we are not in control once we submit, but once we DO submit you guys will be made aware.


Oh my God. The constant static sound that Battle Frenzy makes is making me go insane. I need to respec out of this right now. I can't take it any more! Why can't it just be silent?


Just finished the main storyline. I only did two factions (Ballads and Arcana), but, like most of you, I found that the difficulty took a huge dive around midgame. I decided to rush through the main storyline, hoping some of the later zones would be harder (I'm familiar with the scaling in general: each zone has a min and max it will scale to, but otherwise it's set to your level, right?). No such luck.

I will say that, once I took off all of my armor except my helm (+1 sorcery!) and my shield, the game became less ridiculous. But before that, when I was rocking' crafted Azurite armor, +Damage Resistance bling, and a level-8 Sphere of Protection, nobody could scratch me. So I spent the rest of the game in my underwear. Kinda funny, but disappointing.

I'll admit: I had been trying to max survivability on my character. I mean, plate armor with Damage Resistance components, Sphere of Protection, vampiric weapons and minion, HP regen. Arguably I only have myself to blame for being unkillable, but I was really hoping that the game would be hard enough (on Hard mode) that you'd have to use all the tools at your disposal. And I barely touched potions: healing at low levels, sure, but there were some pretty awesome effects that I would have loved to have needed to use. The House of Ballads boss struck a good deal of fear into me, and I guess I was expecting that to continue.

Final boss
was disappointing, but the boss before it was fun. When the final boss was revealed, I about wet my pants at the scale of it, but once again, game designers can't figure out how to make a decent battle with something that huge. Barring Shadow of the Colossus, of course.
Oh, and the camera definitely clipped through the boss's body

I might have to try another run. I'm thinking main story quests only, no crafting except potions (which, I hope, will prove necessary?), and possibly Finesse. I'd like to try stealth, and daggers are super fun. Longbows seemed cool, too. I almost replaced my vampiric chakrams with a vampiric longbow at the very end (I got a vampiric fulcrum, plus apparently longbows, unlike mage weapons, can take weapon gems), but decided I was too lazy.
I've been lurking on this post for awhile and been playing the game. About to hit 30 hours and just in the area after the starting area. Still have to check the desert out and then move to the other continent so I see the ammount of time to finish this is going to be just massive. I really wanna hand it to the devs here. I mean on one hand, I can see some of the complaints about the balancing issues, etc. Though one complaint that I noticed was that the story felt unimportant. I think a big part of that might have to be with the fact that right after the start the game just throws you in and says "Hey you can do the main quest or just explore"

Now I'm a huge fan of trying to do as many sidequests as possible so for awhile there I did just feel like I was a random joe just helping people, and then when I had exhausted all my side quests or to the point where I had to move towards the main quest I did. So for a short 4-7 hour period I didn't feel very enthralled in the world but after that, and doing a few more main quests, seeing some more interesting side quests and more, the game really changed in my eyes. I'm loving the lore, the characters, the environments, and the gameplay has been rock solid since the start. I was playing as a pure socery, but I respected now I'm a half warrior/half mage. It's great.

I don't like how the game locks the level when you first enter the area. I also feel that there is just too many options for chatting with non important characters sometimes. There is just so much lore and its good but I feel a bit overwhelmed at times. Also the dialog select is sometimes a wheel and sometimes a menu, just feels like they couldn't decide which to do.

I got say I think this is what I always envisioned Fable to be more like. Granted I've enjoyed the Fable series, I really hope there is another Kingdoms game like this with some improvements to balance, and maybe story content, but overall great job guys. I'm hooked. I haven't beaten the game yet and I'm already excited for the DLC content.
I've been lurking on this post for awhile and been playing the game. About to hit 30 hours and just in the area after the starting area. Still have to check the desert out and then move to the other continent so I see the ammount of time to finish this is going to be just massive. I really wanna hand it to the devs here. I mean on one hand, I can see some of the complaints about the balancing issues, etc. Though one complaint that I noticed was that the story felt unimportant. I think a big part of that might have to be with the fact that right after the start the game just throws you in and says "Hey you can do the main quest or just explore"

Now I'm a huge fan of trying to do as many sidequests as possible so for awhile there I did just feel like I was a random joe just helping people, and then when I had exhausted all my side quests or to the point where I had to move towards the main quest I did. So for a short 4-7 hour period I didn't feel very enthralled in the world but after that, and doing a few more main quests, seeing some more interesting side quests and more, the game really changed in my eyes. I'm loving the lore, the characters, the environments, and the gameplay has been rock solid since the start. I was playing as a pure socery, but I respected now I'm a half warrior/half mage. It's great.

I don't like how the game locks the level when you first enter the area. I also feel that there is just too many options for chatting with non important characters sometimes. There is just so much lore and its good but I feel a bit overwhelmed at times. Also the dialog select is sometimes a wheel and sometimes a menu, just feels like they couldn't decide which to do.

I got say I think this is what I always envisioned Fable to be more like.
Granted I've enjoyed the Fable series, I really hope there is another Kingdoms game like this with some improvements to balance, and maybe story content, but overall great job guys. I'm hooked. I haven't beaten the game yet and I'm already excited for the DLC content.

my reactions exactly, this is fable done right.
Cut and pasted your bugs, just sucks to no end to hear you had two big ones like that, when others are going 70+ hours with none...

Will drop you a PM when I hear something.

To clarify both bugs:

1 - When I said Reckoning stopped working, I mean the ability to hit the button to increase the percentage of experience. It shows the button but doesnt recognize the input.

2 - Summon Faer Gorta summons the Faer Gorta but he comes out hostile towards me and attacks me instead of the enemy. My attacks damage the Faer Gorta. I respecced so that I didnt have him anymore, and then specced it again and the problem still existed. I went back to old saves and the problem continued there (same applies to the Reckoning issue).

I've heard of numerous other people with the Reckoning issue, but I havent seen anyone here with the Faer Gorta issue.
I'd pay money for DLC that lets us have a pet Barghest that we can ride. Those things are awesome and it saddens me that I always have to kill them. I would rather befriend them and take on the world of Amalur together!


2 - Summon Faer Gorta summons the Faer Gorta but he comes out hostile towards me and attacks me instead of the enemy. My attacks damage the Faer Gorta. I respecced so that I didnt have him anymore, and then specced it again and the problem still existed. I went back to old saves and the problem continued there (same applies to the Reckoning issue).

That happened to me in the Demo when I went around killing townsfolk towards the end of it. Have you done that (or some other crime)?


i was kinda pissed at myself earlier during the Warsworn finale event because

at one point the...crazy...guy...person... whatever demon asks me something and I didn't pay close attention, and I saw the thumbs up and thumbs down. I thought that was like the typical 'turn this quest down' or 'turn this quest up' type of thing. I didn't realize it meant deciding whether I would team up with him or not. Suddenly Gwyn attacked me and it was the point of no return, and the two remaining Warsworn quests I had were failed. Then back at every Warsworn camp they immediately attack me now. Anytime I see a Pledgeshield I know they're after me lol


Neo Member
Got the sexy, sexy Futurepress strategy guide yesterday. My God, those guys are seriously upping their game. It pretty much puts any other guide out there to shame (maybe with the exception of the Dark Souls guide they did). Great info, great content, pretty impressive all around.

I got mine the other day and opened the book; only to be Crit'ed by a wall of text. My goodness is there a lot of info in there. Beautiful, Beautiful book!


Wow the final boss fight for the House of Sorrows was ridiculous.

Of course I normally don't mind difficult fights, but it was so cheap I felt like.

All of his attacks could have been avoided, but then there was all these Lenashae shooting at me, then about a million Fae Gorta, I had to burn a ton of potions in the end.

What level where you guys when you fought the Fury in the House of Ballads questline?...after 4 tries at level 17(all Sorcery) on normal,I just gave up and ran out of there,couldn't beat her...I`ll try it once I gain a few more levels.

These fights will always scale to your level, so leveling up won't fix it. Just go in there with a full reckoning meter and use that. I do that on most boss fights anymore.
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