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KINGSGLAIVE: Final Fantasy XV Thread: Everything for the future king

Yea thanks to the credits I finally name of the model they scanned in for Luna's appearance. Sonya Maltceva. They made a lot of adjustments to make her resemble a realistic version of in-game Luna, eye and skin color being the most prominent.

She is really pretty!


(although scarily thin like most models)


I think my original question is correct. You're just not choosing to watch good movies, that's why you would think Kingsglaive is the second best movie of the year. On your list is summer blockbuster fare, but none of those is Zootopia, or Jungle Book, or Kubo and the Two Strings. BvS also brought about a lot of conversation, but that doesn't mean by some default it is good, it just means it is controversial. If you're asking those questions in your spoilers, it means the writing was unclear, which actually indicates Kingsglaive was poorly written and therefore quite bad considering the bread and butter of movies is story.

To be fair though I personally found KG:FFXV to be more enjoyable than most of the films you mentioned (haven't watched Kubo yet but it looks interesting) despite all of it's issues.


Lets agree to disagree. This year was a train wreck for focus tested blockbusters for me. What movie specifficly have you enjoyed more than Kingsglaive? Deadpool and xmen were decent but still not better in my eyes than FF. Kingsglaive managed to capture my attention for longer then any of this year movies. I actually had conversations about it.
Is Captin the same Glauca as from the beginging? Are those past kings in the ring? Regis is with them? So Noctis will be able to say goodbye or will he be able to chat with him anytime? One of the statues appeared to be woman. Was she a Lucian queen? and so on
None of the hollywood blockbuster did that to me in 2016. Maybe it is because of the game but until this movie I almost lost intrest in it all together. Now it is rekindled and I can't wait till decembre.

Honestly that feels like you're a fan of the FF series so that makes you ignore the multiple faults of the movie. If Kingsglaive wasn't an FF movie you'll probably wouldn't think as good. These spoilers you said in your opst are actually more focused on the game than the movie.

Even SS has better editing than Kingsglaive (and SS editing was horrible) and I don't think they feature as bad characters as Luna and Ravus. Some characters had potential but the script didn't let them shine.

There's some good in Kingsglaive (as I said it's WAY better than Advent Children) but it really can't reach the same level as your average Blockbuster. Not with SE's way of doing 2h big cutscenes tied to FF fanservices instead of actual movie (that's why I think Spirit Within it's their best movie, atleast it tried to be a movie on it's own).


Plot twist, she's actually an advanced cyborg created by Verstiel's robotics division to take the real Luna's place.

This twist reminds me of Nadia's brother in the last episode when he turned out to be a robot



it would explain why she looks like a lifeless doll.
nah I actually think her model in game looks great.


I think my original question is correct. You're just not choosing to watch good movies, that's why you would think Kingsglaive is the second best movie of the year. On your list is summer blockbuster fare, but none of those is Zootopia, or Jungle Book, or Kubo and the Two Strings. BvS also brought about a lot of conversation, but that doesn't mean by some default it is good, it just means it is controversial. If you're asking those questions in your spoilers, it means the writing was unclear, which actually indicates Kingsglaive was poorly written and therefore quite bad considering the bread and butter of movies is story.

I have explained to you what I had ment but you seem to know better... I havent seen zootopia nor junglebook. I go to see movies that peak my interest which is scifi, fantasy distopia, etc. jungle book would not be on my radar. Am I choosing to go see poor movies? Apperantly wanting to see good scifi/fantasy is setting me up for a feailure following your reasoning. Beside the point Kingsglaive is one of the best scifi/fantasy movies of the year IMHO.

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
She is really pretty!


(although scarily thin like most models)
Hopefully just genetics..really wish they went with her for in-game Luna, ironically her facial structure is more comparable to both movie and in-game Ravus than in-game Luna.


Btw did a certain scene remind you of FF XII?
When Nyx was talking with old kings after using the ring was quite similar when Ashe was talking with those ancient gods which were overseeing the fate of man.
Honestly that feels like you're a fan of the FF series so that makes you ignore the multiple faults of the movie. If Kingsglaive wasn't an FF movie you'll probably wouldn't think as good. These spoilers you said in your opst are actually more focused on the game than the movie.

Even SS has better editing than Kingsglaive (and SS editing was horrible) and I don't think they feature as bad characters as Luna and Ravus. Some characters had potential but the script didn't let them shine.

If the script doesn't let characters shine, they're probably not good characters like Crowe in this movie (in spite of me saying she's the strongest accomplishment in the movie).

There is an argument for characters being intrinsically awful, but I think Luna comes across as a blathering idiot who nearly gets herself killed multiple times (and not because she was in a state of emotional weakness) rather than a stoic, duty bound individual she was intended to be. Her emotional range as a character is incredibly weak, and this is never really touched on.


Movie was good, my main complaint is that the lip sync was really annoying. Some of the animated scenes look amazing though. I watched it 2 days ago and can't remember a single charcters name, not even the main guy, none of them were memorable.

Why was that guy in the armor godlike? They never explain his power or special armor.

Why did she just walk away from the only dude helping her and why did he just let her go? Also the king could have set up the barrier and ran away, it stayed even after he died which was also weird


If the script doesn't let characters shine, they're probably not good characters like Crowe in this movie (in spite of me saying she's the strongest accomplishment in the movie).

There is an argument for characters being intrinsically awful though, but I think Luna comes across as a blathering idiot who nearly gets herself killed multiple times (and not because she was in a state of emotional weakness) rather than a stoic, duty bound individual she was intended to be. But her emotional range as a character is incredibly weak, and this is never really touched on.

For me Luna was your typical FF girl. I think she has the most animeish character in whole movie. Very flat and one sided.


I think she was an incredibly poorly executed Yuna who also gunned for the same concept of a stoic, duty bound character.

Yep, right now she has all of Yuna's conviction without any of her powers to back it up, which will hopefully change in the game. And it still really bugs me that their names are so damn similar :/
Yep, right now she has all of Yuna's conviction without any of her powers to back it up, which will hopefully change in the game. And it still really bugs me that their names are so damn similar :/

Yuna had her Father and the whole damn culture of Spira to back up her Conviction. It's more than the powers. She was shaped by the environment whereas Luna had no such development. This could change in the game but it makes for such a frustrating character in the movie as it stands now.


Just finished watching the movie and I loved it. I love the world being established for FF15 and can't wait to see where things go next. Since this movie exists, I hope the explanation as to "why" everything is happening is mind blowing when the game actually hits.

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
Yep, right now she has all of Yuna's conviction without any of her powers to back it up, which will hopefully change in the game. And it still really bugs me that their names are so damn similar :/
Without the powers and without the motivation, Luna's entire character is written solely around being a romantic interest for Noctis while Yuna, despite being duty bound, was doing what she did for the entire world, Tidus was pretty much a side show compared to the bigger picture.


Yuna had her Father and the whole damn culture of Spira to back up her Conviction. It's more than the powers. She was shaped by the environment whereas Luna had no such development. This could change in the game but it makes for such a frustrating character in the movie as it stands now.

I think that's why some are saying the movie doesn't stand on it's own well enough, which I agree with even though I enjoyed it. It felt like I wasn't seeing the whole picture, and obviously we aren't. I definitely wish it had focused more on the characters that will actually be in the game.

Without the powers and without the motivation, Luna's entire character is written solely around being a romantic interest for Noctis while Yuna, despite being duty bound, was doing what she did for the entire world, Tidus was pretty much a side show compared to the bigger picture.

Yeah, and while Luna makes references to "saving the world," we're not given any context about how or why she thinks protecting Noctis will do that. More backstory that we're missing right now, I assume.


Yuna had her Father and the whole damn culture of Spira to back up her Conviction. It's more than the powers. She was shaped by the environment whereas Luna had no such development. This could change in the game but it makes for such a frustrating character in the movie as it stands now.

Luna's conviction isn't really backed up well in the movie so I'll give you that. So for those that want to know more about her here's some background info:

Luna's an Oracle, the youngest in history (apparently). An Oracle's purpose is to commune with the gods and cleanse the world. Luna uses her powers as an Oracle to halt the 'Plague of the Star' from advancing that lengthens the nights (we'll notice this in-game), preventing the world from plunging into complete darkness.

Both Regis and Luna both seem to know a lot more than they're letting on. Noctis seems to be the key to "saving the world" in their minds which kinda explains their convictions throughout the movie.

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
Yeah, and while Luna makes references to "saving the world," we're not given any context about how or why she thinks protecting Noctis will do that. More backstory that we're missing right now, I assume.
I mean that's literally the only time she references something bigger than Noctis.


Okay. I just finished watching. Let me try and map this out.

King Regis and his cohorts
Highway patrol dudes
Backstabbed Glaives

Every other Kingsglaive member sans Crowe

Leg-cast man

Emperor dude and Arvis

All of Tenebrae's top brass sans Luna


Kingsglaive dudes in the beginning to friendly fire tornado

Eyeball bats


RECAP: Niflheim wants big shiny crystal and The One Ring behind shiny wall, to do this they harass the elite force under the King made of disenfranchised people of low socio-economic status who are already wavering allegiance to Lucis until they turn traitor. This is guided by the Glaive's captain who is actually Niflheim's general Glauca which proves Lucis doesn't do background checks. Once enough of the Glaives have turned tail Crowe is murdered by her former peers because nobody likes her they hate her hairstyle. Niflheim executes the grand strategy of denying Luna's exit to Insomnia, bringing her to Insomnia anyway, taking her 20 miles south of the city for shits and giggles, jeopardizing their expensive airship contingent just to trap the remaining 10-12 loyal Glaives. Glauca starts wrecking shit and makes some comments about Regis betraying him even though he was a double agent the entire time. Shiny crystal is stolen, shiny wall is blown up, The One Ring cooks two dudes extra crispy, leg-cast dude who turned tail turns tail again and suddenly knows Glauca is the captain somehow, Nyx puts on The One Ring and shit-talks the Jerk-ass old kings of Lucis, GIANT TELEPORTING STATUES, Glauca dies, Nyx burns to death trying to look cool, Luna gets the hell away from leg-cast guy because he's a dumbass. ROLL CREDITS


Watched the movie last night. It was a mindless fun. The plot and the setting doesn´t make too much sense tho. The dialogue is terrible most of the time.

And to be honest i like Nyx better than Noctis as a MC.


I normally don't feel compelled to go off on a rant after seeing a film but I just can't help myself this time...

Good lord that was utterly abysmal... Honestly one of the worst films iv'e ever seen in terms of pacing, acting, character/world building and plot.
Such a mindless slew of half-cocked ideas. I can't even comprehend how some of these decisions were made during the making this thing.

I couldn't even enjoy it as an extended video game cutscene as I felt no prior attachment to any of the characters or the world.
I'm fully aware Advent Children is also a mess in many regards but at least that succeeded in being a satisfying piece of fan service that could accompany a previously fleshed out and established universe.

And don't even get me started on the voice acting! Libertus in particular was ear-rupturingly bad. I don't get why they got so many English actors in to do awful, hammy American accents. Even weirder considering that Bean and Headey were allowed to retain their native accents.

Even the CGI, while excellent for the most part, severely suffered from some really ugly uncanny valley. Throughout the films duration I kept thinking of that terrifying cutscene from Medal of Honor with the ladies creepy facial expressions:


It just feels like such a massive waste, for all this talent and technology to be wasted on something so poorly realised...

FFXV's outlook has never looked so grim...
Movie was good, my main complaint is that the lip sync was really annoying. Some of the animated scenes look amazing though. I watched it 2 days ago and can't remember a single charcters name, not even the main guy, none of them were memorable.

Why was that guy in the armor godlike? They never explain his power or special armor.

Why did she just walk away from the only dude helping her and why did he just let her go? Also the king could have set up the barrier and ran away, it stayed even after he died which was also weird

I assumed the armor was magitek and thus augmented his abilities, or he was just that good. Being the captain of the Kingsglaive one would assume he's an excellent fighter, although we never got to see him do anything out of his magical traitor armor.

I wonder how long he'd been doing the double-crossing thing. Like, General Glaudus seemed like a fairly well known figure (King Regis knew him by sight) so how was he off fighting on the front lines for the empire when he's supposed to be a captain. Where does he find the time lol.

Luna's reasoning seemed really dumb. "It'll be hard for me to go unnoticed with you around" like um hasn't your face been all over the news for what may have been weeks? Yes, please go join that throng of unwashed citizens in your pretty fancy gown. I kept hoping she'd display some cool powers like Stella did in past Versus trailers, even something minor for defense, but nope.

Overall I liked the movie but if I weren't hyped for FF15 I might not be able to look past all the silliness. It really is just fanservice, mostly in the form of cool battles and the occasional really nice scenery.
I thought it couldn't be that bad, but it ended up being worse that I thought. This is by far the worst movie I've seen this year, and I've watched Batman vs Superman and Suicide Squad. Here's what I thought:

- So many cuts during the action, jesus. Many times I was left wondering "wait, what happened."

- The dub, oh god the dub. Aaron Paul was fine, Sean Bean did his part
and Lena was decent. The fat guy with dreads though, holy crap he was so bad I couldn't stand him.

- Ardyn looked like garbage, that fake fashion model wing straight out of a bad Sephiroth cosplay was trash, and his VA was equally terrible.

- The plot was useless, it looked like some of those CG compilations of recent games you can find on youtube.

- The post-credits scene left me laughing so hard, after a visually great movie to that garbage, man it was rough.

Nyx at least was a better protagonist than what I've read or seen of Noctis so far.


The first half of the movie was kind of lame.....that last half though....whew

damn I was pumped

Nyx summoning the knights into statues and laying waste to diamond weapons. Holy fuck does the empire have a lot of power, like I really now can see why Noctis is going to trying to win over the summons in FFXV and prove himself to them. There is no way noctis takes on the empire with what little he has.

The last 30 minutes were fucking awesome though, great fighting and awesome battle action. I really loved it and it made up for the first half of the movie.

What I want to know, is if the knights are summoned via statues from the ring. Does that mean Noctis can no longer summon the knights to his defense come the final game? It seems like only that one knight was left and the old wall was mostly destroyed.


I have to say I was impressed with this movie. The action really was fantastic. The dialogue was actually decent unlike previous FF movies, and despite what critics say I thought the plot did make sense. It's a lot like two major powers playing collaborators vs resistance off one another in world war 2. Most of these political factions and interests go beyond the city so it's not surprising
that the city is reduced to rubble
. It's not clear
that the empire is literally the Nazis or what the future of the crown actually means but I think the critics that think the destruction is only contrived for action haven't paid much attention to 20th century history

Anyway, I don't understand how Captain America: Civil War gets 90% fresh with a very similar, more trope laden plot. They're both good action movies. Shows how much reputation and hype plays into fresh ratings in my opinion.
I watched the film this morning. I enjoyed it, even though it has some faults. It does leave some questions that are hopefully answered in XV. All in all I believe it deserves a better rating then it is given. The last battle was pretty awesome. Also I was not affected by the uncanny valley of the look of the characters that some people have been bothered with.


It was a great set up for the game.It very clearly is just that ,and it did a great job as an opening to the game imo.

Couple of questions :

1) Does the ring allow you to tap into the crystal's power ? What is the distinction between the ring's power and the crystal's power ?

2) I wonder if Miracles are a separate class of power in FNC universe ? Divine intervention perhaps ? They were also mentioned frequently in FFXIII.


The movie had some obvious flaws, but I enjoyed it for what it was. Generally it has me a lot more interested in the setting of FFXV.
What confused me though is
why are Noctis and his buddies so super relaxed on their roadtrip? In the context of the movie it seems like it would be a big deal for the prince to leave the safe city.
The movie had some obvious flaws, but I enjoyed it for what it was. Generally it has me a lot more interested in the setting of FFXV.
What confused me though is
why are Noctis and his buddies so super relaxed on their roadtrip? In the context of the movie it seems like it would be a big deal for the prince to leave the safe city.
I thought the idea is that at that point, they're unaware of what happened post-treaty. Hence why they're following through with the plan for Noctis to wed Luna. As far as why the news hasn't hit them. Cellphone reception in the desert maybe?

I could be wrong though since I've been on blackout with the leaks.
The movie had some obvious flaws, but I enjoyed it for what it was. Generally it has me a lot more interested in the setting of FFXV.
What confused me though is
why are Noctis and his buddies so super relaxed on their roadtrip? In the context of the movie it seems like it would be a big deal for the prince to leave the safe city.
I believe that they are left completely in the dark until a little bit into the game. I think Ignis and perhaps Gladio may know the reason they are on that roadtrip. But I am just speculating.


In hindsight it was foretelling that they weren't -really- heading to a wedding because you would normally send royalty with an entourage of other officials and overt security. Instead, it's a road-trip with his close friends who act as his personal guard. Regis knew something would go down, he sent Noctis away as a failsafe.
In hindsight it was foretelling that they weren't -really- heading to a wedding because you would normally send royalty with an entourage of other officials and overt security. Instead, it's a road-trip with his close friends who act as his personal guard. Regis knew something would go down, he sent Noctis away as a failsafe.

Well, he was doubting to accept the proposal of rendition but as soon as the marriage thing popped up he looked really mad as if it was unacceptable so... a simple meeting wouldn't change his mind even if the movie makes you to believe that (I mean, they tell things pretty bad in general).
I had the morbid curiosity of how bad this would turn out, and it delivered: is pretty fucking bad. Downright to bad cinematography with action that was "filmed" with thousands of cuts, bad and confusing storytelling, pathetic characterization, specially Luna that sets a really bad precedent for the final game. Is one of the worst movies I watched in the last year or so.

At least it NOT as bad as Spirits Within, but that's not saying much.

I don't get why Ravus or Rovus (yeah is that forgettable that I don't remember his name anymore) and Crowne even exists in the movie, is like they belonged to a longer arc and they just mantained there for reasons.

Speaking of Luna's brother, how can be a person such an idiot? How you can blame Regis for the death of your mother? You expect him to fight a whole army alone?Not only that, he sides with the same individual that brutally killed her mother. It dosn't even make sense, they surely could have thought of a better reason.

The movie is filled with idiots it seems, Libertus also blames Regis for Crowne death, althought is kinda her job to be sent to missions that might kill her, more amusing is the fact that no one thought that the fact she was killed was due to a leak of her mission and thus unveiling the fact that there was a spy in the Kingslaive.

More idiocy, this could have been almost called Idiocracy 2. Crowne just stoods there as the, clearly suspicious vehicle gets closer to her at very low speed, I'm sure a fully trained soldier of an elite squad would have known that a lone vehicle in the middle of the desert that approaches to you at low speed, means that you need to get the fuck out of there

As I said chraracterization is very poor, Luna suffers the most from it, when she basically spends the whole movie talking about "destiny" nonsense and spouting cheesy lines. I can't see the strong character Tabata promises us there, she's constantly in need of support for Nyx and is very useless the whole movie.

Another annoying thing is the poor world building, the movie tries to make Niflheim as the bad guys, but outside of their conqueror nature they don't show how bad is their political system and society is. Are they a dictatorship? Are the places they conquer allowed for some kind of autonomy? Maybe they can benefit for the superior tech and maybe the people from there are even better than when they belonged to Lucis. The couple of beggars that discovers Crowne body goes as far to say that there's no much difference between one or the other. I mean, yeah, they are invaders and conquerors, yeah, like many civilizations in the past, and they weren't the evil personificated. I mean that outside of the cliche evil leaders and shit I don't have any reason to side with Nyx in the argument he has with Glauca, like the whole reason the argument makes sense is because siding with Lucis saves the world...somehow.

Something similar happens with Lucis and Insomnia, we have this "resistance" that helps Niflheim, those supposedly really evil dudes that destroyed their homes, to prepare a coup d'état that will end of thousands of death and misery, because they are suposely discriminated, but the movie does a really bad job showing this, yeah, we have that scene it which the royal guard insults Nyx, but they don't show this is common among the population, neither they show any real of
governmental discrimination. They just show us that they suposedly live in the poor part of the city. In the right hands this would make for a very nice Trump propaganda.

Equally laughable is the fact that the resistance was promised a "district", not better jobs, not public healthcare...just a nice place to live. All that when the resistance leader gets shot in the same battle he started. I guess that's some kind of poetic justice or something.

I don't get much of the fanservice. The party scene loses all it's meaning without Noctis there and Ultros main characteristic is that is a comic releive talking character, if dosn't speaks, why even bring them, it seems they wanted to say "Look is Ultros! and he's kidnanpping a woman! Do you get it? SO FUNNY!"

In the end, the result is a very poor experience, if the objective of the movie was so people not familiarized with the saga and the game got interested on both, it failed spectacularly and gives even more bad press to the gaming medium if this is the best it can do.


Regis knew something would go down, he sent Noctis away as a failsafe.

I dont think its that good enough of an explanation.

He had his wall,the only thing know to truly halt Nilfgaard's advance.

He risked far too much abd destroyed his city.He should've kept Noctis with him behind the wall.

Having an escape route in case something happens ? Yeah.

The set up seems a tiny bit contrived at the moment.Regis is kind of an idiot,especially considering the fact that Noctis is an adult at that point in time.
I dont think its that good enough of an explanation.

He had his wall,the only thing know to truly halt Nilfgaard's advance.

He risked far too much abd destroyed his city.He should've kept Noctis with him behind the wall.

Having an escape route in case something happens ? Yeah.

The set up seems a tiny bit contrived at the moment.Regis is kind of an idiot,especially considering the fact that Noctis is an adult at that point in time.

The guy dosn't have a counter espionage service and let one of the general enemies led their super soldier army for 12 years, which ultimately destroyed his kingdom.

Is clear that he's not very smart.


I think Luna's attitude and disposition make a lot of sense.

She goes on and on about her duty,but that absolutely makes sense given the context.

Its an urgent state of war,one where she is heavily personally invested and lost family.

However,it is disappointing that she was not shown to be a capable fighter in the movie.

The guy dosn't have a counter espionage service and let one of the general enemies led their super soldier army for 12 years, which ultimately destroyed his kingdom.

Is clear that he's not very smart.

He isn't lol.
Its sad to see him go though.By far one of the most appealing charactets in the movie
I think Luna's attitude and disposition make a lot of sense.

She goes on and on about her duty,but that absolutely makes sense given the context.

Its an urgent state of war,one where she is heavily personally invested and lost family.

However,it is disappointing that she was not shown to be a capable fighter in the movie.

Luna had two duties, survive and get the Ring of the Lucii to Noctis. She jumps out the ship which actively jeopardizes the first goal for no reason. Her stopping Nyx from fighting Glauca initially was alright, and what I would hope from her character. If Regis understood that he could not command the old wall, then surely he would have tried to get the ring to his son earlier but his motivation is unexplained. Frankly, the fact that the Ring only appears in the last 40ish minutes is utterly ridiculous considering its power and seeming importance to the narrative of FFXV as a whole (It's basically Noctis' birthright). I think this movie would have been far better served if it actually focused on the Ring, Luna, her relationship with Regis and how Ravus fits into the picture. That's all I think this movie should have done.


Crystal Bearer
This review summed up the Luna issue really well I think: https://xheartimecia.wordpress.com/2016/09/05/kingsglaive-final-fantasy-xv-review/

She’s pretty much the only woman in the movie that matters – which is bad enough on its own, but she’s also poorly written. I finished watching the movie baffled as to why the narrative of her being a “strong female character” in this movie has been pushed so intensely, for all I ended up seeing is a woman who is moved by the plot rather than one who moves the plot. She’s tossed around like a rag doll who always gets saved and protected without much agency or power of her own. She talks about duty, but there’s never a feeling that she is deeply committed to the concept of duty; she’s dedicated to her duty because it exists for Noctis — for the sake of protecting and serving him in his journey of becoming King. She has no individual character – no ambitions, no dreams, no personality.
I think it's more that she's a plot piece that doesn't react much to anything that isn't her "duty". I don't mind characters being swept up for the Big Bad's ride and asked to react. But She's very much emotionally flat without much reason to be flat. What defines a good character is agency, someone who seeks to make his/her own rationalizations based on previous knowledge presented to the audience and the character in question. The audience isn't shown enough of Luna's history to explain why she is the way she is and thus ends up weak.
For me it feels like she id like a robot commanded by the protocol "destiny", every action she performs is because destiny and some sense of obligation with Noctis, which seems to not even be born of appreciation, rather that same "destiny" she lives for.


Crystal Bearer
For me it feels like she id like a robot commanded by the protocol "destiny", every action she performs is because destiny and some sense of obligation with Noctis, which seems to not even be born of appreciation, rather that same "destiny" she lives for.
After Rem in Type-0 I wasn't expecting much.
Luna with all that "destiny" and "fulfilling my role" looked more like a knock-off nun or that girl from Bravely Default with the white dress, such a boring stereotype.

That moment when
Nyx took the ring
and said "
I'm the hero around here
" I shouted at my monitor "come the fuck on, are you serious?"

That was a perfect moment to show Luna being badass
with the ring, ffs.
Instead, we got her
using deception against that other dude "power that you couldn't even imagine",
like the serpent and the apple, another female cliche so overused (only in this case Luna is the serpent).
After Rem in Type-0 I wasn't expecting much.

People speak of "Moe" as an inherently bad concept, I don't agree in all cases (A lot of people beyond Otaku can consider really cute characters with depth to be worth protecting), but goddamn Rem is "Moe" at some of its worst, it's so terrible that it even breaks the trope and the audience is more likely to want to kill her.
Just watched this piece of shit. Can't believe they actually spent time and money on this. Luna just might be worse than Lightning, in a completely different way.


Neo Member
Just watched the movie. Have to agree with the overall reaction of it.

But I do have to say that I liked some of the Animations, specifically the cloths and environment. Overall I would 6/10 since Im a sucker for animation.

Also, Spoiler-Tag:
Didn't anyone also felt, that they had so much scenes with just faces doing "emotions" without saying a thing? I feel like that made some characters like Luna feels so shallow.


Mrs. Harvey
The last 20 minutes or so was the best part of the movie. Otherwise it's a so so setup to the game. I was entertained for the most part. I didn't expect it to be mind blowing considering how all FF movies went.


Have to agree with the review Kagari posted.

I think the director's/writers unwillingess to make her even drive a damn car was painfully obvious.

Its funny because luna is indeed supposed to be much more important than all the glaives combined.

There's a stubborn unwillingess to actuallY write and portray a strong woman.Down to the smallest details,luna is severely held back by said unwillingess.

Even a character like crow could've been an interesting contrast/cooperator to Nyx instead of terrible fat Libiritus(or whatever the heck he's called)
The most hilarious part of the film is the post credits scene where after 2 hours of characters looking like they do you go back to
Noctis and co.
and you're reminded how much their looks clash with the movie lmao.
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