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Kobe Bryant slinging homophobic slur during nationally televised NBA game

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Only 100k? ugh should have been at least 1 mil. it's crazy how many people are defending him, there are so many other things he could have said instead of what he did.


viakado said:
anyone that says "motherfucker" in heat or high emotional state should apologize to every motherfuckers out there.
throw in retards as well for good measures.
Equating 'motherfucker' with 'retard' is pretty fucking dumb.


ChocolateCupcakes said:
100k fine for being angry. I guess its only because he is in the public light.

Exactly. He's only getting punished because people are angry, and people are only angry because it was caught on camera. I'm sure that word and others are bandied about multiple times every night during every game. This can't be consistently policed by refs.
.GqueB. said:
News stories like this always baffle me. Bringing to light something that just about no one noticed. Like the Janet Jackson boob slip. Let it go.

"Lip reading Basketball fans watching on TV during this moment were offended to no end... LETS TALK ABOUT IT!!!"
hun i noticed that tit

i wish i could unnotice it to be quite honest
dork said:
Some of the responses in this thread are disturbing....you guys are acting like you have never said "thats gay" or "faggot". Its like when you stub your toe...you arent going to yell "oh sugarplums and rainbows". No you're going to yell some sort of vulgar phrase. just because he said that in the heat of the moment doesnt mean thats how he feels.

However, if that is how he feels than fuck him.
I haven't.

There are thousands of curse words that don't actually hurt a large portion of our population when the usage of the word turns them into a negative. Be more creative.
Mercury Fred said:
Tell me about it. I called a cashier a n****r last week and she had the nerve to tell me that I was being offensive. Fuckin ridiculous PC b***h!

When did the n word and the f word have the same meaning?

Oh, right, its because they don't. Please stop comparing them. They are both mean things to say but thats it. Comparing the plight of two underrepresented groups who have payed and/or continue to play the price for being different is just dumb.


I just can't bring myself to be as outraged as some of you are about this. Am I cheering that he used the word "fag"? No. But, man, going by some of the responses in this thread you would think he did a lot worse.
dork said:
Some of the responses in this thread are disturbing....you guys are acting like you have never said "thats gay" or "faggot". Its like when you stub your toe...you arent going to yell "oh sugarplums and rainbows". No you're going to yell some sort of vulgar phrase. just because he said that in the heat of the moment doesnt mean thats how he feels.

However, if that is how he feels than fuck him.

I can safely said I've never said "That's gay" when I stub my toe.

MThanded said:
I stopped after I left high school. At some point you have to grow up.

Does this mean that growing up means being political correct?
dream said:
So it turns out known Los Angeles Laker homophobe and accused rapist Kobe Bryant was fined $100,000 for his use of this heinous and unacceptable word.

Kobe makes 24 million dollars a year.

How many games was KG suspended for calling Charlie V a cancer patient, making fun of people with cancer having no eyebrows or hair on their head!?!?

OH WAIT WAIT WAIT. he said he was "cancerous to the league and his team."

At least Kobe owned up to what he said and apologized for it.
ChocolateCupcakes said:
When did the n word and the f word have the same meaning?

Oh, right, its because they don't. Please stop comparing them. They are both mean things to say but thats it. Comparing the plight of two underrepresented groups who have payed and/or continue to play the price for being different is just dumb.
Spoken like a true white knight.

Get that PC shit outta here.
ChocolateCupcakes said:
When did the n word and the f word have the same meaning?

Oh, right, its because they don't. Please stop comparing them. They are both mean things to say but thats it. Comparing the plight of two underrepresented groups who have payed and/or continue to play the price for being different is just dumb.
god I know it's not like faggot doesn't have absolutely horrifying origins rooted in bigotry just like the n word, right?

They're not the same in any fucking way. At all.
I can't believe people are freaking out over this. GAF is so fucking desensitized. Either that, or they just love being apart some defense force.


343i Lead Esports Producer
SUPREME1 said:
You hate Kobe because he modeled his game after the player who he thinks is the greatest ever. Yeah, that's hate worthy.
That's just a part of why. And it's more than just modeling his game. Who doesn't model their game after Jordan, he's the greatest ever.

Edit: and yea, 100k is nothing. To show the NBA cared they could have easily suspended Kobe.


methos75 said:
Not really IMO, you can like it or hate it all you want, but the fact remains that calling one a n***** outside a pretty defined slice of culture is not socially acceptable nor is it even common verbiage for anything but a racially motivated slur. But calling someone or something gay, a fag, etc has a common verbiage use that has dual meanings in two different contexts and most intelligent people realize this. You can look into as deeply as you want and comeback offended by that, but your just doing yourself a disservice and thinking too much on it. Until society changes and those words no longer mean what they mean now, this is going to be something that the Gay community is going to be constantly winning a losing battle against.
I thought your name seemed familiar...

methos75 said:
I know I am, sorry I find the fact that two homosexuals want to destroy my concept of marriage sickening, but I do. I also find the whole concept of homosexuality morally disastrous, a fuck you to nature, and utterly disgusting, you can also just get over that. Good thing I live in America, and not some Liberal commanded gestapo state where free thinking can be squashed if it doesn't resonate with the misguided left.
methos75 said:
It is against nature, I find it funny that Gay activist point to Animals that have Gay tendencies as proof that its normal, let they never mention that these animals are immoral species that really have no concept of what they are truly doing and the acts never result in true homosexual sex which HAS NEVER been observed in nature at all. For some reason Monkeys giving hand jobs to each other is seen as proof that being gay is natural, these some monkeys also pick fleas off each other, eat their young, and sling feces at each other, guess we should also since its ok in nature. Just because animals do it doesn't give us carte blanche to do it, infact the main point of our humanity is to rise above animalistic tendencies, that is what defines us as human.
Yeah, keep using the "common verbiage" argument to defend your blatant homophobic tendencies.

methos75 said:
Nope just don't like Gays, no one else bothers me.


Mercury Fred said:
Tell me about it. I called a cashier a n****r last week and she had the nerve to tell me that I was being offensive. Fuckin ridiculous PC b***h!

you're a joke poster, right?

i'm pretty sure you're still trying to equate "faggot" and "nigger," which, surely, means you're a joke poster because no one -- even with the slightest of intellectual ablility -- would seriously try to equate the aforementioned.
AvidNobody said:
I can't believe people are freaking out over this. GAF is so fucking desensitized. Either that, or they just love being apart some defense force.
The thread is less about what Kobe did and more that it seems 75% of GAF wants to defend the usage of the word faggot because, well, 'everybody says it, get over it'


AvidNobody said:
I can't believe people are freaking out over this. GAF is so fucking desensitized. Either that, or they just love being apart some defense force.

Huh? I think you got that backwards.
ZephyrFate said:
god I know it's not like faggot doesn't have absolutely horrifying origins rooted in bigotry just like the n word, right?

They're not the same in any fucking way. At all.

Its because you wouldn't get anywhere comparing one groups suffering to another. And I specifically said there are some things that are the same but I guess you missed that.

Mercury Fred said:
Spoken like a true white knight.

Get that PC shit outta here.

No clue what PC means.


Zep said:
Just read about this a few minutes ago...He needs to be suspended by the league, no questions asked.

lol, because we can lip read what he said on the bench, with a camera zooming in on him?

That's ridiculous.


Not a surprise, given that professional sports are rife with these kinds of attitudes. Oh well, his corporate masters might have to publicly withdraw a little bit, but ultimately they won't care.


I hate the hivemind approach to things here. I think that the slur, while offensive, is not a big deal in the context which Kobe used it. It's not like he automatically hates homosexuals, he just said a slur out of frustration. The same goes with the word, "retard." Now, don't get me wrong, I don't condone these types of words--I just understand how things like that can slip.
ChocolateCupcakes said:
Its because you wouldn't get anywhere comparing one groups suffering to another. And I specifically said there are some things that are the same but I guess you missed that.
Nor does anyone get anywhere by saying one group is suffering more than the other, or that somehow derogatory words are inherently unequal. They're all terrible. It doesn't matter their history or whatever, they're all fucking horrifying words.


viakado said:
being offended by kobe's comment is pretty fucking dumb.
if you're offended, thats your own damn fault.
I'm not offended in the slightest. Are you really too stupid to see the difference between a mental disability and why its use would offend people and 'motherfucker'?
Crumpet Trumpet said:
I don't really care that he said faggot in the heat of the moment, it's no big deal to me. What annoys me is privileged hetero-GAF telling people to get over it like they understand anything. Yeah no thanks duderz
krypt0nian said:
Yes I'm certain that players are called nigger by white players constantly in the NBA during games and practice and let it slide. Bullshit.

Point stands. If we let this behavior slide, we encourage it and give it legitimacy.
"These niggas are crazy"
"Damn that nigga is on fire"

"Fucking faggot"
"Look at those faggots"

Like I said, you're wrong Krypt. And you can't pull the "by white" card, no. The argument here is that it is wrong for any person of any colour or gender to call someone else a faggot or attack someone based on their race. Lots of black people grow up calling each other "niggas", hearing it in music, online etc. And lots of people of various colours who are GAY grow up hearing the word faggot tossed around or the always amusing catchphrase of "That's so gay". Go on PSN or LIVE, people use it like it's going out of style. Because so many of us have grown up being taught to use it as an aggressive and derogatory term .

Again I'll point out the fact that there are many people who have contributed to society who are straight up racists or homophobes or sexist, etc. You can't just wash away the past when it's always being passed down in one way or another. I'm sure you've heard of James Byrd and the circumstances surrounding his death...execution. Do you think everyone involved in that area, in that state, in that country, just all the sudden up and died after the public outrage? No. The sentiment is still alive in some parts of the country and will/has undoubtedly already been passed down to younger generations.

But see, things have improved and you guys even have a black president now. But it didn't happen overnight and blacks had to go through a lot to even reach "equality". But the truth is that whether you're black, yellow, red, gay, trans, we'll never be equal. Just ask someone what their typical idea of a gay male is like--->Feminine. Ask them what their typical idea of a lesbian female is like--->Butch. It's ridiculous! The vast majority of us on GAF are from the 80's, so thankfully we have a little more open mindset and saw the public reactions that said "No" to discrimination of all sorts. Yet it still goes on and will continue to do so for as long as it takes before we accept eachother as human beings.

The words will still be said, people will still be attacked-mentally and physically for who they are, and their will still be the groups that promote equality and those that claim to be superior for whatever reason. Such is the nature of society as we know it now. So that's why I can read old books, watch old films and flinch when I see the blatant racism, and hope to never see things like that again.

This Kobe drama case is just a painful reminder of how far we have to go still, and truly how little we've gone forward.


Paznos said:
Only 100k? ugh should have been at least 1 mil. it's crazy how many people are defending him, there are so many other things he could have said instead of what he did.

The language police? In BASKETBALL?

I'm sensing that the majority of the people with this outrage rarely watch sports (let alone participate in them)

And $1 million? LMAO

J2 Cool

viakado said:
anyone that says "motherfucker" in heat or high emotional state should apologize to every motherfuckers out there.
throw in retards as well for good measures.

Why has "bitch" made the complete crossover? "I'm rich, bitch" was aired at the end of every Chappelle show.

100k fine is ridiculous imo.
Joates said:
GTFO. What was he supposed to say? That he really did mean that and he hates all gays?

I'm sorry you were offended apologies are the best. Dude clearly learned his lesson.


This thread is just so awesome.
ChocolateCupcakes said:
Its because you wouldn't get anywhere comparing one groups suffering to another. And I specifically said there are some things that are the same but I guess you missed that.
I understand where you're coming from to be honest. I think it's weird to compare the plights of two minority groups that have been discriminated against.

But at the same time, prejudice is prejudice no matter what form it takes and one would have to be blind to be confused about why saying "faggot" is offensive
ecnal said:
you're a joke poster, right?

i'm pretty sure you're still trying to equate "faggot" and "nigger," which, surely, means you're a joke poster because no one -- even with the slightest of intellectual ablility -- would seriously try to equate the aforementioned.
Dude, please stop policing my language. And quit being such a sensitive fuck while you're at it. She wasn't giving me my change fast enough so I called her a n****r. I could have said dumbass because n****r doesn't necessarily have any racial connotations anymore. But I didn't. It's just a word, dude!
ZephyrFate said:
Nor does anyone get anywhere by saying one group is suffering more than the other, or that somehow derogatory words are inherently unequal. They're all terrible. It doesn't matter their history or whatever, they're all fucking horrifying words.

You just repeated what I said. I'm just saying to certain people one word will weigh more than the other.
Tashi0106 said:
Oh ok, I didn't know that.

Trying my best to fail? I don't know what you mean. Also, you must catch a lot shit in the NBA thread, you're coming out defending Kobe so hard lol. Chill out bro.

I know about techs in the playoffs. I'm fine with that. Lol I know you'll love this but I would be so happy if Artest and Kobe get the chicken pox and they get knocked out of the playoffs because of it. Probably won't happen but man, I would laugh so hard. Actually Lakers do pretty well without Kobe, they're stacked.

But this is all off topic now. This story just adds to how classless Kobe is.

Its alright that you personally hate Kobe, but not everyone needs to read your shitty posts on the subject.
AShep said:
I'm not offended in the slightest. Are you really too stupid to see the difference between a mental disability and why its use would offend people and 'motherfucker'?
who are you to tell someone that they shouldn't be offended when they are called a motherfucker? did you fuck someone's mom or something?


sparkle this bitch
He said something stupid and got fined for it. Seems like an open and shut case. Maybe donate the fine to a charity too. While there isn't a good reason to ever say the word, I'm a bit baffled at the outrage over it.
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