What a douche
fan hits the shitHige said:I thought your name seemed familiar...
Yeah, keep using the "common verbage" argument to defend your blatant homophobic tendencies.
MIMIC said:I'm sensing that the majority of the people with this outrage rarely watch sports (let alone participate in them)
Hige said:I thought your name seemed familiar...
Yeah, keep using the "common verbage" argument to defend your blatant homophobic tendencies.
Serenade said:Evidently not.
Joates said:People need to quit comparing "nigger" to " gay" or "faggot".
One of them can be said in public as an outsider around said group and nothing is likely to happen.
In the other scenario youre likely to get an ass beating... Just saying.
Paznos said:Only 100k? ugh should have been at least 1 mil. it's crazy how many people are defending him, there are so many other things he could have said instead of what he did.
Hige said:I thought your name seemed familiar...
Yeah, keep using the "common verbage" argument to defend your blatant homophobic tendencies.
more proof people with this kind of wasteful mindset only get offended for the sake of getting offended.Spire said:Who cares? Some guy said something dumb in the heat of the moment. GUESS I BETTER ANGRY ABOUT IT.
No he didn't.Great Rumbler said:Kobe apologized.
Hige said:I thought your name seemed familiar...
Riposte said:WHY
(I don't like it! isn't an answer)
Great Rumbler said:Kobe apologized.
Kobe was fined.
And now it's time to move on with our lives.
The 1mil thing was me exaggerating but in all seriousness 100k is nothing to someone who makes millions a year.Dipindots said:Sarcasm?
If not, this is easily the dumbest thing I've read in this entire thread.
Mercury Fred said:Dude, please stop policing my language. And quit being such a sensitive fuck while you're at it. She wasn't giving me my change fast enough so I called her a n****r. I could have said dumbass because n****r doesn't necessarily have any racial connotations anymore. But I didn't. It's just a word, dude!
All of his posts in this thread have been terrible attempts at wit or sarcasm.ChocolateCupcakes said:No clue what PC means.
Devolution said:No Kobe told people he's sorry they were offended. lol. Love that empty gesture.
ZephyrFate said:viakado: There is a huge difference between using the word faggot and the word motherfucker. The fact that you insist on equating the two means you know nothing of what the word 'faggot' actually means.
Mercury Fred said:Tell me about it. I called a cashier a n****r last week and she had the nerve to tell me that I was being offensive. Fuckin ridiculous PC b***h!
ZephyrFate said:god I know it's not like faggot doesn't have absolutely horrifying origins rooted in bigotry just like the n word, right?
They're not the same in any fucking way. At all.
Paznos said:Only 100k? ugh should have been at least 1 mil. it's crazy how many people are defending him, there are so many other things he could have said instead of what he did.
ecnal said:you're a joke poster, right?
i'm pretty sure you're still trying to equate "faggot" and "nigger," which, surely, means you're a joke poster because no one -- even with the slightest of intellectual ablility -- would seriously try to equate the aforementioned.
excuse me while I go sling a bunch of racist slurs at people. Fuck them for being sensitive.Blackface said:He shouldn't be sorry anyone was offended.
Nobody has the right not to be offended. Fuck sensitive retarded people.
Paznos said:The 1mil thing was me exaggerating but in all seriousness 100k is nothing to someone who makes millions a year.
Serenade said:All of his posts in this thread have been terrible attempts at wit or sarcasm.
Margalis said:It's funny, the people who argue that "everyone says it" or "fag is just a generic insult, not homophobic" are almost invariably extremely homophobic.
ShdwDrake said:Like Jay Z says why do people give words soo much power?
Welp, looks like we have another PC cop in the thread.ecnal said:oh, you're just a moron. duly noted.
carry on.
*fistbump*Blackface said:He shouldn't be sorry anyone was offended.
Nobody has the right not to be offended. Fuck sensitive retarded people.
Riposte said:Why? What's the logic behind it?
Mumei said:I'm still waiting for you (or commish or Joates) to explain how they are actually different instead of just asserting it.
Souldriver said:I doubt you're black. Correct me if I'm wrong.
If you're not, trying thinking about something that's intrinsic to you and imagine it gets used as a slur all the time, and sometimes causes discrimination in real life. Say, you're a black haired guy, or a blue eyed one. Now imagine people use those characteristics as slurs, and if you're in the wrong company, they cause you to be beaten up or worse.
I doubt you'd be all "who cares" about the use of those slurs.
Meus Renaissance said:I think 10mil is more appropriate. Let it be a lesson to all in the game to watch their language in general, and a lesson to the younger generation too that sport is about competing physically on the field - and does not give you a licence to spew dirt from the mouth.
ZephyrFate said:excuse me while I go sling a bunch of racist slurs at people. Fuck them for being sensitive.
Paznos said:The 1mil thing was me exaggerating but in all seriousness 100k is nothing to someone who makes millions a year.
threenote said:I hate the hivemind approach to things here. I think that the slur, while offensive, is not a big deal in the context which Kobe used it. It's not like he automatically hates homosexuals, he just said a slur out of frustration. The same goes with the word, "retard." Now, don't get me wrong, I don't condone these types of words--I just understand how things like that can slip.
Why do you even post in these threads? You don't (can't) quantify any of your points and just go off on useless tangents and nonsensical analogies. It's as if you get angry and just splash shit across the computer screen. You don't actually debate and if anything you turn people away from your cause. You haven't made a single relevant or insightful post this entire thread. You've just been smarmy and pedantic.Mercury Fred said:Spoken like a true white knight.
Get that PC shit outta here.
J2 Cool said:Cut off his tongue, and put it on a plate. Some people need to learn.