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Kobe Bryant slinging homophobic slur during nationally televised NBA game

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Shin Dynamo X said:
Most likely the guy that called the other a n*gger would be a dead ass mofo. Besides, blacks are born that way, there is no proof that gays are born gay. Heck, I've seen straight guys walk out prison all turned out after doing a bid.

Shin Dynamo X said:
Most likely the guy that called the other a n*gger would be a dead ass mofo. Besides, blacks are born that way, there is no proof that gays are born gay. Heck, I've seen straight guys walk out prison all turned out after doing a bid.
yeah, you're gonna last long here.


Shin Dynamo X said:
Most likely the guy that called the other a n*gger would be a dead ass mofo. Besides, blacks are born that way, there is no proof that gays are born gay. Heck, I've seen straight guys walk out prison all turned out after doing a bid.

Ummm... somebody needs to do a bit more reading.


Shin Dynamo X said:
Most likely the guy that called the other a n*gger would be a dead ass mofo. Besides, blacks are born that way, there is no proof that gays are born gay. Heck, I've seen straight guys walk out prison all turned out after doing a bid.

This thread needed some levity, thanks.

Al-ibn Kermit

Junior Member
VelvetMouth said:
If a player got angry if somebody stole a ball off him in a game and he yelled out, 'you're such a n*gger' to the guy who took the ball off him, would it be the same as calling the ref a f*ggot?
Honestly, I think Kobe is a selfish, PR-manipulating rapist but I doubt he actually dislikes gay people. Not just based on this one event. I would think the same thing if it was a white player randomly calling a ref n*gger.

You can't use a single example of a pissed off player saying a slur to a ref to get an idea how biased they are. Now obviously saying those words as random insults is just stupid at the least but I wouldn't assume it means anything about what a sports player actually thinks just because they get caught using it once in public.
Shin Dynamo X said:
Most likely the guy that called the other a n*gger would be a dead ass mofo. Besides, blacks are born that way, there is no proof that gays are born gay. Heck, I've seen straight guys walk out prison all turned out after doing a bid.

And here we go.

I really don't like comparing nigger to faggot. Although it's probably good for honest debate, you're just opening up another can of ugly worms and get posts like this.


Crumpet Trumpet said:
I dunno, are people here really trying to claim that he is trying to offend the gay community? If he wants to offend the ref, that's fine. Gays have the right to be offended as well, considering that it's still a very powerful word and we don't know if he actually meant "you motherfucker" or "you gay man". If he used it in the second way, it makes sense that people would be offended- he's implying that gay men are inherently inferior to "normal" people.

Of course, he has since clarified that he meant know ill intent and I'm inclined to believe him. I feel like this is where the story should end
spurs 2011 nba champions

Maybe I exaggerated a bit :O No one else in this thread has done that.

But the fact that you actually considered the second meaning to be a possibility? Really?

You really thought he actually could have been using it as "you gay man" rather than motherfucker?

Well I guess its a good thing he cleared that up for us.


spindashing said:
And here we go.

I really don't like comparing nigger to faggot. Although it's probably good for honest debate, you're just opening up another can of ugly worms and get posts like this.

WHY though? Why not hold slurs against gays at the same level as those against blacks? Or, let's take "nigger" out of it. Let's say that Dirk Nowitzki called Kobe a "darkie" instead. Suspendable?


I like how people are using the "language has evolved" excuse as if Kobe didn't just get fined $100,000, it's not all over the media, and Kobe didn't go on air in an interview apologizing for his remarks taking responsibility and saying he wanted to reach out to the groups he offended.

Clearly it hasn't evolved as much as you think it has. Maybe you still have the mentality of a 12 year old.
Joates said:
Maybe I exaggerated a bit :O No one else in this thread has done that.

But the fact that you actually considered the second meaning to be a possibility? Really?

You really thought he actually could have been using it as "you gay man" rather than motherfucker?

Well I guess its a good thing he cleared that up for us.
Well see, "you gay man" is putting it bluntly and inoffensively. He could've meant the gay stereotype of being feminine, etc. It's not a big stretch to assume that a super duper macho professional athlete would classify that as something insulting.


Korey said:
I like how people are using the "language has evolved" excuse as if Kobe didn't just get fined $100,000, it's not all over the media, and Kobe didn't go on air in an interview apologizing for his remarks taking responsibility and saying he wanted to reach out to the groups he offended.

Clearly it hasn't evolved as much as you think it has. Maybe you still have the mentality of a 12 year old.

are you saying that the deletion or omission of the word faggot from our language would be an 'evolution'? if so, why?


Shin Dynamo X said:
Most likely the guy that called the other a n*gger would be a dead ass mofo. Besides, blacks are born that way, there is no proof that gays are born gay. Heck, I've seen straight guys walk out prison all turned out after doing a bid.

A gay man can hide in the closet and avoid bigotry. A black person can't hide being black. There isn't a closet big enough to hide that.


G***n S**n*bi
Shin Dynamo X said:
Most likely the guy that called the other a n*gger would be a dead ass mofo. Besides, blacks are born that way, there is no proof that gays are born gay. Heck, I've seen straight guys walk out prison all turned out after doing a bid.

A gay man can hide in the closet and avoid bigotry. A black person can't hide being black. There isn't a closet big enough to hide that.
What... have you done?


Masked Man

I said wow
coldvein said:
who wants to strip words of their offensiveness? do you? it's a piece of language, the thing that we use to communicate with eachother. if i want to compliment you, i have words for that. if i want to offend you, i have words for that, too. looking at language with this big overarching "good" or "bad" view is pretty silly, to me.

I never said that I wanted to strip words of their offensiveness; I want people to realize the implication behind the words that they use. One could argue all day that Kobe "didn't mean it" and "wasn't really calling the ref 'gay.'" But the fact of the matter is that "fag" is used as a pejorative and said usage, in turn, reinforces the stigma surrounding homosexuality as something bad, unnatural, and/or wrong.


Shin Dynamo X said:
I am sticking to my statement. I already know how liberal NeoGaf is here. But there is no proof, simple as that.

I'm not particularly a liberal. But twin studies definitely indicate that genetics play a predominant role in determining sexual orientation.


Korey said:
I like how people are using the "language has evolved" excuse as if Kobe didn't just get fined $100,000, it's not all over the media, and Kobe didn't go on air in an interview apologizing for his remarks taking responsibility and saying he wanted to reach out to the groups he offended.

Clearly it hasn't evolved as much as you think it has. Maybe you still have the mentality of a 12 year old.

Or political correctness plays such a huge role in Industries in America today that something had to be done to appease the masses?


Souldriver said:
Off course it's common. That doesn't make it right though. I don't know how you can argue that disliking someone because of eye color, race, sexual orientation, ... is alright.

The rest of your post has the smell of a relativism argument. You can call someones upbringing an extenuating circumstances when talking about someones attitude or character. But at a certain point in your life most people are smart and mature enough to see when their views are hateful, or racist, or deeply annoying, or sexist, or egoistic, or... and you can fault them for holding on to those things. That's also what why the word "(im)mature" is being thrown around a lot in this thread. It's more difficult to fault little kids for using hateful words, because most of the time they don't know the weight and meaning behind those words. An adult however can, so if he continues using them, all you can say is that they're acting very immature.

Do you really consider relativism bad/false? I am surprised, but maybe I shouldn't be. When it comes down to it you consider these things immature because you don't like them. You haven't given a good enough explanation for any other reason. Maturity is a made-up quality when used outside a biological meaning(usually used in a way so that it promotes following the crowd, like PC). You disagree thus they are not smart. While some concepts like eugenics and dogma can scientifically be seen as ridiculous, stuff like a preference for masculinity in men is entirely a matter of perspective and is much harder to damn.
Shin Dynamo X said:
Most likely the guy that called the other a n*gger would be a dead ass mofo. Besides, blacks are born that way, there is no proof that gays are born gay. Heck, I've seen straight guys walk out prison all turned out after doing a bid.

A gay man can hide in the closet and avoid bigotry. A black person can't hide being black. There isn't a closet big enough to hide that.
holy shit...


Shin Dynamo X said:
Most likely the guy that called the other a n*gger would be a dead ass mofo. Besides, blacks are born that way, there is no proof that gays are born gay. Heck, I've seen straight guys walk out prison all turned out after doing a bid.

Dude, you might want to edit that shit.


Black Canada Mafia
Shin Dynamo X said:
I am sticking to my statement. I already know how liberal NeoGaf is here. But there is no proof, simple as that.

Studies show that sexuality has roots in both genetics and your environment.

But more importantly -

Why does it matter? Is a slur no longer offensive if the person wasn't 'born that way'? If someone had a bad accident and lost a limb, are you going to make offensive comments about cripples or whatever around him and expect him not to get offended because he wasn't always missing a limb?
Gaborn said:
WHY though? Why not hold slurs against gays at the same level as those against blacks? Or, let's take "nigger" out of it. Let's say that Dirk Nowitzki called Kobe a "darkie" instead. Suspendable?

As I have said before measuring two different minorities suffering isn't going to get you anywhere. Its so pointless because its a subjective thing if you think they are equal or not.


Shin Dynamo X said:
I am sticking to my statement. I already know how liberal NeoGaf is here. But there is no proof, simple as that.

...But there is proof. Has nothing to do with liberals or any kind of agenda like that.


I don't use the word and I don't care one way or the other what people do behind closed doors, but I feel we've become too sensitive and PC about things. I find it funny that the same civil rights groups that fight so hard for the rights of the people that they represent are the same ones that are so quick to try and take away the rights of everyone else (freedom of speech).

I think Kobe could use a little growing up and I think a lot of people could use a little thicker skin. Not trying to ruffle feathers or anything, it's just how I feel about it :).


NeoGAF's smiling token!
Shin Dynamo X said:
Most likely the guy that called the other a n*gger would be a dead ass mofo. Besides, blacks are born that way, there is no proof that gays are born gay. Heck, I've seen straight guys walk out prison all turned out after doing a bid.


Kinitari said:
Studies show that sexuality has roots in both genetics and your environment.

But more importantly -

Why does it matter? Is a slur no longer offensive if the person wasn't 'born that way'? If someone had a bad accident and lost a limb, are you going to make offensive comments about cripples or whatever around him and expect him not to get offended because he wasn't always missing a limb?

While this is accurate I feel I should add that when scientists are talking about the environment they do NOT mean "early childhood upbringing" as some people believe. Rather they're referring to fetus's exposure to hormones and the environment of the womb.

ChocolateCupcakes said:
As I have said before measuring two different minorities suffering isn't going to get you anywhere. Its so pointless because its a subjective thing if you think they are equal or not.

Who is "measuring suffering"? I'm saying that discrimination on the basis of a characteristic is flat out wrong. I'm not saying anything about the relative difficulties of being black or gay (or gay and black)
Gaborn said:
WHY though? Why not hold slurs against gays at the same level as those against blacks? Or, let's take "nigger" out of it. Let's say that Dirk Nowitzki called Kobe a "darkie" instead. Suspendable?

But why would you hold slurs against gays at the same level as those against blacks?

Two different people. All these proposed situations of a white person calling Kobe a nigger/darkie/coon/whatever else people can think of are purely hypothetical and do nothing but bring out GAF stupidity.
Riposte said:
Do you really consider relativism bad/false? I am surprised, but maybe I shouldn't be. When it comes down to it you consider these things immature because you don't like them. You haven't given a good enough explanation for any other reason. Maturity is a made-up quality when used outside a biological meaning(usually used in a way so that it promotes following the crowd, like PC). You disagree thus they are not smart. While some concepts like eugenics and dogma can scientifically be seen as ridiculous, stuff like a preference for masculinity in men is entirely a matter of perspective and is much harder to damn.

You prefer macho men?
If i was paid millions upon millions of dollars to essentially stay a teenager/20 something phenom of athletic skill... i probably wouldn't give a shit about other people either.


I wonder if happy people are annoyed that the word associated with their feelings is now associated with homosexuality.
Dipindots said:
...But there is proof. Has nothing to do with liberals or any kind of agenda like that.

If there was proof, then it would be in science books and all over CNN, MSNBC, or whatever. I'm waiting for something official to prove otherwise.

There really isn't no point in this debate. Besides, the topic is all about Kobe opening his mouth anyway.
Shin Dynamo X said:
Gladly, once I see some proof.

"The origins of homosexuality
Despite almost a century of psychoanalytic and psychological speculation, there
is no substantive evidence to support the suggestion that the nature of
parenting or early childhood experiences play any role in the formation of a
person’s fundamental heterosexual or homosexual orientation. It would appear
that sexual orientation is biological in nature, determined by a complex
interplay of genetic factors and the early uterine environment. Sexual
orientation is therefore not a choice, though sexual behaviour clearly is.
LGB people have exactly the same rights and responsibilities concerning the
expression of their sexuality as heterosexual people. However, until the
beginning of more liberal social attitudes to homosexuality in the past two
decades, prejudice and discrimination against homosexuality induced
considerable embarrassment and shame in many LGB people and did little to
encourage them to lead sex lives that are respectful of themselves and others.
We return to the stability of LGB partnerships below. "

^ Royal College of Psychiatrists: Submission to the Church of England’s Listening Exercise on Human Sexuality.


ZephyrFate said:
It's an incredibly offensive pejorative for homosexuals. Do you read, ever?

Lots of words are offensive to many demographics. You dont see the problem in legislating labels?


spindashing said:
But why would you hold slurs against gays at the same level as those against blacks?

Two different people. All these proposed situations of a white person calling Kobe a nigger/darkie/coon/whatever else people can think of are purely hypothetical and do nothing but bring out GAF stupidity.

Because they're both humans and each deserve the same level of respect? I don't respect black people any more or less than white people or anyone else. And I expect the same respect in return. I also believe in treating DISRESPECT for people the same way.

Put it like this. If Dirk Nowitzki called LZ Granderson a "faggot" while he was doing a story on the Mavs you wouldn't suspend him. But if he called him a "nigger" you would. That's a double standard. You shouldn't compartmentalize group suffering like that. All slurs like that are equal.


Black Canada Mafia
Gaborn said:
While this is accurate I feel I should add that when scientists are talking about the environment they do NOT mean "early childhood upbringing" as some people believe. Rather they're referring to fetus's exposure to hormones and the environment of the womb.

Who is "measuring suffering"? I'm saying that discrimination on the basis of a characteristic is flat out wrong. I'm not saying anything about the relative difficulties of being black or gay (or gay and black)

There is a word for that too I think.


Cerebral Assassin said:
You prefer macho men?

Shirtless and all oiled up! Yummmmmm!!!

That's where you are going with this, right?

Gaborn said:
Because they're both humans and each deserve the same level of respect?

What if you disrespect everyone you don't know to the point of equality?


spindashing said:
But why would you hold slurs against gays at the same level as those against blacks?

Two different people. All these proposed situations of a white person calling Kobe a nigger/darkie/coon/whatever else people can think of are purely hypothetical and do nothing but bring out GAF stupidity.

"Would you ask me how I dare to compare the civil rights struggle with the struggle for lesbian and gay rights? I can compare them and I do compare them, because I know what it means to be called a 'nigger' and I know what it means to be called a 'faggot,' and I understand the differences in the marrow of my bones. And I can sum up that difference in one word: none."


Shin Dynamo X said:
If there was proof, then it would be in science books and all over CNN, MSNBC, or whatever. I'm waiting for something official to prove otherwise.

There really isn't no point in this debate. Besides, the topic is all about Kobe opening his mouth anyway.

You can do the research yourself. I ask you this though, for what reason would someone choose to be a homosexual as opposed to heterosexual?


Crumpet Trumpet said:
"The origins of homosexuality
Despite almost a century of psychoanalytic and psychological speculation, there
is no substantive evidence to support the suggestion that the nature of
parenting or early childhood experiences play any role in the formation of a
person’s fundamental heterosexual or homosexual orientation. It would appear
that sexual orientation is biological in nature, determined by a complex
interplay of genetic factors and the early uterine environment. Sexual
orientation is therefore not a choice, though sexual behaviour clearly is. Thus
LGB people have exactly the same rights and responsibilities concerning the
expression of their sexuality as heterosexual people. However, until the
beginning of more liberal social attitudes to homosexuality in the past two
decades, prejudice and discrimination against homosexuality induced
considerable embarrassment and shame in many LGB people and did little to
encourage them to lead sex lives that are respectful of themselves and others.
We return to the stability of LGB partnerships below. "

^ Royal College of Psychiatrists: Submission to the Church of England’s Listening Exercise on Human Sexuality.

this is irrelevant to KOBE!!!!
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