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Kobe Bryant slinging homophobic slur during nationally televised NBA game

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Sai-kun said:
Who is 'they'? 20/30-something year-old people? Sure. Kids? I doubt it.

You just mentioned Americans. I shouldn't assume you don't have bad memory, next time I will remember. Kids are very smart and are practically born with a computer at their reach.


Londa said:
You just mentioned Americans. I shouldn't assume you don't have bad memory, next time I will remember.

We were talking about people who speak American English. That's a shitload of people between the ages of 0 and 80-something. That's a lot of ground to cover in terms of social groups.


Sai-kun said:
We were talking about people who speak American English. That's a shitload of people between the ages of 0 and 80-something. That's a lot of ground to cover in terms of social groups.

I was taught french in elementary school. My niece knows Spanish terms from her schooling. Every school provides language classes.


Mercury Fred said:
I'm sorry, but are you crazy?

I think it's fucking disgusting that anyone would call anyone a nigger. And I think that lynchings were an atrocious and evil example of domestic terrorism against black people. And I feel the same way about someone calling someone else a faggot. Or when a guy gets literally beaten to death because he's gay. I used the cashier "example" (which, hello, was nothing more than an over the top device to point out how absurd it is to toss around charged epithets and expect that they function as anything other than charged epithets). I posted the lynching picture for the same reason-- to demonstrate the double standard that happens when 50 Cent tweets about violence against gays and how funny it apparently is.

I've fought against racism in the real world, protested, ended a friendship with an old friend who was a closet racist and will call out family members at big holiday gatherings if someone says something messed up and racist. I have no problem calling out racism when I see it popping up in the gay community.

So you might not like my approach but you can really just fuck off if you think that I just love tossing around the N-word.

Yes I'm crazy for thinking you saying that you called someone a nigger is offensive, you're doing the samething that you're in here complaining about. It doesn't matter if you are doing it for effect, If I had gone into one of the Prop 8 threads after some people in the gay community were screaming nigger at people and said what you said but substituted faggot for nigger you would have called me a bigot and a homophobe.

Stop being disingenuous here, you are using nigger and pictures of blacks being lynched to incited not to teach. You have the nerve to expect blacks to join your cause when you pull that shit?

You think just because you protested and fought against racism you are absolved from common decency and respect?


umop_3pisdn said:
I know, and I understand this point, I think at least as far as people's expectations have been colored, this point can seem insensitive, as it often seems to be used insensitively. Everyone has to take responsibility for themselves (and thus their feelings) but it's also true that it's easier for others to exercise consideration than it is for the individual to cultivate a more equanimous response towards insensitivity.

Really I was just adopting a simplified perspective for the purpose of argument, since such mental discipline isn't really relevant to this discussion and reflects a kind of individual commitment that most would balk at.

So the most practical response is a social response, at most we can only urge people to recognize the impact that their words have, I don't think anyone with realistic expectations is considering much else to be gained from this discussion.
Well said. I agree completely. I'd much rather have a society where we all just treated each other nicely than one where we should have to learn to endure hateful and mean-spirited things, but that just isn't going to happen. Not in my lifetime at least. And if I had to wager, I'd say such a society will never exist. So I look at this from a pragmatic angle. I can spend my days fighting against a tide that will never ebb, or I can get out of the water completely and save myself a ton of trouble. Those who fight the tide do so with great intentions and I'd never look down on them, but at the same time I can't help but feel like they are treading water and inadvertently feed the monster they wish to slay.

umop_3pisdn said:
Your point is valued, though, an individual interest of mine is the mental discipline of such yogis, etc, and I intend to cultivate such qualities myself, but that's beyond the purview of most.

Also, even just to touch on Maslow's hierarchy of needs (for an example), some forms of happiness (financial/security, social, etc) tend to take precedence over spiritual cultivation even within such spiritual philosophies, only because if these needs aren't met it makes successive development more difficult. That may not be entirely relevant to this discussion, though.
Definitely off-topic, but I can say that those forms of "happiness" (social, financial, etc.), are diametrically opposed to the goals of spiritual progression, because they necessitate that one cling to his material body. True happiness comes when one can shed those trappings altogether.


enzom21 said:
Yes I'm crazy for thinking you saying that you called someone a nigger is offensive, you're doing the samething that you're in here complaining about. It doesn't matter if you are doing it for effect, If I had gone into one of the Prop 8 threads after some people in the gay community were screaming nigger at people and said what you said but substituted faggot for nigger you would have called me a bigot and a homophobe.

Stop being disingenuous here, you are using nigger and pictures of blacks being lynched to incited not to teach. You have the nerve to expect blacks to join your cause when you pull that shit?

You think just because you protested and fought against racism you are absolved from common decency and respect.

Best to ignore him. It seems he doesn't even understand that when someone is lynched they are going to end up dead after its all done. But before they die, they are going to be under some unspeakable things. He gets angry at that in the same manner as someone being called a fag. Then tries to bring up someone being beat and killed as the most extreme thing out of the three. XD


Londa said:
I was taught french in elementary school. My niece knows Spanish terms from her schooling. Every school provides language classes.

Stop being an idiot. I know that schools teach language classes, but the fact of the matter is that a majority of the country speaks American English as their primary language, and in American English, a fag does not refer to a cigarette.


Sai-kun said:
Stop being an idiot. I know that schools teach language classes, but the fact of the matter is that a majority of the country speaks American English as their primary language, and in American English, a fag does not refer to a cigarette.

And I was saying, just because someone's main language is English doesn't mean they do not know what words in other languages are. America is a melting pot, and the majority do know words, sayings, and are even bilingual in different languages.

If someone calls me a Baka, I'm not suppose to get mad because English is my main language?
enzom21 said:
Yes I'm crazy for thinking you saying that you called someone a nigger is offensive, you're doing the samething that you're in here complaining about.

No, I'm really not. People in this thread are saying "faggot" is either not that big a deal or that people don't have the right to get offended by it or that it doesn't necessarily have to mean a slur against gay people. I used the made up example that I used to put a spotlight on how absurd that argument is.

If a gay person was going off about how "nigger" is not that big of a deal then I'd be perfectly comfortable using the same example I used but substituting "faggot" instead with a probably gay male cashier to prove my point.

If you can't see that a rhetorical device is not the same thing as common everyday use then I can't really help you.

You think just because you protested and fought against racism you are absolved from common decency and respect?
I think it's hilarious that you might expect me to show decency or respect toward people that are breathlessly denying that "faggot" is actually damaging or that it's inappropriate to even compare the movement for gay equality and the civil rights movement.

Londa said:
Best to ignore him. It seems he doesn't even understand that when someone is lynched they are going to end up dead after its all done. But before they die, they are going to be under some unspeakable things. He gets angry at that in the same manner as someone being called a fag. Then tries to bring up someone being beat and killed as the most extreme thing out of the three. XD
Look, your posts are not smart, interesting, insightful or even provocative. And they're barely readable to boot. You continue to (as seen in your post above) quite painfully miss even the most basic points. And you've pretty much gleefully confirmed that you don't care about anyone but yourself. Every time you make an "argument" and someone responds, you either ignore it or move the goal posts. I don't know why I'm even bothering to respond to you this time.


Londa said:
And I was saying, just because someone's main language is English doesn't mean they do not know what words in other languages are. America is a melting pot, and the majority do know words, sayings, and are even bilingual in different languages.

I don't disagree with you. I know, and I'm sure a bunch of my friends know, that a fag can also be a cig. But you're wrong if you think people actually use the word in that context. I don't want to say "not even a fraction" because then I'd have to find research on it or something, but I would bet that the amount of people in the US that actually use 'fag' like a cigarette are...almost nonexistant.


Amibguous Cad said:
It's cool to see people using Oppression Olympics bullshit to delegitimize a struggle for equality. That seems like something only a..... wait for it... privileged heterosexual male would do! Oh the sweet, sweet irony!
Wait, where is the irony again?? It is ironic in Zephyr's case because he can't go 5 minutes without whining about the privilege of the White Heterosexual Christian Male™, and yet here he is co-opting the civil rights struggle. I'd say it takes a fair bit of privilege to be able to pull that one off.

But where is the irony in me calling that out?
Satyamdas said:
Wait, where is the irony again?? It is ironic in Zephyr's case because he can't go 5 minutes without whining about the privilege of the White Heterosexual Christian Male™, and yet here he is co-opting the civil rights struggle. I'd say it takes a fair bit of privilege to be able to pull that one off.

But where is the irony in me calling that out?

It's ironic because you accuse Zephyr of being ignorant of his privilege while using your own privilege to delegitimize the gay rights' struggle.


Sai-kun said:
I don't disagree with you. I know, and I'm sure a bunch of my friends know, that a fag can also be a cig. But you're wrong if you think people actually use the word in that context. I don't want to say "not even a fraction" because then I'd have to find research on it or something, but I would bet that the amount of people in the US that actually use 'fag' like a cigarette are...almost nonexistant.

I didn't say in American fag equals a cig. Zep said that fag has never been used for anything else but to direct it at gay people. I said a fag can also be a cig.

It's ironic because you accuse Zephyr of being ignorant of his privilege while using your own privilege to delegitimize the gay rights' struggle.

But you ignore who brought up the whole oppression olympics (which started with Zep)which was directed at me.
Satyamdas said:
Well said. I agree completely. I'd much rather have a society where we all just treated each other nicely than one where we should have to learn to endure hateful and mean-spirited things, but that just isn't going to happen. Not in my lifetime at least. And if I had to wager, I'd say such a society will never exist. So I look at this from a pragmatic angle. I can spend my days fighting against a tide that will never ebb, or I can get out of the water completely and save myself a ton of trouble. Those who fight the tide do so with great intentions and I'd never look down on them, but at the same time I can't help but feel like they are treading water and inadvertently feed the monster they wish to slay.

I disagree with this but I also think you're half right. It will never be eliminated but it can be reduced, which is worthy in itself.

Also, children will always lack the resources to do what you suggest, and they're the most at the mercy of the world they find themselves in, and while some pain is necessary just to grow up, the kind that finds its basis in bigotry never is. Most people probably receive all of their major wounds when fairly young, and then they just persist through a person's life. The spiritual process would be a way to heal this, sure, but prevention always goes further than the cure.

I think it only feeds the monster when reason is abandoned, as long as people can engage with the subject in a reasonable way awareness will be raised, even if only covertly.

Definitely off-topic, but I can say that those forms of "happiness" (social, financial, etc.), are diametrically opposed to the goals of spiritual progression, because they necessitate that one cling to his material body. True happiness comes when one can shed those trappings altogether.

From a yogic/ascetic perspective, yes, but I tend to subscribe to the Middle Way/Buddhism, in that I think rejecting the importance of these things is just as much a kind of clinging as holding on to them.
Londa said:
But you ignore who brought up the whole oppression olympics (which started with Zep)which was directed at me.

I don't defend ZephyrFate's calling the two struggles exactly the same. But when you respond with "nuh-uh, we had/have it way worse!" you drag us into oppression olympics in a way Zephyr didn't. And in pairing those statements with others indicating that the struggle for equality was beneath your notice, you use the ignorance of oppression only privilege can grant you to undermine a movement for social justice.


Londa said:
I didn't say in American fag equals a cig. Zep said that fag has never been used for anything else but to direct it at gay people. I said a fag can also be a cig.

And he said

"Newsflash: America"

Implying that because we speak American English, nobody uses it like that. That should be obvious.


Amibguous Cad said:
I don't defend ZephyrFate's calling the two struggles exactly the same. But when you respond with "nuh-uh, we had/have it way worse!" you drag us into oppression olympics in a way Zephyr didn't. And in pairing those statements with others indicating that the struggle for equality was beneath your notice, you use the ignorance of oppression only privilege can grant you to undermine a movement for social justice.

nope I didn't, all I said was that they do not equal one another.

Sai-kun said:
And he said

"Newsflash: America"

Implying that because we speak American English, nobody uses it like that. That should be obvious.

This point has already been addressed. Do you only read comments you can attack?


Amibguous Cad said:
It's ironic because you accuse Zephyr of being ignorant of his privilege while using your own privilege to delegitimize the gay rights' struggle.
I never delegitimized the gay rights' struggle. It's definitely a legitimate struggle. I pointed out Zephyr's hypocrisy vis-a-vis his denouncements of white male privilege and nothing more.
Satyamdas said:
I never delegitimized the gay rights' struggle. It's definitely a legitimate struggle. I pointed out Zephyr's hypocrisy vis-a-vis his denouncements of white male privilege and nothing more.
It's okay Saty, at you're here to defend white males.

Dead Man

I see it really has become blacks vs gays, 2011 in here. That's too bad. Except for a couple of the more fringe posters, I don't think anyone here has any issue with black people, or their cause, or their quest for civil rights. Seems a large proportion of posters in this thread have an issue with gay people, or anyone using the black struggle as an analogy, or something, sure are a lot of angry heterosexuals in here anyway. Shit sucks, but there you go. Fucking faggots. :/

MIMIC said:
You're hearing "nigga".....not "nigger". The one with the "-a" is not the same as the one with the "-er"

Huge chasm of a difference.
Thanks for pointing that out.


Satyamdas said:
Really? The ULTIMATE SUPREME TABOO WORD™ is still thrown around all over, every day, by kids and adults alike. If nigger is SO MUCH MORE TABOO than faggot, why do I hear/read nigger so constantly??

You're hearing "nigga".....not "nigger". The one with the "-a" is not the same as the one with the "-er"

Huge chasm of a difference.


MIMIC said:
You're hearing "nigga".....not "nigger". The one with the "-a" is not the same as the one with the "-er"

Huge chasm of a difference.
Are you seriously telling me what the fuck I am hearing? Or inferring that I don't know the fucking difference between nigga and nigger? I've been hearing both variations of these words since before you were born, son.

Dead Man

Satyamdas said:
Are you seriously telling me what the fuck I am hearing? Or inferring that I don't know the fucking difference between nigga and nigger? I've been hearing both variations of these words since before you were born, son.
So you live in a place where on a regular basis non black people are saying nigger? That sucks, where the hell is that backward?

I think you may need to lighten up and not take offence at words, don't let them have power over you, though.
dehydratedbabies said:
No, I don't think you are completely misguided or malicious. It is absolutely better to be kind than to be cruel, and I wholly support open and honest discussion of thoughts and ideas. As I said, instead of reading discussions about an overpaid celebrities angry outburst as if it were relevant to any of us, I'd rather read discussions about why our society worries about things like this more than the education of children and ourselves. I'd rather read about why bullying in schools actually happens, and what parents and we need to do about it.
I would say there is a connection between kids saying the f word in the school playground and a high profile sports star that is idolized by those same children saying it on national television.

And also, it's easy for a person to say they are not affected by words but I'd imagine, like is mentioned in the article, a teenager who is struggling with his sexuality and day to day is being picked on because of it, being called the f word, then watches the NBA to see the same it's going to be very disheartening.

I'm a white, straight, English guy so i'm not discriminated against often, but there have been a few occasions when I lived in Scotland when someone has verbally abused me for being English and they have been the most unsettling times of my life.


Dead Man said:
So you live in a place where on a regular basis non black people are saying nigger? That sucks, where the hell is that backward?
I live in Los Angeles, Ca.

In connection with my work and due to having younger relatives I often am around high school and middle school kids and yes, I hear non black kids saying niggER quite often. I also hear it from adult coworkers, friends of friends, random strangers, being shouted through my speakers on Xbox Live, and in various other places by many various races of people. You don't have to live in backwater Arkansas to hear the word being thrown around.

Dead Man said:
I think you may need to lighten up and not take offence at words, don't let them have power over you, though.
I am relaxed and chill, my good man. Nary a word within this thread has caused me to take offense.


travisbickle said:
I would say there is a connection between kids saying the f word in the school playground and a high profile sports star that is idolized by those same children saying it on national television.
If they were still idolizing him after he was indicted for raping a teenager, they were picking the wrong person to idolize to begin with.

Dead Man

Satyamdas said:
I live in Los Angeles, Ca.

In connection with my work and due to having younger relatives I often am around high school and middle school kids and yes, I hear non black kids saying niggER quite often. I also hear it from adult coworkers, friends of friends, random strangers, being shouted through my speakers on Xbox Live, and in various other places by many various races of people. You don't have to live in backwater Arkansas to hear the word being thrown around.

I am relaxed and chill, my good man. Nary a word within this thread has caused me to take offense.
That sucks that you hear that on a daily basis, but so do many gay people with faggot, and with just as much venom. If there is no comparison, fine, but unless you are black AND gay, I don't see how you can say that. Sorry.

numble said:
If they were still idolizing him after he was indicted for raping a teenager, they were picking the wrong person to idolize to begin with.
It's the kids fault, I know. They should really have learned to be more selective and cynical by the time they are 14.


Dead Man said:
That sucks that you hear that on a daily basis, but so do many gay people with faggot, and with just as much venom. If there is no comparison, fine, but unless you are black AND gay, I don't see how you can say that. Sorry.
Wait, what?? I can't say what? I hear nigger, nigga, faggot, etc., all the time and all of it is like water off a duck's back. I pay it no mind and it affects me in absolutely no way. I've not once said that one word is less harmful than the other or compared them in any way, so I don't even know what you're talking about.


Dead Man said:
It's the kids fault, I know. They should really have learned to be more selective and cynical by the time they are 14.
If they are choosing a person indicted for raping a teenager to be a person to model themselves after, it was a bad decision to begin with.

Dead Man

Satyamdas said:
Wait, what?? I can't say what? I hear nigger, nigga, faggot, etc., all the time and all of it is like water off a duck's back. I pay it no mind and it affects me in absolutely no way. I've not once said that one word is less harmful than the other or compared them in any way, so I don't even know what you're talking about.
Calm down son! I was referring to many posters beliefs in this thread that the two words are not comparable.

Edit: And yeah, unless you are gay, faggot will probably be like water off a ducks back.

numble said:
If they are choosing a person indicted for raping a teenager to be a person to model themselves after, it was a bad decision to begin with.
Those damn kids, choosing someone like Kobe to be a role model, what a shameful decision. They should look through all the marketing, the billions spent on promotions with him in it, the glorification of professional athletes at the expense of personal virtue, and just say no.


Dead Man said:
Calm down son! I was referring to many posters beliefs in this thread that the two words are not comparable.
I see. Since I had not made that argument, and since you phrased it as if you were replying directly to me, I thus asked for a little edification. Nothing to get so angry about, guy.

Dead Man said:
Edit: And yeah, unless you are gay, faggot will probably be like water off a ducks back.
Even the slurs that are directed precisely at my skin color and ethnicity get the same treatment. My refusal to be offended by words isn't selective.

Dead Man

Satyamdas said:
I see. Since I had not made that argument, and since you phrased it as if you were replying directly to me, I thus asked for a little edification. Nothing to get so angry about, guy.
Yeah, I was directing that part at you, badly worded. Shall we stop saying the other person should not get mad?


Dead Man said:
Yeah, I was directing that part at you, badly worded. Shall we stop saying the other person should not get mad?
I've never said the other person should not get mad. They should do whatever they feel like doing upon hearing a word. Punch, kick, cry, fume, not respond, etc. It's up to them.


Dead Man said:
Those damn kids, choosing someone like Kobe to be a role model, what a shameful decision. They should look through all the marketing, the billions spent on promotions with him in it, the glorification of professional athletes at the expense of personal virtue, and just say no.

So what effect did the teenager rape case have on those that have him as a role model?
What effect does him shouting this remark to himself have on those that have him as a role model?
What effect did all those news reports about Michael Jordan using homophobic slurs against players have on those that have him as a role model?
Michael Jordan's compulsive gambling and need to insult everyone he knows, including his kids?

I think this role model thing is trotted out way too much, there is nobody that chooses athlete role models based on the way they carry themselves, but on how they perform on the court. They want to copy their moves and training regimen.

Dead Man

Satyamdas said:
I've never said the other person should not get mad. They should do whatever they feel like doing upon hearing a word. Punch, kick, cry, fume, not respond, etc. It's up to them.
You've been telling ME not to get so angry. I've been telling you.

numble said:

So what effect did the teenager rape case have on those that have him as a role model?
What effect does him shouting this remark to himself have on those that have him as a role model?
What effect did all those news reports about Michael Jordan using homophobic slurs against players have on those that have him as a role model?
Michael Jordan's compulsive gambling and need to insult everyone he knows, including his kids?

I think this role model thing is trotted out way too much, there is nobody that chooses athlete role models based on the way they carry themselves, but on how they perform on the court. They want to copy their moves and training regimen.
So no one wanted to be like Mike? I think you are kidding yourself when you expect kids to be able to divorce an athlete physical and tactical prowess from the personality. Why do you think the WWE is a shell of itself? Too many kids doing stupid shit they saw on TV. For better or worse, with the huge marketing that goes on with sports stars, almost no kid actively chooses based on personality, ethics, or morals, they choose based on popularity, perceived coolness, and desirability of the portrayed lifestyle.

Expecting kids to do any different is futile and bound to fail. Don't want Kobe to be a role model? Don't pay him so much to be good at a game, and wear shoes. If he doesn't want to be a role model, he can at the very least remove himself from promotions, he doesn't need any shoe money at the moment.


Dead Man said:
You've been telling ME not to get so angry. I've been telling you.
I thought we were playing around. :(

You responded to something directed at someone else with:

Dead Man said:
I think you may need to lighten up and not take offence at words, don't let them have power over you, though.
Dead Man said:
Calm down son! I was referring to many posters beliefs in this thread that the two words are not comparable.
Satyamdas said:
I see. Since I had not made that argument, and since you phrased it as if you were replying directly to me, I thus asked for a little edification. Nothing to get so angry about, guy.
Honestly, I thought you were breaking my balls about my saying that I don't let words offend me, so I was just playing along. I thought we were bonding. :(

But now I have no idea if you were joking, or serious, or what. You win.


Dead Man said:
So no one wanted to be like Mike? I think you are kidding yourself when you expect kids to be able to divorce an athlete physical and tactical prowess from the personality. Why do you think the WWE is a shell of itself? Too many kids doing stupid shit they saw on TV. For better or worse, with the huge marketing that goes on with sports stars, almost no kid actively chooses based on personality, ethics, or morals, they choose based on popularity, perceived coolness, and desirability of the portrayed lifestyle.

Expecting kids to do any different is futile and bound to fail. Don't want Kobe to be a role model? Don't pay him so much to be good at a game, and wear shoes. If he doesn't want to be a role model, he can at the very least remove himself from promotions, he doesn't need any shoe money at the moment.
Be like Mike was to be like him on the court. Are you seriously saying people were emulating Mike's homophobic slurs, compulsive gambling, or degrading everyone, including members of his own family. They're not choosing based on desirability of portrayed lifestyle, they chose because he would make shots.

What marketing is there for Kobe? Seriously, there are more Lamar Odom commercials out there than there are for Kobe. Adidas, McDonalds, Sprite, Nutella, and all left him in 2003 after the rape trial.

He's paid a lot because the Lakers attribute about $80 million in ticket and TV profit from people that want to watch him play the game, and they want to watch because he often wins. People that are paid a lot are not automatically famous and become "role models"--he's just more famous because he wins. Tracy McGrady, Rashard Lewis (takes drugs and steals money), Gilbert Arenas (brought guns into the locker room), Kevin Garnett (who is king of racist and homophobic slurs) and Jermaine O'Neal (prosecutors wanted to bring charges about raping a 15 year old) were paid similar or more money last year, but there aren't 25 page threads about their controversial actions and how we should think of what the kids on the playground will think.

The NBA really isn't marketed towards kids these days, and anyone that watches knows that they've replaced kid friendly faces like Ahmad Rashad and Summer Sanders with people like Charles Barkley (threw a person through a glass window, an alcoholic and a compulsive gambler, and has made negative remarks towards Europeans and Chinese in the past).

WWE is not a sport and should not be compared to the NBA. WWE intentionally glamorizes people doing stuff they should not do or say at home. The NBA encourages you to play basketball.

Dead Man

Satyamdas said:
I thought we were playing around. :(

You responded to something directed at someone else with:

Honestly, I thought you were breaking my balls about my saying that I don't let words offend me, so I was just playing along. I thought we were bonding. :(

But now I have no idea if you were joking, or serious, or what. You win.
:lol, now I feel bad. I thought we were bonding too, I was breaking your balls about breaking balls. I think we need to drink a virtual beer, and go watch some NBA. :D

Jea Song

Did the right thing
It was the heat of the moment type situation. You think hes the only one that says those words in professional sports? He probably didnt mean it, but lets say he did. Say he is homophobic. Should he be punished for it? I think people are way too sensitive. what does kobes prejudice have to do with the game?

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
Liu Kang Baking A Pie said:
So if Kobe pisses me off during a competition, I can just call him an n-word and say "it's cool, I was just frustrated"?
exactly. he isn't some demon, but that doesn't make it any less offensive and just plain ol' stupid.


Dead Man said:
Yeah, because all the people upset about Kobe's comments want and expect there to be no foul language at all, that sort of fucking shit has no place in sports.... wait.
Some people upset with the comments seem to imply that there shouldn't be any foul language at all:
travisbickle said:
Wayne Rooney received a two match ban for saying "you fuckin' what" at a match that was televised on Sky Sports. Don't know what the fine was, Drogba was fined £30,000 for saying "fuckin' disgrace" about a ref. I don't know about any homophobic or racial slurs, but the FA try to do an anti-something campaign every year so there's probably examples.

Dead Man

numble said:
Some people upset with the comments seem to imply that there shouldn't be any foul language at all:
God, now you are going back pages and defending someone making sarcastic generalisations? What the hell, man?


Dead Man said:
God, now you are going back pages and defending someone making sarcastic generalisations? What the hell, man?
No, it's not related to the discussion with MIMIC, I'm just debating your specific claim. I agree that MIMIC is understating things, but you may be understating things too.

Dead Man

numble said:
No, it's not related to the discussion with MIMIC, I'm just debating your specific claim. I agree that MIMIC is understating things, but you may be understating things too.
So, because European football leagues fine players for swearing (I think both were at officials?), and one person posted that as an example of players being fined for things they may not be in the NBA, all people complaining about this want and expect there to be no swearing in sport? Get the fuck out of here.
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