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Kobe Bryant slinging homophobic slur during nationally televised NBA game

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Black Canada Mafia
Discotheque said:
Anybody post this yet? Lmao, based troll:

Lil B announces new album title "I'm Gay"

edit: most offensive post ever? I'm sorry, if it is I'll take it down. please don't shoot the messenger.

What is he... what is he saying? I don't quite follow - I think it's about feeling secure in your sexuality, but other than that, It's like he's saying 8 different things at once. I feel out of touch


Treefingers said:
Wait so is Lil B gay or not? Not quite sure.

What I think he said in the article is that he isn't gay, but he is calling himself gay because he is comfortable with his sexuality.
Londa said:
What I think he said in the article is that he isn't gay, but he is calling himself gay because he is comfortable with his sexuality.
That's what he's saying, and in all seriousness, I commend him for doing what he's doing. Although Lil B's not much of a rapper, he is highly entertaining in my opinion. He says the most random things and he always manages to either surprise me or make me laugh.


MIMIC said:
This is pointless arguing the use of "nigger" vs. "nigga" with you since you've already described a pretty much unfathomable "real life" scenario where everyone uses the word n-i-g-g-e-r as much as the word "the".

I can't relate to that and I'm not sure many people can.
What is pointless is assuming that you have the ability to follow or engage in a simple discussion.

Me: I hear nigger said a lot for a word that is supposedly the ultimate taboo word.
You: Derp. You're hearing nigga, not nigger. Huge difference.
Me: I know what the fuck I'm hearing, junior.
You: Well context and intent is important. See my stupid Kennel/"Bitch" analogy.
Me: Here is a reason why the word is offensive regardless of intent or context.
You: Pointless to discuss. Unfathomable IRL scenario. I can't relate. Translation: My argument is piss poor so I will use a lame cop out.

MIMIC said:
LOL I even provided a simplified example (jerk vs. asshole) and you completely ignored it in order to somehow trivialize the views and concepts of society as a whole. C'mon.
LOL I even provided a simple question (Where does faggot fall on the offensive scale where nigger is 100?) that would have ended this stupid discussion and YOU completely ignored it. C'mon.

MIMIC said:
No to everything you said.
Stay fucking free.


krypt0nian said:
Do what you want. Has no effect on this issue.
A referee told a player he was being a "little bitch" 2 weeks ago without punishment. This issue is as much about how the NBA picks and chooses who to punish for derogatory slurs as much as anything else being discussed. Andrew Bynum also mouthed the two F words today, but I don't think he'll be getting punished. Like former NBA player John Amaechi said, he heard the word everyday when he was playing; if they were serious about this issue, they would be punishing every occurrence, not just the one made by the player with the most notoriety.
I am surprised this has raised a lot more outrage and controversy from the public than when he signed a 5 million dollar contract with Turkish Airlines...Yep I said it!

I'm kidding, actually I am not surprised at all, because there are obviously a lot more gay people in the world right now than there are people who understand the current outcome of the first genocide of the twentieth century.
EricHasNoPull said:
I am surprised this has raised a lot more outrage and controversy from the public than when he signed a 5 million dollar contract with Turkish Airlines...Yep I said it!

I'm kidding, actually I am not surprised at all, because there are obviously a lot more gay people in the world right now than there are people who understand the current outcome of the first genocide of the twentieth century.
First you quote yourself saying this, then you post it again. Wtf dude?
Satyamdas said:
The word faggot already is as taboo as nigger. People dislike hearing it, and it causes just as much discomfort and awkwardness as hearing someone say nigger in public. But just like nigger is the ultimate taboo word and is still being said every day, so too will faggot be said no matter how taboo the word becomes.
No...where are you from? How can you even believe something so ridiculous?? I've never even heard of faggot being an offense word until the last decade or so, nigger has been offensive for a century.


MWS Natural said:
No...where are you from? How can you even believe something so ridiculous?? I've never even heard of faggot being an offense word until the last decade or so, nigger has been offensive for a century.
Faggot just became an offensive word in the last decade or so? Fucking LOL. Where the fuck are YOU from?

There is no doubt that the word faggot does not have the bloody history and baggage that nigger does, and it never will. But to the average person who does not use either word or who is not around people who use them regularly, they react to either word with disgust and offense. They don't like hearing either of them.

Now, do you want to pretend that we can measure their level of offense upon hearing each word? Nigger is 100 on the offense-o-meter and faggot is 49? Go right ahead. I find that comparison useless and idiotic. The words are both slurs, period.
numble said:
A referee told a player he was being a "little bitch" 2 weeks ago without punishment. This issue is as much about how the NBA picks and chooses who to punish for derogatory slurs as much as anything else being discussed. Andrew Bynum also mouthed the two F words today, but I don't think he'll be getting punished. Like former NBA player John Amaechi said, he heard the word everyday when he was playing; if they were serious about this issue, they would be punishing every occurrence, not just the one made by the player with the most notoriety.

Fuck doesn't put an entire population in a negative light. Fuck doesn't show kids that if youre really mad, you can denegrate a whole minority It would be great if they banned swearing, but I'm more interested in the above issues being dealt with. And now with the increased visibility (you can be certain someone is watching for it now) I think you'll see a constant crackdown and self-filtering. So this will end up having a huge positive effect.


krypt0nian said:
Fuck doesn't put an entire population in a negative light. Fuck doesn't show kids that if youre really mad, you can denegrate a whole minority It would be great if they banned swearing, but I'm more interested in the above issues being dealt with. And now with the increased visibility (you can be certain someone is watching for it now) I think you'll see a constant crackdown and self-filtering. So this will end up having a huge positive effect.
Andrew Bynum said "Fucking Fag" (or faggot).
Satyamdas said:
Faggot just became an offensive word in the last decade or so? Fucking LOL. Where the fuck are YOU from?

There is no doubt that the word faggot does not have the bloody history and baggage that nigger does, and it never will. But to the average person who does not use either word or who is not around people who use them regularly, they react to either word with disgust and offense. They don't like hearing either of them.

Now, do you want to pretend that we can measure their level of offense upon hearing each word? Nigger is 100 on the offense-o-meter and faggot is 49? Go right ahead. I find that comparison useless and idiotic. The words are both slurs, period.
The fact that I find myself agreeing with you on something is honestly blowing my mind.


Gvaz said:
Since when was that anything other than a pejorative comment ?
Do you think a referee should not be punished for calling a player a "little bitch" (he also kicked the player out)?


numble said:
Do you think a referee should not be punished for calling a player a "little bitch" (he also kicked the player out)?
They scream obscenities at each other all the time, people do a lot of things in the heat of anger they don't mean.

As for kicking the player out, he's the ref, you don't fuck with the ref.


Gvaz said:
They scream obscenities at each other all the time, people do a lot of things in the heat of anger they don't mean.

As for kicking the player out, he's the ref, you don't fuck with the ref.
The refs scream obscenities at players all the time?
Gvaz said:
Since when was that anything other than a pejorative comment ?

bitch is offensive to women and since the women civil rights movement is equal to the gay civil right movement which is equal to the blacks rights civil movement, this ref should be fined!


Satyamdas said:
What is pointless is assuming that you have the ability to follow or engage in a simple discussion.

Me: I hear nigger said a lot for a word that is supposedly the ultimate taboo word.
You: Derp. You're hearing nigga, not nigger. Huge difference.
Me: I know what the fuck I'm hearing, junior.
You: Well context and intent is important. See my stupid Kennel/"Bitch" analogy.
Me: Here is a reason why the word is offensive regardless of intent or context.
You: Pointless to discuss. Unfathomable IRL scenario. I can't relate. Translation: My argument is piss poor so I will use a lame cop out.

Let's just leave your "probably hyperbolic beyond recognition" tale alone.

LOL I even provided a simple question (Where does faggot fall on the offensive scale where nigger is 100?) that would have ended this stupid discussion and YOU completely ignored it. C'mon.

Nobody's going to answer your stupid rhetorical question about turning the offensiveness of a word into a point-value system. And if you are serious and want an actual answer, that's even stupider.

In today's society, "nigger" is considered the most offensive word in the English language, more so than "faggot". Look them up and the definitions will tell you the same. You're going to have to find some way to deal with it.

Stay fucking free.

Dead Man was right. You need to calm down.
MWS Natural said:
No...where are you from? How can you even believe something so ridiculous?? I've never even heard of faggot being an offense word until the last decade or so, nigger has been offensive for a century.

Looks like another case of Mercury's Law.

Mercury's Law - Any online discussion of discrimination, violence or bias against gay people will inevitably result in posts that state that said treatment is either not actually happening, not as severe as stated (even if proven otherwise with empirical evidence) or justified by anti-gay perpetrators' cultural and/ or religious beliefs. Furthermore, any and all attempts to even remotely compare the struggle for gay equality to other social movements, especially the civil rights movement, will be met with an extreme indignation that gay people have not suffered enough to earn said comparison. Attempts to contextualize said comparison using the words of Coretta Scott King, the wife of Martin Luther King Jr., who stated on a number of occasions that the two struggles are comparable will be ignored and/ or shouted down. See also: Oppression Olympics

Dead Man

numble said:
The refs scream obscenities at players all the time?
You just got trolled with your own argument. :lol

Treefingers said:
I don't know if this is universal but around where I live at least it was used a lot as just a general insult when someone is being annoying, it had nothing to do with someone being gay. Of course the word can be (and is & was) used in the way you describe but calling someone a faggot doesn't necessarily mean you're a homophobe.
Umm... why do you think it was an insult? Because it is a slur for gay. Just because you didn't know that does not men it did not have that meaning.
Mercury Fred said:
Looks like another case of Mercury's Law.

Mercury's Law - Any online discussion of discrimination, violence or bias against gay people will inevitably result in posts that state that said treatment is either not actually happening, not as severe as stated (even if proven otherwise with empirical evidence) or justified by anti-gay perpetrators' cultural and/ or religious beliefs. Furthermore, any and all attempts to even remotely compare the struggle for gay equality to other social movements, especially the civil rights movement, will be met with an extreme indignation that gay people have not suffered enough to earn said comparison. Attempts to contextualize said comparison using the words of Coretta Scott King, the wife of Martin Luther King Jr., who stated on a number of occasions that the two struggles are comparable will be ignored and/ or shouted down. See also: Oppression Olympics

I love you so fucking hard right now.

Dead Man

numble said:
What is my own argument? I don't think refs should insult players, they are there to referee the game.
People say things when they are angry they may not mean. And it's okay for players to insult refs, but not for refs to insult players?


Dead Man said:
People say things when they are angry they may not mean.
When did I ever argue that?

And it's okay for players to insult refs, but not for refs to insult players?
I've always argued that it's bad both ways but it's worse if refs insult players, and that was the hypothetical Gaborn brought up ("What if the ref insulted Kobe?"). The referee has the ability to control the game, to throw people out and to either call/ignore fouls on/against you. Of course it is worst if the referee has a bias against you.


Mercury Fred said:
See also: Oppression Olympics

THAT is getting old, too.

Since they obviously aren't equal, you have to find a way to get the other side to stop talking about it. And you do, by insinuating that the opposing side is trying to benefit off of atrocities for personal gain.

How to win an argument: get your opponent to stop arguing theirs (or make them feel bad for being right)

Dead Man

numble said:
When did I ever argue that?

I've always argued that it's bad both ways but it's worse if refs insult players, and that was the hypothetical Gaborn brought up ("What if the ref insulted Kobe?"). The referee has the ability to control the game, to throw people out and to either call/ignore fouls on/against you. Of course it is worst if the referee has a bias against you.
You used that as a partial justification pages back. And I guess we fundamentally disagree on the disrespecting thing. I think it is equally bad, and very much so, for players or ref to disrespect either party. The ref can have bias just fine without swearing at you. If anything, swearing at you means he has to act with less bias since he will then be under the spotlight.


MIMIC said:
Nobody's going to answer your stupid rhetorical question about turning the offensiveness of a word into a point-value system. And if you are serious and want an actual answer, that's even stupider.
So what is the fucking point in pointing out that one is "worse" than the other?? What purpose does pointing out that nigger is "more" offensive than faggot serve?

MIMIC said:
In today's society, "nigger" is considered the most offensive word in the English language, more so than "faggot". Look them up and the definitions will tell you the same. You're going to have to find some way to deal with it.
I've already found a way to deal with it. It's called not giving a fuck.

MIMIC said:
Dead Man was right. You need to calm down.
I'm perfectly calm, dude.



Dead Man said:
You used that as a partial justification pages back. And I guess we fundamentally disagree on the disrespecting thing. I think it is equally bad, and very much so, for players or ref to disrespect either party. The ref can have bias just fine without swearing at you. If anything, swearing at you means he has to act with less bias since he will then be under the spotlight.
What partial justification? I've never justified Kobe's actions. I've placed them in light of other NBA punishments, how the NBA has punished taunting, physical altercations, criminal convictions, etc. and compared the level of punishment to give context to reasons why I don't agree with the calls for half a million dollars (and more) fines.

And I've also argued that people are not going after other similarly situated perpetrators with the same vigor.

I agree that it is bad for players to disrespect refs, and I've said in past pages that there is a structured discipline system of technical fouls (which carry mandatory fines) and the league office can add additional fines, but they've never suspended a player for arguing with a ref, or insulting a ref, or even talking to oneself on the bench about a ref, only if there is an actual physical confrontation.

The referee can punish you on the spot for insulting him. The player can only appeal to the league after the game is over, after you've probably been ejected.

What spotlight is there on referee actions? The former referee Tim Donaghy (who was convicted in 2008 of fixing games with the mafia) wrote an entire book on how he was able to fix games and demonstrate bias towards certain players.

The refs are 1-inch tall on the screen when you're watching them, you don't know what they say until the players talk to reporters after the game. It's laughable that you think a referee that goes around directly insulting players is going to act with less bias.
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