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Kobe Bryant slinging homophobic slur during nationally televised NBA game

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Ollie Pooch

In a perfect world, we'd all be homersexual
Snuggler said:
I think he's just referring to the fact that even a word like "rape" is used in an unconventional manner these days. The most obvious example being (sigh) gamers, who will often use the term "rape" to describe how much better they did than the other team.

"we totally raped you bros last round"
Oh, yup. I figured he meant something like that but wasn't sure.


faggot not only asserts that you are a homosexual, it also pushes the idea that you are weak, and in general unmanly

and what straight self-conscious teenager wants to be told he is homosexual, unmanly, weak and feminine in front of his peers?

it still means you are a homosexual, but I do think its evolved with other negative connotations over the years

my 2 cents anyways


erotic butter maelstrom
In my experience, with high school, life beyond and Xbox Live, it's typically just a word used to put someone down, much like idiot, loser and noob. It's usually not a jab at someone's sexuality, since it's often unrelated to their situation. It's just an insult. So in this case, it's pretty clear that Kobe wasn't so much trying to insult someone's sexuality as he was letting juvenile words slip out. But I guess this thread is probably long past that.

Doesn't change the fact that it's a shameful word to use, and that it pretty much makes the user look like a seriously backwards motherfucker. I still hear people say it fairly often, often in the same way as Kobe used it, but it's usually a good sign that the person isn't really worth listening to. I rarely have come across a person who (unironically) uses the word without being a ignorant fool.


ZephyrFate said:
I'm pretty sure none of those have ever been slurs. Do you... even know what a slur means?

Lame referenced people unable to walk or difficulty; now means unfavorable
Dumb referenced people who were unable to speak; now means lack of intelligence (pejoratively).
Spaz referenced the spastic nature of people with Cerebral Palsy; now means clumsy or overly excited
Freak always negatively referenced people with genetic mutations and now more generally means something unnatural.

Whether they were slurs or simply references makes no difference. They were used to identify people and now are used as insults or negative language.

"Gay" isn't a slur but you still have a problem when people use THAT to mean "stupid or dumb", right?


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
fuzzyreactor said:
big whoop, he is a basketball player not a politician. I doubt he is even saying it as a direct attack at homosexuality.

some people are far too over sensitive, how do you even make it through the day if you're upset by crap like this.

I don't spend my day around homophobic scum like that basket ball player is.
Okay. Can you guys just stop being faggots and niggers and end this thread?

It's a never ending spiral of pointless debate. Neither side wants to give in. I commend a few of you for dropping valid points, but at this point it's ridiculous.


Jenga said:
faggot not only asserts that you are a homosexual, it also pushes the idea that you are weak, and in general unmanly

and what straight self-conscious teenager wants to be told he is homosexual, unmanly, weak and feminine in front of his peers?

it still means you are a homosexual, but I do think its evolved with other negative connotations over the years

my 2 cents anyways

The problem is that the REASON it has evolved the "other negative connotations" is because they were (and in many cases still ARE) stereotypically associated with gay men. Gay men are perceived by some people to be "unmanly, weak and feminine" which is CERTAINLY nowhere near universally true.
I think the percentage of people using the word faggot as a derogatory slur towards homosexuals decreases with each age group. That being said, I don't foresee the word being used any less in the coming years.

The result? See relevant South Park episode


MIMIC said:
We've been through this.

Double-meaning, evolution of language, blah blah.....you refuse to accept it, and here we are.

You make this asinine "language changed!" argument as though the mere fact that faggot is used both as a slur and a general insult (because of its use as a slur) means, according to you, that A) it has no longer has anything to do with the slur (which is bullshit, and nothing more than barely-plausible deniability for bigots, B) that instead of calling bullshit every time someone decides to use faggot, we should just get used to it.

Why do you have such a vested interest in getting us to accept faggot as an acceptable part of people's vocabulary? The only reason I can think of is that it's an integral part of your vocabulary. So if that's not it, what is it?


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
People defending the usage of some derogatory terms is asinine in my opinion.

Also the evolution of language argument is pretty much bullshit in my opinion.


ndiicm said:
If everyone were gay wouldn't the human race come to an end?

The gays should be thankful for us breeders that provide the next generation of gays.

I call it 'Circle of Life'


ndiicm said:
If everyone were gay wouldn't the human race come to an end?

Yes, without artificial methods and donor genetic content.

It's also sad, that a 1 person in a gay couple is left out of the genetic mix of reproduction, even with artificial means.

I think the world is okay though, there are enough (too many) people reproducing naturally.


Zeliard said:
Where should they go? Back to Africa?

You know that place called uh Gay Island or something. We put em all on an Island called Gay Island then leave them there with no food or anything. Problem solves itself. I should fucking be president I swear.


Gamer98 said:
You know that place called uh Gay Island or something. We put em all on an Island called Gay Island then leave them there with no food or anything. Problem solves itself. I should fucking be president I swear.

Its funny how people are taking you serious, because they want to flame someone.
The "language changes" argument is valid - phrases do change in meaning, often. Nigger/nigga is a good example. But MIMIC, a white person saying nigger or nigga is still out of bounds regardless of changes in language, correct? Likewise a straight person saying "fag/faggot" is going to be out of bounds. I don't see why that's a hard concept to grasp.

Reminds me of white people complaining they can't say the n word.


PhoenixDark said:
The "language changes" argument is valid - phrases do change in meaning, often. Nigger/nigga is a good example. But MIMIC, a white person saying nigger or nigga is still out of bounds regardless of changes in language, correct? Likewise a straight person saying "fag/faggot" is going to be out of bounds. I don't see why that's a hard concept to grasp.

Reminds me of white people complaining they can't say the n word.

Id be pissed to If I made up a word then wasn't allowed to used it all of a sudden.
Gamer98 said:
Id be pissed to If I made up a word then wasn't allowed to used it all of a sudden.

Personally I've always joked with friends/family (to their dismay) that white people should simply take the word back en masse. Just every white person everywhere, on the news to at church to at work etc so the backlash from Sharpton and Jackson becomes irrelevant.
PhoenixDark said:
Personally I've always joked with friends/family (to their dismay) that white people should simply take the word back in mass. Just every white person everywhere, on the news to at church to at work etc so the backlash from Sharpton and Jackson becomes irrelevant.

Why in church of all places?

PhoenixDark said:
The "language changes" argument is valid - phrases do change in meaning, often. Nigger/nigga is a good example. But MIMIC, a white person saying nigger or nigga is still out of bounds regardless of changes in language, correct? Likewise a straight person saying "fag/faggot" is going to be out of bounds. I don't see why that's a hard concept to grasp.

Reminds me of white people complaining they can't say the n word.

White people say nigga all the time. The only people that get pissed off about is are black guys you'd describe as niggas.
At least where I live it's that way.


Its not illegal to say the N word. But if everyone says it how will black people know who the frendlies are among the white peeps?

Slavery really wasn't that long ago. Maybe in 800 more years when everyone is allowed a fair education and equal opportunities. It will be a big joke. People will sit around together and joke about how dumb their ancestors were. Will joke about the growing pains of human societies.



PhoenixDark said:
Personally I've always joked with friends/family (to their dismay) that white people should simply take the word back in mass. Just every white person everywhere, on the news to at church to at work etc so the backlash from Sharpton and Jackson becomes irrelevant.

Lol wouldn't that be some shit. I'm black and all for them taking the word back. I like calling people NEGROIDS.
supabrett said:
White people say nigga all the time. The only people that get pissed off about is are black guys you'd describe as niggas.
At least where I live it's that way.

Dunno where you're from, but around here a white person saying nigga is an invitation to a beat down. I'm not defending violence, but that's what would happen.


ZephyrFate said:
I'm just waiting for you to get kicked off of NeoGAF.

I'm waiting on this thread to get kicked off. Nobody can have a real conversation anymore its been done to death should of been locked about oh I dunno 19 pages ago.
Gamer98 said:
I'm waiting on this thread to get kicked off. Nobody can have a real conversation anymore its been done to death should of been locked about oh I dunno 19 pages ago.
On the other hand, we could just put you on Gay Island to be molested by hordes of horny men.


ZephyrFate said:
On the other hand, we could just put you on Gay Island to be molested by hordes of horny men.

Bro I'm all ready there they call me the Gay keeper I make sure they dont get off the island once they get here. Hard fucking job they keep building boats and I keep having to burn them.
Gamer98 said:
Bro I'm all ready there they call me the Gay keeper I make sure they dont get off the island once they get here. Hard fucking job they keep building boats and I keep having to burn them.

Sounds like the ending of Lost


Gamer98 said:
Bro I'm all ready there they call me the Gay keeper I make sure they dont get off the island once they get here. Hard fucking job they keep building boats and I keep having to burn them.
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