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Kobe Bryant slinging homophobic slur during nationally televised NBA game

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Dead Man said:
THAT is the point though. It is only used as a general insult because being gay is perceived as being wrong. Hence, it is still pretty offensive.

Well, that can be debated. "Wrong" obviously has stronger connotations than "irregular", or "different" or "unusual"....but it bore an insult, nonetheless. Who's to say WHICH connotation bore the insult?

As for the negative perception of gay, I mean, the opposite of gay is.....straight, and the dictionary defines something straight as "free of irregularities" (and other positive traits, like "proper").

......which would lead one to believe that something that isn't free of irregularities is, well, irregular...leading to something unwanted, leading to the insult.
MIMIC said:
Well, that can be debated. "Wrong" obviously has stronger connotations than "irregular", or "different" or "unusual"....but it bore an insult, nonetheless. Who's to say WHICH connotation bore the insult?

As for the negative perception of gay, I mean, the opposite of gay is.....straight, and the dictionary defines something straight as "free of irregularities" (and other positive traits, like "proper").

......which would lead one to believe that something that isn't free of irregularities is, well, irregular...leading to something unwanted, leading to the insult.

what the hell?!!?!

Your use of the dictionary is bizzarre to say the least, you come off as a weirdo with real issues about homosexuality.


Let it go! Kobe was fined a ton of dollars, he is talking to Glad, and he apologized. What else is this thread for?


travisbickle said:
what the hell?!!?!

Your use of the dictionary is bizzarre to say the least, you come off as a weirdo with real issues about homosexuality.

LOL ok


Synonyms: direct, linear, right, straightaway, straightforward

Antonyms: bad, black, dishonest, dishonorable, evil, evil-minded, immoral, indecent, sinful, unethical, unrighteous, wicked, wrong

You seriously don't see the connection between labeling heterosexuality as "straight"--and all of the positive association with the word straight--given the past climate?

I'm just (hopefully) providing some insight as to how and why "gay" and "fag" turned into insults.
The word "gay" in regards to homosexuality comes from the 1930s when people, particularly in showbusiness, would use words to cover up their sexual orientation. The word gay at the time was a term for happy, light-hearted etc... a good word to use for someone who was living the life they wanted to even though at the time it was illegal.

The opposite of "straight" is "bent", they are both slang terms for sexuality, and I agree that bent has negative connotations because they were words created to show the negativity of being gay.

Gay is a word with no negative connotations in its origin, just that parts of society believe being gay is a bad thing and they use it as an insult, to insinuate someones sexuality.


Londa said:
Let it go! Kobe was fined a ton of dollars, he is talking to Glad, and he apologized. What else is this thread for?

I didn't know that GAF has a new owner.

Oh wait...

Who the hell are you telling others what they can or can not discuss?! Besides, what do you care? Are you Kobe's PR manager or something? His ichi-ban/numero uno/bestest fan?


Replicant said:
I didn't know that GAF has a new owner.

Oh wait...

Who the hell are you telling others what they can or can not discuss?! Besides, what do you care? Are you Kobe's PR manager or something? His ichi-ban/numero uno/bestest fan?

lmao, this thread continues to get more and more pathetic.

Gaf's owner wouldn't even post in here, he would just kill it without any explanation.


Londa said:
lmao, this thread continues to get more and more pathetic.

The only one who is pathetic is you.

Gaf's owner wouldn't even post in here, he would just kill it without any explanation.

LOL. You can read other people's mind too?

Here's a suggestion: if you don't like a thread, don't come in. If you can't handle an argument, then don't post on public message board. So, how do you like being told what to do?

Dead Man

MIMIC said:
Well, that can be debated. "Wrong" obviously has stronger connotations than "irregular", or "different" or "unusual"....but it bore an insult, nonetheless. Who's to say WHICH connotation bore the insult?

As for the negative perception of gay, I mean, the opposite of gay is.....straight, and the dictionary defines something straight as "free of irregularities" (and other positive traits, like "proper").

......which would lead one to believe that something that isn't free of irregularities is, well, irregular...leading to something unwanted, leading to the insult.
I don't really know what to say to this. Either you think being different is reason enough to be insulted, or you actually think being gay is bad. Or I guess you could be a moron acting obtuse for the sake of trolling. I don't know which would be worse.


Replicant said:
The only one who is pathetic is you.

LOL. You can read other people's mind too?

Here's a suggestion: if you don't like a thread, don't come in. If you can't handle an argument, then don't post on public message board. So, how do you like being told what to do?

to show such hostility to one post and to get so much out of someone asking what else is there to talk about after the situation has be resolves. Concludes that you are not only pathetic but petty and sad. Your next post will be more insults and you saying you aren't upset, or mad, but that you are calm. In we everyone knows you are lying.

Notice how you have barely joined the conversation just only randomly attack people. At least I have joined in the conversation but have decided that its pointless because everyone is talking themselves into a circle.


Londa said:
to show such hostility to one post and to get so much out of someone asking what else is there to talk about after the situation has be resolves. Concludes that you are not only pathetic but petty and sad. Your next post will be more insults and you saying you aren't upset, or mad, but that you are calm. In we everyone knows you are lying.

Unlike you, I actually try to read what others have said. And I know you have nothing to contribute to this thread. Everyone else have pointed out the same thing.

And this is why you should not make any assumption about other person. The truth is I'm a vengeful person. That's right. That much I admit freely. In fact, at this very moment I'm marking you on my shit list.

Londa said:
Notice how you have barely joined the conversation just only randomly attack people. At least I have joined in the conversation but have decided that its pointless because everyone is talking themselves into a circle.

More like you can't argue your way out of the fact that Kobe really did use a word that was offensive to some so you prance around demanding that everyone stop talking about it. Let's face it, the fact that Kobe got fined and being put on the spot by the media shows that many people think that it's not okay that he said those words.


Dead Man said:
That's true, but they have not taken a new meaning, they have stoped being used. They are still a slur, just not a very well known one. What I mean is a word like kike, or faggot, or something that is still used, but no longer has the meaning of the original slur.

Dead Man said:
If people are making the argument that calling someone a faggot as in insult can be done independent of it's meaning as a slur for gay, they need to be able to demonstrate that it no longer has that meaning. Otherwise it is a case of a specific insult being generalised. If people thought there was no negative connotation to being gay, why would a word that mean that become a generalised insult?

The onus is very much on the people making that claim to demonstrate either evidence of that claim, which is almost impossible, or at least fine an analogous situation.

Yeah, lame got another meaning AS WELL. It did not stop meaning being unable to walk, and the reason it is a generalised insult is because being unable to walk is a negative characteristic. I don't think a word like lame has been used as a slur against a particular group, wither. It was as descriptive word for a condition, that became a generalised insult. Before that, it was what you called people that could not walk. It was the polite word for it, too. So I don't think it shares very much similarity with what people are claiming for faggot, which has never been the polite word for gay, is still frequently used a pejorative for gay, and even if the person did not mean it as a label for someone being gay, still is used to associate a neutral condition (being gay) as an insult. It's as if people were trying to 'ginger' (an insult for red headedness, mainly in the UK and Australia) now also was a general insult, but it was not due to it's earlier use as insult for red headedness. It is far more likely that if a specific slur becomes broadened, it is not due to losing it's meaning, but that that meaning is considered a negative, and hence becomes an insult in itself.

Edit: Look, I guess what I'm saying is that you cannot say faggot is not offensive, until it's not offensive. If many people find it offensive, it is. I can't just decide to call everyone who is ugly a kike, and expect people to know that I am making now insult against Jewish people. Even if my friends knew that was how I was using the word, Jewish people would be right to look at my motivations for picking the word kike very carefully.

That's true, but they have not taken a new meaning, they have stoped being used. They are still a slur, just not a very well known one

You seem to just be coming up with the most ridiculous requirements to your scenarios. Someone gives you a list, not good enough, someone gives you a word, not good enough, someone gives you another word, not good enough.

So sad.. Guys its just a waste of time, people who feel targeted will never see things in alternate point of view no matter how much you agree with them already.


Replicant said:
Unlike you, I actually try to read what others have said. And I know you have nothing to contribute to this thread. Everyone else have pointed out the same thing.

And this is why you should not make any assumption about other person. The truth is I'm a vengeful person. That's right. That much I admit freely. In fact, at this very moment I'm marking you on my shit list.

Yes, you read into what people are saying by adding extra things that aren't what the person really said. Yes I don't do that, because I don't take shit to heart like you do.

I don't assume anything, wasn't it you that started the assumptions to begin with?

Tell that to someone who actually cares about petty, pathetic, and sad individuals who hide behind the computer acting tough. I wonder how vengeful you are outside of a forum? lol so sad.

Come be vengeful in pm. lol

More like you can't argue your way out of the fact that Kobe really did use a word that was offensive to some so you prance around demanding that everyone stop talking about it. Let's face it, the fact that Kobe got fined and being put on the spot by the media shows that many people think that it's not okay that he said those words.

No I never said he didn't really use a gay slur. Someone said that fag can only apply to gay people. I said that fag can also be a cig. My point wasn't that Kobe didn't use a gay slur. There you go, reading into things again.

Dead Man

oneHeero said:
You seem to just be coming up with the most ridiculous requirements to your scenarios. Someone gives you a list, not good enough, someone gives you a word, not good enough, someone gives you another word, not good enough.

So sad.. Guys its just a waste of time, people who feel targeted will never see things in alternate point of view no matter how much you agree with them already.
Find me a word that started out as a slur and is now not considered one. That was my only requirement. Faggot started as a slur, not a medical condition. Homosexuality may have been considered as such, but the medical term was never faggot. So find me a word, like kike, or nigger, or ginger, or beaner, or any other genuine slur (not just an insult) that no longer carries that meaning. I would love to find one, because it would mean that maybe people aren't as casually hateful as I feel they are.

It is still the same question I posed pages back. Just because people don't know the difference between a slur and an insult does not mean I have changed the question.

But since you seem to have the answers, what's your example of a word that has actually evolved in the same manner as some posters have tried to claim for the word faggot?


Londa said:
Tell that to someone who actually cares about petty, pathetic, and sad individuals who hide behind the computer acting tough.

So you admit that you're just trolling the thread then?

Londa said:
Come be vengeful in pm. lol

Err, Why would I want to PM anyone that I don't consider friend? Just like someone else said, you really are dumb or your logic is not really that of Earth logic.

Londa said:
No I never said he didn't really use a gay slur. Someone said that fag can only apply to gay people. I said that fag can also be a cig. My point wasn't that Kobe didn't use a gay slur.

Kobe, in case you haven't noticed, is not a Brit. Fag is only cigarette in that part of the world. He did use gay slur, the only reason someone he would use 'gay' as an offensive language is because he knows it'd demean the person he insults.

oneHeero said:
So sad.. Guys its just a waste of time, people who feel targeted will never see things in alternate point of view no matter how much you agree with them already.

Unless you've been in the position where you've been targeted by anti-gay sentiments, of course, you won't be able to understand it. So pray and hope that your family or friends do not turn out to be gay and got treated similarly. But if they do, maybe, just maybe you'll understand why the word actually hurts gay people.


Replicant said:
So you admit that you're just trolling the thread then?

Why would I want to PM anyone that I don't consider friend? Just like someone else said, you really are dumb or your logic is not really that of Earth logic.

Unless you've been in the position where you've been targeted by anti-gay sentiments, of course, you won't be able to understand it. So pray and hope that your family or friends do not turn out to be gay and got treated similarly. But if they do, maybe, just maybe you'll understand why the word actually hurts gay people.
O yes, cuz god forbid being mexican excludes me from being targeted one way or another. go preach your "gays are treated worse" to someone else. It's quite pathetic that instead of reading through a lot of my post you pick this one and assume I'm anti gay or have no experience with gay people. Pathetic.

Find me a word that started out as a slur and is now not considered one. That was my only requirement. Faggot started as a slur, not a medical condition. Homosexuality may have been considered as such, but the medical term was never faggot. So find me a word, like kike, or nigger, or ginger, or beaner, or any other genuine slur (not just an insult) that no longer carries that meaning. I would love to find one, because it would mean that maybe people aren't as casually hateful as I feel they are.

It is still the same question I posed pages back. Just because people don't know the difference between a slur and an insult does not mean I have changed the question.

But since you seem to have the answers, what's your example of a word that has actually evolved in the same manner as some posters have tried to claim for the word faggot?

The problem with this is that you feel people are just trying to give other ppl who use faggot a free pass when no one is doing that. People have given you tons of examples as to where words have double meanings and context should always be considered. No one denys the OBVIOUS fact that faggot comes from a negative connotation and that remains to be the same origination. Just that faggot also can mean a different type of negative insult. It remains that it originally derived from homosexuality but doesnt neccesarily mean the person using the word is considering the origination of the word but using the word faggot under the meaning they are use to using it for now (lame/annoying/etc) Does it make it right? fuck no, and if people choose to use such words, should they at least respect the same boundaries people respect with the word nigger/nigga being used? fuck ya. I dont care who knows it, I use both words. I'm not some saint and aint gonna put a front on Gaf like a large amount of people in this thread do. I like to think I have enough respect not to use it in a scenario where it will directly affect a gay person or black person (or any other insults I use) despite the immaturity I portray for using it in the firstplace. We are all a bit of a hypocrite. I may use it inapproprioate words when around my ghetto part of my life (I come from the ghetto) but that doesnt overlap to my professional life or how I am in public surroundings I just tend to use ANY offensive words when around certains friends cuz I feel comfortable saying anything and everything that may be funny to me at the time and know that the people around me are going to be offended by it.. I'm glad you dont use those words but we all grow up in different evironments where some words mean more to others and some mean less to others and while neither scenario makes one or the other ok, it happens and we as people nee dto understand that and need to learn how to react to it more appropriately vs trying to crucify ppl for it. Does cocksucker have 2 different types of insults? If I called someone a cocksucker am I implying they are gay and like dick therefor I'm anti-gay? Or am I simply referring to the person being some girl who sucks dick?

So I guess this means I'll be plastered as anti-gay despite having tons of gay/black friends etc. I must just be a closet bigot like everyone else. Was I the only one thinking of the N word when you see the videos posted from WSHH? Really? I mean come on, I dont go on replying that's what I think, because I dont need to be offensive to anyone despite being on the internet. But I was express my disgust to them (the videos calm down lol :p).

I am not anti-gay and believe in equal rights, I just dont always agree with the way some people approach it, especially on Gaf. But that goes for every freaken subject discussion we have on gaf. It shouldnt imply people are against something or dont understand how it feels etc. We all have been discriminated. Shit a lot of times I think white ppl have it hard in a funny way since they have to walk on egg shells the most lol


Replicant said:
So you admit that you're just trolling the thread then?

Why would I want to PM anyone that I don't consider friend? Just like someone else said, you really are dumb or your logic is not really that of Earth logic.

Unless you've been in the position where you've been targeted by anti-gay sentiments, of course, you won't be able to understand it. So pray and hope that your family or friends do not turn out to be gay and got treated similarly. But if they do, maybe, just maybe you'll understand why the word actually hurts gay people.

Oh, the tough act was a lie. Not letting petty people who hide behind the internet bother me isn't trolling its smart.

See I don't have a shit list. I have a ignore list. That I only look at when I add people to it. Ignore list is wonderful and does all that I need to be done on these forums.


oneHeero said:
O yes, cuz god forbid being mexican excludes me from being targeted one way or another. go preach your "gays are treated worse" to someone else.

Because being another race is similar to being gay, right? Just FYI, I'm also a minority but in these day and age, I rarely receive any mistreatment due to my race. But all a person need is to just tell someone that he/she is gay, and they'd be disadvantaged in many ways, especially in some workplaces (sport/showbiz related) and some might get attacked because of it.

oneHeero said:
It's quite pathetic that instead of reading through a lot of my post you pick this one and assume I'm anti gay or have no experience with gay people. Pathetic.

Oh so now you have experience with gay people. Do tell which member of your family is gay? Or is it your neighbor? Your friend?

Londa said:
See I don't have a shit list. I have a ignore list. That I only look at when I add people to it. Ignore list is wonderful and does all that I need to be done on these forums.

Ignore list is for cowards who can't argue their way out of the paperbag. But I can see why you'd use it though.


This thread sucks. It's so fucking long, with people just saying how persecuted they feel, "A man said faggot under his breathe, and a camera caught him, he hurt me!". Or worse, why can't they call someone a nigger now.

Fuck all of you.


MaddenNFL64 said:
This thread sucks. It's so fucking long, with people just saying how persecuted they feel, "A man said faggot under his breathe, and a camera caught him, he hurt me!". Or worse, why can't they call someone a nigger now.

Fuck all of you.
I cannot imagine what it is about this discussion that inspires this level of blanket animosity and anger.


Replicant said:
Because being another race is similar to being gay, right? Just FYI, I'm also a minority but in these day and age, I rarely receive any mistreatment due to my race. But all a person need is to just tell someone that he/she is gay, and they'd be disadvantaged in many ways, especially in some workplaces (sport/showbiz related) and some might get attacked because of it.

Oh so now you have experience with gay people. Do tell which member of your family is gay? Or is it your neighbor? Your friend?

Ignore list is for cowards who can't argue their way out of the paperbag. But I can see why you'd use it though.

Ignore list is for people that don't want to waste energy on lowlifes who hide behind a computer acting tough. Who wouldn't say shit to you in person.

Go use your petty shit list. aka: Hide behind computer courage.


Londa said:
Ignore list is for people that don't want to waste energy on lowlifes who hide behind a computer acting tough. Who wouldn't say shit to you in person.

And here you are, still replying to me in RAAAAGE. Why don't you use your beautiful ignore list and ignore me already? Meanwhile, I'd continue making fun of you. :)


Replicant said:
And here you are, still replying to me in RAAAAGE. Why don't you use your beautiful ignore list and ignore me already? Meanwhile, I'd continue making fun of you.

You seem more emotional than anyone here. But its ok. Tell yourself whatever you like to hear. This shit list must be more worse than this? It fails XD

I would laugh at you, but you come off so pathetic that I have to just feel sorry for you. Its ok, you will become better one day.


Replicant said:
Because being another race is similar to being gay, right? Just FYI, I'm also a minority but in these day and age, I rarely receive any mistreatment due to my race. But all a person need is to just tell someone that he/she is gay, and they'd be disadvantaged in many ways, especially in some workplaces (sport/showbiz related) and some might get attacked because of it.
So now there is a degree as to which situation is worse? Being gay or being a certain race? gtfo with that shit.

Oh so now you have experience with gay people. Do tell which member of your family is gay? Or is it your neighbor? Your friend?
O yes let me just sit here and make up all the relationships to prove my point, that's really going to get us somewhere. wtf are you going to say when I name people? such a pointless request.

Ignore list is for cowards who can't argue their way out of the paperbag. But I can see why you'd use it though.
You should be one to talk, your way or arguing is pretty weaksauce lol

Dead Man

oneHeero said:
O yes, cuz god forbid being mexican excludes me from being targeted one way or another. go preach your "gays are treated worse" to someone else. It's quite pathetic that instead of reading through a lot of my post you pick this one and assume I'm anti gay or have no experience with gay people. Pathetic.

The problem with this is that you feel people are just trying to give other ppl who use faggot a free pass when no one is doing that. People have given you tons of examples as to where words have double meanings and context should always be considered. No one denys the OBVIOUS fact that faggot comes from a negative connotation and that remains to be the same origination. Just that faggot also can mean a different type of negative insult. It remains that it originally derived from homosexuality but doesnt neccesarily mean the person using the word is considering the origination of the word but using the word faggot under the meaning they are use to using it for now (lame/annoying/etc) Does it make it right? fuck no, and if people choose to use such words, should they at least respect the same boundaries people respect with the word nigger/nigga being used? fuck ya. I dont care who knows it, I use both words. I'm not some saint and aint gonna put a front on Gaf like a large amount of people in this thread do. I like to think I have enough respect not to use it in a scenario where it will directly affect a gay person or black person (or any other insults I use) despite the immaturity I portray for using it in the firstplace. We are all a bit of a hypocrite. I may use it inapproprioate words when around my ghetto part of my life (I come from the ghetto) but that doesnt overlap to my professional life or how I am in public surroundings I just tend to use ANY offensive words when around certains friends cuz I feel comfortable saying anything and everything that may be funny to me at the time and know that the people around me are going to be offended by it.. I'm glad you dont use those words but we all grow up in different evironments where some words mean more to others and some mean less to others and while neither scenario makes one or the other ok, it happens and we as people nee dto understand that and need to learn how to react to it more appropriately vs trying to crucify ppl for it. Does cocksucker have 2 different types of insults? If I called someone a cocksucker am I implying they are gay and like dick therefor I'm anti-gay? Or am I simply referring to the person being some girl who sucks dick?

So I guess this means I'll be plastered as anti-gay despite having tons of gay/black friends etc. I must just be a closet bigot like everyone else. Was I the only one thinking of the N word when you see the videos posted from WSHH? Really? I mean come on, I dont go on replying that's what I think, because I dont need to be offensive to anyone despite being on the internet. But I was express my disgust to them (the videos calm down lol :p).

I am not anti-gay and believe in equal rights, I just dont always agree with the way some people approach it, especially on Gaf. But that goes for every freaken subject discussion we have on gaf. It shouldnt imply people are against something or dont understand how it feels etc. We all have been discriminated. Shit a lot of times I think white ppl have it hard in a funny way since they have to walk on egg shells the most lol
What is so hard to understand about this? I am not looking for a double meaning. Lots of words, including faggot, have more than one meaning. Posters in this thread said the word was an insult separate from it's meaning as a gay slur, I have been trying to show that is not how it works. The only reason faggot is used as a general insult is because people associate the qualities of faggotry with negativity, as MIMIC as admirably demonstrated. But you go ahead there. It is amusing to me that people most outraged in this thread are those saying there is nothing to be outraged about.

SmokyDave said:
I cannot imagine what it is about this discussion that inspires this level of blanket animosity and anger.
I think it's just that everyone wants to be fabulous, but not every one can be. Jealousy is a bitch. ;)


SmokyDave said:
Come on, let's not degenerate into shit-flinging monkeys. If there's nothing more to say, say nothing more.

I agree, if Kobe apologized, paid a fine, and is working with Glad. What else does he need to do?


SmokyDave said:
I cannot imagine what it is about this discussion that inspires this level of blanket animosity and anger.
It couldnt possibly be the fact that this has gone on for 29pages with the same arguments being used over and over again right? Continue being naive or continue to act like your to dumb to make the connection.


Londa said:
You seem more emotional than anyone here. But its ok. Tell yourself whatever you like to hear. This shit list must be more worse than this? It fails XD

Hmm, I guess that ignore list of yours is not working, eh? Or are you just hypocrite who don't follow her word?

And I have reason to be emotional. It's my sexuality we're talking about. You, on the other hand, is bitter because some lame basketball player got fined a hefty million dollars. You can't take that and demanded that the thread be closed then pretended that you can read Evilore's mind.

OneHeero said:
So now there is a degree as to which situation is worse? Being gay or being a certain race? gtfo with that shit.

Huh? Different minorities have their own individual difficulties in society. Who can properly say that one is more worse than the other? I'm just telling you in my experience, being gay is far harder than being a certain race. Especially in this moment in time.

OneHeero said:
O yes let me just sit here and make up all the relationships to prove my point, that's really going to get us somewhere. wtf are you going to say when I name people? such a pointless request.

Hmm, you can't even describe about how your gay friend/sister/neighbor is like? What difficulty have they faced? When did they come out? How did you end up knowing that they're gay? Considering how insensitive you are, I wonder why they'd even come out to you in the first place. For most gay people, they'd only come out to people they trust the most. Why would they want to come out to someone who flings the word "You're gay" like insults?


Londa said:
I agree, if Kobe apologized, paid a fine, and is working with Glad. What else does he need to do?
I don't want to argue with you (or anyone else!) about this, but at this point, the topic has very little to do with the Kobe incident specifically. It's more about the legitimacy of the offence caused by certain slurs. I think the arguments for why the slur causes offence have been put across multiple times, sometimes very eloquently, and yet there are still people that cannot or will not understand that point of view. Given that there isn't really any point or merit in arguing in favour of using slurs, I'd say this turkey was pretty much roasted.

oneHeero said:
It couldnt possibly be the fact that this has gone on for 29pages with the same arguments being used over and over again right? Continue being naive or continue to act like your to dumb to make the connection.
Unless you had specific plans for the few bits and bytes that this topic occupies, I fail to see your point. You know you don't have to participate in this thread, right?

Also, if you're slinging around 'dumb', allow me to give you the pieces missing from your jigsaw: 'You're', 'Too'. Use them, they're your friends.


Londa said:
I agree, if Kobe apologized, paid a fine, and is working with Glad. What else does he need to do?
Quadruple the fine, dont appeal it regardless of protocols within the players union, be suspended for several games, and apologize using the words "im sorry" and be serious about it. But not to serious cuz then people think its fake.

What is so hard to understand about this? I am not looking for a double meaning. Lots of words, including faggot, have more than one meaning. Posters in this thread said the word was an insult separate from it's meaning as a gay slur, I have been trying to show that is not how it works. The only reason faggot is used as a general insult is because people associate the qualities of faggotry with negativity, as MIMIC as admirably demonstrated. But you go ahead there. It is amusing to me that people most outraged in this thread are those saying there is nothing to be outraged about.
Your impossible to have a discussion with. Kinda help proves my point within my personal thoughts.

I think it's just that everyone wants to be fabulous, but not every one can be. Jealousy is a bitch. ;)

Yup, thought so.


Replicant said:
Hmm, I guess that ignore list of yours is not working, eh? Or are you just hypocrite who don't follow her word?

And I have reason to be emotional. It's my sexuality we're talking about. You, on the other hand, is bitter because some lame basketball player got fined a hefty million dollars. You can't take that and demanded that the thread be closed then pretended that you can read Evilore's mind.

Trust me, I use it plently. Just haven't added you. Its like you are begging me to add you so you can act tough and say. "lol she ran away cause I was too internet thug for her". SO SAD. Why asked to be ignored because you continue to look pathetic with every post? LOL

Actually I don't follow sports at all. I don't like Kobe, or even care for him. I just want this pointless flame war would go away. Everyone is talking in circles, and it doesn't mean I'm trying to be the forum owner by wanting this to die.

SmokyDave said:
I don't want to argue with you (or anyone else!) about this, but at this point, the topic has very little to do with the Kobe incident specifically. It's more about the legitimacy of the offence caused by certain slurs. I think the arguments for why the slur causes offence have been put across multiple times, sometimes very eloquently, and yet there are still people that cannot or will not understand that point of view. Given that there isn't really any point or merit in arguing in favour of using slurs, I'd say this turkey was pretty much roasted.

Unless you had specific plans for the few bits and bytes that this topic occupies, I fail to see your point. You know you don't have to participate in this thread, right?

Nor do I want to argue with you (or anyone else). I agree with you on that and the last post you made.

However if someone who has internet courage starts attacking me for no other reason but to troll me, then sorry, but I'm going to blast them for who they are. Which you aren't doing and I have seen some here that have good points on both sides. While others just pick and choice comments to flame.

Dead Man

oneHeero said:
Quadruple the fine, dont appeal it regardless of protocols within the players union, be suspended for several games, and apologize using the words "im sorry" and be serious about it. But not to serious cuz then people think its fake.

Your impossible to have a discussion with. Kinda help proves my point within my personal thoughts.

Yup, thought so.
:lol, how come we are on the same page in the bashing thread, and going at it in here. Just out of curiosity, what are your thoughts? PM me if you don't want to post them here, I will keep it confidential.


Londa said:
Trust me, I use it plently. Just haven't added you. Its like you are begging me to add you so you can act tough and say. "lol she ran away cause I was too internet thug for her". SO SAD. Why asked to be ignored because you continue to look pathetic with every post? LOL

This coming from someone who demanded that this thread is closed down because he/she can't take it to know his/her favorite basketball player is being dragged through the mud.

Actually I don't follow sports at all. I don't like Kobe, or even care for him. I just want this pointless flame war would go away. Everyone is talking in circles, and it doesn't mean I'm trying to be the forum owner by wanting this to die.

Ugh, did you read SmokyDave's message? You can ignore the thread. It's not that difficult. Others still want to talk about it and they WILL talk about it. You can continue crying in the corner about it if you want though.


is now taking requests
Replicant said:
This coming from someone who demanded that this thread is closed down because he/she can't take it to know his/her favorite basketball player is being dragged through the mud.

Ugh, did you read SmokyDave's message? You can ignore the thread. It's not that difficult. Others still want to talk about it and they WILL talk about it. You can continue crying in the corner about it if you want though.

Dude, now i'd like you to go through the thread and start the same shitstorm with everyone else who posted asking for the thread to "just die already". Not gonna do that? Only reason you did it this time is because you thought you had a beef with Londa and wanted to get at him? Yeah, thats what i figured.


Replicant said:
This coming from someone who demanded that this thread is closed down because he/she can't take it to know his/her favorite basketball player is being dragged through the mud.

Ugh, did you read SmokyDave's message? You can ignore the thread. It's not that difficult. Others still want to talk about it and they WILL talk about it. You can continue crying in the corner about it if you want though.

None of that I actually said. i don't follow sports yet you continue to act like I do. Do you have problems retaining information?

I wonder if you really read anything here let along Smoke's message. You seem like you are missing some medication.


oneHeero said:
Quadruple the fine, dont appeal it regardless of protocols within the players union, be suspended for several games, and apologize using the words "im sorry" and be serious about it. But not to serious cuz then people think its fake.

Your impossible to have a discussion with. Kinda help proves my point within my personal thoughts.

Yup, thought so.

Thank you for answering me and not taking it as a insult to gays.

I don't agree with Quadrupling the fine, but it wouldn't hurt for him to apologize again, just to make this thread die.


jorma said:
Dude, now i'd like you to go through the thread and start the same shitstorm with everyone else who posted asking for the thread to "just die already". Not gonna do that? Only reason you did it this time is because you thought you had a beef with Londa and wanted to get at him? Yeah, thats what i figured.

Seriously? If you don't like a thread, there's always the option to ignore it. I don't visit the politic threads because I'm not into it. And I'd do whatever I want, including replying only to those I want to reply to. If you can't handle that, then again, maybe you shouldn't post in a message board. So, how do you like that?

Londa said:
None of that I actually said. i don't follow sports yet you continue to act like I do. Do you have problems retaining information?

So tell me then what do you have to gain by having this thread closed? Are you really incapable of ignoring a single thread? Are your eyes really that twitchy?

Dead Man

jorma said:
Dude, now i'd like you to go through the thread and start the same shitstorm with everyone else who posted asking for the thread to "just die already". Not gonna do that? Only reason you did it this time is because you thought you had a beef with Londa and wanted to get at him? Yeah, thats what i figured.
Man, neither one of them is covering themselves in glory here. Don't act like Londa has not been stirring up shit for pages. But yeah, they both need to chill out a bit.


Replicant said:
Hmm, I guess that ignore list of yours is not working, eh? Or are you just hypocrite who don't follow her word?

And I have reason to be emotional. It's my sexuality we're talking about. You, on the other hand, is bitter because some lame basketball player got fined a hefty million dollars. You can't take that and demanded that the thread be closed then pretended that you can read Evilore's mind.

Huh? Different minorities have their own individual difficulties in society. Who can properly say that one is more worse than the other? I'm just telling you in my experience, being gay is far harder than being a certain race. Especially in this moment in time.
This is what I mean by going in circles (I didnt tell you that but have mentioned that before). This has already happened and been discussed (where people start comparing who has sufferred more) That's what got us to 29 pages, did you barely join this topic?

Hmm, you can't even describe about how your gay friend/sister/neighbor is like? What difficulty have they faced? When did they come out? How did you end up knowing that they're gay? Considering how insensitive you are, I wonder why they'd even come out to you in the first place. For most gay people, they'd only come out to people they trust the most. Why would they want to come out to someone who flings the word "You're gay" like insults?
I never claimed people came out to me, continue spewing your own statements as they were mine though. I simply said I have gay friends and experience around gay people. But continue to act like you knew what I meant and pin me in a corner with stupid questions.

Unless you had specific plans for the few bits and bytes that this topic occupies, I fail to see your point. You know you don't have to participate in this thread, right?

Also, if you're slinging around 'dumb', allow me to give you the pieces missing from your jigsaw: 'You're', 'Too'. Use them, they're your friends.

"I dont like what you said to me, I'm going to be the grammar/grammer police on you!"

I went ahead and added you to the ignore list Dead Man, rather not get into a drawn out reason as to why we are both in the same topics debating this. I've been in this topic for a long while just inactive more recently. Sorry you feel targeted (o boy). Plus, you dont have a open mind (clearly you have to take this in context but I know you have a open mind), everything is about you and your sexual orientation and your experiences. No one's other experience who arent gay can change your mind. So lets let bygones be bygones.


BTW, despite what I wrote, Kobe was properly fined, and should be lambasted for saying that word. I guess i'm raging at this thread. My god people, near 3k posts in a week. Go back to talking about anime, and help me fuck this chick threads. You're blowing my mind here.


Londa said:
Thank you for answering me and not taking it as a insult to gays.

I don't agree with Quadrupling the fine, but it wouldn't hurt for him to apologize again, just to make this thread die.
No I was mocking others who suggested those punishments lol. I thought Kobe got fine really high, but no one cared to understand it was one of the largest fines in the NBA. all they saw were money bags Kobe and said its [peanuts, fine him more so it really hurts. Apparently thats the only way NBA stars will learn not to say such slurs.


Replicant said:
Seriously? If you don't like a thread, there's always the option to ignore it. I don't visit the politic threads because I'm not into it. And I'd do whatever I want, including replying only to those I want to reply to. If you can't handle that, then again, maybe you shouldn't post in a message board. So, how do you like that?

So tell me then what do you have to gain by having this thread closed? Are you really incapable of ignoring a single thread? Are your eyes really that twitchy?

Less arguments are a plus. If I see a thread that is always on the first page with nothing but arguing it isn't wrong to wish death on it.

I would ignore you, but I'm curious about what this shit list does. It seems to make you look more pathetic, and crazy with every post, instead of causing the people on the list harm.


oneHeero said:
This is what I mean by going in circles (I didnt tell you that but have mentioned that before). This has already happened and been discussed (where people start comparing who has sufferred more) That's what got us to 29 pages, did you barely join this topic?

The issue is not about who suffered more. It's more about whether the language was offensive or not. It was offensive. There's no buts, no exceptions.

oneHeero said:
I never claimed people came out to me, continue spewing your own statements as they were mine though. I simply said I have gay friends and experience around gay people. But continue to act like you knew what I meant and pin me in a corner with stupid questions.

What experience are you talking about? I was asking you a question and yet you refused to answer. Those are rhetorical questions. I wanted you to provide the answer. How well do you know these people?

Londa said:
Less arguments are a plus. If I see a thread that is always on the first page with nothing but arguing it isn't wrong to wish death on it.

Good luck on that. No matter how many times you beg and cry, the thread wouldn't die unless it dies on its own accord.
Replicant said:
Because being another race is similar to being gay, right? Just FYI, I'm also a minority but in these day and age, I rarely receive any mistreatment due to my race. But all a person need is to just tell someone that he/she is gay, and they'd be disadvantaged in many ways, especially in some workplaces (sport/showbiz related) and some might get attacked because of it.
And that my friend is the major difference people always seem to forget. "If I tell someone I'm gay I will then be discriminated against!!!" Then keep your sexuality to yourself then! I don't walk around talking about who or what I stick my dick into. It's a choice, as long as you have a choice and a minority doesn't it's never a valid comparison in my eyes.

*throws gasoline on thread*


MWS Natural said:
And that my friend is the major difference people always seem to forget. "If I tell someone I'm gay I will then be discriminated against!!!" Then keep your sexuality to yourself then! I don't walk around talking about who or what I stick my dick into. It's a choice, as long as you have a choice and a minority doesn't it's never a valid comparison in my eyes.

Wow. Really? Really? Doesn't it ever occur to you that at one point people will actually ask "So, are you married or seeing someone?" Some of us don't want to lie and will tell the truth. However, telling the truth will mean being in disadvantage depending on the circumstance.

And yet, your solution was "keep your sexuality to yourself?" I DO. It's only when asked that I tell. Do you really think gay people going around telling people who they want to fuck?

Did you know that many gay guys have no choice but to rely on online tools to know other gay people? It's because of the prevalent attitude that we don't deserve to be known as gay in public just like you imply. It's also the reason why so many gay teenagers took their own life because they feel they have no place to belong to.

Dead Man

oneHeero said:
I went ahead and added you to the ignore list Dead Man, rather not get into a drawn out reason as to why we are both in the same topics debating this. I've been in this topic for a long while just inactive more recently. Sorry you feel targeted (o boy). Plus, you dont have a open mind (clearly you have to take this in context but I know you have a open mind), everything is about you and your sexual orientation and your experiences. No one's other experience who arent gay can change your mind. So lets let bygones be bygones.

I would love to let bygones be bygones, it's hard when you have me on ignore though! :lol I have sent you a PM and hope you will reply, but if not that is your choice.

MWS Natural said:
And that my friend is the major difference people always seem to forget. "If I tell someone I'm gay I will then be discriminated against!!!" Then keep your sexuality to yourself then! I don't walk around talking about who or what I stick my dick into. It's a choice, as long as you have a choice and a minority doesn't it's never a valid comparison in my eyes.

*throws gasoline on thread*
No shit. I will just say this. Not all gay people can act stereotypically straight. It's like telling a transgirl to just be a man and shutup. It is also saying they should never hold their partners hand in public.


oneHeero said:
No I was mocking others who suggested those punishments lol. I thought Kobe got fine really high, but no one cared to understand it was one of the largest fines in the NBA. all they saw were money bags Kobe and said its [peanuts, fine him more so it really hurts. Apparently thats the only way NBA stars will learn not to say such slurs.

ok, then I agree with you on the fine.


travisbickle said:
The word "gay" in regards to homosexuality comes from the 1930s when people, particularly in showbusiness, would use words to cover up their sexual orientation. The word gay at the time was a term for happy, light-hearted etc... a good word to use for someone who was living the life they wanted to even though at the time it was illegal.
That sounds like a whitewashing of the origins to me. "Gay" as in happy, light-hearted and carefree wasn't used because they were living the life they wanted, it was used as a snide euphemism - a way of saying someone was homosexual by describing gay men as effeminate and camp - which is what the 'gay' refers to as in happy and carefree.
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