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Leader of Oregon occupation Ammon Bundy, at least 8 others arrested

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There's a huuuuuge difference between civil disobedience and armed assault / threat. For one, everyone in occupy knew very well that arrest was a consequence of civil disobedience, and did not take it out on LEOs. You know, exactly what makes civil disobediant protest non-violent.

These loony toons were threatning government workers, threatning to kill LEOs, and keeping people off public land by show of deadly force (weapons).

There's zero relation between the two. None.
There is no question they have committed a slew of felonies, but where have they assaulted/threatened to assault any individual, withholding conversations in the context of having a potential clash with the government? I have heard a whole bunch of racist and crazy talk come from them, but not many explicit threats of violence, though I always could be ill informed.

While Occupy was intended to be non-violent, to say that there weren't any assaults or felonies committed by their members is simply false.
There have been accounts of rape, theft, vandalism, threats, robbery & assaults. Also, how could you forget Oakland. You can't sit here and tell me what occupy turned into has no similarities to the terrorists up in Oregon.
The tactics they are pulling are basically the things preschoolers do to try to get out of trouble. Do they not understand there is probably hundreds of hours of footage and written reports contradicting everything they are currently saying?

these backwoods inbred assholes aren't the smartest of people.

eu pfhor ia

Neo Member
but not many explicit threats of violence,

Calling for the murder of any and all government employees isn't an explicit threat? Does some of their members pointing rifles at BLM employees in 2014 count? How closely have you been following this? Not to sound like a dick, but it sounds like not very.

People seem to be willing to ignore a lot of associations between the virulent anti-government rhetoric, the individuals/groups involved, and actual events that have occurred when it comes to the Bundys and the "militia-men" movement in general, such as the murder of two police and another bystander in Nevada during the 2014 Bundy episode. I guess some might say that "they", meaning the people during the 2016 episode, didn't actually do that, but at this point I fail to see why I should give them the benefit of the doubt once they willing associate with the militia-men group.


There is no question they have committed a slew of felonies, but where have they assaulted/threatened to assault any individual, withholding conversations in the context of having a potential clash with the government? I have heard a whole bunch of racist and crazy talk come from them, but not many explicit threats of violence, though I always could be ill informed.

Here's a link to the affadavit. They followed a woman home and made threats.

From the article:

"Armstrong’s affidavit draws heavily upon news reports and the militants’ own social media postings since the occupation began on or about Jan. 2. But the document also mentions that local trouble associated with the group allegedly began a few weeks before the protesters took over the refuge.

In one such incident, Armstrong wrote, a female Bureau of Land Management employee was confronted and harassed by two men, including Ritzheimer, while shopping at a Safeway in Burns on Dec. 18. The woman reported that the men threatened to follow her home and burn down her house, the affidavit states.

An online video on Dec. 26 served as a “call out” to all “patriots” to meet at that same Safeway to protest the treatment of jailed ranchers Dwight and Steven Hammond, according to the affidavit. After a Jan. 2 protest in Burns held in support of the Hammonds, the suspects entered the refuge, blocked its entrance and began the occupation.

That same day, a Harney County sheriff’s deputy reported that he had been told that the occupation group had explosives, night vision goggles and weapons, and that “if they didn’t get the fight they wanted out there they would bring the fight to town,” Armstrong wrote in the affidavit."


There is no question they have committed a slew of felonies, but where have they assaulted/threatened to assault any individual, withholding conversations in the context of having a potential clash with the government? I have heard a whole bunch of racist and crazy talk come from them, but not many explicit threats of violence, though I always could be ill informed.

While Occupy was intended to be non-violent, to say that there weren't any assaults or felonies committed by their members is simply false.
There have been accounts of rape, threats, robber & assaults. Also, how could you forget Oakland. You can't sit here and tell me what occupy turned into has no similarities to the terrorists up in Oregon.

You're obviously not speaking from direct experience and are simply reinforcing your own opinion using Google searches. You are the internet, basically.



The four holdouts awoke to discover that many lost phone and Internet service overnight, according to Greg Whalen, a Nevada supporter who said he had been in contact with the armed protesters. They have refused to leave the refuge until they are guaranteed they won't be arrested.


The Pacific Patriots Network organized a rolling rally through the town Saturday night, and said it planned more demonstrations to protest the killing of one occupier last week, and the presence of numerous heavily armed law enforcement officers at the standoff.

"Our goal is to show the country that this county does support what is going on," said B.J. Soper, a Burns resident and organizer of the rally that drew more than 100 people and dozens of U.S. and Confederate flag-covered vehicles.

Also, let's leave the Occupy vs Coalition Freedom Whatever discussion. It's not really on topic, or productive, given how incredibly different the two events are.


I feel bad for Harney County residents who want nothing to do with this. But there certainly is a segment of the Eastern Oregon population who might use this bullshit to create more harm.

There is a small undercurrent of support for this whole fiasco a bit farther north in Union and Wallowa County. And I mean very small. There isn't a lot of people here anyway and mostly people don't give a shit about Ammon Bundy or the Hammonds.

I am not necessarily worried but it is something I am keeping my eye on.
Heard on NPR this morning that a convoy of pickup trucks arrived with supporters from Nevada and other places. Priest in Burns described it as basically an occupying force. I can't believe this is still going on.


Heard on NPR this morning that a convoy of pickup trucks arrived with supporters from Nevada and other places. Priest in Burns described it as basically an occupying force. I can't believe this is still going on.

I thought the place was surrounded?


Don't worry, I'll vouch for them.
Heard on NPR this morning that a convoy of pickup trucks arrived with supporters from Nevada and other places. Priest in Burns described it as basically an occupying force. I can't believe this is still going on.

I can find absolutely no news on this report.


Kills Photobucket
Brace yourselves....


I thought the place was surrounded?

I can find absolutely no news on this report.

According to ABC news, a few hundred people protested at the Justice Center.


Hundreds of people gathered outside the courthouse in a small Oregon town both to protest and support the armed occupation of a national wildlife preserve.

People upset over the police killing of occupier and Arizona rancher Robert "LaVoy" Finicum held signs Monday at the Harney County Courthouse. They want federal officials to leave the area.

Authorities have said Finicum was shot when he reached for a loaded handgun during a Jan. 26 confrontation with police.

Another large group staged a rally at the courthouse in support of law enforcement and government officials. They held signs and shouted, "Stand down, leave our town."

Four holdouts are still at the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge. Eleven people connected to the occupation have been arrested, including group leader Ammon Bundy.


Heard on NPR this morning that a convoy of pickup trucks arrived with supporters from Nevada and other places. Priest in Burns described it as basically an occupying force. I can't believe this is still going on.

Did they make it to the actual site, or just in town?


While Occupy was intended to be non-violent, to say that there weren't any assaults or felonies committed by their members is simply false.
There have been accounts of rape, theft, vandalism, threats, robbery & assaults. Also, how could you forget Oakland.

You're posting links to banned sites as your sources.

You can't sit here and tell me what occupy turned into has no similarities to the terrorists up in Oregon.

Sure can. What BS did you swallow about Occupy? They were about as harmless as protests get.

edit: sorry, saw mod post.
The town has completely had it with their shit.


NPR said:
"We need the outside people to go home so we can start to heal. It's going to be a long, hard process," Clark says.

The militia thinks these people are paid actors.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?

I see some others have posted stories about the locals less than warm welcome to next wave of ahem patriots coming in but I wanted to link this npr article because of this doozy of a quote from one very astute member of the occupation supporters:

It wasn't the reception Barbara Berg expected. She is an anti-government protester from Nevada, who until this moment believed most of the community supported the militants.

"I ... want to know how many of them live here, how many are paid actors," Berg says.

An out-of-towner is accusing locals of being staged actors and is totally oblivious to the mind breaking irony overflowing from such a vapid statement.

I believe this resident sums up the situation especially well:

Fine says one sure way of identifying an outsider is a prominently displayed sidearm. She shoots a scornful glance at a trio of men standing in front of her, their arms crossed, their holsters hanging out.

"We all have guns but none of us wear them on our hip and kind of flaunt them around. We consider that extremely rude and ungentlemanly at best," Fine says.


That would be hilarious of a few actors showed up and claimed to be locals as a joke.

Maybe Leo could finally win an Oscar; the best Crisis Actor in a major American tragedy goes to....


I watched the video. It looked to me like he was going for a piece. Shame a man had to die over this pointless stunt.


Can you imagine what it's like to be a Park Ranger or a Conservation Officer and having to these fuckwits? Most of the people who go into that job are educated people wanting to preserve wildlife habitats. Most of them grew up in that part of the US and love that place.

Then you have to deal with these arrogant hillbillies spouting the most insane conspiracies and fucking willing to die over NOTHING.


lol this is amazing.

Someone should convince them they are a supporter with a good escape plan, and send them a bunch of womens' clothes and see if they can convince them to sneak out that way.

Would make for some interesting arrest footage to say the least. ;)

eu pfhor ia

Neo Member
That 'faith I had in humanity' I mentioned earlier is packing a suitcase and calling a cab as we speak...

The fact that there are counter-protesters, not to mention just as many if not more of them, is reassuring, though

Can you imagine what it's like to be a Park Ranger or a Conservation Officer and having to these fuckwits? Most of the people who go into that job are educated people wanting to preserve wildlife habitats. Most of them grew up in that part of the US and love that place.

Then you have to deal with these arrogant hillbillies spouting the most insane conspiracies and fucking willing to die over NOTHING.


tell me about it

full disclosure: the main reason I get so worked up about the dirtbags is because I've worked for the National Park Service, and I am trying to get a career going in archaeology, something that at minimum requires frequent cooperation with public lands management agencies, if not direct employment by them

strange that they never seem to consider the vastly greater numbers of people employed by the Department of the Interior and its subsidiary agencies, and seem to consider the economic troubles of a much smaller number of ranchers more important...


arrest them for sedition too.

As long as it's peaceful I have no problem with it. I certainly don't agree with it, but Im not gonna stop them from doing it. And before anyone says if they were black they'd be arrested, yeah they probably would be. But two wrongs don't make a right.
As long as it's peaceful I have no problem with it. I certainly don't agree with it, but Im not gonna stop them from doing it. And before anyone says if they were black they'd be arrested, yeah they probably would be. But two wrongs don't make a right.

im only like, 1% serious with this. it would be nice if these morons would shut the fuck up though.


The fact that there are counter-protesters, not to mention just as many if not more of them, is reassuring, though
Maybe it's just an overnight bag then, because I had heard of the counter-protests, but not to the degree posted about in here after I posted.
That more people want them gone, and the anti-government tourists are still mind-bendingly out of touch with intelligence and reality helps too


The arrested militiamen of the Oregon refuge occupation have had extensive previous run-ins with the law – and a history of anti-government protests that federal officials are now using against them in court.

In recent filings in federal court in Portland, prosecutors have detailed the criminal histories of the 11 people facing felony charges for their involvement in the armed occupation of the Malheur national wildlife refuge, which began 2 January and continues to drag on this week with no end in sight.

The men’s rap sheets include cases of domestic violence, illegal firearm possession, terrorist threats, resisting arrest and drug crimes, according to the court records.

Christian evangelist Franklin Graham joined talks to end the armed occupation of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge.

A spokesman for Graham confirmed that he communicated by phone with both federal representatives and the four remaining holdouts at the refuge.

"Other than that, he has no comment," said Todd Shearer, the spokesman.

Harney County officials on Tuesday rejected a resignation call from the Pacific Patriots Network and also said they have no authority to detain FBI officials or agents involving in the fatal shooting of LaVoy Finicum or to kick out the FBI, as also demanded by the group.


Kills Photobucket
Would love to see what they are "negotiating" If it is anything but a reduced sentence, then it is bullshit.

There's a warrant for at least one of the four people still squatting at the Refuge. They say they won't leave unless charges against that one are dropped.


Poet Centuriate

Glad they're (at least for now) going ham on them and not overlooking stuff. The fact that a felon was allow to waltz around the refuge armed is frightening.

But, on that same note, if they're all convicted of their respective felony charges, they by-in-large lose their right to carry firearms, right? Poetic justice.


EDIT: Also, speaking of backgrounds, here are the backgrounds of the remaining four (just hitting the highlights):


The 47-year-old has lived in Elko, Nevada, the last several years and worked in construction most of his life, his ex-wife said.

Ellington Banta said she doesn't really know what her ex-husband has been doing in recent years and doesn't want to discuss the standoff because she has "two kids who have been really affected by all this."


The 27-year-old from Blanchester, Ohio, formed an online friendship with Robert "LaVoy" Finicum and helped the Arizona rancher self-publish a novel. Finicum became a recognizable spokesman for the armed group before he was shot and killed by police in a confrontation last month.

Fry traveled, apparently unarmed and against the advice of his father, to the refuge, where he often posted online updates. He told Oregon Public Broadcasting in mid-January that he planned to say goodbye to Finicum and return home before his father got back from a vacation.

In Ohio, Fry has several convictions for disorderly conduct, as well as possession of drugs and drug paraphernalia.


The husband and wife moved from the town of Janesville, Wisconsin, within the last several years to Riggins, Idaho, where Sean, 47, opened a store for hunting, tactical and survival gear. Sandy, 48, worked at a gas station.

Idaho County, where they live, and Harney County, 290 miles away where the refuge is located, are similar in many ways. Both have large portions of land managed by federal agencies and populations chafing at restrictions put on that land.

Sean Anderson is facing misdemeanor charges in Wisconsin for resisting an officer, possession of drug paraphernalia and possession of THC, the intoxicating chemical in marijuana. He also has pleaded guilty to a series of misdemeanors in recent years: domestic abuse in December 2010, disorderly conduct in 2008, criminal trespass in a dwelling in 2002, and disorderly conduct in 1999.

A friend of the couple, Lindsey Dipo, told the Lewiston Tribune newspaper that the couple recorded their will on Dipo's cellphone before departing for Oregon.

Gonzo Journalism in Oregon: Behind Enemy Lines at the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge.

Relevant (listen until 26:30).

So they couldn't shut off power because the grid had 24 families unless they physically do it on site at the refuge. Militants had planted people in town to do "collateral damage" if the FBI raided them.

So basically they threatened the community with open insurrection. Vanilla ISIS indeed. Fucking terrorists.
LOL these people are fucking clown shoes.


Gonzo Journalism in Oregon: Behind Enemy Lines at the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge.

Relevant (listen until 26:30).

So they couldn't shut off power because the grid had 24 families unless they physically do it on site at the refuge. Militants had planted people in town to do "collateral damage" if the FBI raided them.

So basically they threatened the community with open insurrection. Vanilla ISIS indeed. Fucking terrorists.

Journalists: What about Native American and minority rights under your secessionist scenario?

Shawn Cox: Meh. *Yeezy Shrug*


Feds need to prosecute EVERYONE, pls. Make an example out of these people because interrrupting federal business with loaded weapons and taking a community hostage is a very bad idea. Shawna Cox is probably on a watch list now.


What's the latest on this situation?
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