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Leader of Oregon occupation Ammon Bundy, at least 8 others arrested

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OPB obtained audio of a conversation Friday morning from one of the four remaining occupiers of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge.
The remaining militants inside are David Fry of Blanchester, Ohio, husband and wife Sean and Sandy Anderson of Janesville, Wisconsin, and Jeff Banta of Elko, Nevada.

During the conversation, Sean Anderson said the group is not going to negotiate with the FBI at this time, and they are prepared to wait until all their supplies are depleted.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
My man, thanks for this.
I want an edit of this with them hugging it out and dance swaying at the end to some sentimental song dubbed in.

I aim to please!

And yeah, I was actually going to add that dancing scene, but my editing software was acting stupid so I had to cut it short for now. ;/

During the conversation, Sean Anderson said the group is not going to negotiate with the FBI at this time, and they are prepared to wait until all their supplies are depleted.

And then what, genius?
A part of me feels the FBI should just set up a couple of loudspeakers pointed toward the building and play such hit's as Rebecca Black's "Friday" and those tracks from Will Smith's children at around 90-100dB all day and night.

Cruel and unusual punishment is unconstitutional.


A part of me feels the FBI should just set up a couple of loudspeakers pointed toward the building and play such hit's as Rebecca Black's "Friday" and those tracks from Will Smith's children at around 90-100dB all day and night.

The Feds need to nationalize the new Wu Tang album, seize it from Shkreli, and play it non-stop.


Someone fucking died, and you've accomplished nothing.

This is a cult. Based on the little bit of information I've seen so far, this is a cult. I remember seeing some of the Ritzheimer videos from the other thread, he looked and talked like a cultist.

I don't know how else to classify this fanaticism. "Anti-government extremists" doesn't pack enough punch for me.

The SovCit movement is pretty culty. Otherwise vaguely normal people get caught up in it, fall for the lies, and get themselves in bad trouble. Wesley Snipes would be the most obvious example, but there are plenty of them. I've been following the movement for more than a decade now, and it's really taken a toll on a lot of people whose primary crime is that of not being very bright. They get hooked by these silly ideas, and the number of others exhorting them to violate the law, makes it easy for them to slip into dangerous territory.

Interestingly, although the SovCit movement came out of the Posse Comitatus and Christian Identity movement - both being white supremacist groups - the ideas themselves have trickled over the racial transom and begun hitting the black community as well.

The SovCits would be fascinating, if they weren't so incredibly dangerous. There's little question they are the most dangerous domestic group currently operating.

http://crasstalk.com/2013/01/strawmen-and-freeman-a-guide-to-the-sovereign-citizens-movement/ >A little primer for those interested.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sovereign_citizen_movement#Incidents_involving_members > Lots of details
A part of me feels the FBI should just set up a couple of loudspeakers pointed toward the building and play such hit's as Rebecca Black's "Friday" and those tracks from Will Smith's children at around 90-100dB all day and night.

Nah, Play Obama, Sanders, and Kucinich speeches at them 24/7.

eu pfhor ia

Neo Member
I realize this all isn't even over yet, and we don't know what the final tally of charges against these shit-heels will be, but what are the chances for success of a citizen petition asking the USFWS or the State of Oregon, whomever would be more appropriate, to file a separate civil case suing for damages to the Malheur property? Assuming that doesn't happen on it's own, given the amount of evidence they've created against themselves

Would send a much more meaningful message from the American public than mailing dildos, not to mention that we'll be paying for those damages through taxes anyways


Poet Centuriate
Cruel and unusual punishment is unconstitutional.

Totally in the vein of trying to flush Manuel Noriega out with Van Halen, though :p


The Feds need to nationalize the new Wu Tang album, seize it from Shkreli, and play it non-stop.

Afterwards, the Feds take the album into custody and lock it away Raiders of the Lost Ark-syle.

Then, the heist begins.
The SovCit movement is pretty culty. Otherwise vaguely normal people get caught up in it, fall for the lies, and get themselves in bad trouble. Wesley Snipes would be the most obvious example, but there are plenty of them. I've been following the movement for more than a decade now, and it's really taken a toll on a lot of people whose primary crime is that of not being very bright. They get hooked by these silly ideas, and the number of others exhorting them to violate the law, makes it easy for them to slip into dangerous territory.

Can confirm. I know a woman sitting in federal prison for income tax evasion. She believes the King of Hawaii is going to come spring her.

I'm not even kidding.


Kills Photobucket
Anyone up for some good news?


Two leaders of a group of anti-government protesters that occupied an Oregon wildlife refuge for nearly a month were ordered to remain jailed Friday, as the handful who remained ignored requests to surrender.

Ammon Bundy and his brother Ryan were among four intercepted and arrested on a highway Tuesday, in an encounter that left one of the protesters, Robert "LaVoy" Finicum, dead.

U.S. Magistrate Judge Stacie Beckerman ruled that the Bundys posed a flight risk or danger to the community and ordered them to remain jailed, according to court records. Ammon Bundy's attorneys said they plan to appeal.


Someone fucking died, and you've accomplished nothing.

This is a cult. Based on the little bit of information I've seen so far, this is a cult. I remember seeing some of the Ritzheimer videos from the other thread, he looked and talked like a cultist.

I don't know how else to classify this fanaticism. "Anti-government extremists" doesn't pack enough punch for me.

Cult of Stupid.

Ignorance is deadly, especially when you champion it as something good.
Wow this thread has been busy since I last checked in. Anyway, some presents for those who haven't seen it.

Someone stabilized the FBI video. It clearly shows Finicum going for his weapon.

Mr Arnold, Ammon Bundy's lawyer has been a very naughty boy.

On Jan. 17, 2008, the disciplinary board approved a stipulation for discipline reprimanding Eugene lawyer C. Michael Arnold for violating RPC 8.4(a)(2) (commit a criminal act that reflects adversely on the lawyer’s honesty, trustworthiness or fitness as a lawyer in other respects).

Arnold was the prosecutor for the City of Florence at a hearing in which a minor pled guilty to driving under the influence of intoxicants and entered into a diversion agreement. Arnold subsequently contacted the minor, ostensibly for the purpose of checking up on her, and suggested that they meet. Arnold drove the minor to a restaurant and purchased two glasses of wine for her in violation of ORS 471.410(2), which prohibits anyone, other than a parent or guardian, from selling, giving or otherwise making available any alcoholic liquor to a person under the age of 21.

I'll try to drop more that I see that isn't on the thread into the thread.
A part of me feels the FBI should just set up a couple of loudspeakers pointed toward the building and play such hit's as Rebecca Black's "Friday" and those tracks from Will Smith's children at around 90-100dB all day and night.
Play all the eps of the Competitive Erotic Fanfiction podcast


Clothed, sober, cooperative
So this is fantastic. Bundy says he just wants to go home to his family and he's not one of the core group!

Boo fuckin hoo. Apart from the unfortunate but predictable fatality, this is the best way for them to go out. Cowards who just realized Red Dawn and Art Bell are poor life manuals.


It's looking more and more like the FBIs tactics have worked wonderfully, with the unfortunate numbskull deciding to go out a martyr. But documenting the whole thing, its going to make it very hard for anyone but thoae deep into Alex Jones nonsense.

Still, I worry some nutball is out there planning a revenge attack ala Timothy McVey against "the government". Which really means killing hapless government workers in a fit of violence.


I was kind of hoping there would be a peaceful movement taking over these peoples lawns. Like an Occupy Wall St movement for Bundy's personal property.

Sadly the people doing the shooting seem to be the same want to be GI Joe types as the idiot they shot. Why does the guy come out of cover towards a vehicle full of armed hostile people? It even looks like he is in a tee shirt. I mean person that was in the trees not on the road.


Wow this thread has been busy since I last checked in. Anyway, some presents for those who haven't seen it.

Someone stabilized the FBI video. It clearly shows Finicum going for his weapon.

I'll try to drop more that I see that isn't on the thread into the thread.
Thanks for posting this. He clearly reaches for it before going down, just thought it was kinda interesting his arms go down twice before reaching for it. Maybe he was thinking about going for & stumbling around or he was already shot at that point and just reacting to the impacts. IDK just thinking out loud here.

I was kind of hoping there would be a peaceful movement taking over these peoples lawns. Like an Occupy Wall St movement for Bundy's personal property.
I wouldn't call Occupy "peaceful", only thing these terrorists/nutjobs have one upped them on is the weapons.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
So this is fantastic. Bundy says he just wants to go home to his family and he's not one of the core group!

Boo fuckin hoo. Apart from the unfortunate but predictable fatality, this is the best way for them to go out. Cowards who just realized Red Dawn and Art Bell are poor life manuals.

Haha, he said that?


It is sad that someone had to die in the middle of all of this nonsense, but I hope every nutjob with delusions of using their guns to fight the government gets a nice look at the video. Idiot calls himself a patriot, attempts to shoot a federal officer after feigning surrender. Dishonorable end, and good riddance.

Rebel Leader

Haha, he said that?
A speaker believed to be David Fry said he asked the FBI whether it was possible to "get out of here without charges," but "they keep saying that's not possible."

Ammon Bundy's lawyer, Lissa Casey, said her client is not aligned with those remaining at the refuge and wants to go back to his family in Idaho.

"He is done in Harney County; his message has been sent," she said.

Casey said Bundy didn't recognize Fry's name and that he was not a core member of the group.
With the way it worded I can't tell

To me its toward Fry or bundy
I don't want links or to throw us off topic, but... this is a thing?
Also, that lawyer's going to be joining his client, i hope.
Yep and its great. Comedians pre-write Fanfiction then get prompts from an audience and have then write one in like 15 minutes and a winner is chosen


I was kind of hoping there would be a peaceful movement taking over these peoples lawns. Like an Occupy Wall St movement for Bundy's personal property.

Sadly the people doing the shooting seem to be the same want to be GI Joe types as the idiot they shot. Why does the guy come out of cover towards a vehicle full of armed hostile people? It even looks like he is in a tee shirt. I mean person that was in the trees not on the road.

Are you serious?

As to your first comment, I'm sure the Feds taking over their private property to stage a sit-in would have totally shown these anti-Government sovereign citizens the error of their ways.


What time was the shooting? If after dark it's unlikely any cops had useful video. I do hope the audio comes out and can be matched to the video to show if the guy was reaching for a gun or reacting to being shot.


I wouldn't call Occupy "peaceful", only thing these terrorists/nutjobs have one upped them on is the weapons.

There's a huuuuuge difference between civil disobedience and armed assault / threat. For one, everyone in occupy knew very well that arrest was a consequence of civil disobedience, and did not take it out on LEOs. You know, exactly what makes civil disobediant protest non-violent.

These loony toons were threatning government workers, threatning to kill LEOs, and keeping people off public land by show of deadly force (weapons).

There's zero relation between the two. None.


People are confused because the time stamp in the video is Zulu Time, not PST, an 8 hour time difference.
Nah, I know it is in zulu time, I wasn't even looking at the clock. I just remember it was discussed in the video description and so I skimmed it and read 'the video shows just after midnight January 27, 2016.' after the long winded zulu time explanation but I see now what they are saying there.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery

With the way it worded I can't tell

To me its toward Fry or bundy

Yeah that's a little vague, but I wouldn't be surprised if it was Bundy. Would be typical for the likes of him.

So here's your laugh of the night. The remaining four of five morons have remained outside the actual buildings in the refuge. For a bunch of goobers who are seemingly terrified of a government which is adamant in killing them, they spent a lot of time making themselves easy targets.

But it turns out there's an actual reason for that!

Remember how in the video the fat guy said they were just "camping". Well, apparently these guys have come up with an ingenious plan to gain their freedom. By not going inside the building, and remaining outside, they feel this would "prove" that their claim about "just camping" was in fact accurate, and thus the FBI will be powerless to prosecute them.

SNL dreams of coming up with material as good as this.


Poet Centuriate
Yeah that's a little vague, but I wouldn't be surprised if it was Bundy. Would be typical for the likes of him.

So here's your laugh of the night. The remaining four of five morons have remained outside the actual buildings in the refuge. For a bunch of goobers who are seemingly terrified of a government which is adamant in killing them, they spent a lot of time making themselves easy targets.

But it turns out there's an actual reason for that!

Remember how in the video the fat guy said they were just "camping". Well, apparently these guys have come up with an ingenious plan to gain their freedom. By not going inside the building, and remaining outside, they feel this would "prove" that their claim about "just camping" was in fact accurate, and thus the FBI will be powerless to prosecute them.

SNL dreams of coming up with material as good as this.

this is incredible


Kills Photobucket
Seeing the prosecutor go all in has me thinking maybe the way they handled this was the right call.

But it still seems like giving them free reign to harass a town for a month could have been avoided.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
this is incredible



The tactics they are pulling are basically the things preschoolers do to try to get out of trouble. Do they not understand there is probably hundreds of hours of footage and written reports contradicting everything they are currently saying?


The tactics they are pulling are basically the things preschoolers do to try to get out of trouble. Do they not understand there is probably hundreds of hours of footage and written reports contradicting everything they are currently saying?

It's pretty much the end result of a movement and mentality that can only process the hard lexical meaning of words and not the actual social evolution and group intent.
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