Unknown skin not new champ bummer
Idk who would use that sword tho :-/
I don't really like morello either, for the same reasons. It's possible that it's most reasonable to stick with the current build and be happy that the little Ap that is included is more useful.so skins are zed, fiora, lucy and then maybe leona (it's only a shield so could be braum?) and mystery person
would be cool if it was a new champion
tho not assassin and not support and wields a weird sword means it's gonna be something lame like a bruiser
that's what i generally do with nami, was just entertaining leezy's idea
i don't like the idea of building morellos or athenes on nami cos i don't like building items on supports that have zero utility on them, but maybe?
last time i went coin+zeke and felt pretty good on mana so i dunno 100% how core mikaels is, but i don't play much support lately so can't really say ofr sure. obviously a lot worse than having mikaels, but it wasn't like sona or whatever.
also i feel lucidity is just not a great idea, boots 5 are too good to even consider anything else i feel
Viktor skin.A Cyborg Swain, maybe. It is staff length.
But I swear to god if it's a Garen skin, rage will flood this thread like the river that burnt down Cao Cao's ambition at Chi Bi. I will be the fiery boat that finally finishes off League and Riot.
Actually it has to be a mage. They have practically everything else.
I am down for another Diana skin. I like all of the other ones.its obviously a new diana skin.
i'm so fkning sick of support mains in ranked that can't play any other role.
oh didn't noticeIt's not Braum because the teaser calls the user a "she"
Also I think that's supposed to be Xin's spear? I dunno
ohh forgot about diits obviously a new diana skin.
I WONDER WHO said:Fiora isn't going to do good after her new update. It's gimmicks upon gimmicks that really don't fit her, she'll die too quickly to do anything useful with it. Also what the fuck is it with Riot and 'Attack speed for next X attacks' now. That's a shitty thing to have for an ability. And her ultimate, while nice in theory, again it'll only work effectively on an enemy who is standing still and isn't surrounded by her teammates.
Her old ultimate is loads better. So is her old E. Her new W might block CC, but it barely lasts anything. Her old lunge is also better because you could use it twice.
She just needed a new passive. Instead they go and ruin another one.
This is how many good players are able to pick up a new champion and automatically know how to play them sans their nuances. It's not hard to decipher how a kit will perform when they tell you how it'll work.
TP is also pink and fuck TP
Also I'd like to point out that Fiora has the 2nd highest overall win rate in the game right now, being around the top 10 accross most ELOs including Diamond+
It's been two weeks, this isn't a spike, this is people learning the champion, her win rate has been steadily increasing ever since the hotfix
TP is also pink and fuck TP
Also I'd like to point out that Fiora has the 2nd highest overall win rate in the game right now, being around the top 10 accross most ELOs including Diamond+
lelking yo
i wonder why it's 42% in champion.gg tho
that site is usually pretty reliable
lol at focusing in that he said "top 2 winrate" and completely ignoring the quoted post where you were flat out wrong.
ur heimer top carried u from plat to bronze.
Fiora is super strong right now
just take the L, man
winrate is just a stat like anything else
but high winrate champions that are played by a good number of people (so not swain) usually means they're overpowered
for example elise, she's got a billion winrate, a billion playrate, that means she's op
while someone like malzahar has a billion winrate but no one plays him cos he's boring af, so he's just got a stupid brainless kit that should be nuked from orbit but it's not a guarantee that he's op, cos it could only mean that only players obsessed with terrible kits do well with him, but wouldn't go for everyone else if he got popular
it's not the end all of balance but it's a tool just like any other
this would mean ahri is the most OP champion because not only does she have the highest winrate, she's also probably one of the most popular champions.
Maybe in low elo Fiora is good. But low elo doesn't matter.
Here, I'll diffuse the situation-
What where we talking about again?
Pictures aside you're still wrong.
idk how many of ur feelings have been crushed from life is strangeHow's that Plat 5 climb going for ya?![]()
I don't really get rito's balancing
Why increase cost and reduce armour? Why not just reduce the armour if you want to reduce it's effectiveness? They always do this
So they're nerfing armour and buffing magic resist
I can't wait for league of Zed and Talon