Is anyone here currently playing with pings below 80? If so, I'm jealous.
What's a good for rengar the few games I played with him I never got to late game.
corki takes 0 skill
ezreal has to land like 30000 skillshots to do 12 damage to anyone.
I wouldn't say Cait is tougher to play than Draven, because they both have to effectively bully their lane, but it's true she has a very high skillcap.Cait has the purest form of adc mechanics in the game
Not many pro players are that great at her and it's really a testament to how hard it is to maximise her laning and her mid game
Definitely one of the hardest adcs to really play
People talk about how draven and Kallista are so hard but the reality is that if you're merely proficient with their mechanics then you get free lanes and free mid games
Cait has to maintain auto spacing and but also utilise every single auto because she doesn't get bullshit scaling or random spells like other adc to make up for not auto attacking
Pants are dragon juggernaut rework impression is that everybody is stronger in team fights and weaker in lane. Morde is ok bot lane just max W. Metagame will now be ad focused
Also, Darius gets 200 bonus ad on 5 stack or ult kill? That sounds way too much. Killsteal the tank kill and then righteous glory and give the carries
Good advice 2 play darius
dont play him
Time your E so you use it to speed out of the way when you see him throw a move, all his spells are pretty telegraphed. My finest ever Sona moment had me 1v1 a Xerath as I literally ran circles around him while he missed all his spells.
My version of how to play Darius:how 2 play darius
dont play him
so apparently changes coming to zyra in 5.17
i hope the changes make her more fun midlane, i need someone to get me out of the depression of the inevitable cinderhulk ignite lissandra or whatever monstruosity comes out of that shitty buff they're giving her ;_;
yea, i think she'd be a bit more fun if plants lived longer and her gameplay revolved more around them, maybe add some ways of directing who plants are targeting might be niceThe change is evidently even smaller in scope than the MF changes. Which is a shame because as much as I love Zyra the whole "natural infestor" vibe she has going on is undercooked. I'd love to see a passive change that let's her and/or her plants better interact with the terrain of the rift.
Also, I'd love it if they ditched the CDR on W but in return significantly increased the time a spore can stay active before needing to be sprouted. It would really cement her counter initiation role if she could plant a small farm of spores prior to an opponents engage.
Best champ. <3And ARAM kept putting me on Riven back-to-back lol
I actually bought Zyra. Tried her out mid and thought she has subpar wave clear but can easily delete champs.lizzy is getting a non-buff that will only hurt her chances of getting a real buff so don't get too excited :/
5.16 will be the most drastic patch until worlds end so that ain't happening. The next few patches will just be balance stuff. You'll have to wait for preseason to get the spaghetti stuff.
Oh my God, I hate LeBlanc. When someone is damn good with her, they're just vicious. Two pops and we were dropping like flies.
Democracy for solo qguys guys guys
serious time
dota draft (bans/picks happen in phases) or democracy draft (everyone bans something in turns)
in my server you can be waiting for like 15 minutesI only play teambuilder when i play norms and never takes me more than 2-3 minutes to find a game.
Everyone thinks it takes forever to find a teambuilder game which leads to fewer people playing the most convenient mode in the game
have u ever tried finding a jungler and support
its impossible.
have u ever tried finding a jungler and support
its impossible.
That's why support mains love teambuilder. Instant queues.
played my first three ranked match and got 80 lp. feelsgoodman.
but that drama in that chat doe
played my first three ranked match and got 80 lp. feelsgoodman.
Okay did I just play against a bunch of bots cause that was ridiculous. Even got a Pentakill
Okay did I just play against a bunch of bots cause that was ridiculous. Even got a Pentakill
Yep. Bots to level their accounts.
I don't understand. If you want to level another account, wouldn't you want it win much more meaning you can't rely on a bot because things such as these happens and you lose a lot compared to when you're playing it yourself.
Doesn't normals and aram have a hidden mmr different from ranked? I think during your first placements, since you don't have an actual mmr yet because it's a fresh account, solo q is using your normals mmr and matching you with people with the same mmr. Doesn't this mean that the more you win on normals the greater the chance of you having a higher rank at the end of your provisions.
Unless of course yolo new account for shit and giggles.
I don't think they give a fuck if bots win or lose. They just have it running all night wake up and it's like +10 levels. Normal MMR is also different than rank. Like on one of my smurf I got to gold on it, but it's normal mmr is straight bronze.
Man tough to play the other modes besides Rift due to the bots
I think only 3 of us were human in that match lol (myself, Anivia, and Katarina)