Yeah anyone who's followed him for a while knows he's always on a thin line between being a convincing stereotype but also a parody of one, which has partially been the charm with him. Dunkey is a hell of a good actor in more ways than one which is why his persona has lasted. For example
his NSMBU video is crazy in how so much of it is honest criticism but also taking the piss out of many people who do criticize it.
Which isn't to say that the jokes he tried to make in this video were necessary (even though I found it funny how he mused about wanting to call people scumfuck bastards while the Earthbound credits music was playing). Stone Ocean was right, due to circumstance the need for humor wasn't really necessary. But mismanagement aside I respect his admitted honesty, so forgive and forget I feel. Dunkey's still good enough for me to look aside how he screwed up this situation, hell even his friends felt he overreacted a bit.
In terms of League videos I'm with Mostmanlyman in that League YouTubers in general have me bored but I do enjoy Sky's videos from time to time, partially also cause I like his personality, and he's also a good Smash commentator so there's that lol