NCR Redslayer
NeoGAF's Vegeta
It's like he's wearing nothing at all.stupid sexy thresh
Wolf > Lamb
Hmm.. the math checks out.
It's like he's wearing nothing at all.stupid sexy thresh
Wolf > Lamb
I'm legit scared to know what Zky looks up on his free time.
cant be worse than what i look up.I'm legit scared to know what Zky looks up on his free time.
I like those legs. To me they look cool.Wtf are those legs lol
My jungle route for AD's junglers always goes like this: start rocks, red, gromp, blue, scuttle, and finally top or mid or back(depending of on my ganks). I just reverse the route for ap junglers.Any tips on when I should be using Nami's ulti? I get that it's probably at its strongest when I'm buffing several teammates while dealing a bit of damage to enemies, but it appears to be a lot harder to use than the ultis of other characters I've tried, such as Morgana or Kog.
So far I've been liking Nami quite a bit, but it's a bit sad how she probably can't fit any role other than support, unlike Morgana who can go mid by focusing on her W or support by leveling her Q instead.
Then there's the whole jungle role, which has been a complete mystery for me so far. I get that I'm probably supposed to look some guide up on the internet, but it's a bit weird how it isn't a role that's as easy to understand as mid/top/adc/supp, which are mostly about staying in your respective lane for the early game while the jungle has to remember which mobs he can go for and in which order, and also to pack runes in order to make grinding neutral mobs viable in order to keep up with the rest of the team and supporting them with timely sneak attacks that lead into ganks.
Sometimes it only takes to be nice to truly make a person salt.had two of the most toxic players on my team just now. they reported me for "refusing to help the team" even though I was in constant communication. Lucian talked some shit after game and I just said thanks and he melted
I'd much rather have a toxic feeder on my team than a nice feeder.
I'd much rather have a toxic feeder on my team than a nice feeder.
k guys rate this vayne build on a scale of 0 to spaghetti
No Triforce, ravioli/10![]()
k guys rate this vayne build on a scale of 0 to spaghetti
Nami's ult is hella versatile, it all depends on what team and situation you're in.Any tips on when I should be using Nami's ulti? I get that it's probably at its strongest when I'm buffing several teammates while dealing a bit of damage to enemies, but it appears to be a lot harder to use than the ultis of other characters I've tried, such as Morgana or Kog.
So far I've been liking Nami quite a bit, but it's a bit sad how she probably can't fit any role other than support, unlike Morgana who can go mid by focusing on her W or support by leveling her Q instead.
Then there's the whole jungle role, which has been a complete mystery for me so far. I get that I'm probably supposed to look some guide up on the internet, but it's a bit weird how it isn't a role that's as easy to understand as mid/top/adc/supp, which are mostly about staying in your respective lane for the early game while the jungle has to remember which mobs he can go for and in which order, and also to pack runes in order to make grinding neutral mobs viable in order to keep up with the rest of the team and supporting them with timely sneak attacks that lead into ganks.
Any tips on when I should be using Nami's ulti? I get that it's probably at its strongest when I'm buffing several teammates while dealing a bit of damage to enemies, but it appears to be a lot harder to use than the ultis of other characters I've tried, such as Morgana or Kog.
So far I've been liking Nami quite a bit, but it's a bit sad how she probably can't fit any role other than support, unlike Morgana who can go mid by focusing on her W or support by leveling her Q instead.
Then there's the whole jungle role, which has been a complete mystery for me so far. I get that I'm probably supposed to look some guide up on the internet, but it's a bit weird how it isn't a role that's as easy to understand as mid/top/adc/supp, which are mostly about staying in your respective lane for the early game while the jungle has to remember which mobs he can go for and in which order, and also to pack runes in order to make grinding neutral mobs viable in order to keep up with the rest of the team and supporting them with timely sneak attacks that lead into ganks.
This would have happened anyway.Finally got a game of Elise under me since the latest nerfs. I definitely feel the spiderling and Q damage hit late game. I think i even recorded the lowest damage ever for me. I even got out damaged by the zyra support despite a solid kda. She's still as potent as ever early game though. Probably a good trade off. She's like an AP Lee sin. All early game pressure, late game CC bot and damage sponge.
Still worth keeping in my personal rotation. She's a joy to play with the lower ping. Seriously, going from 120 to 40 is amazing.
Tried out Eve jungle and I suck as well. Her jungle clears aren't that good as well as her sustain. Maybe I'm doing something wrong but the jungle hates me.
its beautiful
that was the best drawing leezy
Having it say fish not Nami is way better.
Rework 10/10I just went 16/0/4 as Darius
Hey, how do I join yall's pickem?
log in with your account and I forget which buttons you need to press
d-d-d-don't just link it like that you fool
it's supposed to be exclusive
I played a couple of matches for the first time in about 4 months.
1st game: had an AFK support that sat on the fountain for the first 15 minutes. I played well in the jungle, but it was too much to overcome.
2nd game: I was playing support, and it got out of hand early. My ADC was super aggressive and fed the Vayne. We got rolled.
So it's all the same as it ever was. Feels good to be back.
Thought I added the replay to my last post. Seemed to disappear or are we not supposed to post replays?
only way to seek forgiveness is to draw sad namiOh! sorry. I fixed it![]()
i can see the link
only way to seek forgiveness is to draw sad nami