I did, but I was a total shitter back then and built runaan's every game.How many of you played when triple Dblade > Wriggle's > PD was a viable AD carry option?
How many of you played when triple Dblade > Wriggle's > PD was a viable AD carry option?
I did. I played mostly top lane back then, but wriggles was pretty much necessary there as well.How many of you played when triple Dblade > Wriggle's > PD was a viable AD carry option?
Runaan's didn't exist back then.I did, but I was a total shitter back then and built runaan's every game.
Cool, I'm glad that it helped. You can try to run a couple of mana regen runes to make it possible to spam W more often.OMG, it really works as advertised! I managed to get two pretty good ults in the last match I played, doing quite well while supporting Quinn adc against Ashe and Morgana in bot (hated to be on the receiving end of her Q and E, though). Then we had a Veigar who was AFK the whole match and a jungle Shyvana who had to go mid to make up for that, all while Jax got overpowered at top and we were quickly facing the constant threat of roaming Yi and Sejuani screwing us up. And to think that we were at least doing decently at the bottom lane...
I'm getting more used to bubbling defensively in order to stave off approaching enemies, and am no longer spamming W recklessly and running out of mana too quickly. Still got to work on actually using signs to communicate, but I think I'm slowly getting better at filling my role in general and not dragging my team down too much.
How many of you played when triple Dblade > Wriggle's > PD was a viable AD carry option?
I don't think I ever had any luck with on-hit Kog. Probably for the best he has a more 'normal' item build (well, either AD or AP, depending on what day it is and what mood Riot's in)Holy shit, Wriggle's Lantern. Blast from the past. For some reason that item reminds of Madred's Bloodrazer. A Kog'Maw with that item was just disgusting.
I think the only metagolem I played regularly was GP and I deviated a bit by getting CDR boots and IE and FoN.Psh.
Wriggle's Vayne with ARpen runes, the good old daysHow many of you played when triple Dblade > Wriggle's > PD was a viable AD carry option?
Started playing AP WW since the Devourer item's been removed. Damn i am kicking ass.
I am on a 4 game winning streak with AP Jungle WW. I think most people are just surprised by the dmg output and the early ganks. As AP, I get red and go straight for a gank. Usually if I can get two q's off, then they have to back or lose lane.
They stop having a reason to farm, doesn't mean they actually stop lolI mean at least now they stop farming at some point
With old devourer/feral flare you could never get that mfer out of the jungle
A Devourer jungler that fully knows what he's doing is allright. The problem is that 90% of the people that pick this thing do so because think they can just do jack shit for 20 minutes and still win.
I've been noticing a lot more people trying to play Lux support since last patch? Maybe its because I'm in Bronze but it definitely wasn't this common before, and it still seems like everything she does as a support, Morg does better. Am I missing something?
Also Zed seems to be getting a lot more play while he still arms to have the problem that made everyone stop playing him a while ago.
Also Zed seems to be getting a lot more play while he still arms to have the problem that made everyone stop playing him a while ago.
I think there have been times I tried to play the game on a smurf and Lux is the only available champion that even seems like a support.No, Lux support is bad but it keeps getting played in lower ranks because people do not understand how to play support.
The one thing I don't like about lux support is that they don't ever buy a sightstone. They go morellos or mejais.
Tanks at top lane get picked a lot less being replaced by carry top laners like Yasuo and Fiora. The more popular junglers nowadays aren't tanks but champs like elise, lee sin and other carry junglers like Yi. This means that there aren't a lot tanks anymore. There are more squishy champs that get played so assassins get a lot more popular. Expect to see Leblanc return to popularity as well.
Pretty sure they make two ADCs and two Supports free every rotation.I think there have been times I tried to play the game on a smurf and Lux is the only available champion that even seems like a support.
Looking it up, they both existed back then, but when Runaan's came out Wriggles got a rework.Runaan's didn't exist back then.
Pretty sure they make two ADCs and two Supports free every rotation.
Looking it up, they both existed back then, but when Runaan's came out Wriggles got a rework.
Ah I see. That would make sense since I started playing near the end of s2.Runaan's did not exist in season 1/pre-season 1, it has only existed since preseason 3 or something like that. Old Wriggles made it possible to outsustain just about any damage in lane.
http://na.leagueoflegends.com/en/ne...on-rotation-karthus-sejuani-vladimir-and-morePretty sure they make two ADCs and two Supports free every rotation.
God, that's a weird rotation.http://na.leagueoflegends.com/en/ne...on-rotation-karthus-sejuani-vladimir-and-more
pre rework morde...you also don't have access to the free roster before summoner level six, and it is a very weird selection of champs that doesn't necessarily offer any support style champs.
God, that's a weird rotation.
Also, my sides.
pre rework morde...you also don't have access to the free roster before summoner level six, and it is a very weird selection of champs that doesn't necessarily offer any support style champs.
That has always been the case.At this point /r/LeagueofLegends is just a bunch of Richard Lewis clones with their Riot hate, especially the Lyte hating part.
Damn, Nocturne is really great to jungle withplayed 4 games and I've won all of em.
We're in high demand man.8 min queue to play adc. nooooo
There's a sub reddit just for Quinn? lolI just hope the rumors of them making Quinn an ADC and not an assassin aren't true. People in the Quinn sub on reddit are even talking about how they might get rid of Tag Team all together which is scaring me quite a bit.
I'm loving this meta. Vayne every game bby.I'm so ready for the ADC item changes. Played nothing but botlane for the last few weeks and I could use some new stuff. I definitely disagree that ADCs are too weak though. The main problem is that mid-game is really important right now and the vast majority of carries are garbage at that point aside from like Corki.
The idea that ADCs are weak is skewed. It's not exactly being weak as feeling like shit. You don't really do the most damage, your importance comes from killing things that can't fight back better than anyone else - objectives.I'm so ready for the ADC item changes. Played nothing but botlane for the last few weeks and I could use some new stuff. I definitely disagree that ADCs are too weak though. The main problem is that mid-game is really important right now and the vast majority of carries are garbage at that point aside from like Corki.