I tried out vayne awhile ago and she is a lot of fun but really challenging. It was a nice change of pace from the usual adc's I play like sivir and kog.
Yeah most of the reworked champs are super strong right now. Most bans looks like this Darius, garen, morde, fiora then who ever else they want to ban.So I haven't been following, but is Garen super overtuned right now? I've seen him a few times and he just seems to be a bit out of control.
There's a sub reddit just for Quinn? lol
Tag Team is probably one of the most boring spells in the game. It changes basically nothing about her abilities, just the range. Also fuck the idea of a ranged AD assassin, if they keep her assassin playstyle then it's time to fully rework her into her melee assassin prototype.
Garen is pretty stupid right now. But he's no Darius that's for sure.So I haven't been following, but is Garen super overtuned right now? I've seen him a few times and he just seems to be a bit out of control.
There's a Quinn subreddit?
Some ad nerfs on vayne is coming up on pbe.
They didn't, which is why they're trying a minor love tap that might or might not ship instead of actual nerfs.Ugh can't believe the caved to all the whining
They didn't, which is why they're trying a minor love tap that might or might not ship instead of actual nerfs.
Nerfing Vayne now would kill the champion since a whole bunch of lane bullies are getting reworked in the preseason.
I'm sure all unpopular champion mains do.This is what I mean, people that play Quinn love the shit out of her.
You should see the mean shit I type about Quinn when I play her, lol.This is what I mean, people that play Quinn love the shit out of her.
Don't expect anything until worlds are doneWhere da Quinn/ADC, Poppy and Taric updates at Rito? Stop holding out on da PBE goodness...
Garen is pretty stupid right now. But he's no Darius that's for sure.
lux support is not a thing, you might as well play ashe supportI've been noticing a lot more people trying to play Lux support since last patch? Maybe its because I'm in Bronze but it definitely wasn't this common before, and it still seems like everything she does as a support, Morg does better. Am I missing something?
yea reddit is a cesspit, tho gotta admit that post is pretty funny lolAt this point /r/LeagueofLegends is just a bunch of Richard Lewis clones with their Riot hate, especially the Lyte hating part.
i've been goofing around with veigar lately, i think he's probably one of the least fun mids i've ever played. some of it is my inexperience playing him, but seriously, it's like his first 25 or so minutes are so shit that he has to be compensated by not having to even think to one shot people. yeah it's kind of hilarious to get like 1.3k ap but at least you can do that with cassiopeia while actually being a fun champion
just lock her in mid and enjoyI've already seen Lux support happening. Just stepped back in and already have seen her a couple of times.
Live a world where ADCs aren't necessary?
That doesn't sound like fun at all.
I don't see having set roles as an issue. There's a lot of variance within those roles.I would enjoy more varied lanes similar to how they are in dota. There are the hard carries but it's not always a ranged carry.
Its more 1-4(?) Roles. Where the 1 spot (usually carry) gets the most farm (or rather needs it) and as the numbers get lower those roles require or need less farm (supports etc).
Right now everything is pretty well locked (aside from double jungle and a few starts here and there) which is fun but could be Better.
Do all champions have their own sub or just Quinn? I don't understand that at all she's so boring lol
Like what? I dont go on reddit so I wouldn't know.Most champs have their own subs. They are more or less active though. Some subs are nearly dead while others are quite active.
Like what? I dont go on reddit so I wouldn't know.
why? that doesn't mean you're gonna have to solo lane or that you won't ever play adc, just that it's not gonna be mandatory. think as in picking an tank support vs mage support or assassin vs mage or whatever.Live a world where ADCs aren't necessary?
That doesn't sound like fun at all.
Do all champions have their own sub or just Quinn? I don't understand that at all she's so boring lol
Like what? I dont go on reddit so I wouldn't know.
more active ones
all ones, list of whether they exist or not:
both posts are a couple of months old so they may or may not be accurate today.
most of them are kinda inactive.
i've been goofing around with veigar lately, i think he's probably one of the least fun mids i've ever played. some of it is my inexperience playing him, but seriously, it's like his first 25 or so minutes are so shit that he has to be compensated by not having to even think to one shot people. yeah it's kind of hilarious to get like 1.3k ap but at least you can do that with cassiopeia while actually being a fun champion
who came up with this shit -___-
Ghostcrawler said:Overreliance on the RNG of crit.
you can do that with syndra or lux and actually have to like combo stuff and think or whatever lolI think he's fun. It's fun to have a Xin Zhao try to kill you and then get instagibbed
Maybe some of it is the skin, but stacking the passive on Final Boss Veigar is super satisfying. Hitting two minions at once for the double 1up is fun.
context?Is Riot finally going to get rid of this nonsense?
I don't see having set roles as an issue. There's a lot of variance within those roles.
E - Judgment
ZEALOUS PERSECUTION Fixed a bug where Judgment was dealing damage to the Villain equal to 1% of Garens Health rather than the Villains
Maybe MF will be decent now
MF will still be kinda weak late but maybe she can get good in the mid game. Is it enough? We'll see.
That's why I play kog so I can 3 shot people late game. It probably my favorite thing to play is kog with full build, he just does so much damage it is crazy.MF will still be kinda weak late but maybe she can get good in the mid game. Is it enough? We'll see.
wtfRNG sucks, no context necessary.
Ghostcrawler's opinions on the problems with ADCs right nowwtf
im asking what's the context of the quote
is he saying they're removing crit
or changing how it works
or something
MF will still be kinda weak late but maybe she can get good in the mid game. Is it enough? We'll see.