Lol. You saw some of the game? The khazix didn't play him very well and the thresh used the lantern to get souls right next to him lol. But neither annoyed me as much as the teemo that kept complaining. I got caught once around Baron and he raged and said he was done. Just sat top the rest of the game.
I had a few good arrows that people didn't follow up on despite lots of pings but despite that I didn't play so hot myself.
Yeah I saw a bit more than the second half, presumably soon after bot tower fell. Couldn't see game chat, so I can see why Teemo would have been a pain.
And not to pile on after a bad loss but getting caught near Baron was pretty much the nail in the coffin. I don't understand how, because Thresh and Kha were so underwhelming and Ez was fed, but your team was still in it up until that point if your team could muster an ace with only a few deaths.
There was just no reason to be where you were. Essentially no vision, walking into a bush with no sight of the enemy team as an ADC while your own team is in an area that generally has lots of vision so they have a general idea of where you are. I could sort of understand if you were moving to put down a ward to secure some baron vision, but your team was in no position to attempt it anyways. Not sure if you had hawkshot available or not.
I wouldn't dwell on it, you did as well as well as anyone else in the match. Ez getting fed had a lot more to do with some really questionable decisions by your team and dumb luck than actual skill.