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League of Legends |OT10| Botlane Was A Mistake, It's Nothing But Thresh

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oh nice Leona got most kills. But I'm sure I didn't get most dmg dealt ofc. I was just merely the iniator for most team fights




quick notes on supp itemization: don't buy sunfire cape on a support tho, that's a big no 100% of the times. in fact, you shouldn't build 6 items ever on a support, you need that slot for pink wards which are super important. also you didn't trade out your trinket for red trinket (and upgraded it), so keep that in mind too. also get mobi boots on supports always. as a support you don't need merc treads, reducing time spent stunned doesn't mean as much for you as the speed from mobis to allow you to sneak up wards or make your engages or generally run to help people

sunfire cape bad
have a slot for pinks and buy tons of them
get red trinket
mobi boots


Thanks for your advice but I have 100% win rate with Leona after following this item build

(that's for many, many days now too)

Will keep your advice in mind tho esp if I go on tilt. but for now I'm on a roll with that build

[edit] I lied, I see I lost 1 match a few days ago :( Will look into your advice lol
Actrually lost more than 1. funny how I forget bad things quick


just think about sunfire for a second

do you want to be tanky or deal damage? Answer:
both are WRONG, you want to support. buy pink wards you dumbo


it's kind of a difficult lesson cos the player that needs it the most, the riven and yasuo players and whatnot, are the least likely to learn it cos they have that solo carry mentality so engraived in their brains

Never happened to me though. I guess I kinda got away with it because I wasn't really a Riven main when I started. I was actually a Malphite main with Rammus at the sides. I believe a few months ago when I wasn't as active in this community yet I asked you guys if malph was a good champ to start with. I got a few good answers and read some strategies back then whenever I'm behind. I was always behind when I started especially because you can't really snowball as Malphite unless you go AP. So it's really good if you learn how to play behind early on so you can test your limits with a champ and still have a strategy when behind if you fail.

I think because of that I improved a lot and I was able to test the limits of my current champion pool. Because of that I can make LCS plays sometimes and just wow myself while still being consistent in how I play.

Anyway, my tip for bronzies and new players is to hammer down the basics before you go for advanced play. Basically start with the most fundamental stuff like CS, wards and positioning. If you can, play basic champs so it'll be easier to train those stuff. After that, you can go practice a lot more advance stuff like wave control and rotations.

For those in bronze, silver, and gold, I watched this series and it helped me even in plat when I started watching these.

Tips for Bronze
Tips for Gold


Thanks for your advice but I have 100% win rate with Leona after following this item build

(that's for many, many days now too)

Will keep your advice in mind tho esp if I go on tilt. but for now I'm on a roll with that build

[edit] I lied, I see I lost 1 match a few days ago :( Will look into your advice lol
Actrually lost more than 1. funny how I forget bad things quick

I'm not a support main but I'd heartily recommend Zeke's. Your AD Carry will love you for it and it also helps shore up a relatively weak midgame.


Just as a mind exercise, it'd be kinda neat if Summoner Spells started off weaker than their current iterations but would have multiple upgrade paths kinda like trinkets in exchange for gold.

Take TP as an example. It starts with the same CD but no longer has reduced CD when used on towers. Pay some gold and you can have that passive back, or you could upgrade it to give a movement speed boost after use, or a slightly shorted CD, etc. So while the player could opt to get that upgrade early if the cost is right (475g?) they're giving their opponent an opportunity to invest their own gold in combat stats.

if the price was really low (high gold efficiency), it'd be a pointless exercise because everybody would upgrade asap

if the price was reasonable (good gold efficiency), it'd lead to increased snowball because it's a marginal luxury that only the winning can afford to have (since it doesn't add combat stats)

if the price was high (low gold efficiency), it would be relegated to end game 'slot efficiency' type buys, barring some edge cases where there's a lot of synergy with the upgrade


oh wow, got poked to death in bottom lane. Match ended at 20 mins. Didnt get a chance to buy any items beyond sightstone lol.

Been playing hardcore til my IP booster runs out. Back to ARAM for now

Purchased this IP booster for runes. ARAM much better for IP grinding since someone usually buys skins
sunfire support tanks give me cancer

just build fh. its cheaper, has a better aura, gives a huge amount of cdr and most importantly gives u like 50 more armor


thx guys found a good guide to follow. Champion.gg was pulling stats from Top-Leona + Support-Leona

looks fairly simple. Although planning to take a break once IP booster runs out. HOTS getting lots of new content. Want to play it for a few days


Bad thing about Worlds is now all you see are people playing the most OP champs. Every game has Fiora, Darius, Tristana, and Azir.


Draven is so much fun. Juggling axes and killing people from across the map is just hilarious, he's such a genuinely fun champion. I've been finding that hard to come by lately, and it's a nice change.


Bad thing about Worlds is now all you see are people playing the most OP champs. Every game has Fiora, Darius, Tristana, and Azir.

I don't think Azir nor Tristana are OP, they're mostly just quite safe (specially Trist) which makes her more suitable for something like Worlds.

But yeah, Darius is just uuuuh.. Reminds me of the previous Worlds where Alistar was permabanned (if I am not misremembering?).


The real broken op thing this worlds is Gangplank. :( I would like to see him more tho. He's so much fun. Darius has been succesfully kept in check in many games already.


I got a solo kill as Braum against Vayne (with her Janna sitting there with her) because my ADC was DCed. Level 9-10 or so? She ate a q, took like 3 tower shots, kept trying to kill me/tower, ate another q and took another 2-3 tower shots, then ate my ultimate and took a few more and died. Janna didn't ult.

Still, I don't know how the heck you die as Vayne with Janna to a Braum. That's S tier level sloppy, especially if you're not even diving.
I got a solo kill as Braum against Vayne (with her Janna sitting there with her) because my ADC was DCed. Level 9-10 or so? She ate a q, took like 3 tower shots, kept trying to kill me/tower, ate another q and took another 2-3 tower shots, then ate my ultimate and took a few more and died. Janna didn't ult.

Still, I don't know how the heck you die as Vayne with Janna to a Braum. That's S tier level sloppy, especially if you're not even diving.

Hunger knows no bounds.



There's no value in looking at a stomp. Take your recent loss as an example instead.

Just looking at the first couple of minutes, you get firstblooded because you play aggressive despite not having a single ward out, while both your and your support's trinkets are ready. If you and your support alternate using your trinket wards you have near 100% up time on a single ward.


I just got Bewitching Nidalee, Headless Hecarim and Headmistress Fiora from some mystery gift, not bad at all. :)

Now to get to platinum, the season ends on november 11th I've heard, is that correct?


I am not saying I am good, in fact I am bad (there is a reason why I am stuck in bronze IV) and no, I am not blaming bad games on my teammates (ok I might blame the ADC sometimes) but I was just saying that most low elo don't listen to pings and stuff like ''go back'' or ''don't overstay''

If there was only 5% more communication, some of those losses could have been wins or close games. also, people keep saying you can carry with supp. I am Bronze ffs, I can't even carry with Riven or whatever, let alone supp.

also, I was saying that, I was improving. I have actually raised my mmr by a lot of normals and now I play with low silver, high silver people which can be fun but too hard (and the communication skill is not there.

but thanks for the tip, I will keep in mind in them, especially learning powerpikes and learn when to go back and when to roam.

also, for some reaosn I can not play as Leaona, people keep saying she is easy to learn but I am having challenge with her :/ guess that says alot about me than anything else. Will probably go for Thresh or Naut


unless i misunderstood you, i think you got it wrong, your normals mmr doesn't affect your ranked mmr so bear that in mind

also i think you got the whole riven/supp thing wrong. riven takes a lot of skill to do consistently well with her. it's not easier to carry with riven cos you gotta be good in the first place. same with thresh or lee sin or whatever. carry champions, stay the fuck away from them. at bronze 4, you can't really afford to learn mechanics and decision making all at once so just stick to easier champions is my suggestion to you

if you can't play leona that's fine, just try nautilus or play janna or something. i have a friend that plays bard, thresh, alistar, etc. really well and can't play leona or annie for whatever reason


Trying to make a push to Diamond atm. Got Diamond last year, but kinda struggled at Plat 1 this season and dropped down to Plat 2. Just won my promo though, so back at Plat 1 now. :D Having some fun with AP Jax jungle. It does a stupid amount of damage in a small time frame. Nobody expects it, but I like it.


apparently rito's plan for tp is similar to what i had said, make tp cd higher and scale it down through levels



rito said:
Loading screen border (with new division markers)

People will be able to see if someone was stuck in division V now.

Maybe people will want to climb more now that there's a distinction.


People will be able to see if someone was stuck in division V now.

Maybe people will want to climb more now that there's a distinction.

Oh. That actually stinks lol. Guess I should play my promos to get out of gold V. Don't think I'll get back to my normal gold 3 but who knows.


I just wanna say:
Fuck LeBlanc.
I ragequit my last ranked match, we were behind by like 20 kills and these people think they can win.
Dear lord.

Also Fuck Leblanc.
Oh no now people will know I just play ranked enough to get gold then never touch it again.
What's wrong with that? Atleast when your gold you are better than most people that play the game. Also free skin and a border.

It would be nice to say that I got gold in my first season.


What's wrong with that? Atleast when your gold you are better than most people that play the game. Also free skin and a border.

It would be nice to say that I got gold in my first season.

I'm being sarcastic. I don't care about ranked, nor do I care about a tiny icon in the corner of a tiny border during the 20-30 second load screen. :p
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