I'm slowly getting used to playing non-support with Lulu. I don't know if I'm playing her right, but once we get into team fights I mostly end up supporting the tanks and/or carries with W, E and R while ocassionally poking opponents with Q.
So far, I'm liking her abilities more than Nami's, as her W lasts a really long time and scales like crazy once I begin accumulating AP, E allows me to get really creative with my Qs (even though that burns through my MP rather quickly in the early game) and her R's amazing for disrupting combat math. I'll definitely purchase her once her price drops sometime next week, and spend the IP I'll end up saving to get Morgana as well.
Last match we somehow had a Garen playing support, but he was decent enough somehow and I managed to hold my own alone in top (with a couple nice ganks by jg Amumu). Then Amumu and Fizz went to town on the enemy team over and over, we got an ever growing lead on the enemy team and that was it.
Still, it's kind of telling how normal matches can end up with forty-plus kills by each team while worlds matches have all had way lower body counts than that. I guess good players, good teamwork and more careful play are some of the reasons that result in not-so-crazy death counts.