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League of Legends |OT10| Botlane Was A Mistake, It's Nothing But Thresh

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hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Always dodge when you have Yasuo on your team.


relies on auto-aim
loleventvods does a great job all year long
Yeah but I only watch Worlds and some rare CLG/TSM games


Riot Oceanic just (?) revealed Cosmic Reaver Kassadin's in-game look and details, it brings a tear to my Australian heart.


Cosmic Reaver Kassadin’s astral appearance is inspired by the Southern Cross, the smallest constellation in the night sky. Communities all across Oceania treat the Cross with special reverence -- from the folk tales of the Maori to the symbolism of Australian Aboriginal astronomy, the constellation holds different meanings in various Oceanic countries.

The Southern Cross features most prominently in Cosmic Reaver Kassadin's Recall animation, in which he traces the shape of the constellation after opening a rift into space. His new weapon also takes on the shape of the Cross, being outlined in stars.

In regards to pricing and charity:
Cosmic Reaver Kassadin will launch at half price in Oceania for two weeks, dropping the price from 1350 RP to 675 RP. During this period, Kassadin’s RP price will also be halved from 790 RP to 395 RP.

All revenue earned from the sale of Cosmic Reaver Kassadin in Oceania during the launch sale will be donated to charity. The Medical Services/Research category won the server vote so the donation will go to a cause in that field.


i used to love playing top annie when her aa range was 600

annie and lizzy top lane all day

made so many renektons and shyvannas miserable
Play another ranked game, was winning middle game and early game. Zac dives into 5 forcing us to fight with out add list inhib. We all tell him to never do that again, then he does it again while waiting for our adc to come back up and we lost the game. Also my team had the worst focusing ever, they had a malz and even ever he would ult not one would try to kill him but me. Then I would die because I would get CC to death by mal naut and poppy.
First time back to 0 LP, I hate everything tonight.


Huh, So those 3 fancy skins aren't actually for the Hallowing/Halloween? That's kinda surprising (Demon Vi especially threw me off), but cool with me. Maybe they will release a skin for champs I play more.


I wish Tahm Kench was more fun to play in lane. He's just...really underwhelming as a support.

Be meaner. Some supports are really good at poking him but one tongue land + one auto and they are in panic mode to disengage you (if they can).

I do think he's a bit weak on the support side for solo Q especially in TP meta, and his laning phase is meh compared to other tankys like Braum Naut or Leona. But he can shut down quite a few popular melee champs and does some legit damage with no damage items needed.



I'm glad I'm not the only one tilted by Yasuo. That period of a dozen or so games where I had a Yasuo in 70% of them was one of the worst ever. looooooool


I'm slowly getting used to playing non-support with Lulu. I don't know if I'm playing her right, but once we get into team fights I mostly end up supporting the tanks and/or carries with W, E and R while ocassionally poking opponents with Q.

So far, I'm liking her abilities more than Nami's, as her W lasts a really long time and scales like crazy once I begin accumulating AP, E allows me to get really creative with my Qs (even though that burns through my MP rather quickly in the early game) and her R's amazing for disrupting combat math. I'll definitely purchase her once her price drops sometime next week, and spend the IP I'll end up saving to get Morgana as well.

Last match we somehow had a Garen playing support, but he was decent enough somehow and I managed to hold my own alone in top (with a couple nice ganks by jg Amumu). Then Amumu and Fizz went to town on the enemy team over and over, we got an ever growing lead on the enemy team and that was it.

Still, it's kind of telling how normal matches can end up with forty-plus kills by each team while worlds matches have all had way lower body counts than that. I guess good players, good teamwork and more careful play are some of the reasons that result in not-so-crazy death counts.
Yeah, she's bad, but no troll the other siren "A Little Jenny" is super damn good. Ask YLA Rex if you don't believe me lol.

Ive played against and with a little jenny a few times( like, years ago.) definitely one of the more memorable sirens. Yoonie always struck me as the worst one tho


Just got wrecked by a late game jungle poppy. She was almost unkillable and one shotting everyone. It was horrid lol. We were so far ahead early too. No one was listening to my calls at all. Just roamed around looking for kills and feeding the poppy haha. Yay normals.
I made a team surrender after insta killing there adc while playing morde, it was great.

Just got wrecked by a late game jungle poppy. She was almost unkillable and one shotting everyone. It was horrid lol. We were so far ahead early too. No one was listening to my calls at all. Just roamed around looking for kills and feeding the poppy haha. Yay normals.
That is what happened to me but with a top lane poppy in ranked.


Someone took Lulu because "they were a smurf and needed her." I rolled with it and tried Ekko since I had just seen my brother play a game with him. In the end I had placed more wards than her, was buying us Vision Wards, and got upped Red Trinket to deal with the enemy Twitch -- since she never bought Sightstone and therefore never switched out to Red.

We won, but lol at these so called smurfs. They're either just talk, or are literally just smurfing because they can't deal with people higher up.

Ekko is really fun too. But my IP is reserved for Lulu, so he'll have to wait for a loooong while. D:
This game's got me all kinds of fucked up. I've won like 3 of my last 18 games, and I just wrapped up a game where I got 3 kills within the first 20 seconds of the match, but our Malz disconnects. Dude connects back and is so weak that his ult heals the enemies.

I didn't sign up for this.



pro tip

if someone tells u they're a smurf, 99% of the time they're actually retarded.

Words of wisdom if ever there were.

Just got wrecked by a late game jungle poppy. She was almost unkillable and one shotting everyone. It was horrid lol. We were so far ahead early too. No one was listening to my calls at all. Just roamed around looking for kills and feeding the poppy haha. Yay normals.

Jungle Poppy is an unkillable monster who will not just chase you to your base, but through it.


This game's got me all kinds of fucked up. I've won like 3 of my last 18 games, and I just wrapped up a game where I got 3 kills within the first 20 seconds of the match, but our Malz disconnects. Dude connects back and is so weak that his ult heals the enemies.

I didn't sign up for this.

What's your IGN?


For the whole last week, I haven't managed to win more than 2 games in a row.

I'm in plat 1-2 elo now and it's just hell lol.

People give up and start to feed within 15minutes.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
For the whole last week, I haven't managed to win more than 2 games in a row.

I'm in plat 1-2 elo now and it's just hell lol.

People give up and start to feed within 15minutes.

This is always happens towards the end of the season. People realize they only have a month left to get rewards and start panic spamming ranked.


THATS WHAT I WANT TO KNOW. I was playing vlad and I couldn't never out trade her, and got no help ever. This is why I jungle.

Those kind of surprise match up will always end up with a loss unless you are ready to counter. Also, as a Jungle, its very hard to gank top because how far is it, although Annie have no escape which means easy gank.


As someone whose learning to jungle again after a break from the role, what's Amumu like? I'm enjoying Warwick and AP Xin Xao is just boring, Amumu just always seemed so interesting. And he's always so sad :(


As someone whose learning to jungle again after a break from the role, what's Amumu like? I'm enjoying Warwick and AP Xin Xao is just boring, Amumu just always seemed so interesting. And he's always so sad :(

I have been told he is really good atm, easy to learn and have a great gank potential with his super long range and destructive aoe ult. I have been meaning to pick him up as well, so let me know how it goes if you decide to jungle him.


Ww and amumu is the beginner's jungle. There's very little in terms of how you get mechanically good with them. As long you know when to go in then you should be good to go. Ww should be picked more ofteb while amumu will be for when you want to wombo combo.


I give up NA is garbage. Literally wild card tier
Come OCE, where being called a cunt is actually an endearing thing.
Ww and amumu is the beginner's jungle. There's very little in terms of how you get mechanically good with them. As long you know when to go in then you should be good to go. Ww should be picked more ofteb while amumu will be for when you want to wombo combo.
Sweet, sounds like my kind of style. And I want to cheer up the poor guy.
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