Speaking of devourer AP champs....
Coming to a 5.17 near you
Does that new movement armor item offer any bonus movement speed to Hecarim?
I just realised they aren't buffing magic resist at all
Whoever said that is dumb
The Nami movespeed buffs feel great in game. It's probably not worth getting AP outside of what already exists on Zekes though.
Sucks being tank these days. You either need to snowball your lane or hope the enemy team are idiots.
good. FUCK tank meta.
What meta would you prefer? Admit it, it was a lot better than the Assassin Meta.
I don't mind tank meta. There were a lot of honest, proper team fights. Assassin meta is fine too as long as they won't do stupid shit like kill people in one combo without hitting any skillshot (season 3 Ahri).
In my experiences with the tank meta, it was highlighted by champs like Sejuani who would buy at the most 1 offensive item and 5 defensive items and manage to be able to solo 6-slotted ADCs. Couldn't kill them efficiently and couldn't focus on them (because the rest of Sej's team was right behind her). Fuck that bullshit.
i hope not
stupid high heel shit
YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSJust won a morde/support duo lane game
It felt pretty weird.
That dragon is pretty damn hilarious though....
Also -
PROJECT: Fiora concept art ??? (she has an 06 and the same sword)
It's not really a ninja thing, but yeah this skin line is based on Raiden who has heels meant for gripping his sword while he breakdances.All her skins have heels dude
Plus, Raiden has high heels, I think its just a ninja thing.
That is one tight suit.
Morde is looking pretty tight
What build did you go on him? I was thinking Hextech and then tanking up with HP, etc.+Magic boots.
let me tell you guys about a little purple dude called Skarner
he's pretty good
He has no CC, tank was never happening. You build just enough tankiness to be able to do your damage, not to become a frontline.^AP-centric then? Was kinda hoping his Tankiness would be factoring in now![]()
Haven't tried him yet but I've been watching some games. Gunblade looks core, Rylai's is hella good to keep targets around so you can triple Q them and going back to bot lane with a pet Dragon is both hilarious and terrifying.What build did you go on him? I was thinking Hextech and then tanking up with HP, etc.+Magic boots.
That post was initially gonna be "Morde looks as tight as Fiora's butt", how did you figure that out?Are you talking about Fioras butt
No get trinity instead of lich bane
let me tell you guys about a little purple dude called Skarner
he's pretty good
The Phage passiveHis Q deals bonus Magic damage, any particular reasons for going Trinity?
This and zeal move speed. Even so it probs wont be enough to stick to people with even a little bit of mobilityThe Phage passive
The Phage passive