Protip for all the budding skarner players: he's good, just max E instead of Q please. His E is disgusting
Dead Man's Plate looks to be great for junglers and possibly supports as well. The MS boost will give you some crazy fast ganks and let you zip around the map a bit like you have mobis.
Why not just get mobis instead? If you are a jungler/support, that is.
These comments are scary me as they are all about how good the damage is on these tanks X.x
I don't mind the Tank meta and much prefer it over the Talon/Zed fest I've been seeing at the moment with zero front line to entertain them. I mainly play ADC so the tank meta meant for some decent prolonged fights but also felt like you had no power.
It will be scary if these new tank items/builds are giving the 3-4k HP monsters enough damage to crush the backline with ease. It's already bad enough in SoloQ where the tank front line does zero peeling or disruption and goes straight for the backline so I can only see this getting worse if they can do damage as well
Ah well I'm always for change though it is nice to shake things up rather than keeping them static or designing around a super safe set of margins.
i hope not
stupid high heel shit
It's not really a ninja thing, but yeah this skin line is based on Raiden who has heels meant for gripping his sword while he breakdances.
new mordes jungle clear is a lot better with that q and the shield changes.
Just won a morde/support duo lane game
It felt pretty weird.
That dragon is pretty damn hilarious though....
Also -
PROJECT: Fiora concept art ??? (she has an 06 and the same sword)
I think someone commisioned him/her to do it. I feel her skin would be similar considering the artist is from Riot.that's not fiora, some random art zeronis did. at least that's what he posted about that piece a few weeks ago
Is he out yet?
Just won a morde/support duo lane game
It felt pretty weird.
That dragon is pretty damn hilarious though....
Also -
PROJECT: Fiora concept art ??? (she has an 06 and the same sword)
If you want to do no damage you could do that.
I can see an argument for E over W as your second ability to max but maxing Q is his damage.
You are probably going to max E over W on new Skarner. Or at the very least swap points between the two. W scaling off points is only a few extra HP % on the shield, which is nice and all, but less needed when the shield isn't flat that scales up with points in the ability. I will try to play him today.
Fuck, I really hope the actual Fiora skin looks similar to thisthat's not fiora, some random art zeronis did. at least that's what he posted about that piece a few weeks ago
im so fucking getting into sakimichan patreon this month
im tired of all them watermarks and clothes
He's correct. Maxing Q or E is situational, but E max first will be more frequent, or in the least bit stronger. 11 patches later and people are still maxing W first on jungle Nautilus, so sometimes players are their own problem.
Q now scales off total attack damage which means that its damage increases without having to put ranks in it. On top of that, its stacking movement speed and attack speed bonus have now been shifted to his passive, which either triggers on applying kit-based CC (Fracture or Impale) or when a near a crystal spire. It isn't loaded with combat stats anymore, there's no reason to pick it up first except in a single potential case.
At Level 9, a rank 5 Crystal Slash will deal ~44 damage (or 88 with empowered Qs). A rank 1 Crystal Slash will deal 32 damage/64 damage (all this is before additional AD, which is fine to assume to be near 0 because Cinderhulk will still generally be better on Skarner). That's a difference of 24 damage per empowered Crystal Slash. The difference in damage of a rank 1 and rank 5 Fracture is 240 damage. So in the span of 10 seconds (rank 5 CD on E w/ the on-hit CD reduction passive on E) Skarner would have to land 10 empowered Crystal Slashes to equal the damage differential. That would be impossible; just can't happen even in an ideal situation. On top of that, ganking is still very important at level 9 and the burst damage from E is better than the sustained damage from Q, as is the slight improvement to the strength of the slow. Added bonus is that his clear speed in the jungle is better with E and clearing lane minions is way better with E than Q.
Things get murky once you start considering non 1v1 or Xv1 situations in Skarner's favour. But now you have to consider how many champions is Skarner hitting with Q or E, how much on-hit CDR is he getting on E, etc. Worst comes to worst, Q max and E max are equal, but since E > Q for 1v1 scenarios and ganks, then E as a whole is better.
Q max first does have its uses. A very early snowball for Skarner opens up the possibility of going Warrior with Trinity Force as his second pickup for lots of early game damage and this build favours Q max. Again, Skarner will generally be consigned to being the team's tank so Cinderhulk will still be the more frequent item. This favours E max.
I fully expect to see a considerable difference in the win rates for Q first and E first skill order on and by this weekend.
I'm watching NB3 play Skarner and uh
I think he might be a tad strong
QT is building random shit and still wrecking most bot lanes he plays against. When people perfect Morde's itemization he'll probably be pretty strong.I'm watching imaqtpie play mordekaiser
he might be a tad bit weak. Or maybe qtpies build is stupid as fuck.
well, first of all it's not a straight 240 damage difference because the E itself is magic damage and you're not going to ever get magic pen on new Skarner.
I also think going Cinderhulk is a waste considering his dueling potential and the amount of damage he can put out, especially with the Cinderhulk nerf this patch making it worse.
.Maxing Q brings the cooldown to 2.5 seconds, or 1.5 seconds with 40% CDR which is potentail builds heavily favour. Coupled with the 1 second cooldown refund on champion hit means you'll be throwing out a Q every 0.5 seconds
It's a massive DPS increase to max Q especially if you're buying at least an AD item
None of that even considers the fact that if you miss the E you're fucked.
I doubt they'll touch him too hard since the next two patches are meant for worlds
i mean directly after his rework, skarner was wrecking everything so hard that they insta nerfed him in like a hotfix or something. or maybe it was the next patch, i dunno. they seem to like buffing him to super stronk then immediately cutting him down instead of letting him stay op like other champions.
I genuinely do not understand riots mentality. They make sweeping changes in a number of untouched champions, across the board changes to an entire class of item (armor) and add new items RIGHT before worlds. What professional sport does stuff like that??? I would be so mad if I was a pro player. There's no possible way they can balance it properly in the weeks before worlds let alone the adaption that teams have to make.
Please max the Q ability on Skarner. It is very efficient per point and scales exceptionally well with his passive.
I genuinely do not understand riots mentality. They make sweeping changes in a number of untouched champions, across the board changes to an entire class of item (armor) and add new items RIGHT before worlds. What professional sport does stuff like that??? I would be so mad if I was a pro player. There's no possible way they can balance it properly in the weeks before worlds let alone the adaption that teams have to make.
Xin Zhao, Zyra were both also nerfed through hotfixesI want to say the only time a champions been nerfed through a hotfix is Leblanc. I wouldn't remember about Skarner, don't think he was egregiously disgusting.
This is an ever changing game that you need to constantly adapt for if you want to be competitive. This is the last big patch before worlds, all scrims happening right after the playoffs are done will be in this patch, everyone is on even ground so if teams can't handle getting used to the changes in a two month span too fucking bad.I genuinely do not understand riots mentality. They make sweeping changes in a number of untouched champions, across the board changes to an entire class of item (armor) and add new items RIGHT before worlds. What professional sport does stuff like that??? I would be so mad if I was a pro player. There's no possible way they can balance it properly in the weeks before worlds let alone the adaption that teams have to make.