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League of Legends |OT10| Botlane Was A Mistake, It's Nothing But Thresh

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I couldn't be happier that Riot is telling the pro LoL scene to go fuck itself. Game first, boring shit where nothing happens for 20+ minutes second.

If it was game first they would buff up all the underplayed/weak champions. The Pro LoL scene isn't the problem, it's a symptom. Games are still going to be boring shit where nothing happens for the first 20 minutes.

Xin Zhao, Zyra were both also nerfed through hotfixes

Oh yeah, Zyra was egregious. Xin too but he's never been the same since.


If it was game first they would buff up all the underplayed/weak champions.

If only they'd change 4 champions and provide more itemization choices with a stated goal to help out an undervalued class of champions. Roll it all up into a single big patch. Could even highlight the changes with a title of some sort. "Here come the Titans!" No no, that doesn't work. Maybe, maybe Ju...Jugger...arrgggh! Damn it all, what's the word I'm looking for?!

Oh well, whatever. Fuck it, it'll never happen.

nah the reason why games are boring is because all the champs are relatively weak compared to what they were.

The competitive games are boring because (unpopular opinion on a gaming board) watching other people play a video game is stupid and never as good as actually playing it. eSports is the 21st century equivalent of letting your bigger sibling hog the NES controller in a single player game and repeatedly telling you you'll get to play next life, but that time never comes.
Oh and fucking flash. That's another issue in why the game is so boring the first 20 minutes. When something exciting is going to happen they just flash away and proceed to be afraid to do anything for the next 3 minutes, thus creating that boring gameplay.

Solution:Remove flash.

If only they'd change 4 champions and provide more itemization choices with a stated goal to help out an undervalued class of champions. Roll it all up into a single big patch. Could even highlight the changes with a title of some sort. "Here come the Titans!" No no, that doesn't work. Maybe, maybe Ju...Jugger...arrgggh! Damn it all, what's the word I'm looking for?!

Oh well, whatever. Fuck it, it'll never happen.

So far the only egregiously powerful one is Skarner. The Garen changes seem like nerfs more than anything else with an added gimmick, Mordekaiser is again nerfs to his base power and movement speed(?!?!?) with some gimmicks added in. Darius will probably be powerful in the long run but I'm going to let it simmer.

Again, I said buff, not 'retool their kits'. Straight number buff is what I'm talking about.


Mordekaiser seems to be really strong in bot lane right now. Stick him with Nami and snowball the hell out of the game.
Mordekaiser seems to be really strong in bot lane right now. Stick him with Nami and snowball the hell out of the game.

How does he do mid to late game? Like Darius I wanna give morde the benefit of the doubt and let him simmer until he settles in. Skarner, from the streams Ive seen(nightblue) has been either banned or picked to success. And Garen...nobody plays Garen


So far the only egregiously powerful one is Skarner. The Garen changes seem like nerfs more than anything else with an added gimmick, Mordekaiser is again nerfs to his base power and movement speed(?!?!?) with some gimmicks added in. Darius will probably be powerful in the long run but I'm going to let it simmer.

Again, I said buff, not 'retool their kits'. Straight number buff is what I'm talking about.

And now that their kits have been retooled to have more identity Riot has more options to buff them now. Or do you honestly think that if they're still weak and underplayed Riot will just stop here and leave it be?

They overshot some champions, undershot others. Big fucking deal. The intent is there, give it time. Or don't, because I can't figure out for the life of my why you even play this game.


How does he do mid to late game? Like Darius I wanna give morde the benefit of the doubt and let him simmer until he settles in. Skarner, from the streams Ive seen(nightblue) has been either banned or picked to success. And Garen...nobody plays Garen

He becomes ridiculously tanky in mid game, while he can still deal a lot of damage with his Q. Our games haven't gotten to full late game yet so I cannot comment on that.
Mordekaiser seems to be really strong in bot lane right now. Stick him with Nami and snowball the hell out of the game.
If you coordinate properly with your support, a Leona lane could be very strong, charge your Q up then have her jump in so you can just do the third strike for a fuckton of damage


Why waste money on Sakimichan when you can get NSFW+ Zeronis stuff
zeronis doesn't do league stuff

also sakimichan also does nsfw

i'd probably just pitch in for the high res league art, sakimichan's rolling with money so i wouldn't feel bad about unsubscribing right after

I genuinely do not understand riots mentality. They make sweeping changes in a number of untouched champions, across the board changes to an entire class of item (armor) and add new items RIGHT before worlds. What professional sport does stuff like that??? I would be so mad if I was a pro player. There's no possible way they can balance it properly in the weeks before worlds let alone the adaption that teams have to make.
well, pro meta right now is boring and there's a lot of time until worlds, like two months or whatever?


So stick an ADC mid so you still have tower pushing ability?

Can I play Ashe mid yet guys?

I swear I'm not trolling, I won that ranked game.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
first impression: lol?

There are also just so many good items for Skarner to build right now. Feels lethargic when clearing camps off the pillar buff. With old Skarner I preferred mixed penetration reds but I might go to attack speed runes again?


first impression: lol?

There are also just so many good items for Skarner to build right now. Feels lethargic when clearing camps off the pillar buff. With old Skarner I preferred mixed penetration reds but I might go to attack speed runes again?

Yeah seems like there are a ton of items that synergize well with skarner. I was having a tough time deciding what I wanted to build next on him in game.


so far in the last month ive played both ashe and sivir mid and they both worked pretty okay. sivir was vs viktor and you can spellshield his laser, but not the explosion after. that's kind of BS.


first impression: lol?

There are also just so many good items for Skarner to build right now. Feels lethargic when clearing camps off the pillar buff. With old Skarner I preferred mixed penetration reds but I might go to attack speed runes again?

For what it's worth, on the PBE I tried hybrid pen vs. attack speed for clearing and attack speed felt much better. Really cleans up his auto attack for weaving in Q spam. The again the one time I tried hybrid pen in a live game on Skarner I immediately went back to attack speed even though I won. Never liked the feel.


Skarner looks pretty much god tier

Fucking lol at reddit the reddit skarner mains crying that they were killing him and even more so at riot for obliging them


And now that their kits have been retooled to have more identity Riot has more options to buff them now. Or do you honestly think that if they're still weak and underplayed Riot will just stop here and leave it be?

They overshot some champions, undershot others. Big fucking deal. The intent is there, give it time. Or don't, because I can't figure out for the life of my why you even play this game.

True dat. Everyone is a self proclaimed analyst every time there's a patch. Knowing the ins and outs of all the champions. Funny thing seeing streamers having a good game on a champ - "oh my god, it's so strong right now", and losing the next with another champ declaring it "underpowered". The analysis is real...
Skarner looks pretty much god tier

Fucking lol at reddit the reddit skarner mains crying that they were killing him and even more so at riot for obliging them
If Reddit mains bitch about changes it's 100% certain the champion will be really strong

See Skarner - three times now! -, Morde, Fiora, Fizz - YOU'RE KILLING HIM BY REDUCING HIS DAMAGE ON THE Q AND ADDING A DAMAGE AMP MARK ON ULT - and so on


Skarner looks pretty much god tier

Fucking lol at reddit the reddit skarner mains crying that they were killing him and even more so at riot for obliging them

Because they were. Take a look at the list of changes he received after the reveal of the new kit. Off the top of my head:

Gained more hp/lvl (still reduced from his old kit)
330 MS -> 345 MS (back to his old kit, huge buff)
Sped up the start speed of AAs (hugely undervalued change, huge buff)
Increased the AD ratio on Q
Reduced the CD on E
Increased the radius of the spires
New passive on E which reduces its CD when applying kit-based CC
New passive on E which gives him his spire AS and MS when applying kit-based CC

They overshot, particularly on the E changes, but make no mistake, the first iteration of the new kit felt fucking terrible.


Mordekaiser seems to be really strong in bot lane right now. Stick him with Nami and snowball the hell out of the game.
Idk man I just dumpstered that lane. So immobile and easy to gank. Almost every adc has a dash or slow and youd have to rely on the nami landing everything or else you just watch morde die.
As for skarner riot always seems to overtune him and then gut him. Im hoping he remains strong into worlds but not as powerful as live. Have you guys been building cinder>cleaver or cinder>new hydra? Build flexibility for him so good right now. For runes I went atk speed reds and quints, armor yellows and cdr blues( use mr as you see fit).


i don't really like Yi jungle as much as I used to.

lane yi is super easy to cheese first blood because ppl legit have no idea the damage it does early. auto a minion until your passive is up, Q to a champion and turn E on right before your doublestrike, and kill them at level 2 or blow a flash.

jungle yi is boring. lane yi is fun.


also the new bruiser items are hilariously powerful

idk what they were thinking making a tank oriented ravenous hydra.

I think the idea behind the item is fine, but they need to tweak it so the synergy with health isn't as strong and reduce or even eliminate Titanic Hydra's own health. That would force players to buy into a significant sum of health before dipping into Titanic.
Why Yi, man, why.
And why does he have two jumbo jets for feet.

On a sidenote, does anybody who lives on the west coast (SoCal to be precise) experience a ping spike lately? My internet has been running just fine but League shot up to 85 ping this past week and it just stuck there. Checked it today and now it's hanging at 145 ping.


Man, I really don't want to keep practicing playing ADCs. I want to go back home to the jungle and support. Gut tells me to go with Ashe + Varus and my ADCs going forward instead of Ashe + Tristana, so I'll be doing that. Jungle and support tonight woot!
it's been interesting to look forward to PBE reveals just to see people's excitement and reactions rather than to learn about new content. Hope you guys like the Project skins.

Though I need to ask why Zed got so much of a buff cos wtf


costy any changes for irelia, whether cosmetic (splash art) or nerf/buffs? u can tell me ill keep it a secret :3

but srsly when are we getting a new irelia splash art. china has had it forever.


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