Bye metal master. The pentakill skin doesn't make any sense now.
Why not?
Bye metal master. The pentakill skin doesn't make any sense now.
I've been sucking as Master Yi lately :/ Can't get sated devourer no matter my ganks, and I don't want to put too much time into farming jungles in case my team mates need a gank.
Holy shit coin on Annie
Are you running Smite/TP?
It works wonders as support Annie, never had to worry about gold while going bot. I just love playing her as support, so easy to win fights with bear stun.
Do you rush Rod of Ages when you can? I do agree she feels really squishy without it, but as Support there are cheaper items :X
Just get rylais on Annie.
It's infinitely better
Why not?
Yeah RoA is the first core item I get, outside of sightstone for obvious warding. She's definitely squishy early on but with her stun combos you can usually avoid most of the bot lane damage, if you are smart of course.
If only they were trying out for ADC, I could finally become esportsTSM currently holding tryouts for top, jungle, and support if any of you guys are interested
I know I'll be throwing my hat into the ring
TSM currently holding tryouts for top, jungle, and support if any of you guys are interested
I know I'll be throwing my hat into the ring
TSM currently holding tryouts for top, jungle, and support if any of you guys are interested
I know I'll be throwing my hat into the ring
Yeah I guess the last few I was able to build RoA quite quickly because of kills, but I'll look at trying Rylai first.RoA takes way too long to ramp up for a support item, unless you're getting tons of kills in lane you'll probably be getting it pretty late with a support's income. I second Rylai's, gives a lot of health and the slow is really good for sticking.
If they hadn't nerfed Devourer for ranged champions Kindred would likely just shit on everything like pre nerf jungle Fizz
20% current HP + 20% max HP every second auto with two items? Boy that sounds fun!
I meant S4 Fizz before Sated was a thingIs fizz considered range? Aside from Kindred who is a ranged jungler? Besides isn't this what they should want from Kindred? Sweet dmg, just paper thin health.
Morde bot is one of the worst ideas riot has come up with in a while.I think an adc jungler like her would do nice if riot plans to make more champs like morde for bot lane unlike the standard marksman. It's kinda like pick an ap jungler if you plan to have an ad mid.
Morde bot is one of the worst ideas riot has come up with in a while.
its not tho.Well that's first and the last time I'll play this champ.
cleanse/clarity trolling doesn't countits not tho.
Morde bot is one of the worst ideas riot has come up with in a while.
come have some chocolate
your ahri cs is trash
come have some chocolate
your ahri cs is trash
His tag came from me.
oh lawdI don't even know
the lp hemorrhage continues as the enemy gets smurf sivir and i get "let me flash into a baron buffed team 1v5" Ryze and hurricane trinity force tristana.
I'm pretty sure kindred is not good tho. She was spoonfed kills early and got pretty stacked pretty quick but just became irrelevant at like 20 min. at least 2 of her kills were from people 1v1ing her and running out of her ult when their health got low which is just not understanding how it works so i don't necessarily blame them. I was really surprised how easy a time she had stacking though.
Sucks as jungle confirmed. Gonna be true for any jungler with no word on the street is the new champ fucking sucks.
now u know how i feel when i smurf in silverI don't even know
the lp hemorrhage continues as the enemy gets smurf sivir and i get "let me flash into a baron buffed team 1v5" Ryze and hurricane trinity force tristana.
I'm pretty sure kindred is not good tho. She was spoonfed kills early and got pretty stacked pretty quick but just became irrelevant at like 20 min. at least 2 of her kills were from people 1v1ing her and running out of her ult when their health got low which is just not understanding how it works so i don't necessarily blame them. I was really surprised how easy a time she had stacking though.
now u know how i feel when i smurf in silver
aa animation is not really stupid but it always takes me a bit to get used to it cos the animation and missile speed is faster than most mids. like ori's really slow, syndra has a long windup, lizzy too. azir and viktor are super quick but they're instant, there's no travel speed so it's really easy too. and leblanc aa animation is just fabulous. ahri is just quick travel speed which always throws me off a bit. she's also kind of bad at clearing if you don't rush a rod item, at least in comparison to other mids that are fine with just athenes/morellos.That auto attack is really stupid. Overall though it seems she takes hardly any skill to play compared to most ADCs. Imagine if Sivir got 200ms everytime she threw q :lol.
I made a twitch chatroom for GAF if you guys want to use it: League GAF
Message or reply with twitch name and I'll add you.
Sucks as jungle confirmed. Gonna be true for any jungler with no CC.
The only reason Kayle jungle was every good was when devourer was broken. Kayle jungle isn't good anymore.Its not necessarily even just that since she pretty on par with kayle in terms of cc and kayle seems way stronger than her in the jungle from what i've seen
it's kind of like her ult and her passive are at odds with one another, in terms of a 1v1 especially and it just makes her insanely vulnerable. All of her damage is loaded into this current health passive which is just fucked by your ult.
She also seems pretty difficult to play which i'm sure is part of it and will be sorted out in the next few days/weeks
She's really cool in that she fits the ranged ad jungle niche that doesn't really exist but she just gets outclassed in a lot of ways by a lot of junglers right now with the way people are building her. We all know she's gonna be a ranged bruiser and bring frozen mallet back into the limelight in a month but nobody wants to admit it
she's fun at leastahri takes lots of skill to play :^)