Ghost is Bad
syndra does true damage
huge zed buff
karma buff
thats it.
huge zed buff
karma buff
thats it.
Syndra buffsanything there good for mids :>?
i gotta stay late at work and cant see :<
You know the bonus damage on a max rank Q? It's bonus true damage nowwhah whah whahaaaa post them syndra buffsssssssss
Drunken Rage (W) [ 8% down from 8/9/10/11/12% targets max hp]
Vengeful Maelstrom (R) cooldown increased to 60/50/40 from 40/30/20
You know the bonus damage on a max rank Q? It's bonus true damage now
Max rank E is larger too
Now the game will announce it when Draven reached certain amount of stacks.
They increased Zed's E damage by like 100wider u mean?
also true damage for her q is gonna be soooo good for her, her biggest problem is how weak she is against tanks that just can just merc treads through her cc and chase her down, now she'll be melting them
that's a really nice buff
what did zed get?
what's azir nerf?
pls guise im dyinggg
W - Ardent Blaze
MOVEMENT SPEED 40/45/50/55/60 ⇒ 60/65/70/75/80
DURATION 2 seconds ⇒ 1 second
COST 60 mana ⇒ 50 mana
NEW༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ LUCIAN TAKE MY ENERGY ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Lucian's teammates can also trigger Ardent Blaze's movement speed bonus for him.
Do allies have to hit the marked enemies from Lucian's W or can Lucian shoot his W at allies?
Do allies have to hit the marked enemies from Lucian's W or can Lucian shoot his W at allies?
I really hope this is the main female announcer bc that's gonna sound really funny
yea thats weird, i dont know what it would accomplishThey increased Zed's E damage by like 100
that's pretty painful but i guess not so bad. i imagine azir will get shifted around a lot until rito finds a less dumb identity for him. i'm guessing idea is for him to be super soldier reliant, which is fair. he's gonna be super boring for me but i bet someone will like himAzir soldiers no longer deal damage beyond the first one when you Q
those minions look kind of eh but i imagine they'll be pretty fun when movingNot sure if already posted but project yi is legendary (1850)
and arcade minions
tbh i didn't think she was in dire need of buffs (like lizzy), so these are just a nice surprisedZkylon, would you like Synchan buffs? Because you got some Synchan buffs.
if lucy friends hit someone marked with w it gives him teh speed boost tooDo allies have to hit the marked enemies from Lucian's W or can Lucian shoot his W at allies?
Some of those nerfs seem really harsh, and some buffs look really questionable. I refuse to believe that Zed buff is going to stay. Solo queue Gragas is dead now. Not sure how impactful Maokai's nerf is.
Zkylon, would you like Synchan buffs? Because you got some Synchan buffs.
EDIT: Karma buff is much appreciated. Been thinking lately of picking her up as an interesting mid laner.
god damnit riot
i wanted that zed
I play nothing but Karma mid, ask me anything.
This buff is pretty great, I'm mostly playing around the W cooldown in the very early game for the solo kill, and mana isn't a problem so this will just pile on another gram of pressure.
She works in top and jungle, too. Pick wisely, summoner.
Karma is awesome support but I could probably think of other more promising midlaners. But I'm just L22 and don't know fudge all so pretty much any gaffer overrides me lol
Karma mid is similar to Lulu mid - picking her early game as a mage and late game as pumped up support.
And top was safe once again.welp
oh wow the second shot on MF's Q always crits now
color me confused by the shen nerf