NCR Redslayer
NeoGAF's Vegeta
This is perfect for Riot splash artists.holy horrible anatomy batman
This is perfect for Riot splash artists.holy horrible anatomy batman
It's blind pick, don't worry about it. These games are as meaningless as they can get. Maybe try posting some ranked history.So aside from "don't die so much" what the * was I supposed to be doing here.
I pinged Annie whenever I saw Kindred moving in on her. I did this three times in the span of however long three of Kindred's passive's cooldown is. (She fed on the Annnie so hard to get her feast.)
I kept telling the team to get Dragon when we had the upper hand and FOUR PEOPLE on Bot to their zero since we killed bot lane and mid lane was low on health.
I pinged the tower whenever we could have taken it out, but Jinx Recalled and pinged me to back off.
I warned when bot was about to get ganked.
I warded whenever safe (not much in this late game).
I tried to coordinate ganks on mid to help the Annie but Warwick wouldn't budge.
Annie used Ult two times all game, and missed one of them, I kid you not. Garen used his none. Once again, you can't make this stuff up. I was watching the cooldowns like a hawk.
I just.... uuuuugh I could go on and on. I also died a lot, I'm not blameless here, but I don't even know what one is to do in a game like that.
Man are you from the pastThis is perfect for Riot splash artists.
It's blind pick, don't worry about it. These games are as meaningless as they can get. Maybe try posting some ranked history.
Oh you're level 9. All your games are gonna be meaningless for a while, lol. Don't look into them too much.
It's blind pick, don't worry about it. These games are as meaningless as they can get. Maybe try posting some ranked history.
Oh you're level 9. All your games are gonna be meaningless for a while, lol. Don't look into them too much.
The amount of fuckery that goes on in ranked is enough to take years off of your life. My ADC for example is afk right now. Fuck this shit
I wish. I'm going to try and get to a theater to see it though if they have any showings around other than Fallen who's heading to Worlds in Berlin?
If you're bronze, you're doing it wrong.If you're bronze, normals are probably better for you
Is it just me or has there been a sudden surge of Renekton players?
Edit: Kindred ADC..GL to me !
God I hate having anxiety
Level 14 atm, but yeah, Blind Pick sucks. It's the only thing I can play other than ARAM/Twisted Treeline though, so it may be meaningless but it's all I have with this game lol.
I want to play with my cousin, but that's barred off until Level 25/30. We tried Blind Pick duo queue once before. It didn't work. I guess they got annoyed with us since we asked "can we duo bot" and they retaliated by all choosing ADC.
Is nice to know that there's a much better game waiting behind this massive level wall.
Probably because he started popping out in Worlds as a counterpick (to Darius?).
if you're getting frustrated in bronze -> you care about being good/winning
if you care about being good -> you should be better than bronze
so why the fuck are you in bronze
If you're bronze, normals are probably better for you
yeah they're shit but you probably dont even remember the times that enemy AFKs give you free winsI recently started playing ranked and am currently Silver 2. So far it's been pretty easy, it's just that I hate being delayed over stupid shit like AFKers or client bugs that causes promotion loss. I'm so tilted right now
Woah is that new?
I guess I haven't seen it because I only have gotten 3 champs up to 5. And that was when it just came out. So maybe they added it or my memory it just shit.I don't think it is.
I would be the gallbladder everyone forgets about me.So if we continue the bodypart analogy, dimb is the brains of LoLgaf??
I only listen to death grips while playing league to to fuels my rage even more.I should listen to bob ross while playing league
So if we continue the bodypart analogy, dimb is the brains of LoLgaf??
I guess I haven't seen it because I only have gotten 3 champs up to 5. And that was when it just came out. So maybe they added it or my memory it just shit.
This is perfect for Riot splash artists.
Holy shite, that login music right now is dynamite.