Riot may be considering removing season rewards for anybody who was punished in the 2015 season (chat restrictions, ranked ban, game banned)
That's beyond dumb
How is a chat restriction on the same level as somebody who got game banned?
How does a 3 day bannable offense equate to the removal of 250 days of work?
You don't take away somebody's gold medal because they beat some random up at the pub, you take it away because he cheated.
This makes no sense and it just feels like Riot Lyte doesn't know how to stop with his systems reforms, and I say that as a person who has never been banned or chat restricted, this initiative is pointless.
wait before getting outraged over probably nothing
they said they're considering it
that doesn't mean they'll do it or HOW they'll do it
might not be for 3 day ban people, might only be for repeated offenders, maybe they'll just take away the skin, who knows
That's really not fair to people who play the game a lot
A person who plays the game more often is more likely to have some moments of rage where they respond to trrolling/feeding and utter choice words
Over a year of that they'd likely be chat banned once
And suddenly that person is just as bad as somebody who plays one game a week and is absolutely offensive and gets chat restricted immediately
Yeah this system is great
i don't really see what you're saying, it just doesn't make any sense for me
either you're a toxic person or you're not, it doesn't have to do with number of games
and it's really easy not to be toxic, it's not riot's responsibility to consider that maybe you were having a bad day if you're making the game worse for everyone
and they do so anyways, by only banning ppl from chat instead of banning them outright