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League of Legends |OT10| Botlane Was A Mistake, It's Nothing But Thresh

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I love those games when everyone just has a good time and chats all game. Super trolly, but it's a ton of fun. You can tell when people shit talk in good fun and when it's mean spirited. Both sides were giving each other a hard time. Fun, fun game.


So, Bard will be part of this week's free champion rotation... should I even try playing him while I'm still relatively unskilled, or should I just claim support and pick somebody else to make sure my team doesn't get any crappy/trolling Bards in it?


I love those games when everyone just has a good time and chats all game. Super trolly, but it's a ton of fun. You can tell when people shit talk in good fun and when it's mean spirited. Both sides were giving each other a hard time. Fun, fun game.

that was bronze 1 for me in season 3. the most wonderful elo i've ever seen, and i was only in it for a few hours before i hit silver. everyone was so cool in bronze 1


So I am feeling good, won a ranked match playing a decent Fizz (my CS sucked by i had the enemy botlane on lockdown).

Then I get a Rengar next game who asked for top, rushed Phantom Dancer (literally his only item) and was 0-7 15 min in. Just...why even play ranked when you clearly haven't played the champ before? I don't understand.

Now let's see if complaining on GAF is all it's cracked up to be.


juggernauts are ded

Honestly tho malphite is probably the juggernautingest juggurnaut of them all. He's really good


So my brother thinks Lee Sin is broken, OP, and braindead. I think he looks fun. Two-sided question; what can he do to have less of a hard time, and how difficult is Lee to use, because I'd like to buy him but have stuck with low skill floor champs?

NCR Redslayer

NeoGAF's Vegeta
So my brother thinks Lee Sin is broken, OP, and braindead. I think he looks fun. Two-sided question; what can he do to have less of a hard time, and how difficult is Lee to use, because I'd like to buy him but have stuck with low skill floor champs?

Can you land skillshots consistently and position yourself well? If not, Lee Sin isn't for you.
Hmm, I never thought about that. Rumble seems like he can do a metric ton of damage, but I worry about managing his overheat mechanic.
Rumble is good, does so much damage over time. Really good in team fights, pretty good in lane. I haven't played him that much after the jurrernaut update. The over heating takes a bit getting used to, the hardest time to not over heat is teamfights.
best top laner to learn if you're looking for braindead no mechanics wins is rumble. buy 2500 gold worth of items and you essentially finish your core build.

NCR Redslayer

NeoGAF's Vegeta
Played my best but Ryze couldn't stop being a cocky cock and get the fact in his head that hes not preworked ryze.

Also I got first blood like 11 minutes into the game, felt like an NA LCS game.


Been playing a bit of Zyra mid lately. Getting Rylai's + some mana regen into tanky makes for a surprisingly decent control mage.

Still not that good, but her crowd control is very strong.
How good is Malphite top? I normally go Gnar whenever I'm forced top, but I'm looking for someone more consistent.

CSing with mal top can be kind of hard even a lot of pros fall way behind, but as long as you don't fall behind and do retarded ults in team fights you will be more useful than the other top laner in team fights.
I think I'll try out Malphite and Rumble. I've tried Vlad before, but I just didn't like how he played at all. Thanks for the suggestions! I have to admit my champion pool is really small. Part of the reason is that I want to keep my skin pool low so I have a better chance at getting good mystery skins. And I also have a weird obsession of hoarding IP.


rito lyte said:
"We're working a feature that allows players to restart a game if a player fails to connect. No penalties for players except for the leaver/AFKer.
No ETA on when it's done, we're working on it along with the new Champ Select project."
Holy shit. WildTurtle will be in the tryouts also. lol. Talk about awkward.

We're working a feature that allows players to restart a game if a player fails to connect. No penalties for players except for the leaver/AFKer.
No ETA on when it's done, we're working on it along with the new Champ Select project.
Wow. How has this taken so long? The little things like this are what need the most attention. Extremely glad to see this.


best top laner to learn if you're looking for braindead no mechanics wins is rumble. buy 2500 gold worth of items and you essentially finish your core build.
I know he's low income but I think saying he takes no mechanics is a stretch. If your going for the brain dead strong pick right now, just pick Mundo.


Holy shit. WildTurtle will be in the tryouts also. lol. Talk about awkward.
didn't keith play in tsm for a bit or something too?

i'm guessing he's aware he's been underperforming forever and needs to earn his spot

Wow. How has this taken so long? The little things like this are what need the most attention. Extremely glad to see this.

they probably wanted to research if this could be abused somehow or if it'd lead to longer queue times/dodge rates and how it'd fit in the general ranked team builder world and all that


Wow. How has this taken so long? The little things like this are what need the most attention. Extremely glad to see this.

Could have used this tonight. 3 afks in 5 ranked games. One we even did super well in spite of it (their Panth ulted to our nexus before we could get back lol) Our ADC went 22/7 and our jung stole Baron and a few dragons but it just wasn't enough.

I still might get out of Silver before the season's over, but ugh.

Deleted member 77995

Unconfirmed Member
3 wins out of the 3 games I've played since returning to League last week. Supporting is suiting me well, less mechanics, more thought.



champion bios' are getting updated soon, threshie, morde, karthus, kaly and hec are gonna be in this batch, plus a harrowing short story that also works as an extension of the bilgewater story, so probably gonna have some more gp and mf and stuff

next couple of champions are gonna be be shurima's and mount targon's, so i'm expecting some heartwarming new azir and sivir family adventures. and stuff.

hope they get to noxus/demacia at one point, would be nice if they did something with that whole j4 is lebonk thing

Deleted member 77995

Unconfirmed Member
Nothing like getting your ass handed to you by someone who's 2 divisions+ under you to give you some perspective.

Completely ignored Panth's early game power while laning as Vladimir, opted for early damage and boots instead of anything defensive when already behind and my lane paid the price.
Got any pointers on what Bard's supposed to do normally? I mean, such as when to roam and look for the sprite things, how often Bard should drop those healing things and where, and how you're actually supposed to use its ult, since it feels like the kind of ability that could end up backfiring horribly if used at the wrong time or place.

if enemies are silly enough to follow you through your portals, Q them to the wall and murder them.

initially i'd recommend using the ult to shut down fleeing enemies rather than in the middle of team fights until you get a feel for how it works and when to use it (so that you don't get yourself or friends killed)

with a couple of chimes, you deal more auto attack damage than anyone else early. so go slap people.

keep a couple of healing wards up at all times in the laning phase. your carry will honor you after the match.

look for opportunities to stun enemies in lane with the Q. takes practice to get the timing.


Well that Shaco was pretty shitty. But the team fed the enemy Jinx and no one else would focus her, they just really hated Nautilus or something.

Oh, great. Why the hell does he need a buff?

Ha yeah but I guess it makes sense. They talked about giving clones(shaco,LB,Wu) fake buffs that you currently have. That and a tether range on them.

Edit, here's the link for what I'm talking about.http://boards.na.leagueoflegends.com/en/c/gameplay-balance/ERfFn7GA?comment=0001000100000004


How good is Malphite top? I normally go Gnar whenever I'm forced top, but I'm looking for someone more consistent.

He's OK, long as you stick to your tower and don't push to far to avoid being ganked.

The build I like to go for is Iceborn>Sunfire>Abyssal (if they have AP champs, otherwise Void Staff)
Now granted you wanna build him Tank, so you can, after Sunfire, just go full tank, but Malph's AP damage is so good, especially if u give him some more cooldown.
Heck with enough AP you could 1v1 the enemy ADC :p


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