Low CS. Low damage to champions.
Low CS. Low damage to champions.
Low CS. Low damage to champions.
200 cs at 50 minutes is low.Cs was fine it was probably more to do with the 1 ward placed as the jungler in a 49 minute game
200 cs at 50 minutes is low.
It's relative to other junglers, I think. That said there is supposed to be some rank adjustment.I had an s or s+ support game that was like 4/6/10 or something similar
System too hard to decode
Isn't cs relative for mastery score as far as we know? He was in the same ballpark as his adc and mid and well ahead of his top.
It's relative to other junglers, I think. That said there is supposed to be some rank adjustment.
I believe it's 39% according to op.gg
lol that is some trolly stuff.Lolking also shows a bugged win score thing number-ma-bob. That or it updates really friggin' slowly.
Experimenting with Champs and items is pretty fun now that I have 15 Mastery points. They're small bonuses, but they make messing around funner for some reason. I'm trying to get AP Soraka Top a win atm. It's not going well, but I'm determined to get at least one win off of it. And if I can fit in a Banner of Command to play "heal the Promoted Minion", that's even better.
the unfortunate moment when you're in placements and someone locks in Vayne top
This is what happens when you save placements for the end of season, Phillip.4/14 teleport Twitch bot
the world is conspiring against me
Yeah I will complain to my friends when stuff this happens in ranked. Then my friend who is un ranked always says dumb stuff like, there is no Elo hell and just carry harder. He just reads stuff of reddit and throws is back up.4/14 teleport Twitch bot
the world is conspiring against me
TP has finally leaked into the bot lane Kappa4/14 teleport Twitch bot
the world is conspiring against me
TP has finally leaked into the bot lane Kappa
lol that is some trolly stuff.
Lol yeah those trolly builds, are a ton of fun to play. I love kill lanes, one time I did yas adc and ori support.But it's fun lol.
It actually worked okay in the second attempt. Was like 3/2/0 in the first ten minutes. But then I just broke and made some of the dumbest decisions, ended something horrible. Can't even remember it, but it was lots of death.
The first attempt tho. That one I was apparently a retarded autistic troll (wording TM of our Arcade Riven). Everyone was so angry at me from the word go. I was facing a Darius, too, which made things even worse.
Still going to get a win with it. At some point.![]()
You'll play your ranged top lane and you'll like iti had to run tp all three of my ranked 5s games yesterday
god i fucking hate tp lol
Yeah, some games are uncarriable. It really sucks but I try to enjoy the thought that the uncarriable persons will drop while I will climb.There were definite areas I could have improved in both games. More warding, better farm (even though I was 5/0 I was down in levels against the Yi) but I still don't think I could have carried those games. That's honestly a worse feeling than knowing you fucked up and could have carried. With these games I just don't think there was a way for me to win them.
i mean it's the only kind of top lane i play but stillYou'll play your ranged top lane and you'll like it
Yeah one game I was playing they had a poly and in team fights, people would try to attack her after she ulted. We lost every fight because no one understood how it worked. :/Been playin playing Poppy a lot recently. She is so much fun once you get used to her.
She's been a decent counter to Riven for me. I go draft normals so Darius/Fiora always banned.(Dont want to drop outta plat b4 the season ends lol) The armor works good against GP. Irelia can go either way, gotta make sure you take ignite though.
Ren was difficult for me though. Dash in, stun, q, dash out. Not much I could do.
Panth was difficult, thinking maybe I shouldve went dorans shield instead of cloth5, idk.
Team fights you are basically guaranteed to take out the ADC/APC + Support if you can time the ult right and ult the right person.
played my first game of ekko, he's pretty fun. i enjoy that you gotta keep track of a bunch of stuff like passive stacks and ghost position, and that he takes getting used to, i like that kind of champion
also speaking of cs, i gotta learn to farm better, i tend to outfarm the scrubs i'm matched with but i want real numbers, specially mid-late i tend to mess that up with and wander about more than i should
just last hit them all the time and ur cs will be great :^)
yea he's pretty funGood on you! And yea Ekko is pretty good in both lane and jng. Wish i got to play him more, I'd take him into ranked.
tbh there's not much to it. stop missing cs, time your backs to base better, don't go mindlessly mid when there's an empty lane bot, take more jungle camps, etc.Lemme know if you figure anything out. My CS was legit embarrassing last game. I don't care if I was playing Fizz and roaming a ton, it still shouldn't be that bad. The 1/7 Ahri I crushed kept up with me.
I feel like it I don't get a super easy to CS with character like Ziggs or Annie my CS is just awful when i play mid.
Exactly.If you're not watching replays and analyzing moment-to-moment decision making then you're working with vague ideas and general concepts at best on how to get better. CS is such a popular topic because it's quantifiable and requires little critique beyond calling your CS good or bad. It's a topic worth visiting but it's only one slice of "getting good."
the only real way to get better is to quit and play other games.
I find CSing with ADCs the hardest because you got twice as many people to worry about in lane.I've been csing so much better lately. I'm still not where I want to be yet, but i've had a huge improvement. At least lately as adc.
I agree with this, one problem I have so that I will focus on poking to much and my CS will suffer or visa versa.I find CSing with ADCs the hardest because you got twice as many people to worry about in lane.
I agree with this, one problem I have so that I will focus on poking to much and my CS will suffer or visa versa.
One thing that I have been better at after playing mid lane is buy wards. I finally know how important it is.
But its easy with an Ahri because some champs have better auto attack animations then other.practice last hitting with no runes, masteries, or items. that helps a ton
actually it doesi've done this
it don't work
i never understood the point of this exercisepractice last hitting with no runes, masteries, or items. that helps a ton
i duno i only cry to life is strangeactually it does
just look at all those master yis who perfected the art of pve in diablo and wow
Because it teaches you to last hit at the last possible moment regardless of your AD, which is something you'll need for wave control / freezing. You also learn to last hit at varying levels of AD and adapting to that so you don't misstime your damage.i never understood the point of this exercise
it's like, in game you're gonna have runes, masteries and items, why practice in a less accurate environment?
i never understood the point of this exercise
it's like, in game you're gonna have runes, masteries and items, why practice in a less accurate environment?
i duno i only cry to life is strange
Part 6 gets it.Because it teaches you to last hit at the last possible moment regardless of your AD, which is something you'll need for wave control / freezing. You also learn to last hit at varying levels of AD and adapting to that so you don't misstime your damage.