Oh you finally made it to Gold, congratulations! Trying since when, S3? Good job.
On a side note, I'm willing to bet a big problem you have with not being able to carry with Jayce is your team's composition. Statistically, solo queue win rates of comps with at least one tank are significantly higher than comps without one**. Try him again but be more judicious in when you bring him out. He's a solid champ and I can definitely see some new item combinations for him in S6 that would be great.
**for the sake of more information, there's a further slight increase with two tanks, and then win rates go down slightly as more tanks are added)
I'm still trying to wrap my head around the new items. There's certain combinations for Xin Zhao that look goddamn terrific with all the new CDR options. Not sure what I'm going to do about my jungling rune pages though. Three seasons on I'm so used to having 10% starting CDR but I don't like the idea of dipping so deeply into the "utility" tree just to pick up the 5% CDR mastery on any of my junglers.
Understood and thanks. I've been trying for a couple of years now but it's been an on and off sort of commitment as I spread my time between this and other time sink games.
And I'm 100% sure you're right about the 1 or 2 tank comps in solo. Damage dealing tanks, specifically (as opposed to like, support Leona) like Cho, Malph, Garen, Rammus, Darius, Sej, Wu...after awhile, they can simply bully teams and solo queue tends to not be organized enough to deal with them effectively.
My average with Jayce: 9/4/9, but only a 27/34 record. It really feels bad because I rarely felt like I ever played poorly, but against the popular tanky tops there just reaches a point where he can't do enough anymore. I need to also get better at pushing the advantage. But that's nothing new for me. The problem is finding people who are better that are willing to actually play with me. Playing with people at or below your elo is just...the blind leading the blind, you know? It's hard to identify and pick up good habits when everyone you end up playing with has the same bad habits you have.
All that being said, the new upgraded LW that takes into account the amount of HP the enemy has over you as added damage should address that key issue allowing me to essentially pick him against any enemy laner that I feel comfortable against and be relevant in all stages of the game.