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League of Legends |OT10| Botlane Was A Mistake, It's Nothing But Thresh

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AP Kog still fun. Ult is meh when opponent is full hp but nice ap ratio/damage when they at 25% I guess.

Just got a look at some of the items. Does Rito have something against Mages? Seems they got hit hardest with these changes T_T. No mana pots, increased cost for less ap with a bunch of items, lifesteal added onto mercurials. . Then that death's dance looks to be hell for burst mages.
AP Kog still fun. Ult is meh when opponent is full hp but nice ap ratio/damage when they at 25% I guess.

Just got a look at some of the items. Does Rito have something against Mages? Seems they got hit hardest with these changes T_T. No mana pots, increased cost for less ap with a bunch of items, lifesteal added onto mercurials. . Then that death's dance looks to be hell for burst mages.
Yeah riot is making up for the crap that adc had to take last year. Now everyone one that is a tank or ap will pay the price.


I give bandwagoners a week or two before they start getting blown up anyways.

But regardless of that, fuck yeah team builder. If it takes too long I'll just go through my Steam backlog while I wait for queues like a pro, never getting stuck with support ever again because I'm sure as hell not filling for jack shitto.

I like teambuilder but sometimes it takes so long to get a game and you are stuck with the blind pick problems - no bans, mirror matchups and my teambuilder mmr is way off my normal draft or ranked mmr. Usually get pretty poor games on teambuilder.

It was nice when I said jungle or adc in draft games. I usually got one or the other. I put a lot of effort into being decent adc. We'll see if it translates into preseason.


So do I get like a notification when my reports are seen? There was someone speaking another language in chat (It was definitely Asian), and my teammate Darius kept typing "ching chong" in reply to him. He even typed, "stupid ching chong can't make it past Bronze on his server, so he must have come over here to try." Then he told me to keep my duo on EU West...? idk what that last part meant.

But yeah, surely they'll deal with a report like that, right?


So do I get like a notification when my reports are seen? There was someone speaking another language in chat (It was definitely Asian), and my teammate Darius kept typing "ching chong" in reply to him. He even typed, "stupid ching chong can't make it past Bronze on his server, so he must have come over here to try." Then he told me to keep my duo on EU West...? idk what that last part meant.

But yeah, surely they'll deal with a report like that, right?

euro server? probably not


I just cannot win ranked, holy shit. Just get stomped every game and my team just becomes a bunch of assholes. I guess it's kind of expected this close to the end of the season.
I just cannot win ranked, holy shit. Just get stomped every game and my team just becomes a bunch of assholes. I guess it's kind of expected this close to the end of the season.
Yeah I have just given up and taking my silver 2 and leaving.
My mmr probably is shit right now.
I just cannot win ranked, holy shit. Just get stomped every game and my team just becomes a bunch of assholes. I guess it's kind of expected this close to the end of the season.

Got my rank and just play once a month so I dont decay til the end of season. Who you trying to carry with and stuff?


Lol, ADC. Can't wait for preseason.


these random out of context pictures of u feeding don't really mean much nutella
I don't even care man, I'm just so ready. Mage nerfs, ADC buffs, TP nerfs!!!

Anyways, I just posted that pic because it was funny how irrelevant both ADCs were lol.
I just cannot win ranked, holy shit. Just get stomped every game and my team just becomes a bunch of assholes. I guess it's kind of expected this close to the end of the season.
What champs are you playing?

I was able to get on a very nice run and I'm pushing Gold IV now. i just sorta gave up on top Jayce. Not because I wasn't doing work on it but because I couldn't solo carry games with it. Needs too much help and too much competency from teammates. I realized I could play certain champs and carry much easier. So I let go of the dream of Jayce carrying me to gold and just started picking semi-overpowered champs and called it a day. I didn't bother mentioning it here because I know nobody really cares and nobody had time to duo with me anyway. Plus, it hurt my pride to have to give up on Jayce.

Maybe next season Jayce with these new items will be strong enough to not struggle against strong tanks late game like he does now.


I don't even care man, I'm just so ready. Mage nerfs, ADC buffs, TP nerfs!!!

Anyways, I just posted that pic because it was funny how irrelevant both ADCs were lol.

there's gonna be some gold gains changes so apparently the gold nerfs for mage items are just a general itemization efficiency pass more than anything. we'll see, just one day of pbe, i'm not overly worried

also i think if idea of rework kogmaw is for him to be sitting just blasting from his spot like he's mf or something then i think that direction is completely terrible. there's a beauty of seeing good kogmaws like arrow and pray just dance around the battlefield, the whole juggermaw thing, why would you chain that champion to the ground like that, that's awful.


I usually play ADC. ;__;

I feel like regardless of my performance, if someone on the other team gets going then I'm cancelled out. I'm probably just tilting though. Something like 3-7 in my last 10 games. Got demoted once and I figure that's enough.


Last 2 ARAM games I played I had Ashe and Sivir, it took us a while but eventually we won. I kept getting blown up as Ashe but contributed to our team's victory.
With Sivir, I remained alive long enough to wrack up 5K gold before dieing :V
there's gonna be some gold gains changes so apparently the gold nerfs for mage items are just a general itemization efficiency pass more than anything. we'll see, just one day of pbe, i'm not overly worried
Wait wait wait, they're increasing gold gain? I mean sure, we already saw Cull but I dunno about increasing revenue while also making ADC itemization super easy to get.
Why the hell is Veigar getting a base mana increase when he has a fucking MP5 passive again? Also
Aerial Assault (Q) - damage adjusted

base damage lowered to 10/40/70/100/130 from 50/80/110/140/170
(second value is based on first - down to 20/80/140/200/260 from 100/160/220/280/340)
.35 bonus AD ratio removed (from before increase from missing hp)
.6/.7/.8/.9/1 total AD ration added (from before increase from missing hp)
Fuck mid lane lol, Quinn might actually work bot now that her Q deals real damage


Wait wait wait, they're increasing gold gain? I mean sure, we already saw Cull but I dunno about increasing revenue while also making ADC itemization super easy to get.
not sure what they're gonna do, but i think it was xypherous that said there was gonna be gold changes

Why the hell is Veigar getting a base mana increase when he has a fucking MP5 passive again? Also
yup, and actual mana pot users ahri, lux and leblanc got fucked

not great


What champs are you playing?

I was able to get on a very nice run and I'm pushing Gold IV now. i just sorta gave up on top Jayce. Not because I wasn't doing work on it but because I couldn't solo carry games with it. Needs too much help and too much competency from teammates. I realized I could play certain champs and carry much easier. So I let go of the dream of Jayce carrying me to gold and just started picking semi-overpowered champs and called it a day. I didn't bother mentioning it here because I know nobody really cares and nobody had time to duo with me anyway. Plus, it hurt my pride to have to give up on Jayce.

Maybe next season Jayce with these new items will be strong enough to not struggle against strong tanks late game like he does now.

Oh you finally made it to Gold, congratulations! Trying since when, S3? Good job.

On a side note, I'm willing to bet a big problem you have with not being able to carry with Jayce is your team's composition. Statistically, solo queue win rates of comps with at least one tank are significantly higher than comps without one**. Try him again but be more judicious in when you bring him out. He's a solid champ and I can definitely see some new item combinations for him in S6 that would be great.

**for the sake of more information, there's a further slight increase with two tanks, and then win rates go down slightly as more tanks are added)

I'm still trying to wrap my head around the new items. There's certain combinations for Xin Zhao that look goddamn terrific with all the new CDR options. Not sure what I'm going to do about my jungling rune pages though. Three seasons on I'm so used to having 10% starting CDR but I don't like the idea of dipping so deeply into the "utility" tree just to pick up the 5% CDR mastery on any of my junglers.


It's on the PBE already, ambient gold got increased by 1.4 per 10. Plus they're also counting on the increased gold from the Swole Scuttler
and bounties tweaks too, tho dunno the numbers

also i just realized that rito did what i said a few months ago and used crit for other stuff rather than dmg. cmon rito stop stealing my ideas and hire me already
and bounties tweaks too, tho dunno the numbers

also i just realized that rito did what i said a few months ago and used crit for other stuff rather than dmg. cmon rito stop stealing my ideas and hire me already
Hey they stealed my idea of removing XP from jungle camps and putting it back on a Machete passive first, get in line

If you ever turn into a rioter your ign better be Riot Lewd


yiss, hopefully its enough to counter the mana pot removal.

Should, depending on how long you generally keep the pots in your inventory. Basically works out to a mana potion's worth of mana every 200s (3min 20s). Not sure what you're starting on Nami but a generic current start of 3hp pot + 1 mana pot seems to mean that you're better off prior to first back, at least. Could be better period depending on buy habits.


Should, depending on how long you generally keep the pots in your inventory. Basically works out to a mana potion's worth of mana every 200s (3min 20s). Not sure what you're starting on Nami but a generic current start of 3hp pot + 1 mana pot seems to mean that you're better off prior to first back, at least. Could be better period depending on buy habits.

I'm buying a lot of mana pots first back and onwards. Since it's base mana regen then mana regen items should be better though, so an early chalice/forbidden idol is stronger now.

Thanks for the calculations though, if it's stronger pre first back then it's really nice.


I'm buying a lot of mana pots first back and onwards. Since it's base mana regen then mana regen items should be better though, so an early chalice/forbidden idol is stronger now.

Thanks for the calculations though, if it's stronger pre first back then it's really nice.

Yeah I buy quite a few mana pots on my caster supports as well, come to think of it. I think it's a buff when thinking about in practical terms. Provided you're using less than 1 mana pot every three minutes or so right now, then you come out ahead. So average out two mana pots per back until mid-game, backing every 6 minutes...

Seems to me that worst case scenario it's better before first back, same as now from first back to roughly mid-game, better from there on out when supports aren't buying so many pots due to inventory constraints and the +%mana regen stats from items starts to really accumulate. So net buff?
Oh you finally made it to Gold, congratulations! Trying since when, S3? Good job.

On a side note, I'm willing to bet a big problem you have with not being able to carry with Jayce is your team's composition. Statistically, solo queue win rates of comps with at least one tank are significantly higher than comps without one**. Try him again but be more judicious in when you bring him out. He's a solid champ and I can definitely see some new item combinations for him in S6 that would be great.

**for the sake of more information, there's a further slight increase with two tanks, and then win rates go down slightly as more tanks are added)

I'm still trying to wrap my head around the new items. There's certain combinations for Xin Zhao that look goddamn terrific with all the new CDR options. Not sure what I'm going to do about my jungling rune pages though. Three seasons on I'm so used to having 10% starting CDR but I don't like the idea of dipping so deeply into the "utility" tree just to pick up the 5% CDR mastery on any of my junglers.
Understood and thanks. I've been trying for a couple of years now but it's been an on and off sort of commitment as I spread my time between this and other time sink games.

And I'm 100% sure you're right about the 1 or 2 tank comps in solo. Damage dealing tanks, specifically (as opposed to like, support Leona) like Cho, Malph, Garen, Rammus, Darius, Sej, Wu...after awhile, they can simply bully teams and solo queue tends to not be organized enough to deal with them effectively.

My average with Jayce: 9/4/9, but only a 27/34 record. It really feels bad because I rarely felt like I ever played poorly, but against the popular tanky tops there just reaches a point where he can't do enough anymore. I need to also get better at pushing the advantage. But that's nothing new for me. The problem is finding people who are better that are willing to actually play with me. Playing with people at or below your elo is just...the blind leading the blind, you know? It's hard to identify and pick up good habits when everyone you end up playing with has the same bad habits you have.

All that being said, the new upgraded LW that takes into account the amount of HP the enemy has over you as added damage should address that key issue allowing me to essentially pick him against any enemy laner that I feel comfortable against and be relevant in all stages of the game.


Yeah I buy quite a few mana pots on my caster supports as well, come to think of it. I think it's a buff when thinking about in practical terms. Provided you're using less than 1 mana pot every three minutes or so right now, then you come out ahead. So average out two mana pots per back until mid-game, backing every 6 minutes...

Seems to me that worst case scenario it's better before first back, same as now from first back to roughly mid-game, better from there on out when supports aren't buying so many pots due to inventory constraints and the +%mana regen stats from items starts to really accumulate. So net buff?

I typically buy more pots than that during mid game, say 10+ min. Looking at my recent ranked games I probably use one every 2 min or so (on average) when I start with Aegis. I wonder if the base mana regen increase is enough. It does depend on my first item though; I probably don't buy that many mana pots if I rush Mikaels.

It's a bit hard to say but I think that rushing Aegis won't really be possible anymore; Nami is forced to get one of the mana regen items.


I feel like the only difference between Silver and Platinum players is that the average plat player knows how to play from behind. That's the key thing in leveling up in solo q.


I feel like the only difference between Silver and Platinum players is that the average plat player knows how to play from behind. That's the key thing in leveling up in solo q.

Not really. People are struggling to play from behind in diamond.
I feel like the only difference between Silver and Platinum players is that the average plat player knows how to play from behind. That's the key thing in leveling up in solo q.
I agree with this, also knowing how to play when ahead and helping snowball other lanes.
I have played so many matches where I win early and mid game, but my team does dumb shit like tower diving and making bad baron plays and just lose the games right there.
Finally made it to my promos to Gold. Coming off a 7 game winning streak, I immediately lost the first two games within 30 minutes. It was awful, and I don't even think I was playing that badly. Fingers crossed for a three game win streak right here.
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