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League of Legends |OT10| Botlane Was A Mistake, It's Nothing But Thresh

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And I'm 100% sure you're right about the 1 or 2 tank comps in solo. Damage dealing tanks, specifically (as opposed to like, support Leona) like Cho, Malph, Garen, Rammus, Darius, Sej, Wu...after awhile, they can simply bully teams and solo queue tends to not be organized enough to deal with them effectively.

You're over thinking things. Those comps are more likely to win because they give more time for their damage dealers to deal damage. A dead carry deals no damage. That's probably what's happening in your games. You're getting well ahead in lane but because you're picking Jayce into comps with no tanks you're an easy target. That tank you were dominating but can't kill by yourself anymore is amplifying the power of his team in a way you aren't.

The tanks you listed aren't even outputting tons of damage, for the record. Every single one is in the bottom third for damage dealt in their positions, save Wu who's middle of the pack and, well, not a tank. Even during the peak of the assassin heavy meta in S3 teams were still regularly putting tanks top.


Yes, but there's a fast difference in the ability to play from behind between plat and silver.
Sure there's a difference, but there's also a large difference in every other area; mechanics, csing, decision making in general, placing focus on objectives, etc. The statement "plat players know that they should take towers, that's the main difference between them and silver players" would not be less accurate. I don't see it reasonable to single out "playing from behind" as the one main difference.
You're over thinking things. Those comps are more likely to win because they give more time for their damage dealers to deal damage. A dead carry deals no damage. That's probably what's happening in your games. You're getting well ahead in lane but because you're picking Jayce into comps with no tanks you're an easy target. That tank you were dominating but can't kill by yourself anymore is amplifying the power of his team in a way you aren't.

The tanks you listed aren't even outputting tons of damage, for the record. Every single one is in the bottom third for damage dealt in their positions, save Wu who's middle of the pack and further, not a tank.

Well it's actually a bit of both in my experiences.

Take Tahm for example. You can run him top, get 1 damage item and 4 tank items and do ridiculous amount of damage while tanking enough that the enemy team can't ignore you. Same situation with Cho. You can't ignore him late game, but you also can't focus him because as you correctly identify: others are dealing equal of more damage while being able to use him as a meat shield. Same with Sejuani pre-nerf and the same to a large extent with Garen, Darius and anyone else who likes Jugg items. They really do a ton of damage...AND they buy time and space for their AP and AD carries to do whatever they want to do. That is the advantage that top Jayce could not and cannot provide, no matter how much damage I would deal (leading the team in no less than 90% of the matches). It's just how things worked out this season.

Again, this is why I look forward to those new ADC/tank busting items. The playing field should feel more level.


My brother just went 9/0/4 in a Ranked match as Mid Kindred, had second-most CS in the game (falling only 7 under enemy Tristana), and the round ended at 20min from surrender.

Rank was S.
How was that not an S+, I'm dumbfounded.

Edit: oh and his team had 18 kills in total, so he had half of them.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Holy crap, all these changes.

It's a whole new game all over again.


won't poor Lulu be destroyed now that the adc meta is settling in? I feel like she'll continue to be highly contested now that adcs are so much stronger.
I had a weird dream mixing Avatar (the good cartoon), League and LOLGAF. I dreamt that they replaced Braum W with a skill where he puts a solid wall in front of him (Ala earthbending) and he can also push it and it stays indefinitely. I have no idea why I thought that was genius and joked to Lezard that it would be great for closing the tri bush at bot.

I miss playing League. :(


Fuck, I can't find the custom item sets file I had before reformatting my PC. 40-some custom item pages down the drain. Guess I know what I'll be doing tonight.

NCR Redslayer

NeoGAF's Vegeta
Man i forgot how much harass Cho'gath deals.

Also I'm thinking about buying lucian.


finally found a champ ez mode enough for me to play on the current free rotation (darius)

He's definitely easy to play, but he's also super easy to fuck up. Then again he's also really easy to climb back up if you've lost your way by just getting some dunks in a row and laughing.


sealed with a kiss
He's definitely easy to play, but he's also super easy to fuck up. Then again he's also really easy to climb back up if you've lost your way by just getting some dunks in a row and laughing.

yeah i was able to chain my ult for 3 kills in a row to clear out the enemy's base and get the victory, that ability is niiice
I said i was going to stop playing ranked but for some reason i did tonight.
and im happy that i did, i finally won and got 25 lp from it. Ashe might now might be my go to adc for the rest of this season.

Also i started playing osu i suck at it but it is fun. Nice to play between games, or went it is loading.


Does anybody know what time the first game of the finals will go on tomorrow? I don't want to wake up at 5am to watch the cringeworthy opening ceremony. I can't find the OT for it.
Does anybody know what time the first game of the finals will go on tomorrow? I don't want to wake up at 5am to watch the cringeworthy opening ceremony. I can't find the OT for it.

3-4 AM PST I believe.

It's 8 AM in Germany right now, and they start these things at like 12 PM? So in 4-5 hours.


Actually on lolesports.com it says next match starts in about 4 hours, but then under the SKT vs KOO it says 5am, which is 5 hours away.

Dammit Riot, get your act together


How the heck do you win with Mundo? I can never seem to lane as him very well :/

Play passive as hell in the early and focus on CSing. Cleavers makes his CSing very manageable even when being zoned out and his clear under tower is good as well with W. Depending on the matchup, if your able to land your cleavers on the enemy champion in a safe way do it as it does a good chunk of health.

Level 6 and a defensive item is when you'll be able to actually trade in lane so ask/wait for a gank and go in with everything at that point. Otherwise just continue farming, use ult too sustain and make good TP plays.


Gold Member
probably just gonna play my comfort picks in preseason until I can fully understand the new mastery system or until phreak decides to make another runes and masteries video.
I dunno if increasing late game death timers is necessary, specially with ADCs hitting power spikes earlier.

Early timers could use some increasing though


It seems another scam is floating about "htp://harrowingtreasures.com/". Just a heads up to let you guys know. A classic, send links for free skin and RP scam.
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