This is for someone who was crying about AP itemisation nerfs....
I calculated the item gold efficiencies by updating shakrez's spreadsheet for 5.22
Pretty many items across the board had their gold efficiencies lowered by about 7-9%
AP lost a little less efficiency from season 5 to season 6 compared to AD items.
Interesting takeaways:
IE took a huge hit to efficiency. but makes up for it with big synergies with warlord's bloodlust keystone
As did Zhonya's, regulating it to a purely situational buy.
Trinity took a pretty big hit to efficiency (i know the numbers are wrong in the image). perhaps the loss of AS and AP is made up by CDR which is generally rare on trinity users. and perhaps the extra synergy with essence reaver is really valuable too
botrk got killed too, but it has a lot of synergy with lord dominik's regard
The core AP items everything other than Zhonyas - CDR item (athenes/morellos), DCap, void staff all remain ok, losing the nominal efficiency from the season6 pass.
Mages will kinda function similiar to before.
Ghostblade didn't lose any efficiency and so, relatively stronger.
Essence reaver also didnt lose much efficiency at 20% additional crit.
In general, caster ADC item efficiency matches Mage item efficiency sitting around 100%. Caster AD will probably have a stronger midgame than before since they can be crit based. Question marks float around how the nerfed LW will affect them - since caster AD have always relied on rushing ArPen really early, I assume their late game will be a little worse
The true "ADC items" - the multiplier items (IE falls here), eg. AS%, Crit%, energised effect, %bonusARpen and giant Slaying items generally have less than 100% efficiency and make up for the efficiency deficiency by being more than the sum of the parts on an adc - as it should be.
I'm curious how corki will be since he doesnt have to deal with the nerfed LW and just buy void whilst scaling his auto attacks in an AD build...
season 6 item sheet:
all i've done is add base items to calc the efficiency and adjusted any final items that were changed. i havent added the energised items or adjusted in between items yet. I've opened it up for editing if people want to clean it up.
here is season 5 if you want to compare: