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League of Legends |OT10| Botlane Was A Mistake, It's Nothing But Thresh

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I think Essence Reaver should give CDR based on half of crit chance instead of 1:1 - the preseason page even said this was how it worked. I love the item but getting 40% crit and 30% CDR off ER and a Zeal is a little nuts.


That's pretty bizarre. You take a high winrate champion and remove her #1 source of counterplay from the game and her winrate doesn't move.

League is funny sometimes

Because I really don't think grievous wounds is the counterplay that everyone seems to think it is. Yeah you can ignite someone in a teamfight or on a gank to burst them down and lessen the soraka heals but her power is the sustain. She's going to outlast her lane opponent and negate poke in mid to late game. Grievous wounds doesn't do anything against that.


So, TSM Kasing is pretty much confirmed by Doublelift on stream.


Looking like a decent team. 3 strong players with EU origins and Doublelift is still the NA adc.

If only they can get a decent players in the top lane.


Base Attack Range lowered to 175 (down from 200)
Mace of Spades [Q] - Major changes
Now first two strikes deal 10/20/30/40/50 bonus magic damage (up from 4/8/12/16/20)
The last strike deals 5/6/7/8/9 times more damage than previous strikes (from 4.0/5.063/6.25/7.56/9.0 of first strike)
Harvesters of Sorrow [W] - Health stolen on reactivation changed to 40/95/120/145/200 (from 70/95/120/145/170) [Needs to be checked in-game!]
Syphon of Destruction [E] - Shield per enemy champion hit increased to 15/17.5/20/22.5/25% (up from 15% at all ranks)

Blinding Assault [Q] -
Damage increased to 25/55/85/115/145 (up from 15/45/75/105/135)
New mechanic: If the primary target is not a champion, it cannot attack for 2 seconds.

Ty riot for making quinn a jungler <3
...this comment keeps getting repeated and it's a load. It has absolutely nothing to do with GW. Hell, win rates for Soraka, Nami, Sona - the sustain heavy supports - haven't actually budged at all in 5.22, it's still around ~52% for each which has been the case for months now.

The amount of bitching going on this community you'd think each rocketed to 60%+. As far as I'm concerned what's really going on is that people are facing them on a regular frequency for the first time in months and surprise, they're actually strong.
Win rates are mostly irrelevant when talking about laning issues, Soraka and friends making laning stupid doesn't change their late game impact. And don't give me that "surprise they're actually strong" talk. Their sustain more than doubled when it actually matters between the GW nerf and new masteries that improve healing and Soraka's ban rate has basically tripled but sure, let's pretend they were always this stupid and we just didn't know it because muh metasheep.

On top of that we're two days into the preseason, we don't have nowhere near enough time to form concrete statistics. People are trying new shit, win rates are all over the place, all we have to go on is play experience and Soraka is asinine to play against. Before? Ignite the ADC and you're good to go. Now? Soraka can mash W and you're basically Juggermaw.


Khazix jungle again. Tried 12/18/0. Also I started machete instead of the talisman and took 2 regular pots instead of the refillable. I had to do with no leash too thanks to an invade. It went much smoother. Started blue buff side though so it's not an apples to apples.

I was still assassinating np so I'll try 12/18 again. Though it was hard to tell if that was because I was finally ahead again or the new masteries.

I really think the biggest difference was the machete and health pots for the clear though.

NCR Redslayer

NeoGAF's Vegeta
Ahri is so nasty right now. You E every 6 seconds and your ult doesnt even have a one minute cooldown.
Khazix jungle again. Tried 12/18/0. Also I started machete instead of the talisman and took 2 regular pots instead of the refillable. I had to do with no leash too thanks to an invade. It went much smoother. Started blue buff side though so it's not an apples to apples.

I was still assassinating np so I'll try 12/18 again. Though it was hard to tell if that was because I was finally ahead again or the new masteries.

I really think the biggest difference was the machete and health pots for the clear though.
Do you evolve E first when you hit lvl 6?
Yeah and people are still playing the popular last season supports.

Once people learn of how strong Nami's/Sona's W is with Windspeaker and you will see them a lot.

Also the mastery changes removing some of the defensive bonuses makes there harass during lane phase so better.


Yeah and people are still playing the popular last season supports.

Once people learn of how strong Nami's/Sona's W is with Windspeaker and you will see them a lot.

Also the mastery changes removing some of the defensive bonuses makes there harass during lane phase so better.

Yeah, Sona is OP with the new Mastery. I just wreck people, bar having terrible ADC.
What do the build paths for ADC look like now?
IE and ER carries: Grab some AD, rush a AS/crit item, finish BF item then react to enemy builds
BoTRK carries: Rush BoTRK if ahead, rush Shiv if behind, finish the other then react to builds

Can't speak for Trinity carries since I'm shit with those. This is probably going to change once Warlord gets fixed.


So, I finally used team builder today... it took six minutes to find a game as Blitz support (while the game estimated a "very low" waiting time, yeah right), then five or so extra minutes for us to get an adc, and finally almost ten more minutes since we all hit ready and had to wait for a match. After doing well for a while our adc Kindred suddenly decided to afk for a couple minutes while sitting next to a turret and eventually died to two Lux ults, but luckily she came back before further harm could be done and we ended up steamrolling the opposition with a rather good mid Zed and jg Yi, and the odd top Warwick also doing okay, even though he got all salty after Kindred stole a kill from him where he had spent his ult despite me reminding him that he was still doing great and that we were obviously going to win by then.

On one hand teams appear to be a lot less filmsy, but on the other having to wait almost twenty minutes to play a single game sort of felt like a waste of time...


Win rates are mostly irrelevant when talking about laning issues, Soraka and friends making laning stupid doesn't change their late game impact. And don't give me that "surprise they're actually strong" talk. Their sustain more than doubled when it actually matters between the GW nerf and new masteries that improve healing and Soraka's ban rate has basically tripled but sure, let's pretend they were always this stupid and we just didn't know it because muh metasheep.

The bold is absolute, unfounded tripe. You guys are bitching about GW's effect in laning phase - it's never been a factor in laning phase. Ever.

Win rates don't matter for lane phase? Alright, let's go ahead and assume that's completely true. So if a champion used to have a high win rate but a bad laning phase then their win rates must have been attributed to their post laning strengths. So if we improve the laning phases, but leave all the factors that made them strong supports post laning, you're honestly trying to convince me that we shouldn't see an increase in in their win rates?

I get people don't like to dive into statistics in this game the way I do, but your argument doesn't make sense.

That's pretty bizarre. You take a high winrate champion and remove her #1 source of counterplay from the game and her winrate doesn't move.

League is funny sometimes

Yes it is funny sometimes, so it's worth looking into what's making the numbers the way they are. Take tank junglers. They've been dominating the past few days in 5.22. Is it really that the new Resolve masteries are that much stronger than the other trees? Is that their generally less gold dependent and the junglers' gold shares have gone down which favors tanks, or is that higher likelihood of tank junglers picking up Tracker's which has a higher win rate even on champions who pick up either Tracker's or Stalker's? Maybe it's something else.

But I've seen so many goddam post bitching about GW...if it had the impact as strong as people are saying, we'd see something. My money is on these champions actually being really good in the first place, just unplayed, and now there's a few factors throwing them over the edge.
wait, how can you say GW was never been a factor in laning phase when Ignite was one of the best ways to deal with Soraka, Sona, Nami etc.?

Come on dude, that's crap.
Yeah and people are still playing the popular last season supports.

Once people learn of how strong Nami's/Sona's W is with Windspeaker and you will see them a lot.

Also the mastery changes removing some of the defensive bonuses makes there harass during lane phase so better.

I just used it in my first match with Nami for this season and did really well. Near the beginning our Vayne decided to AFK after one death but once we got some kills going they decided to rejoin the party - ugh. There was lots of early pressure with Trynda and Zed trying to backdoor but that soon got stopped. Not sure why the other team didn't surrender since after midgame we started winning every teamfight outright but I didn't die once :D
The bold is absolute, unfounded tripe. You guys are bitching about GW's effect in laning phase - it's never been a factor in laning phase. Ever.

Win rates don't matter for lane phase? Alright, let's go ahead and assume that's completely true. So if a champion used to have a high win rate but a bad laning phase then their win rates must have been attributed to their post laning strengths. So if we improve the laning phases, but leave all the factors that made them strong supports post laning, you're honestly trying to convince me that we shouldn't see an increase in in their win rates?

I get people don't like to dive into statistics in this game the way I do, but your argument doesn't make sense.
So people take ignite vs sustain supports for funsies? Come on now, do you even play bot lane?

As for your second point, I'm not talking about the opposite case? Take Panth, he's a stupid laner who is shite late, if we buff his early game he doesn't stop being on a timer. In fact Pantheon's laning is buffed right now between Corrupting Pot and the new masteries yet his win rate is still sub 50%, GEE I WONDER WHY. Being weak early and being weak late are nowhere near as comparable, being on a timer and being a time bomb are not the same thing.
I rarely comment on balance stuff anymore but any argument that sustain supports weren't hugely buffed and aren't very strong and popular right now is absurd.

Windspeakers's Blessing, combined with Runic Armour on ADC, with Heal and the loss of Grievous Wounds on Ignite makes them incredibly potent.

Just the masteries alone means an 18% increase in healing that also gives a 15% boost to resistances with no way to counter it right now unless you build an early Executioner's Calling, which is an awful idea.

Play against Lucian and Soraka and try to tell me any of the above isn't true, that GW never mattered in lane and that's not awful to play against.

again, my opinion as a player. I don't work on LoL balance.


Yeah, I agree with the people here that said GW being nerfed doesn't impact Soraka/Mundo etc. Whenever I see Soraka and Mundo I know that Clairvoyance is the summoner spell I need to take, as Ignite is quite useless.

I highly recommend you gaffers to start Clairvoyancing those raka mains to death.
Yeah and people are still playing the popular last season supports.

Once people learn of how strong Nami's/Sona's W is with Windspeaker and you will see them a lot.

Also the mastery changes removing some of the defensive bonuses makes there harass during lane phase so better.

I guess thats why Riot didnt modify Sona considering she was really awful.
EC doesn't help because it still only affects self heals
Yeah, I agree with the people here that said GW being nerfed doesn't impact Soraka/Mundo etc. Whenever I see Soraka and Mundo I know that Clairvoyance is the summoner spell I need to take, as Ignite is quite useless.

I highly recommend you gaffers to start Clairvoyancing those raka mains to death.
Disco Newt


Ahri is so nasty right now. You E every 6 seconds and your ult doesnt even have a one minute cooldown.

nothing's changed about ahri, unless you get like the cdr mastery but then you have no mpen and that 45% lasts for like 3 minutes of blue buff only

any LoLGAFfers in Paris, I hope you're safe.
yeah that shit was fucked

got pretty scared for some ppl i know live there, thankfully they're ok

we built ourselves a fucked up world, that's all i can say


this is pretty cool (and not as depressing): http://www.lolesports.com/en_US/all-star

there's gonna be a skin released themed after the team that wins all stars (fire/ice) and community gets to vote for who

bad thing is that it's out of nautilus, diana and teeto

i'm gonna vote nautilus out of solidarity for drawkak since i don't really care much about the other two

hope at the very least teemo doesn't win

also would be nice if ahri was an option

just saying


Do you evolve E first when you hit lvl 6?

Almost always. Maybe 1 in 20 games I'll evolve Q first if I'm fighting (and beating) a Lee sin or something in my jungle and I don't plan on ganking much for some reason.

E first is just so versitle. You still have great damage with your Q and warrior (at least old warrior) and E gives you a longer jump and a reset. Makes it very hard to die and much easier to gank. Tower dives or quick assassinations in skirmishes are much more possible with E evolve.

The fact that it still isn't common blows my mind. Had a Lee sin complain in all chat a couple games ago after I got a double top lane thanks to it. "Who evolves E first wtf?" Lol.


tank supports seem so op right now with the new masteries.

I hope we'll see more leo and blitz

Which is good in my book since I love rocking Definitely Not Blitzcrank. It's certainly one of the more fun skins, and I'm happy about not having to bleed real money to get it.

Not having enough mastery points to the gold-generating one is a pain, though.
Which is good in my book since I love rocking Definitely Not Blitzcrank. It's certainly one of the more fun skins, and I'm happy about not having to bleed real money to get it.

Not having enough mastery points to the gold-generating one is a pain, though.

You're not running 0/12/18?
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