Bot lane didn't care about silencing one person as much since the ADC can still auto you, sustain supports just heal 1-2 times and shrug it off, and all ins just continue to all in after., Plus with support items it didn't do that much damage either. We are talking about something like...Silence + Soraka autos vs Sona Q + autos or Nami W + E empowered autos + chance for a Q stun. A quick silence wasn't a bad disengage per se but wasn't going to compare to a Janna tornado, Annie W stun or Nami Q either.
Plus, her Q was shorter/equal range to the harass from most of the supports you had to worry about poke from (especially Annie and Zyra which outranged her pretty easily). They weren't 'extended trades, they would straight up poke you down or snatch/hook/snag and mow down your ADC before you could ramp up Starfall damage. This was also back during the earlier days of Thresh + Leona not having gone through their multiple nerfs. They'd wreck you way faster than Starfall would wreck them.
Oh i agree, i still think as far as engaging supports go she's probably the most boring there is. Which is sad considering it will probably be a long time before they consider a rework to her rework.