This item was only available in the Blackmarket Brawl timed event. It was actually not very good, although the concept is interesting.
ohhhh that makes sense
This item was only available in the Blackmarket Brawl timed event. It was actually not very good, although the concept is interesting.
wat about ur waifu pandagood thing panda is a morde only player since he's good now
suggestions welcomed.
wat about ur waifu panda
neko play smash with me
1. i dont like nintendo
2. the nintendo games i do like, smash is not among them
3. id rather just play league anyway
Morde's so broken right now.
Rek is a strong void jungler who dont need no man
Cho is top 3 husbando material and can be a nice, solid pick in several lanes
jokes on you i have 200000 accounts i can always log onto to get the rewardsreported for toxin no border for you
1v1 me in SF4 you nerds. I'll rek ur shit m8s.
pankaks play melee with me u shitter1v1 me in SF4 you nerds. I'll rek ur shit m8s.
Whenever we use the word "broken" feel free to read it as "stupid good"
he went to his fap cavewelll he's disconnected in steam
The bleed damage feels so inconsiseDarius hotfix buffs inc so I'd imagine skarner nerfs will accompany them
The bleed damage feels so inconsise
Sounds like the other jungler was just better than you bro
Why did they make it so that healing was based on missing health? Its like he heals nothing at all.Just his Q heal and dmg being increased
those last 5 placements were awful but i did it. free garbage skin
i think i'm an adc main now
Morde's so broken right now.
Rek is a strong void jungler who dont need no man
Cho is top 3 husbando material and can be a nice, solid pick in several lanes
Morde and the one you think is most interesting out of Bard / reksai/TK.
gross -__-he went to his fap cave
those last 5 placements were awful but i did it. free garbage skin
i keep taking breaks between years. s1 bronze, s2 unranked, s3 silver, s4 unranked, s5 gold. the data points to me being in the LCS in 6 years
You're in no position to judge zkyleeewd.gross -__-