Negaduck said:Naaaaaaaaaahhhhh
If it's melee, when they go to last hit, auto, Q and then spin to bully them.
You are a lane bully early and have to show the opponent how the game is gonna be played.
Save ignite and wait for a jungle gank to get the kill (please for everyone, if your jungler is on their way, just farm like normal or play regular, if you can rotate your positioning away from the jungler so the opponent will naturally start to position closer to the gank, and only go in when the jungler is ready or in position).
Get the early advantage and just continue to push it. Farm a bit if they are ranged to get a quick defensive item then go ham.
I usually build black cleaver first if I'm at the advantage and then go sunfire or visage followed by last whisper (or if you really have the advantage just buy a full IE).
Garen is a bully and you have to show the enemy you don't scare. Garen never scares.
kk ty
so everyone but urgot and voli. understood.
When all of the new annoying stuff dominates the draft it doesn't leave enough bans for other broken things like tank Ekko.I'm mostly bothered by all these junglers that are banned in draft but in blind picks they pop out of the woodwork.
When all of the new annoying stuff dominates the draft it doesn't leave enough bans for other broken things like tank Ekko.
You ban Rengar for your own team?Even before the latest patch I thought tank Ekko was kinda low priority on the ban list. The only added bans this patch are Skarner and Morde, and I'm unsure how high of a priority we should actually put on Morde. Rengar, Elise etc were on top of the ban list the last patch as well.
You ban Rengar for your own team?
Assassins and tanks should be your bitches thanks to Riposte and your passive.I have been trying to learn Fiora since her update. I am on a very long losing streak. It seems like she is outclassed by Tank and Assassin champs in every way, unless I get fed early.
Also: Is matchmaking broken, I keep facing silver3+ lane foes.
Because Viktor/Azir's rule needs to last another patchSyndra buffs aren't going to be pushed in the next patch. Most likely 5.18.
SaintVicious ponders why PBE exists if something like Skarner can make it through
I am inclined to agree
Also I am surprised CSGO has 700k viewers, that is a disgusting number
Skarner had several iterations on the PBE that people bitched about being weak, blame reddit.SaintVicious ponders why PBE exists if something like Skarner can make it through
I am inclined to agree
he went to his fap cave
Not all bugs will show up in normal testing anyways, specially when most PBE players are just trying to try out new content. How the fuck would someone figure out that a patch with no Zed changes would make Zed just kill every minion in every lane before hitting live servers?
Skarner had several iterations on the PBE that people bitched about being weak, blame reddit.
Skarner had several iterations on the PBE that people bitched about being weak, blame reddit.
Also I hate these "hurr durr why PBE exists" comments. The PBE has a minimal fraction of a fraction of the League userbase with a massive disparity in skill level, the PBE experience just isn't good for actual balance testing as opposed to bug testing. PBE players said that release Jayce, Elise and Yasuo were all garbage so ¯\_(ツ_/¯
What Riot needs to do is not be afraid of putting a few hotfixes in whenever this type of shit happens instead of letting it go through an entire patch cycle ruining blind pick games;
speaking of zkylewd, couldn't help myself and pledged to sakimichan hoping the hi-res madoka lux would be available right away but turns out i have to wait two weeks -__-
at least i found newest tales of valoran
"We couldn't have garen just tank and then heal and tank."No clue why they buffed Garen lol.
dangSyndra buffs aren't going to be pushed in the next patch. Most likely 5.18.
PBE is for "Bug" testing >_> I mean, you can't expect me to seriously believe that with some of the hilarious glitches and bugs that happened the past couple months.
Yeah, I can imagine it'd be shitty for balancing. I blame Reddit and Riots stance with using it as a crutch. They should come to Neogaf, we know what we're talking about!
And I'm all for overpowered shit going through Live. It needs to happen to alotta things.
For both. He has those Vayne and Shaco syndrome.
"We couldn't have garen just tank and then heal and tank."
whyat least this one dont have the usual ">o<" face
i mean, there's really no "proper" testing for things like that or else patches would take forever to release. like if for every patch you'd test every combination of champion and item and situation you'd take months to release one patch and you couldn't do anything in that time or else you'd have to start over. plus, it's inefficient af to just bugcheck EVERYTHING every patch, even if rito hired an army of testers that would just be a bad idea and no developer in their right mind would do that (also if riot ever fixed some of their more low level engine code and made their game more stable they'd have to fire all those ppl).Proper testing would figure it out! Aside from that didnt Fiora ship with enough bugs that they disabled her in the patch the reworked her?
I think the reason they do hotfix buffs is to get people to learn the characters - if they are too strong rather than too weak people will play them, obviously. Once people know how to play the characters, some people will probably stick with playing them even after they subsequently get nerfed.this buff/nerf hotfixing thing is kind of interesting
i wouldn't say i'd like it to become the norm that every patch's gonna get that kind of thing, specially for things like darius just being weak since that doesn't really affect the game as much, but i think it's good they're doing it on skarner. i wish they had done that on ryze when he was super dumb, but i think they should use hotfixes for things like that
like, fiora got hotfix buffs that were really unnecessary imo and now she's #1 winrate in top lane. like, it wasn't gamebreaking or warping the game in any way like skarner is, so why not let her be weak for a patch and then buff her with a full patch's data instead
Once people know how to play the characters, some people will probably stick with playing them even after they subsequently get nerfed.
That's a relatively cynical view but it's how I see it.
It's not cynical, and it's how things should be. Community would have a shit fit over "balance integrity" or "pay to win" or whatever dumbass thing would rustle their shit if Riot's official position was to make things OP on release, but champions, items, etc. should be OP on release/rework. Not OP, game slaughtering Skarner OP, but obviously strong.
The more players play a champion or use an item, the more they'll end up determining what defines the champion/item and at the same time Riot collects more data, which means whatever nerfs they'll end up doing are more likely to be focused on keeping those defining traits. End result is better game health.
Righteous Glory is a fantastic example of how that works. No one bought it, so its health was over buffed. Players bought and recognized how great the active was. Today's Righteous Glory is even weaker than on release, significantly so - but the active hasn't changed and players are still picking it up.
This is really not true at all anymore.renek wins pretty much every lane except for gnar or vayne
i see what u mean, but i don't think it's rito's official policy since roughly as many new champions/reworks/item are underwhelming on release as they're op
This is really not true at all anymore.
Played him 3 times now I think. His early game really is just like every other melee top. Survive early, then start murdering shit after about 15 minutes of suffering.I don't think I've seen a single Garen in this patch, from my own games to streams lol
There are too many bruisers right now that edge out Renekton in lane and shift better into mid and late game.It's not as easy as it once used to be. But things like Titanic Hydra is great on him.
Empowered W and Q and titanic is so much damage.