Does teemo E apply deathfire
Maybe? I don't know, haven't played him recently.
Does teemo E apply deathfire
It doesn'tDoes teemo E apply deathfire
Yeah he's awesome! I like to play him as a support, strong shield and peeling. Got forced to play top with his after a Janna locked it and still did fine!Galio is like a "No Fun Allowed" champ right now. He just shrugs magic attack like nothing and can ruin the enemy team.
Yeah he's awesome! I like to play him as a support, strong shield and peeling. Got forced to play top with his after a Janna locked it and still did fine!
Also picked up the Volibear for in the jungle. He gets like 700+ movement speed with his Q, Dead Man's Plate, Righteous Glory and upgraded boots. No way an ADC can escape from that shit. :d
i wanted to say tryndamere not yorick but typed that for some reason and then stepped out of the subway and lost wifi connection so couldn't edit it lolno champion can be the Yorick of any lane other than Yorick
That champ is a special kind of awful design.
nope, it's on damaging "abilities" which means you gotta use a cooldown to trigger it. since teemo e is just an permanent auto buff it doesn't trigger it (like i imagine azir soldiers or whatever)Does teemo E apply deathfire
I agree with your list for the most part, but why is akali number one on the list?i wanted to say tryndamere not yorick but typed that for some reason and then stepped out of the subway and lost wifi connection so couldn't edit it lol
but yeah, as in, playing brand or malzahar because they can abuse a broken mastery isn't my idea of balance
not that they were balanced before either.
also fuck malzahar, he's head to head in worst midlane designs with akali
(these kits suck)
1. akali
2. malzahar
3. heimer
4. vladimir (i know he's mostly played top and he's more balanced midlane but he's still terrible)
5. katarina
with talon, ap ezreal and ryze as bonus tracks
everyone else is different levels of ok in my book
i just think everything about her is clunky and frustrating and outdated. she also lacks any sort of identity and is in general for me a sion level reworkI agree with your list for the most part, but why is akali number one on the list?
it's a weird oneI thought it only applied to stuff affected by rylai/spellvamp, so Cho E and Jax R will work.
i think the few of those that really give ori trouble are the super pushers like malz and heimer and even then it's just up to you to cs under turret well. if you can cs alright you can just one shot waves with ori and it's just easy lane for herAKA the list of I don't like playing against these champions as Ori
plus katarina
Is it just me or is Kha absolutely terrible since the preseason update
He's been terrible forever.
He was pretty good at the end of last season. Now he can barely get through a jungle clear
Holy shit I think LoL might be changing too drastic in the next season.
Just played 3 games straight against teams with no Supps and lost 2 of them.
No supps meta in coming?
Also Maoukai seems to be terrible top these days especially against bruisers and Wukong.... man, Fuck Wukong such a cheap champ.
just play mundo
Mundo is pretty gross. they gave him bonus damage and a reset on his E and then gave him a free damage mastery
Support benefited a lot from the masteries.Holy shit I think LoL might be changing too drastic in the next season.
Just played 3 games straight against teams with no Supps and lost 2 of them.
No supps meta in coming?
Also Maoukai seems to be terrible top these days especially against bruisers and Wukong.... man, Fuck Wukong such a cheap champ.
Support benefited a lot from the masteries.
What elo are you playing from?
I played against Annie, Yasou and Lux on ''supporting'' role and none of them build a supp items.
Yesterday I played against a Jax who just destroyed us.
I think only sustain champs benefit heavy from the new masteries. I do no longer struggle against the likes of Thresh and Bitz as Sona and Nami.
Bond of stone is quite strong. A lot of stupid shit can happen in silver games (and above silver too, but not as often) that doesn't really represent the game.Silver
I played against Annie, Yasou and Lux on ''supporting'' role and none of them build a supp items.
Yesterday I played against a Jax who just destroyed us.
I think only sustain champs benefit heavy from the new masteries. I do no longer struggle against the likes of Thresh and Bitz as Sona and Nami.
As far as I know, most junglers have difficulty jungling especially the first 2 wave clears.
I have been playing Sejuani and I have easier time tackling champs than monsters.
Windspeaker for sure. Not only gives better heals and shield, but also provides resistances.Would Thunderlord's Decree work on Sona, or should I stick with the Wind thing-y? Thunder would add some mean power in lane Harass, but the extra shields are really good all game.
Elderwood hec splash
I played against Annie, Yasou and Lux on ''supporting'' role and none of them build a supp items.
Yesterday I played against a Jax who just destroyed us.
I think only sustain champs benefit heavy from the new masteries. I do no longer struggle against the likes of Thresh and Bitz as Sona and Nami.
We MTG now boizElderwood hec splash
Wait... We hearthstone now boizthat's truly awesome
that's truly awesome
Thunder has too long cooldown to be of use for pokey supports in bot lane. Windspeaker is superior if you have shield /heal.Would Thunderlord's Decree work on Sona, or should I stick with the Wind thing-y? Thunder would add some mean power in lane Harass, but the extra shields are really good all game.
Windspeaker for sure. Not only gives better heals and shield, but also provides resistances.
It definitely works on Sona, but theres no denying how strong windspeaker can be since she has such low CD on her heal
Elderwood hec splash
Thunder has too long cooldown to be of use for pokey supports in bot lane. Windspeaker is superior if you have shield /heal.
Hm, maybe Sona does a proper trade seldom enough. It would only be for lane though, windspeaker is better for late game. My bets are still on windspeaker.About what I figured, but it was worth the ask. Some things I've passed up before were then talked about here and everyone is saying it's great, lol.
Echoing the above, this is so MtG.
But I love it.
It seems a bit high. I was just thinking of second-Q, wait, third-Q, Power Chord combo. Didn't even calculate how much it would do, but damage.
OdoamneLoL on Ask.FM
Author : Anonymous
Question :
That money difference is so hight no team on Europe can math those salaries? I mean Fnatic, Og or 5 fuckin 5 fuckin k?
Answer :
Ofc not. Why do you think EU players go to NA? For better environment or soloq or competition? NA just throws u a big sack of cash at your face to bait you to go there and enjoy 100 ping soloq and people who stream playing rammus mid cause their viewers asked him to
I am a Bot. Message /u/wlan222 for Questions or use /r/askfmbot for Testing
He sounds salty, must be because NA isn't importing top laners KappaOdoamne on eu exodus (from reddit /ask.Fm):
They just put the top laners on adc instead :^)He sounds salty, must be because NA isn't importing top laners Kappa
Wait what? Do trinkets get auto bought on spawn in now?I think my favourite new feature we added with preseason is the "hey dumbass" auto-adding of trinkets to people who don't buy them
If you leave spawn without buying a trinket the game automatically gives you the ward totem when you get out of base.Wait what? Do trinkets get auto bought on spawn in now?