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League of Legends |OT10| Botlane Was A Mistake, It's Nothing But Thresh

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Yeah but what about her disgusting new Q though
new quinn is like michael keaton in bird man in that she's delusional and pretending valor is carrying her when in reality valor doesn't exist and he's dead and has been for years and u need to get over urself quinn ur not a good champion


I stupidly bought Poppy thinking her update had come out already, holy shit her current kit is terrible. Ah well, least I have her and I'll probably end up buying her current two skins.


I stupidly bought Poppy thinking her update had come out already, holy shit her current kit is terrible. Ah well, least I have her and I'll probably end up buying her current two skins.
Her current kit isn't horrible lol. It's pretty strong.


I stupidly bought Poppy thinking her update had come out already, holy shit her current kit is terrible. Ah well, least I have her and I'll probably end up buying her current two skins.

She actually has the best kit in the game for solo queue.

She just has massive mana issues.
There is something seriously wrong with this game right now.

This past week has been a mess. Most matches will be fine, no issues whatsoever. Others, I'll dc once and then there is no hope of ever getting back in for more than 20 seconds at a time.

It's just bizarre as fuck. I swear it's a combination of certain vfx or something that causes the game to crash for some people (I recall dc'ing the exact moment Karthus activated his E on multiple occasions. Stable 40 ping not even a second before the fact). It sure as hell isn't my net.


I stupidly bought Poppy thinking her update had come out already, holy shit her current kit is terrible. Ah well, least I have her and I'll probably end up buying her current two skins.

For maximum lulz, give her a rune page with lots of magic penetration then slam a Q while at Lvl. 1 :V


There is something seriously wrong with this game right now.

This past week has been a mess. Most matches will be fine, no issues whatsoever. Others, I'll dc once and then there is no hope of ever getting back in for more than 20 seconds at a time.

It's just bizarre as fuck. I swear it's a combination of certain vfx or something that causes the game to crash for some people (I recall dc'ing the exact moment Karthus activated his E on multiple occasions. Stable 40 ping not even a second before the fact). It sure as hell isn't my net.
It's probably a different issue but I also was suddenly getting lots of disconnects and I knew my internet was fine. I eventually found out the cause was high disk usage by Microsoft Security Essentials. Fixing that and also disabling page file on the disk seems to have done the job.
I booted up League to play support because I miss playing support Morgana so much. Somehow I was last pick and everyone wanted a role that isn't ADC. Guess I'm playing Lucian Bolt.


raged for the first time just now. usually i usually i tell the shit ones that they're shit, but this time i didn't give a fuck. i just fed on purpose and didn't say anything.


we all have those days where we just want to troll

newt calls those days mondaytuesdaywednesdaythursdayfridaysaturday.

sunday's a holy day. can't troll on holy days.
Quinn's win rate has spiked like crazy. Top win rate top, ADC and top 5 mid. Not to mention how good she is in the jungle...

It's probably a different issue but I also was suddenly getting lots of disconnects and I knew my internet was fine. I eventually found out the cause was high disk usage by Microsoft Security Essentials. Fixing that and also disabling page file on the disk seems to have done the job.

Had a bot match earlier where I couldn't get past the loading screen after first dc. Saw the victory screen and two others dc'd as well. So I really think this on the server side. Idk what to do other than to stop playing.

Quinn's win rate has spiked like crazy. Top win rate top, ADC and top 5 mid. Not to mention how good she is in the jungle...


Why, the pseudo blind? I really liked when her Q was an execute.


Was Dragon Tamer Trista delayed to coincide with that Mystery Box event for Legendaries?

Yeah I'm curious when it comes out too

Quinn's win rate has spiked like crazy. Top win rate top, ADC and top 5 mid. Not to mention how good she is in the jungle...


Will get some more practice in with her. Been waiting for buffs for a long time for her. I like the changes :)


So has the new team builder been removed from PBE? If so maybe it was far buggier then it should have been, and we probably won't see it until January.


Lost 5 games in a row. Can't even get my win of the week. :D

pick a new champ u never played before (or need practice with) and go coop AI bot match :(

I did that once this week. Granted I wasnt on tilt just wanted to practice the new champ without teammates bitching


A lot of people thought the changes were nerfs, for some reason.

I don't get it either. Fucking around in a custom I noticed that with a Warrior and Youmuu's alone my Q dealt well over 400 damage. 1.4 total AD ratio is no fucking joke.

That said I didn't expect her win rates to spike like that. Then again, I expect her numbers to be better than they were in 5.22 based on the strength of the ultimate alone. Her jungle win rate per leagueofgraphs still isn't spectacular at ~50%.
Illaoi any good?


But like a lot of champs, she can't carry a team because her kit doesn't allow her to blow people up and chase stragglers down. No CC. Thus, will only be *so good* for solo play. After all, it doesn't much matter if you win your lane with a champ that can't turn the advantage into being able to solo carry/make plays if your team is playing like shit. That is to say her maximum potential is sort of dictated by the play of her team and their ability to deal damage and capitalize on the advantage she can create (sieging, soul snatching). As someone said before, higher lows, but lower highs than a lot of her "juggernaut" contemporaries. You'll never see a 20 kill Illaoi game.

It think her strongest role will be as support as a result, though she is still a shut-down top against a bunch of melee tops and a respectable jungler. From jg, she can walk into a lane, snatch a soul and win the laning phase for their mid/off laner.
I have seen that, not 20 kills but she had 12 the most on my team and just destroyed everyone, but that was only because she got super fed off top and there jungler.

Well 20 is different from 12. I did pick that number specifically as it's a number that is sort of reserved for champs that can snowball or otherwise deal kill damage without help. There are certain tops where you're not especially surprised if they get 15-20 kills. Those tops have insane gap closing, cc, big executes, big passives. You do not, for example, expect to see a 15-20 kill Malphite. Or a 15-20 kill Illaoi. Such an event would be considered anomalies for either of those examples because that's not what their kit is designed to do for their team.

She'll be a good top pick if you have a lot of damage coming from other positions and a mean-spirited counter-pick for champs that can't avoid her tentacles (I wouldn't want to go against her with Jayce for example, as I think I'd lose every trade). But if those other positions fail to come online, there's little Illaoi can do to stop the coming storm. This isn't a knock; most champs are somewhat constrained by the success/failure of their team. Not everyone can be Trynd/Jax/Irela/Darius/Riven/etc and split push like all hell or come to a fight and get a triple or quadra without blinking an eye. That doesn't make her weak; it just makes her role defined and purposed. I just don't think she'll be a strong go-to solo pubbing pick. More like a situational one.

If an Illaoi team is equally farmed as an enemy team, I'd expect the Illaoi team to win every big team fight provided she snatches a soul during the pre-fight posturing session or otherwise early on.
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