Ghost is Bad
did u all forget about gnar
I'm starting to think the only counterplay to illiao is taking an adc top.
if they come i'll comemore will indeed come
though for who I can't say
Pretty sure any range will work. 0 cc and isn't her gap close like 350 range? I had one get absolutely dumpstered by a lee despite me gifting her 2 kills early but that's anecdotal obv
That's when you say something likeI will never understand why people will run into a fight 1v3 and then shittalk the 3 after they kill the 1.
Her tentacles prove to be a bigger pain than i thought. Sure she doesn't have any gap closers but she is a huge lane bully with those tentacles popping up everywhere.
if they come i'll come
i mean
hope they come
and i hope they're for lux
lux sucks
fuck lux
for ghost the leona main
i love her face, something non animu for a change
but still a bit animu
how am i a fkn leona main
you're a leona main and noota is a corki main
there's photo evidence
lux sucks
fuck lux
ikr leona much better support
i dont even fucking play leona anymore.
In my silver elo people barely even bother to talk to each other.It's the best feeling trolling the shit outta your team but typing positive and supportive things in chat :3.
Meanwhile, they're flaming the shit outta me, making them no better.
In the end, the world is toxic.
In my silver elo people barely even bother to talk to each other.
Rush's stream is really helping take away the sting of voyboy not streaming. He's so fun to watch
Quinn is so strong right now lmao. Imma abuse the shit outta this.
yeah that whole statement is very oddly worded. Like what kind of 'incident' goes done at your HQ that they working with his family and something they're respecting his privacy on? I'm guessing either a physical altercation(Who doesn't want to punch Dominate) or possibly drug related(He had quite a long post on FB rambling on about existence and such).
liquid quas is probably out because of an "incident"
quas is a weird player, i never got around liking him as a player but he seemed like a dependable guy to have on ur team which is kind of what liquid/curse always lacked
M5 was the dream team that just couldn't.Gambit is donezo too. I feel bad for Diamond but mostly I miss Moscow 5
If you pause you can see the exact moment Trist regrets everything
i was proud of this hook
not so much the trist W
i was proud of this hook
not so much the trist W
it feels great to completely ravage the teams that talk a whole lot of shit in-game.
i was using the wrong runes too lol
Illaoi tips and tricks from some guy named redmercy
Good tips a bunch I didn't know. Like the you can get 2 tentacles from a 1v1 duel because the spirit counts as a champ.
Also, vlad seems to do good against Illoai. I know I got wrecked by a vlad as her. I may have misplayed too lol.
So if you spirit them that would be 3 tentacles? Nice.I cant remember if he mentioned it but stuff like shaco's clone and leblanc's clone will also get you two tentacles.
I hope Redmercy is good, because he is probably my most watched Youtuber when it comes to League.Illaoi tips and tricks from some guy named redmercy
Good tips a bunch I didn't know. Like the you can get 2 tentacles from a 1v1 duel because the spirit counts as a champ.
Also, vlad seems to do good against Illoai. I know I got wrecked by a vlad as her. I may have misplayed too lol.
Trynd's sword is way too small.
Wait... I know this is a long shot, but is your summoner name "Eduardo?"