So... I play a normal, everybody gets their role without any arguing, but as soon as the game starts I notice something's off with my adc Ashe. It starts with her not last-hitting minions at all, so I feel forced to do it myself to avoid losing out on minion gold; then she does a couple dumb plays where I'm forced to ks two champion kills (adc and a jg who tower dove to get Ashe). By then I already had sightstone and lv2 coin, but I just had to begin building ad as Thresh to try and make up for our Ashe. There were like four or five separate occasions where she was ganged up on with lots of CC, I'd throw my lantern at her feet and she'd then proceed to ignore it and just walk away from it (once even spending her flash to get away from trouble rather than clicking on the blasted lantern). Needless to say, we lost.
I'm glad the "bad player" report is gone though, since while I wasn't happy with our Ashe doing absolutely nothing right, I think giving players the option to report a player for not meeting their expectations only helped foster toxicity. It isn't like Riot couldn't match that player down with less experienced players by merely datamining their performance, anyway.