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League of Legends |OT10| Botlane Was A Mistake, It's Nothing But Thresh

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I don't even think ADCs are that good right now. Basically they just switched which ADCs are good. Quinn is just an outlier.
i hope next patch does something about zhonyas

the price isn't so much of a problem as the build path

tbh i don't get why they didn't make it build off seekers+blasting wand and nerfed the ap on it.

that already would be great

They should remove the item and make it a Summoner Spell.


Vayne and Quinn are top tier.

Lucian and MF are a tier below. They become top tier if you stomp your lane (which isn't hard to do with these two champs). Nothing you can do about champs who are 3 shotting you.

Kalista is still the same.

Ezreal is good if you know what the fuck you're doing and what the fuck you're building. (Essence Reaver, Triforce for hard carrying)

Draven is meh but can work.

Twitch can be fun for gimps and can destroy games if you know how to push/control your waves and roam.

Everything else is in a "Why would you even consider playing them unless you main them" tier.


I don't think it would be that bad. Brief invulnerability kind of falls in line with the effects of the other popular Summoner Spells.
imagine what it would do to champions with delayed damage like zed, karthus or fizz

or like how broken that could be on some bruisers/tanks

Yeah almost every ezreal I've played with or against has been super strong. Just don't get manamune
ezreal feels kind of op from playing against him mid

he also seems like twice as annoying


Nerf Shiv Cannon but do jack shit about the LW line

Thanks Riot, really appreciate it

Real talk now though - I doubt Riot will buff LDR a lot, if at anything at all.

Mathematically, LDR should match or even beat the old LW on tanky targets - so the whole MUNDO RAMMUS MALPHITE party has be due to something else

(hint - the masteries)

using 100/(100+baseAR+bonusAR) to calculate damage taken%
giantslayer effect is multiplicative e.g. damage*(1+giantslayer)




60base armor occurs around lvl9
100base armor occurs around lvl18

-The new base LW is pretty poop when they have low bonus armor (duh)
-Buy Giant Slayer if they have less than ~50 bonus armor
-LDR is better than the old LW after your target has around 1 armor item


why though? you can just get out of lane first back BF sword and be super strong.

i don't think tear is good with essence reaver. reaver is enough.
Real talk now though - I doubt Riot will buff LDR a lot, if at anything at all.

Mathematically, LDR should match or even beat the old LW on tanky targets - so the whole MUNDO RAMMUS MALPHITE party has be due to something else

(hint - the masteries)

using 100/(100+baseAR+bonusAR) to calculate damage taken%
giantslayer effect is multiplicative e.g. damage*(1+giantslayer)




60base armor occurs around lvl9
100base armor occurs around lvl18

-The new base LW is pretty poop when they have low bonus armor (duh)
-Buy Giant Slayer if they have less than ~50 bonus armor
-LDR is better than the old LW after your target has around 1 armor item
I have no idea of what that those giant slayer graphs mean and how they interact with the LW one.


less target damage reduction = good

higher the line = less damage they take
lower the line = more damage they take


I like rebbit's math better because it assumes I'm stoopid
Let's say we deal 100 damage to the tank. With the old Last Whisper, you would deal 37 damage. With Dominik's Regards, you will deal 115 damage, but after reduction, you effectively deal 40 damage. Now instead of dealing 70 damage to a level 16 Vayne, you deal 60 since you don't reduce her base armor at all, you won't benefit from Dominik's Regard either since your HP is likely to be around the same if you aren't behind.

I know Bond of Stone is the issue but if that thing is gonna stick - free %DR for tanks why rito - then either armor or armor pen need to change. Armor pen is better because you don't fuck with people that have nothing to do with this. Increasing Ludovico's and Reminder's % bonus pen to 60 would do the trick.


having bonus pen to a ridiculously high number will make armor feel terrible to build. May as well build 4 warmogs 1 randuins and a ninja tabi at that point

which is bad

better off giving carries better damage options as a mastery, especially with fervor getting nerfed

grasp of undying is pretty ridiculous too.

Mortal reminder is just plain poop though. Just getting GW isnt enough to offset the 15% damage bonus.
Giving ADCs more damage options will make them better at killing squishies which is what Riot is trying to move away from.

Now that I think of it they're nerfing Fervor and Shiv Cannon in the same patch and that makes me sad.
man i forgot how fun heimer is. just stole baron with ult w and turned a game completely around

(also reminder that kaceytron's stream and chat belong in moma)

edit: she's reading an apology speech she wrote about a fast food tier list she released


Giving ADCs more damage options will make them better at killing squishies which is what Riot is trying to move away from.

Now that I think of it they're nerfing Fervor and Shiv Cannon in the same patch and that makes me sad.

well fervor already exists and its great at killing squishies

BoTRK not being shit would be nice too.

moving from 40% bonus pen to 45% bonus pen gives you around 1.5% extra damage

I think another issue is that if a tank snowballs out of control, there's no itemisation to deal with their increased base armor - especially if you're behind as an ADC


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
I'm revoking your lewd license for that shit post Zky.
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