He was walking by for a photoshoot.
He was walking by for a photoshoot.
Being telegraphed is good. It gives the skill counterplay which lets Riot actually allow Darius to be good without making a lane nightmare.
I think they are kinda different. Sion's q is usually used after his e which slows the person and has longer range. Another thing is that soon can use his instantly if you want to, but it will do little to no damage. Darius is more short range and he does have a slow unless you use his pull. I find them different and I think sion's q fits on him better than on Darius.I just saw some posts saying the ruined it or even made it useless and was curious if those people hated sion's Q or found that useless too as it has you stay stationary.
I think they are kinda different. Sion's q is usually used after his e which slows the person and has longer range. Another thing is that soon can use his instantly if you want to, but it will do little to no damage. Darius is more short range and he does have a slow unless you use his pull. I find them different and I think sion's q fits on him better than on Darius.
I have only played Darius once and that was before the rework so I am I don't really know. I have played sion a bunch recently. Darius and sions combos and Darius and different.You can already use sion's early and it doesnt knock up and does less damage.
Wouldn't at that point Darius have a better chance to hit if he pulls them directly next to him rather than a slow that doesn't place the opponent directly next to them and once cast is unable to adjust the angle or positioning?
He doesn't have a ranged slow but is W does slow also.
yeah practice mode is something that league should have 100% if there's a new client, doto's is not perfect but it's tons better than nothingYeah I like playing dota when I get super on tilt in league.The practice mode it super nice in dota. And the custom mode are a lot of fun.
If only league had practice mode :^).
I have only played Darius once and that was before the rework so I am I don't really know. I have played sion a bunch recently. Darius and sions combos and Darius and different.
Sions is you slow them with your e then start your w try to hit your q then pop you w shield.
Darius you pull them in auto them with you empower autos and they use your q.
It seems like they wanted Darius q to be a poke skill that you can dodge so that is doesn't make it impossible to dodge skills. They made his q a lot less mana and it heals on champ hits . Which continue to make it seem like it poke skill.
Ok my bad I misunderstood what you meant. Yeah I think it is mostly just the Darius mains that are crying out and making a stink about it. I think if those ppl played sion before he was changed and then they changed him, they would have the same reaction.Well my question wasn't really regarding how the combo is done, but with Darius, at the start of the combo the enemy ends up directly next to Darius and then goes for the delayed Q which Darius can also move and chase the enemy slowly to reposition the Q. (My question is in regards to people saying they've made darius's Q bad now).
Sion hits his slow either by using a minion missle or just hitting him directly, which does not pull the enemy any closer to sion's position, then you have to walk towards the opponent to close the gap, then cast his Q in the direction they are or think they will be in and if you guess wrong you miss and can't alter that choice once you make it.
I'm curious if the same individuals who feel Darius' Q is bad also feel sion's is. On paper sion's looks way worse than what Darius's telegraphed Q is.
Hopefully that makes sense.
uh all the heroes have their primary attribute right next to their name. it's even color coded for convenience.ghost i tried fooling around in doto champion library or whatever looking for a fun one to play but i think i realize what my problem to get started with doto is
doto has like seriously the shittiest visual champion design ever like outside of like the 10 humanoid champions it's like, absolutely impossible to know what a champion does just by looking at them
there's some really cool features to like filter out the champions in the client but then it's just like literally trying them out one by one if you want to find one that's fun because you have no idea of how they'll play outside of very nebulous things like "this guy's a nuker", "this guy's a nuker and disabler" or whatever
i mean, you can say that's sort of true in league too because like, how do u know orianna's more supporty than ahri or whatever, but doto heroes are so weird that it's really difficult to tell if i'll like them or not.
being able to try them out is great tho, league should have that
edit: after spending some more time in that menu i guess im being a bit unfair, it's not THAT bad since every agility guy seems to have either a bow or two daggers and every intelligence guy a staff and every strength guy is fat, but that's not super apparent from the little preview portraits in that menu so it's still pretty hard
Sivir is not an immobile ADC, lol.
The delay on Darius' Q is a bit too high imo. It's so damn easy to play around and he's still as kiteable as ever so I think he shouldn't get healing from it, he should get movement speed....
Or maybe a successful ult kill should give him movement speed so he can get more pentakills
Dariu's Q is just a weird Rene Q.
Dariu's Q is just a weird Rene Q.
Man I don't know where all the Darius Q = Sion Q comparisons come from because they stop at "being telegraphed"
Sion gets all the control in when he can release it with varying degrees of impact depending on charge time.
Darius has 1 gear. You hit or you don't, all with the same amount of charge time so he doesn't get the option to guarantee damage when Sion can.
If you could charge Darius Q to different stages (1. damage, 2. damage and bleed, 3. damage, bleed and heal) then maybe you'd have a point.
Okay, someone explain this shit to me. This is a pattern that has been going on for quite a while.
When I play with a couple people (silver-gold) the first game pits us against a similarly skilled team, which most of the time it's lost because the people I play with are headless chickens. That's okay and expected.
The second game is invariably this kind of bullshit:
Every fucking time. This is not okay. What the fuck riot.
Normal MMR is different from Ranked MMR.
You could be challenger in ranked but have an mmr of a bronze in normal if you felt like it.
the dark side corruptsI don't want to point fingers at anyone but I bet Costy tampered with my MMR
How long does it take for the charge to be lost? The wiki says:just rewatched the DL penta, zeke's proc got the penta. he didn't NOT crit to get the last three kills.
I don't know what that "X seconds" is.All current charge is lost if you move further than 1000-units apart or hold onto 100 charge for longer than X seconds.
yeah but likeuh all the heroes have their primary attribute right next to their name. it's even color coded for convenience.
red is strength, green is agility and intelligence is blue.
finallyFor Zkylewd.
yeah but like
agility means assassin and adc and intelligence is like support and mage but then i see like that wisp thing on strength and im like wth
Meddler said:Likely changes:
•Base AD to 57 (from 61)
•Base MS to 335 (from 345)
•W % to 10-14 (from 12-16)
•E damage to 40-140 and 25-65 (from 40-180 and 25-125)
That's for the hotfix we're aiming to put out early this week. Additional changes will follow if needed (buffs or nerfs, though I'd be very surprised if this overnerfed him) in the next regular patch (5.17).
Just stick to leeg theni just want someone that's fun and also a pretty girl
I never bothered readin the Skarner tooltips, does his E actually do 300 base damage? lol
Does it change with levels like a champion passive? I guess I should fire up and ARAM game and see if it's explained ingame.x means variable which means it changes
I only played DOTA2 if I get to play Lina. I just wander around the map, try (and fail) to figure out last hit timing, and rush the item that upgrades her ultimate. I then try to get gold to do other burst-improving just gonna try play lina in coop vs ai
from what i played in the lina tutorial she seems like a good enough transition hero from league to doto for me since she seems to play like an ap mid
i mean i'm not planning to switch but every now and then someone convinces me to install it and try a few games against bots and so i'm at that positiong right nowJust stick to leeg then
yea she's def a candidateLina is gud, ez to understand and has a lot of pretty cosplay.
i played her once but didn't like her, i don't want an adcLuna is a pretty girl that's ez to play and could be fun
She's like Sivir if Sivir didn't have a spellshield and had a massive nuke instead
yea she's candidate 2, i like her laugh and she has skillshots and no passives which i likeWindrunner is fun and pretty. She wears sandals though. Eurgh.
who?CM is pretty, but not fun. Avoid. Nice cosplay.
she's ugly so noQoP is fun and pretty if youre into succubi. She's like Kassadin.
candidate number 3, she's probably my favorite cos i like her ult but ghost says she's a support and i want midlanerDeath Prophet is a pushing machine. fun if you like to splitpush. Attractive if you're into ghosts. (I kno I am)
i mean i'm not planning to switch but every now and then someone convinces me to install it and try a few games against bots and so i'm at that positiong right now
yea she's def a candidate
i played her once but didn't like her, i don't want an adc
yea she's candidate 2, i like her laugh and she has skillshots and no passives which i like
she's ugly so no
candidate number 3, she's probably my favorite cos i like her ult but ghost says she's a support and i want midlaner
also all the skins in doto are ugly i don't get how this game makes any money if they don't sell the champions either
they just funded a 16million prize pool tournament with a digital book and hatsalso all the skins in doto are ugly i don't get how this game makes any money if they don't sell the champions either
they just funded a 16million prize pool tournament with a digital book and hats
i feel ori ult shouldn't be able to be canceled if you're killed after casting it
like, i don't think most ults work like that?