Go to doto, have a pint and wait for this all to blow overNew servers tomorrow and I have no idea what's going on in ranked anymore. Morde bot, Fiora beasting, Trundle supporting, Skarner terrorizing jungle.
Wat do.
New servers tomorrow and I have no idea what's going on in ranked anymore. Morde bot, Fiora beasting, Trundle supporting, Skarner terrorizing jungle.
Wat do.
It gets tiring taking pics with so many people when you just want to relax and eat something. Also, some people can be major assholes especially when alcohol is involved. One guy at MSG had to get pulled aside by security for talking to because he was aggressively grabbing cosplayers by the waist asking for photos and stuff.
Remember, they're just fans who wanted to dress up and have some fun. Most aren't professionals by any means.
Talks of Garen nerfs =
This patch suuuuucks.
play dotaNew servers tomorrow and I have no idea what's going on in ranked anymore. Morde bot, Fiora beasting, Trundle supporting, Skarner terrorizing jungle.
Wat do.
yeah i got bloodstone, zhonyas staff, the really annoying boots that you gotta spam for movement speed (maybe i'm missing something but i think this item is just shitty? like it's really useful but zero fun to use..) and got a wand upgraded to 5 that did a ton of dmg. i was building some drums that the tutorial taught me to build but quit midway cos it seemed supporty and i was just doing my own thing pushing lanes all the time. i also bought the flying courier cos no one seemed like they were buying it and i got a bunch of tps but wasted like half of them cos i didnt know how to properly use it lolKrob (death prophet, in wc3 her hero name was krobelus, a few heroes are still called by their old wc3 name. Clinks being one of them. His surname was the bone fletcher) is great, witchcraft is fun because more witch craft means more ghosts too. She's more of a siege and teamfight hero. You usually want to get a bloodstone with her because the mana regen is amazing and you can help stack it up from teamfights and kills.
Eul's is great (tornado) not only for yourself but you can set up combos with it with someone else and silence them as they land and wreak them.
Boots of travel too, pretty much TP boots. Push a lane with your waves, then port to another. Krob's ghosts also do crazy damage to towers and will prioritize the target you are auto attacking.
One note if you choose to get refresher orb (refreshes all CD's), if you ult twice you don't get a mosh pit, it resets the ghosts duration so you would want to wait till the ghosts come back and heal you and pop it again.
Good items on krob
Shiva's guard
Linken's sphere
Boots of travel
Necronomicon (gives int and str, summons two minions, one melee and one ranged, ranged has mana burn on hits and one does a ton of true damage to whoever kills it)
There are a couple more items of worth but I can't remember off the top of my head.
Max ult > wave of terror > witchcraft > silence > stats.
Stats at level 2 is actually decent with a handfull of heroes.
yeah that makes sense, but it was more a comment on how i like happy face better than intense face that cosplayers tend to pull in like photoshoots and stuffs, not necessarily with pankaksIt gets tiring taking pics with so many people when you just want to relax and eat something. Also, some people can be major assholes especially when alcohol is involved. One guy at MSG had to get pulled aside by security for talking to because he was aggressively grabbing cosplayers by the waist asking for photos and stuff.
Remember, they're just fans who wanted to dress up and have some fun. Most aren't professionals by any means.
yeah i mean, i don't really know what im doing so just figuring out the items and such, so just buy whatever gives me my highlighted stat and has a cool active. like, game suggests like that pushing wand as a core item but i figured that was too supporty for how i wanted to play and i really like the tornado wand so i went for that. then i got the heart thing cos it was in the suggested items and then i got that dfg wand cos it built out of an item i already hadyeah but the nuke isn't super useful compared to something like bkb or heart or vyse
oh yea, i got that one with lina, it's cool. i kind of feel that and tornado wand might overlap a bit, like in function i mean, since i guess u cant use vyse on a zhonya'd heroheart gives u a ton of hp and massive regen out of combat
makes u super tanky
vyse turns ur opponent into a sheep.
Looks like lots of dota players in here so I have a question. I can't recall ever seeing any botters in dota 2. Are they not rampant there as well? I've only dabbled in dota's custom modes and tuts (never their rift).
Nami just got buffed, you can't go wrong with her.
I don't remember ever encountering bots in real matches personally.
to celebrate the new servers I'm playing again for the first time in weeks.
what have I missed?
Morde ADC bot.
Yesss gimmeeee
too tired to play mechanix.
I keep playing with drunks match after a match.
Last match I was playing with Sivir who just kept away from all team fights all the time...
Arguably a legit strategy now.Oh and the one before that we had Mordekaiser as an ADC...
Oh and the one before that we had Mordekaiser as an ADC...
OMG I was not the only one. Did we actually play the same match?
OMG I was not the only one. Did we actually play the same match?
I'm not saying you're wrong, but Sivir's build is better than what I'd expect from Bronze 3. Meanwhile you've bought Ruby Stone, Athenes, a Blasting Wand and Neg Cloak before boots?
Thresh on the enemy itemised a lot better than you with a worse ADC (CS, KDA, Gold).
Arguably a legit strategy now.
Arguably a legit strategy now.
No, Morde bot is a thing right now. It's not clear how good it is, but it seems quite all right.
Probably not. He's been designed to work bottom now with his new skills. His W has a passive that gives him full creep XP when in a duo lane. The ghost of dragon is pretty sweet.
I've played it and I didn't do too bad one game. Its different but still very much doable. I'm just not sure if you go glass cannon or still ap tankish.
I don't buy boots at all, actually
See above. I'm not saying buy Sorc Boots.I don't need the magic penetration (because of my runes), and my positional and map awareness is good enough to actually need some speed.
See Thresh's items though. His money has gone into disengage/engage (Talisman), engage (Righteous Glory), Armour, health, Boots of mobility. He's significantly more use to his team than you are to yours because he's bought properly.If I am trying to escape I use that supporting item for escape
I don't buy boots at all, actually. I don't need the magic penetration (because of my runes), and my positional and map awareness is good enough to actually need some speed, to compensate If I die, I die because I mainly sacrifice myself, or that I am bad that match..
If I am trying to escape I use that supporting item for escape
I don't buy boots at all, actually. I don't need the magic penetration (because of my runes), and my positional and map awareness is good enough to actually need some speed, to compensate If I die, I die because I mainly sacrifice myself, or that I am bad that match..
If I am trying to escape I use that supporting item for escape
Base Movement speed lowered to 340 from 345**
Decisive Strike (Q) movement speed lowered to 30% from 35%
I don't buy boots at all, actually. I don't need the magic penetration (because of my runes), and my positional and map awareness is good enough to actually need some speed, to compensate If I die, I die because I mainly sacrifice myself, or that I am bad that match..
If I am trying to escape I use that supporting item for escape
That's not really true, junglers buy them a lot too.there's a reason supports are generally the only champs to build mobility boots (aka the boots that make you go fastest)
...I don't buy boots at all, actually. I don't need the magic penetration (because of my runes), and my positional and map awareness is good enough to actually need some speed, to compensate If I die, I die because I mainly sacrifice myself, or that I am bad that match..
If I am trying to escape I use that supporting item for escape
I don't buy boots at all, actually. I don't need the magic penetration (because of my runes), and my positional and map awareness is good enough to actually need some speed, to compensate If I die, I die because I mainly sacrifice myself, or that I am bad that match..
If I am trying to escape I use that supporting item for escape
What is this image of? Never seen it before.This is the exact reason I don't buy wards. Don't listen to Newt. Keep doing you.
What is this image of? Never seen it before.