well played my first solo game of doto with death prophet since she looks cool and i found her fun in the past (tho i was always playing with friends who did their own thing or whatever)
Krob (death prophet, in wc3 her hero name was krobelus, a few heroes are still called by their old wc3 name. Clinks being one of them. His surname was the bone fletcher) is great, witchcraft is fun because more witch craft means more ghosts too. She's more of a siege and teamfight hero. You usually want to get a bloodstone with her because the mana regen is amazing and you can help stack it up from teamfights and kills.
Eul's is great (tornado) not only for yourself but you can set up combos with it with someone else and silence them as they land and wreak them.
Boots of travel too, pretty much TP boots. Push a lane with your waves, then port to another. Krob's ghosts also do crazy damage to towers and will prioritize the target you are auto attacking.
One note if you choose to get refresher orb (refreshes all CD's), if you ult twice you don't get a mosh pit, it resets the ghosts duration so you would want to wait till the ghosts come back and heal you and pop it again.
Good items on krob
Shiva's guard
Linken's sphere
Boots of travel
Necronomicon (gives int and str, summons two minions, one melee and one ranged, ranged has mana burn on hits and one does a ton of true damage to whoever kills it)
There are a couple more items of worth but I can't remember off the top of my head.
Max ult > wave of terror > witchcraft > silence > stats.
Stats at level 2 is actually decent with a handfull of heroes.