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League of Legends |OT10| Botlane Was A Mistake, It's Nothing But Thresh

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Scratch off being good positional plays because my last game was really bad. I was all over the place.

Boots are very important in every facet of the game. Think of it this way: you get to lane significantly faster to get more gold/xp, you get to roam around the map more to participate in more fights, when initiating you need the movespeed to catch your opponents, when your opponents are initiating you need them to kite back/disengage. You might think you are fine without them, but they really have a lot of hidden benefits even if you think your map awareness is good enough.

I value 3rd dragon highly due to the increase in speed and there is a good reason why the utility tree ends in movement speed.

Supports should almost always build for CDR, move speed, and tankiness/auras. The whole reason they role is called a support is because you are enhancing the rest of your team through the utility of your abilities and items. If you are running out of mana on Morg I suggest investing in a Glacial Shroud early rather than getting mana regen.
Hmm, that makes alot of sense. Will have to invest in boots as necessity from now on.


You really should buy boots. Get mobility boots as support. It's much much better than paying 800 gold to upgrade your sightstone to ruby sightstone. Like, an order of magnitude better.

Lol the first thing I do is upgrade that Sighstone ASAP.
Huge waste of money tbh.

800 buys you mobis, support item upgrade, parts for locket, parts for fh, etc

All u get for that extra gold is 1 ward and another 200ish hp


One good thing I like about dota is that if someone leaves, after 5 minutes everyone else can leave the game without any penalties.
You still lose the game though. :(
Da fuck, just leave him as is, there's nothing to nerf, you can still kite his ass and now that his W no longer gives him tenacity you can cc him to high heaven and still waste his ass. Rito pls.
Garen has amazing synergy with DMP, Warmogs and Titanic Hydra, he's really good right now. And these nerfs are barely anything with DMP in the picture anyway.

DMP, Q and E just poop all over them and you run away and regenerate all your HP back in 20s.


Huge waste of money tbh.

800 buys you mobis, support item upgrade, parts for locket, parts for fh, etc

All u get for that extra gold is 1 ward and another 200ish hp

seems i have to change that habbit

also, i think i may overhaul my item buys in general. I don't think Athenes have helped a great deal today for instance


Doesn't help that our Mao didn't know how to use the character properly lol

But seriously that match was INSANE, we were just lucky Panth and Darius had poop attack speed XD

You still lose the game though. :(

Garen has amazing synergy with DMP, Warmogs and Titanic Hydra, he's really good right now. And these nerfs are barely anything with DMP in the picture anyway.

DMP, Q and E just poop all over them and you run away and regenerate all your HP back in 20s.

I'd be lucky to see that ish in my elo >=/

Re: Sighstone
You really should not upgrade to Ruby Sightstone early game since that gold can be invested in better items.
Sighstone as is is fine, 4 wards and a nice health boost.

Athene's Unholy Grail is IMO uncommon on Supports, get Mikael since it serves the same purpose but offers a heal that can save ur ally during a teamfight.
From beautiful 54 ping to...



It's been slowly climbing up ever since last monday I think? Maybe the server change has already come to claim my soul.

I already wasted like a week trying to fix this shit with my own internet service provider (got a new modem today) and with Riot's support. I basically had an extra job that was trying to play a game.

I give up.


From beautiful 54 ping to...



It's been slowly climbing up ever since last monday I think? Maybe the server change has already come to claim my soul.

I already wasted like a week trying to fix this shit with my own internet service provider (got a new modem today) and with Riot's support. I basically had an extra job that was trying to play a game.

I give up.
Who is your ISP?


Everything is moe to me
panda and i did the morde bot lane thing twice yesterday. won one, lost one, but even in the one we lost we decimated our botlane and morde did the most damage in the entire game by a country MILE.
the laning is so disgusting, its great.
From beautiful 54 ping to...



It's been slowly climbing up ever since last monday I think? Maybe the server change has already come to claim my soul.

I already wasted like a week trying to fix this shit with my own internet service provider (got a new modem today) and with Riot's support. I basically had an extra job that was trying to play a game.

I give up.

by most accounts this shouldn't happen at all. Riot's goal was to get everyone to 80 ping and under. There's a routing issue here, or something else entirely, considering the move isn't supposed to even happen until tomorrow.

Put myself into that analyzer website. That's a pretty spot on description of me.
Who is your ISP?

Telnor, the biggest provider in Mexico.
I live right below SD and my connection has been decent since I first started playing (80-90 ping with very low issues) and it improved a lot this year to 54 ping with almost zero issues. Better connectivity than all my buddies in East US and Canada.

The ping climb and that rubber-band type effect has been increasing in junction with the scheduled server change. It actually fixed itself this Friday for like 4 hours and then in the middle of a match just collapsed once again and stayed there. These last three days is when the climb went from 120 to 140 to 180.

I already did a check-up on the internet this past week in the house. Every device and every app/program under it has been running just the same, League is the only variable here.


the laning is so disgusting, its great.

ive never laughed that hard at the utter ridiculousness of a lane phase before. its so stupid
Which support did you guys run?

Telnor, the biggest provider in Mexico.
I live right below SD and my connection has been decent since I first started playing (80-90 ping with very low issues) and it improved a lot this year to 54 ping with almost zero issues. Better connectivity than all my buddies in East US and Canada.

The ping climb and that rubber-band type effect has been increasing in junction with the scheduled server change. It actually fixed itself this Friday for like 4 hours and then in the middle of a match just collapsed once again and stayed there. These last three days is when the climb went from 120 to 140 to 180.

I already did a check-up on the internet this past week in the house. Every device and every app/program under it has been running just the same, League is the only variable here.
Yeah its strange that its growing since the servers haven't moved. Best to wait until the server move to see what your ping is like since it should bring a more stable connection.
One good thing I like about dota is that if someone leaves, after 5 minutes everyone else can leave the game without any penalties.
I can't believe Riot hasn't implemented an option to allow early surrender if your full team isn't there. If you drop to 4, boom. Allow surrender at 5 minutes. It sucks having little free time, and wasting 20-25 minutes because a player DCs early.
by most accounts this shouldn't happen at all. Riot's goal was to get everyone to 80 ping and under. There's a routing issue here, or something else entirely, considering the move isn't supposed to even happen until tomorrow.

Put myself into that analyzer website. That's a pretty spot on description of me.
Everyone's little graphs are so much bigger than mine. Is it just because I haven't played as many ranked games? Kinda crummy it doesn't seem to average based on your total too much.
I can't believe Riot hasn't implemented an option to allow early surrender if your full team isn't there. If you drop to 4, boom. Allow surrender at 5 minutes. It sucks having little free time, and wasting 20-25 minutes because a player DCs early.
There's already a system for that, it's called "say 'open mid' in all chat and go watch youtube videos"

Official response is "think about the poor widdle lads that will be bullied into disconnecting so people can surrender early!"
lol. I'll have to remember that tip. I generally piss and moan to myself, but it doesn't seem to help too much.

I'm trying to finish rounding out my champion expertise in each position by mastering at least 2 champions for spot. I know that sounds like a pathetic amount, but I'm a creature of habit and don't roam outside of Vel'Koz or Blitzcrank much....I feel confident with Gnar now, and am currently working on Irelia. She feels really fun, and I like her skills, but doesn't seem as strong as other tops. Or am I being crazy? After her, I have to finally step foot into the dreaded ADC role. I own Jinx and Graves, and hardly touched either. I think I played Jinx back when I was level....10? Lordy.


Phase boots. So you have to change the mindset from league. Items in dota are more about the utility. In addition to that, since there is no quick blue pill like in league or hots any damage you take in lane can be big. Phase boots give you a decent attack boost (for boots) as well as gives you the active speed boost which gives you the ms + you lose unit collision.
i mean, i get that, that's why i haven't really been bothering with stats and crap and just been having fun with the actives but like, those boots are annoying

having like such a short cooldown makes me spam it a lot which isn't very much fun

Its good for krob because she already is fast can help you chase someone down and wave them because without towers they can't escape you. Any harass you can hit the opponent with means a lot more than league because sending the opponent back is great and the + damage from phase also makes last hitting easier.

A good rule in dota is to always have at least 1-2 tp scrolls on you. Since you can port to almost any structure it really enables counter ganks and help from homies when the enemy rolls deep.
yea i noticed that, the items also take like a billion components and are really expensive and you start with a lot of those shitty branches so it's also kind of hard to fit consumables in your inventory

Drums are actually not that bad either, the str it gives makes you more tanky + the aura and active make it a great item.
but like, 5% more attack speed or whatever, that's boring -__-

With krob, witchcraft makes the silence aoe larger which is great but making more ghosts + move speed is even better.
yea you're right, i was just rolling with what sounded logical for me from playing league since usually passives are boring and actives are fun. but this one active is kind of always the same while that passive is actually super useful, so gonna try it that way next time

Also with tp scrolls or blink dagger if you just activate the move twice (tp scroll on 2 key, hit it twice and it will port you to the fountain for a quicker escape) and it will move you towards the fountain.

If you have any other dota questions feel free and I can do my best to answer.
i wouldn't say i have questions for now outside of generally having a lot of trouble knowing what to do and when. like, ppl seem to group a lot in doto and like constantly gank and dive ppl since turrets don't seem to do shit to champions lol. i was gonna buy wards but i never found space in my inventory cos i messed up some of the items and got parts for the drums at the same time i was building the heart thingie.

i never got runes and enemy team killed roshan but didn't do much with that and i still don't know what fortify exactly means or how to use it but i have a rough idea of all of those

oh i know, how do i ping like go here or kill this guy or something? quick dialogue wheel thingie doesn't seem to do anything with that like in league

Oh yeah like ghost said heart is godlike. Utility is the name of the game over the stats that the character uses. Its not as general as that but kinda is. Heart or Shiva's or skadi are super late game "styling on you" items when you just become raid boss status.
uhh i dunno, i'm just confused what the role of mages are in doto specially someone like death prophet who has like almost no cc and can't like burst anybody either

like i guess you become a support after a while if you don't scale?

i don't necessarily mind, that's kind of cool, but buying like tank items sounds kind of lame to me lol

Purge on YouTube does a great job of explaining the mindset and thinking of champs while he plays.

This is from a live one I think (haven't watched it) but he has played other games as prophet


Also 'dotacinema' on YouTube does a hero introduction of every hero if you are interested in any and want to see how they play.


If you are interested in pro dota, "joindota" is the channel.
probably not gonna like watch much of these, i actually learned a lot from the tutorial.

what's a good wiki for doto, i think i'd rather read a bit of that than watch videos

Yesss gimmeeee

the skin is great but no red streak for fiora is kind of lame

cos ur asking for it by playing vayne u dumbo



Cause even when stomped in lane, a vayne left alone can suddenly become a problem later with some farm. Vayne is slippery enough to duel/kite, has hard CC, and can destroy even the tankiest, most fed person on your team 1v1 with a simple BotrK and boots.

it's basically a requirement to make a Vayne feel like sh*t all game, lest the Vayne do it to you instead.
What the hell. I was in a Dominion game and got disconnected. We weren't even close to finishing the game, but when I re-loaded League it didn't even give me an option to join back.


panda and i did the morde bot lane thing twice yesterday. won one, lost one, but even in the one we lost we decimated our botlane and morde did the most damage in the entire game by a country MILE.

I'm kinda tempted to buy Morde but the one time I saw Morde I poked him to death while I was support with an adc and he finished the game with 0/3/0. But I did watch a morde in a ranked match and he was doing pretty good after mid/late game. But he was paired with Leona
Any suggestions on the best ADC to learn for a beginner? I own Jinx, Graves, and Tristana already---though I've not played any much. If none of those 3 are that great for a beginner ADC, I'll save up until I can get another.


I'd recommend Graves, especially if you play a lot of mid lane. Tristana is also easy to understand conceptually but she benefits a lot more from moving well as an ADC


Any suggestions on the best ADC to learn for a beginner? I own Jinx, Graves, and Tristana already---though I've not played any much. If none of those 3 are that great for a beginner ADC, I'll save up until I can get another.

Those are all pretty fine for a beginner. Graves is probably the easiest of the bunch.
Any suggestions on the best ADC to learn for a beginner? I own Jinx, Graves, and Tristana already---though I've not played any much. If none of those 3 are that great for a beginner ADC, I'll save up until I can get another.
I think all of those are good, usually adc with some form of dash is nice for beginners. Because if you are out of place and can move back to the back line. But some one like kog, if you stand in the wrong place at the wrong time you are going to die, or at least pop flash and or heal.

What do you guys think about kog right now, I played him mid lane a few games ago and just destroyed, I killed there adc with only and e and a ult. I love to play him but I rarely get him to late game where fun starts to began.
Any of you guys heard of Replay HUD? I just saw Sneaky using it on stream and it seems neat, but it seems like it could get into a gray area of whether or not riot would allow it.

You can pull it up in game and it shows what just happened along with your mouse movements and key presses. Seems really cool.


There's nothing Riot would care about re: Overwatch app. AFAIK, all it does is record your own computer screen and keypresses then play it back to you- it doesn't have any built in hooks to the game and so doesn't break the TOS

Its a neat idea though


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
love the link doll

my best friend's going to new york for new years so i think i might ask him one of those hehe

The Nintendo store has all sorts of fun goodies. If I wasn't trying to save money I would've walked out with a lot of swag.
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