Yeah it was probably an above average yasou vs a crappy mids. He kinda had the shaco thing where when you ever have a shaco he is shit but on the other team he is amazing. How is shaco right now i might pick him up, of another adc.
i've had really good luck with shacos in my life and most of the times i'm on the team with the godly shaco
At least 5 champs are viewed as OP in low elo, just cause people don't really care to counter them. Brand,lee sin,rengar,jax,yasuo,zed,lb,garen cause a lot of trouble because teams don't really work together.
All it takes is takes to realise they are not OP is to try them out yourself. And I still can't play most of them but ,hell, I'm not getting close to teammates when a brand is ultying.
But getting angry at riot and people is cooler.
that's a really simplistic way of seeing things and not exactly correct
league's a game about windows of power and realizing when is the enemy is weak and when you're strong is a really big thing that takes a while in understanding thanks to the insane number of combinations of champions and items. a problem i think most people and specially low elo people have is appreciating champions by their windows of powers alone. so the way you see leblanc is "she's op because she 100-0'd me with one combo". you don't see that she's basically nothing when her w is down or that she offers little utility and waveclear, etc.
usually champions that are op or just plain bad design have either really frustrating windows of power (old lebonk with her q silence) or just don't have enough moments in between those windows of power that allow for counterplay (tahm kench's low cd devour)
your list of champions is a mix of champions that i very much think are numbers op (like brand) or poorly designed (rengar), but also champions that i feel like even if they're frustrating in their window of power moments they have enough room to play around (zed, leblanc, yasuo, lee)
but saying brand or jax aren't op and are just a low elo thing is kind of silly considering how much they benefitted from the preseason changes
The problem is that the latest mastery changes have pretty much made the ferocity tree completely useless. Which is dumb. I really didn't think anything was too OP last patch, so I don't know why it all got gutted.
i'm pretty sure fervor was pretty op last patch, but lots of ppl were still using bloodlust so it wasn't as noticeable
i think masteries in general are in a pretty bad spot, they're not any more fun than before and they're dictating the meta way too much