last of my daily games, haven't played league in a while so happy that coming back everything felt so good
was my first mid velkoz, i gotta say, contrary to what i thought and repeatedly told doge lol, he's a lot of fun to play, way more aggressive than i thought he'd play. he feels more syndra than xerath i guess, always looking for that sneaky knockup to pick ppl off. i didn't really know what to build so i went straight ap mid and got a liandrys cos the mundo was annoying, but i think ludens would've been better
he feels pretty strong like i thought from playing against him so i'm guessing i'll pick him up for a few more games and see if he sticks.
I used to want to buy sv on syndra to see what her ults looked like lol
Do you always get tear on ori? She's another that would be fun to play but i don't really do well on
not really, i generally get tear if i have a free lane like yasuo or something and even then i might just double dorans into deathcap and get athenes later. i'm not a big fan of tear build cos you come back from your first back with no good items and u delay your cdr which is at least not how i like to play since i'm more early-mid game oriented than late, so i'd rather be stronger now with athenes than bank it with tear
guess it depends on your style, but i personally still get athenes 90% of the games
wota on syndra isn't that bad tbh, i've tried it a few times on syndra and ori and talked to a d1 syndra guy about it and he was a fan too in certain situations, but yeah, i generally prefer straight dmg than silly things like liandrys and wota. i'm getting rylais a lot lately as a last or second to last item, and ludens sometimes
Reddit is having a little whine fest that this is the most unbalanced patch EVAR
I swear the smallest change from the status quo and they cant cope
yeah that's pretty funny
i actually really enjoy this patch because of how crazy everything is
like, ok, skarner is way more dumb than he should be, but other than that, all the other champions are like good dumbs, morde and garen and darius are ok and the items don't feel that bad to me, i guess cos ppl need to get close to you to use them and i play all kitey champions, but it doesn't feel super crazy or different to me?
yeah let's hope they keep doing this
i hope they find a more elegant way of doing it, maybe even with an item or whatever tho obviously that would be a nightmare to balance
but i think the concept of sticking with 1-1-1-2 setup but looking at the one position out of those 5 that's almost always the same and just fucking with it so there's more variety seems like something worth pursuing heh
You had more money than kat... Dat kat.
yeah she was weird, she wasn't getting stomped in lane or anything, tho i'm guessing playing kat against malzahar must not be very pleasant. wukong was also doing pretty bad and just doing jungle camps for a big part of the game but the guy showed up and helped out a few times so can't really complain, nasus got a few turrets but they were usually trades so no biggie
but yea, no idea how kat ended up lvl 17 and with so little money but her name is a fallout new vegas reference so i can't get angry at her
i duno u like yasuus beaten to a pulp