I played a game and didn't note my new pingI was distracted. Sadness.
I didn't play well so I blame the lower ping.
I do.
Why wouldn't you max Q most of the time? Damage and cooldown are ulfra valuable. W might be goos in certain occasions but it already deals enough damage at rank 1, and E scales better with items than with ranks
it's not worth it, pros are just as shit at picking abilities as anyone else and E max popularity is literally just a combination of Rekkles [literally who?] and probuilds.I just don't think the meaningless base damage and like a quarter second CD per rank on E is worth maxing it first. W I can understand since the base damage is BAT SHIT INSANE if you manage to cross the streams, it does like 600 base.
So for the past few days I've been reading guides like how to go from Plat to Diamond just like how I read dozens of guides like from Gold to Plat and Silver to Gold. I credit those guides on how I got up the ladder so fast in my first season. I can generally follow all their advises like mechanical and strategical stuff and watching tons of streams and video guides but there's two things that always pops up in someones guide and I always fail to do them.
-Look for your own mistakes.
I cannot for the life of me focus on my mistakes in game. This leads to the second thing that I cannot do.
-Watch your replays.
Around SEA there's this company that manages League independently from Riot. They're Garena. For some dumb reason, the 3rd party stuff like op.gg, lolking and other League related sites that can help you monitor your stats, find your MMR, and allow you to watch replays is blocked by Garena. This also means I can't do disgusting but very effective strategies like looking up the enemy, finding someone on tilt and camping the living shit out of them or normal stuff like finding who their main is or what rank they are.
There is only one way I could do some if not all of the above and that's by Riot creating their own replay system and/or making a new client to allow stat viewing and other minor stuff that can help me improve in some way. If they can somehow implement it, a sandbox mode is also fine. Stuff like practicing how to effectively use Rumble ult and flashing over walls can be very good for the community.
I wish I can be positive that it's coming but when I read the Riot Pls stuff, I think they think it's not much of a priority along with the sand box mode. I think they're wrong and they should prioritize stuff like these. Other moba games had these for years and if they're planning to move forward and still be the leading moba game in the future, they have to at least be on par with the other moba games technically. If they don't then League will stay stagnant and won't move forward. I know they are busy and there's a lot of stuff to do like the recent server move in NA so I can't exactly blame them for that but if they can give a specific time when it could possibly be implemented then it would be great. I think sometime around preseason where they are less busy is a great time. They are a large company and I think they have the resources to allow this to happen.
TL;DR - I want a native replay system.
Edit: If someone knows a method on how to view replays in the SEA region, specifically PH, then I would really appreciate it.
should be easy to make your own replay just download LoLSummoner and run it in the background. does it not work in your region that would be weird.
.Yeah depending on what your connection and computer are like you could just stream on twitch and they'll save all of your replays for you. It's a poor solution but it's there
You should be able to focus on your mistakes in game tho. Just things like why did i die, how could i have fought that team fight better, could i have all ind right there, doesn't have to be anything crazy just be actively thinking while you play
Every time you die there's obv a reason. Even if it was probably your teammate's fault try to think of a reason besides my jungler is a vegetable.
My region isn't supported. The only method I know that would work is using an actual recording app like fraps but it uses a lot of resources and may affect my fps in game.
To be more specific, some lol replays website or apps were supported up until 2013 when our region lost support.
i really enjoy comps with morde
i'm like, srsly hoping the game will maybe go a bit in that direction of dumb adcs, much more aggressive, it's hilarious
Yeah depending on what your connection and computer are like you could just stream on twitch and they'll save all of your replays for you. It's a poor solution but it's there
You should be able to focus on your mistakes in game tho. Just things like why did i die, how could i have fought that team fight better, could i have all ind right there, doesn't have to be anything crazy just be actively thinking while you play
Every time you die there's obv a reason. Even if it was probably your teammate's fault try to think of a reason besides my jungler is a vegetable.
I never bother to watch replays but I usually think about how I played the game and it's not that difficult to realise when I did something wrong.
Most mistakes are of the form
- being too aggressive when you should not be
- being too passive when you should not be
- being on the wrong side of the map
- mechanical error
I was afraid you'd say that. Can't we email Riot (or riotcosty hehe) and make them aware? This is really silly now I'm feeling your frustration
Grr, been studying Zkylon's rune pages so I can learn to be great. Frustrating seeing all those expensive runes (like Greater Hybrid Penetration marks). Gonna take awhile to purchase those nice things
And lulz at those rune page names... That's awesome. Armored waifus, pirate boobs, etc
yeah here it's closed from 5 am to whatever, we didn't have 3v3s for the longest time and currently there's no dominion or normals draftNo ranked queues from 4am to 8am.
Never even knew that.
Finally got around to looking you up. Wow! 9/0/10 with Lissandra in one of your earlier matches. Would love to watch a replay of this. Best I've done with her was something like 6/5/7
Only weird thing is you have no mastery score. Does Summoner's Rift ranked players not accrue mastery points?
edit- (I'm looking at your Lissandra build. I havent been running Zhonya's Hourglass maybe that could help me survive. Funny things that I learn by looking at other people pages, etc)
Grr, been studying Zkylon's rune pages so I can learn to be great. Frustrating seeing all those expensive runes (like Greater Hybrid Penetration marks). Gonna take awhile to purchase those nice things
And lulz at those rune page names... That's awesome. Armored waifus, pirate boobs, etc
i want to get fiora too but i'm so bad at fiora that i think i'm gonna wait and buy it later but after playing a few more games with her or whateverNone of the champs are that interesting to me but I really like the skins. Will probably get Leona and maybe fiora (even though I've only played fiora like twice). Of all of them I probably want the yi one the most but its legendary of course.
I'd say that's an error of being too aggressive, with touches of being on the wrong side of the map. I agree that catching the latter error is more difficult than catching the former error in this case, and it will most likely be easier to improve with coaching rather than just figuring it out on your own, but you can certainly do a lot.I'm afraid I don't have the necessary connection required to record stuff while playing at the same time. I think I have 5 mbps down and 1 mbps up. I'm sure streaming that along with the other people using the internet around the house would lead to severely high pings in game.
I can notice those kinds of mistakes pretty often. What I don't notice is something like this Specifically around 23:50. If I have to word it out, the renekton comes to mid to help Lee and Kassadin reinforcing both of them in their mind that "we have superior numbers and we can fight". Then around 26:20, you see how unsuccesful a team fight can be when you have the wrong conditions around you like no creeps and the opposing team has a lot of tools to survive a dive. You can look at it and say it's easy to spot but personally If I was on the shoes of that renekton in game, I wouldn't think it's because I followed trynd that something bad had happened in that team fight. Maybe I would think of that after the game or after I watched that teamfight but I wouldn't think of it at that exact moment. Anyway, I'm bad at noticing my own mistakes so it's better for me if someone pointed it out to me or if I reviewed it intensively. I'm bad like that so I'm hoping I can improve it as I watch more replays but I can't do it without replays.
I'm afraid nothing any of us in our region say or do would have any difference in what Riot would do to help use because another company is governing that for them. What I think would work is if enough people from regions that Riot themselves govern makes a statement about how much they want improvements in the client and a replay system, they can make it native on the application forcing Garena to implement the upgrades thus allowing people in our region to use them.
Hey if you have trouble making masteries or rune pages, I think Zky sent me this link to video where Phreak explains a basic and advanced guide to making masteries and rune pages. It's super helpful and I'm using most of the masteries myself. Runes and Masteries for 2015 and Beyond
Hey if you have trouble making masteries or rune pages, I think Zky sent me this link to video where Phreak explains a basic and advanced guide to making masteries and rune pages. It's super helpful and I'm using most of the masteries myself. Runes and Masteries for 2015 and Beyond
My main issue I currently cannot afford the more fancy runes such as Greater Mark of Hybrid Penetration or Greater Quint of Healths (for Zac since his attacks consumes health)
I saved like 8k IP before dinging Summoner 20 and blew it all to fully populate my pages. I think it really took bout a total of 10k+ IP to do it though. I think they should maybe give noobs free Tier 3 runes when they ding L20 (ah but they won't cause I'm sure they want us to burn IP on runes and spend RP on champs)
It's tempting to buy IP boosts but keep reading threads where they say its a waste of money. Anyways, I'm only L23 so I'm sure by the time I'm L30 I'll have all the runes I want. It's just a frustrating wait
Pretty much every high ELO top laner does double jungling to level 2 these days. It's fucking stupid.The entire concept of laners getting level 2s from jungle XP is something that should have addressed ages ago. It's flatly stupid.
Just in case Morde wasn't bad enough, add "being able to do Krugs without taking damage and also fast enough to get to lane while barely losing CS at level 1 with W start" to the list.
Making camps not worth taking as a laner at level 1 doesn't mean they need to not be worth taking laterno ones ever gonna address that issue because at some point, laners are gonna have to do jungle camps while waves are in unsafe areas.
no ones ever gonna address that issue because at some point, laners are gonna have to do jungle camps while waves are in unsafe areas.
do u honestly believe riot can do something like that. they couldnt even fix garen.Making camps not worth taking as a laner at level 1 doesn't mean they need to not be worth taking later
They can, easilydo u honestly believe riot can do something like that. they couldnt even fix garen.
I still stand by my " adjust jungle XP curves giving it lower early XP, make machete have a passive that gives bonus XP per jungle mob, passive is lost once you enchant it" solutionunder what criteria? are you gonna make it so laners can't get xp from minutes 0-10? u just screwed ur tournament top laners. make it so you need a jungling item to get jungle camp xp? screwed again. there aren't any sort of easy solutions to this problem which is why it's strange to see you guys say that they can easily fix this.
Buff jungle damage to kick laners butts and add a take decreased jungle damage to machete to maintain the same damage as live to junglers. Band aid applied.Making camps not worth taking as a laner at level 1 doesn't mean they need to not be worth taking later
pretty sure you're looking at my old na account, this is my current one: http://las.op.gg/summoner/rune/userName=zkylon
less stellar lizzy scores and generally no solo q or whatever
the runes i generally use are:
ap quints, mpen reds, hp/lvl yellows and cdr/lvl blues
ap quints, mpen reds, hp/lvl yellows and ap/lvl blues
pretty much nothing else
also yeah you should buy zhonyas second or third item every game with lizzy, it's as core as an item gets on a champion.
u can do just fine with mids just going with the cheaper page of
ap quints, mpen reds, armor yellows and mr blues
i don't like it as much but it's not a big deal and u can use that ip to get more champions
Depending on what you like to do, you can get away with two or three generic rune pages. The fancy penetration/health/scaling/cdr runes are just minor tweaks in the grand scheme of things. Especially sub 30.
AP quints
Magic pen marks
Armor seals
MR glyphs
AD quints
Armor pen marks
Armor seals
MR glyphs
Attack speed jungle:
Attack speed quints
AD marks
Armor seals
Flat MR or scaling MR glyphs
If you want to save some IP initially you can use attack speed marks and keep the AD quints for your attack speed page.
Further refining would be to get some cdr glyphs and make your jungle page have flat 5% cdr and the rest MR.
Really you can get by with those 3. A fourth could be the same attack speed jungle but with AP instead of AD. Can use that effectively on Elise, evelynn, nidalee, diana, sejuani.
I'd say 75%+ of my matches use one of those 4 or a slight variation on that.
I don't know how to win in this game anymore. If anyone would like to duo please let me know.
3 games today and one featured a support Ezreal. Another featured a support Teemo. Both went as you would expect. Doesn't matter if I can manage 15/5 on my AP mid if the supports are giving up 17 deaths and ensuring every fight is 4v5.
I can't do anything in these matches but lose ranked points anymore. Pls help.
They can, easily
Now if they will is another story
The entire concept of laners getting level 2s from jungle XP is something that should have addressed ages ago. It's flatly stupid.
under what criteria? are you gonna make it so laners can't get xp from minutes 0-10? u just screwed ur tournament top laners. make it so you need a jungling item to get jungle camp xp? screwed again. there aren't any sort of easy solutions to this problem which is why it's strange to see you guys say that they can easily fix this.
but how do u make it that pro top laners don't get 2v1d out of relevance then
no tp and no double jungling might mean 4v0s again
Considering this was the game a couple months ago I don't see the differenceYeah make the game go back to "whoever makes their enemy top laner more irrelevant wins the game", that's always so fun to watch
Also let's be real here the tp change made an entire new wave of to p laners viable in pro play. Eliminating it would make top lane even more boring
there's a few problems with what you're saying to me thoSeems to me like hiding a poor 1v2 laner in the jungle is like curing a heroin addiction with cocaine (wooo, The Knick starts in less than two months!). Honestly, the analogy isn't off. If 1v2s are a genuine problem (they are) then Riot has ample tools (summoners, items) that they could turn to. The little conspiracist in me thinks that Riot has allowed what's happening in the jungle because they don't know how to fix the problems you noted above.
Any rate, I don't give two flying fucks about pro play. Riot has 20M+ players in the world and about 200 of them play professional. Fuck 'em, I'm trying to have fun. Let them adapt, it's what they're supposed to do.
that's na and only for the few teams that like playing that slow like tsm or liquid. teams like tip or clg or fnatic (or just korean and chinese teams and probably other good teams like ahq) make games a whole lot more exciting by being aggressive4v0s were way more interesting than this 3v0 bullshit because at least they were done with faster. When average first blood timers are between 10 and 15 minutes then the early game is too fucking safe.
So I have 6300 IP, should i spend them on
Lulu, Kalista or wait and see if new champ interests me?