there's a few problems with what you're saying to me tho
first, it's not that pros hide top laners because they're weak like i dunno malphite is weak whatever. it's because 2v1 makes a lot of champions unviable. it's (partly) what killed things like shyvana and renek top, they just get zoned out by support+adc and either get dove or just scrounge for like 30 cs for the first 15 minutes
Never said weak, not sure where you got that from. Nor do I know where people picked up on getting rid of TP.
it'd be even more maokai, gnar or i dunno sion who can like farm a bit from a distance
Except they're double jungling too. You make it sound like a choice - it's not. Because of the gold and XP advantages double jungling offers over straight laning they have to do it. It's not a matter of strategy or protecting a carry top in the early levels. It's mindless optimum play, as is 90% of every stupid pro meta.
and third, while there's very few actually pro players, there's a shit ton of ppl that like watching pro play and 4v0 and 1v2 is a lot more boring than how the current game actually is. like 35m ppl watched worlds last year i think, so u can't just ignore pro play cos it matters to a lot of people
Players have been watching pro play going back S1 no matter how boring it is. S2 meta of gold starved junglers and farm fest mids was boring. Duo lane swaps and ward bitch support was boring. 4v0 was boring. Current meta is boring. It's all boring, it's always been boring. People will watch regardless.