Guys next champion has a creepy mask
if they pull him off I might reinstall
if they pull him off I might reinstall
heh you pretty much need a tank team to beat a heavy poke team in arams, and that's only if you survive until late game somehowDid you have a tank team?
i think the question is why would you want to see an ad support in the game? how do you think it could make the game more interesting?
variety for variety's sake isn't good and it's potentially pretty bad since it muddies up the game with no real benefita little more variety can't hurt, I guess. A ninja marksman would be neat too, even if they wouldn't play much different from the current ad carries anyhow
Riot Repertoir said:For a singular champion, I think it's almost embarrassing that Rengar exists in his current form, and we tend to act like it's not an issue.
Yeah, remember 50% damage reduction with ult? So balanced.nah best champ design is khazix rite
There has been an AD support in the game. His name was Jarvan the unbalanced.i think the question is why would you want to see an ad support in the game? how do you think it could make the game more interesting?
variety for variety's sake isn't good and it's potentially pretty bad since it muddies up the game with no real benefit
for example, say you want an ad support. what would this champion do that an ap champion couldn't?
This is basically attack!
well, and different itemization. There isn't much of a difference between ap and ad champions other than that
if they're about autos why would you play them as support rather than adc? i feel for them to be guaranteed to be played as support they should probably have bad base attack speed but then you basically have an ad version of lulu? or something? also champions like sona and thresh do a lot with their autos and even nami and janna can self cast spells to imrpove their autos and harass that wayauto attack!
well, and different itemization. There isn't much of a difference between ap and ad champions other than that
close enough to ahri that as thread princess and captain noot's first mate i consider it on-topic :>wrong thread noob
Best designed is probably Draven. New Karma is designed pretty well too.
Yeah, it's, undertale's pretty good
Overloaded kit.No, sorry. That title belongs to Jayce. Your everything man.
Hmm, I'm wondering about Orianna because from what I've played I've always had a very solid start with her in lane because the ball is really solid harass and she last hits pretty well, too, but I feel like her toolset really starts to fall behind in the team-fights and I feel like I lag a lot there. I got some kills in, but all she can really do it seems is cross people up constantly with her Q and one, and maybe a second W, and even late-game that doesn't feel very impactful aside from her ultimate, which is kind of hard to figure out the best time for.
Overloaded kit.
waveclear :^)
Guess I've still got a lot to learn with her then, lol. Just talking my experience so far!that's exactly the wrong, opposite opinion about ori haha
she's actually fairly weak early game (tho if played well she can rekk face against pretty much everyone) and gets a lot better as the game progresses, specially in teamfigths thanks to her combination of dps through qw combos, utility spam with w and e, zone control with ball positioning and massive aoe with ult
yeah npGuess I've still got a lot to learn with her then, lol. Just talking my experience so far!
FWIW one of the goals with the old Rengar update was to make him have a longer tail but less burst in his combat with changes like removing AD/Pen from Bonetooth Necklace, giving him Ferocity buildup after his ultimate but not during, and making E a skillshot so his engages are less reliable.
And it worked for a while.
Then players got better at Rengar, learned how to land the E almost every time, and build up to 5 Ferocity before popping the ultimate.
Phreak's post doesn't make any sense. They're eyebrows are raised because people got better at the game/figured out how to use his skill correctly? If a targeted Bola strike is OP as well as people figuring out how to use a skillshot correctly, what else is there to do?
Scrolling through Reddit, the only thing I saw that makes sense would be to add a global sound to alert folks when Rengar uses his ult. Sure, Riot can reduce numbers or w/e, but I guarantee that people who call for another Rengar rework got 100-0'ed in 2 seconds by an Akali, LeBlanc, Zed, Talon, Ahri, Xin, Jax, Kat, or any snowballed champion in one or more of their recent matches. Why are people acting like insane damage is Rengar exclusive all of a sudden?
Best part of times like this is seeing people squirming trying to justify their bullshit champions.
2 seconds is enough time to fight back and all other assassins have to take risks in order to actually get in. Rengar one shots you before you can even react because that joke of an indicator only appears when he's basically in leap range.
100-0 burst out of true long range stealth is not a thing that can exist in this game period specially with heavily nerfed vision. Either kitty can't one shot someone or he's fully visible all the time, pick one.
Probably because of these cute Koreans getting destroyed by rengo:
late game by the time whatever you killed respawns your ult is already back up.